View Full Version : Tales of the Broke Assasin: Drinks on me
Avolon Bisel
May 7th, 2001, 02:40:02 AM
The tray lay broken on the ground. The liquor smelt as it always did, like liquor. His favorite shirt was ruined, by his own Astromech 'droid. Avolon should have known that the makeshift fastener wouldn't hold on the 'droid's dome forever.
"Why you little trashcan!"
Avolon slamed his fist againt the counter, not a good idea. His fist hurt like hades, adding nicely to his sour day.
A thought sparkled into his head. Wouldn't the company have some kind of payment for him in case something happened on the job? Well, probably not, since it was his fault mostly. He didn't see the 'droid when he stepped out from behind the counter. But if Avolon knew anything it was how to haggle. He stormed off towards the highest ranking Jedi he could find. Maybe they would know who to pin the bill on, if he could pin it on someone. Avolon was still unsure of his employer. The check landed mysteriously in the mail. Jedi..... they always did things in some weird way. Showcasing there talents was a pastime it seemed.
Selena Kyle
May 8th, 2001, 02:29:08 AM
::Selena sees what just happened and runs to Avolon's side::
Sugah..what just happened here? Are you ok?!
Here let me take a look at that.
::Selena gently picked up Avolon's hand and looks over it carefully::
Well...I don't think you broke anything. You should be more careful. It sounded like you could have broke something.
What is wrong Sugah? I have never seen you this angry before.
Avolon Bisel
May 8th, 2001, 02:40:30 AM
Avolon straightened up and put on his game face.
"Me? Hurt? Nah."
Avolon was sure he had fooled her.
"I do it all the time. Good for a sweat."
He tapped the counter lightly with his knuckled to prove his point. His face turned sour as his bruised hand hit the counter ever so slightly. But he managed to save face by straightening up again.
"See? Fine."
Now Avolon was going to work his magic. He looked at his shirt as if he saw it the first time.
"Now my shirt on the otherhand has had better days."
Avolon hopped up on the bar counter, his legs dangling over the side.
"This place does have worker's damages insurance?"
No such thing.
"Sure it does. Heck, even shanties in the Kessel system have it."
Avolon rubbed his palms together, even though his right one hurt.
"So, where to I collect the money?"
Captain Tohmahawk
May 8th, 2001, 03:07:42 AM
He sat in the usual table that Hunter sat in, but this time without the disguise. He held a particularly fine knife in his hands, twirling it as he watched Avolon.
He was hiding something. Abilities. He was no idiot thought Tohmahawk. A small grin came to his eyes as he decided to try something. In a blink, the knife was thrown, aimed at the tip of his nose
Selena Kyle
May 8th, 2001, 11:54:01 AM
::Selena screamed before pushing Avolon and herself to the ground, as the knife went flying by the two::
What the?!
::Selena looked towards CT. Her eyes narrowed with anger::
Listen Bud...that was uncalled for. You better not be trying any more funny stuff. Ya hear.
::Selena turned her attention back to Avolon::
Are you ok Avolon?
::Avolon nodded at Selena, while the two got off the floor.::
Here let me look at your hand again.
::Selena gently picked up Avolon's hand once again::
Let me see that.
::She looked over his hand once more carefully:: seems a little bruised. I suppose we can get a medical droid to look at it if ya like.
::Selena gently rubbed Avolon's hand:, before carefully placing it back on the barcounter:
I'm sure they can fix ya up real quick. But...Insurance Credits. You've got to be kidding me. You are NOT seriously injured.
::Selena sighed and her voice started to soften some::
Listen Avolon. Scamming the Jedi is not a wise thing. Besides there is nothing seriously wrong with you. Why would you want to do that.
Please tell me what is wrong.
OOC: Missed CT posts sorry
Avolon Bisel
May 9th, 2001, 01:57:31 AM
Avolon thought about what he was doing. His thoughts turned from Selena to Tohmahawk back to Selena.
"It's my shirt. Got ruined on the job, should be reinbursed, don't you think? This thing cost me two hundred credits." Twenty actually.
Avolon unbuttoned his shirt and threw it on the counter. His body was impressive to say the least. He had a lot of free time on his hands, he liked to keep in shape. He had one been a slave on Tatooine. When he finally won his freedom in a Pod Race he got off the god forsaken planet. He was 18. The war was underway and it was not pretty. The New Republic needed recruits. After Avolon found out what the Empire had done with inslaving all sorts of sentient beings, he became inraged. He joined the ranks of the New Republic, the Rebels at that time. He quit after the war was over. He was offered a high rank in the military if he wanted it, he turned it down. Avolon wanted to live a normal life. He hated the regular day to day procedures, dress codes, and rules. Tons of rules.
Tohmahawk..... The face.... Something about the face.... He could have sworn he had seen that face somewhere.... Could this guy be a NR member? He had seen him somewhere. His knife throwing needed work.
"Excuse me.... For one moment, then we'll talk about the shirt."
Avolon turned towards Tohmahawk.
"Hey pal!"
Avolon picked up a knife, similar to the one CT had thrown.
"You want to play catch?"
A wicked grin came across his face. A part of him wanted battle so bad. After he left the NR he started Bounty Hunting, his battle skills always needing practice. A part of Avolon wanted the man to say "yes" so bad.
Captain Tohmahawk
May 9th, 2001, 02:18:39 AM
He drew a knife from a wrist sheaf with a positively evil grin, juggled the kinfe and flicked it in a backhand cast right for Avolon's eyes
Avolon Bisel
May 9th, 2001, 02:34:16 AM
Avolon span to the right, his left arm grabbed Selena around the waist. His ear barely missed the knife as he span to the side, the girl in his arms. She was low to the ground, in a simingly ballet like dip on Avolon's behalf.
"Sorry doll. A man's got to do what a man's got to do."
Avolon flipped his own knife onto the point, his index finger and thumb holding the tip of the blade. He threw his arm down, flicking his wrist as he did. The knife went flying end over end straight for Tohmahawk's chest. It went at a blazing pace, even for a thrown knife.
Captain Tohmahawk
May 9th, 2001, 03:20:37 AM
Tohmahawk watched Avolon, watched his lean back and throw. Tohmahawk's hand moved like lightning as the blade approached his chest and caught it by the handle just centimeters from his chest.
With a flick, he sent the knife into the table.
"Soldier eh?"
Selena Kyle
May 9th, 2001, 11:57:10 PM
::Selena took Avolon's shirt and walked behind the bar counter where she'd figured she be safe. The waitress could not help but be concerned for Avolon.::
::Selena picked up a towel and proceeded to wipe down the counter, while carefully observing Avolon and Tohmahawk. A look of deep concern for Avolon fell over Selena's face as she nervously looked on:::
Avolon Bisel
May 10th, 2001, 01:18:27 AM
Yep, he knew him. Something about him. This guy was without a doubt in some military faction, most likely the NR. You don't learn how to catch knifes on a whim like that without emmense training, and this guy was no Jedi. Avolon walked closer to the man, always confident in his cocky way of walking.
"Correction, ex-soldier. What's it to ya?"
Captain Tohmahawk
May 10th, 2001, 02:38:15 AM
"Ex soldier - rubbish. You know as well as I do you die a soldier, no matter what your operational status is. Major General Tohmahawk, New Republic Special Forces. And you are...?"
Avolon Bisel
May 10th, 2001, 02:55:43 AM
Bingo! That's where he had seen him before. Avolon never forgot a face. He might forget what the face was, but atleast he knew he had seen the guy before.
The guy was dead on though. Avolon could still smell the smoke coming from his assualt rifle. Still smell the blood of the enemy on his fingertips as he killed a man with his bare hands.
"Avolon Bisel, Former Flyboy and Ground Trooper for the New Republic, or Rebels at the time, now respectfully retired. I'm a.... Bartender now."
His words lingered, as if he was ashamed of his new occupation.
Captain Tohmahawk
May 10th, 2001, 03:03:42 AM
"Retired...? Nonsense. Your just between engagements. What's your rank?"
Avolon Bisel
May 10th, 2001, 03:22:52 AM
"Lieutenant. I was offered a desk job after Endor.... deplomat work. I turned it down. Apparently they didn't want me on the front lines anymore."
Captain Tohmahawk
May 10th, 2001, 03:30:18 AM
"A desk job.... I broke the face of a fat arsed Senator for suggesting I should take one of those prisions. I say if your good enough, you should still be on the front line.
Under NR Military law, your back on active duty with the NRSF. And dont even think of arguing unless you want a courtmartial. Now, I want you Lieutenant to stay under cover doing what you are, as this place needs better security. What weapory do you have here?"
Avolon Bisel
May 10th, 2001, 03:48:36 AM
Avolon could tell him to go stick his head up a Rancor's behind. He could run from the NR, he had been running from athorities for as long as he remembered. But something bad Avolon smile. This guy was alright.... and he knew what made Avolon spark up.
"Weapons? You want weapons?"
Avolon yelled back to Selena.
"Hun, could you bring me that really big thing from behind the counter? It has a trigger, so you should be able to find it pretty easy."
After searching she finally brought it out and presented it to Avolon. Avolon held it in front of him and placed it on the table.
"Blast and Smash Rifle, it's a special design, made by your's truely out of scattered parts. Blast, rapid fire laser or twin paused firing. Smash, grenade launcher. Anything big enough will go flying out in a blazing inferno, of course I have concussion grenades currently, no need to blow this thing sky high. Ready for inspection..... sir!"
Avolon smiled. Then as an after thought he reached behind his back and pulled out twin blasters. He placed them beside the rifle.
"Rapid fire of course. Own design again. I love making these little jewels. Do them in the dark for fun."
Avolon reached down and pulled out a long combat knife from his boot and placed it on the table. He then, once again as an after thought called to his 'droid.
The Astromech rolled over in an instant.
"Pop the hood."
The Astomech opened up. It was a military 'droid Avolon had ripped off from the Empire before it fizzled out. It was state of the art and better then your average model.... way better. The compartment the 'droid revealed was hugh for the Astromech's size. It revealed 3 blasters and a dozen grenades, all snugly packed in.
Avolon turned back to Tohmahawk.
"Good enough?"
Avolon stopped for a second.
"Undercover? Wait a minute. If I'm back in this thing I want back in. When do I get back to full active duty? And can I really do my job.... my other job, bounty hunting one with a clear head? Knowing I'm violating plenty of New Republic laws?"
Force Master Hunter
May 10th, 2001, 08:46:30 PM
Tohmahawk placed as eto sunglasses on his face. His expression changed, his demenenor. Avolon face expressed the barest surprise as he realised who he was also seeing.
"Lets just say..... I have no real problem with Bounty Hunters soldier. As long as you dont turn traitor, I dont really care what you do off duty. "
Avolon Bisel
May 11th, 2001, 12:46:22 AM
Avolon was suprised to learn he had seen this man.... twice before. Both in differant circumstances.
"Point taken."
Avolon placed his hands behind his back and assumed the best soldier pose he could manage.
"So, when will I become.... out of cover? If I may ask."
Force Master Hunter
May 11th, 2001, 01:10:09 AM
"Stay alert. Your on duty when you step foot on this planet. Here's the comm code to listen for for other times. Now..... "
Hunter ducked under the table and came back up
" is NRSF standard issue. One Remington pump pellet gun, perfect for annihalating Force users and als our new hand gun... a Tex'asInstru Ments Rail gun. As you can see, I've had my eye on you for quite some time. The rail gun is twenty shot, but you will find it cant be blocked. It has explosive tip bullets, for a real welcome. The NRSF doesnt have blasters anymore, we discovered ballistic weapons can be superior."
Avolon Bisel
May 11th, 2001, 01:30:41 AM
Avolon nodded slightly.
"Thanks for the technology. But if you don't mind I'll stick with my Blast and Smash. I can mod it to make it up to NRSF standard, but I love the little spit fire. It's never failed me, never."
Avolon smiled.
"One question.... sir." The word sir had almost been stricken from his vocabulary. "What am I staying alert for? This little bar doesn't get many bad times and I think I can handle whatever happens here with my eyes closed. But should I be expecting to be called into the front lines anytime soon? Or am I to stay on this planet for the rest of my service?"
Avolon sighed.
"I've always been one to go all the way, or no way. When do I get to shoot first and ask questions later again? When do I get back into the thick of it, get to stick a bambo stick down Charlie's throat again?"
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