View Full Version : ::Takes a break::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:10:43 AM
::Selena walks over to an empty table. She slides a chair out and plops down it, taking her legs and propping them up on another empty chair..deciding to take a break since the bar seems a little dead at the moment::

::She grabbed a bottle of Naboo Spring water and took a little sip, as she looked around the bar making sure she is not needed any where::

Jun 21st, 2001, 09:20:44 AM
::Fett steps into the bar, and takes a look round. Ghost town. Looking round, he saw no particular faces he either knew. Looking at a far corner, he saw a blonde female sitting on her own. Fett recognised her as a waitress here, but didnt know her very well. Nows the time to learn thought Fett, as he walked up to her

"This bench taken?"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:24:29 AM
::Pulling back the spring water bottle away from her lips, Selena looked up to the lone jedi::

Nope...noone's sitting there. Care to join me?

::Pausing for a moment, Selena smiled::

How are you today Fett? It's Reaperfett correct? I mean I know we have met but I can't say I know a lot about you though. Please take a seat.

Jun 21st, 2001, 09:32:32 AM
:: "Yeah, Fett, but you can call me Ash." He replied to her, as he sat slightly slouched on the bench.

"So, how are we today?"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:35:54 AM
::Selena smiled as Fett sat down::

Ok..Ash it is. I am fine thank you. Seems a little dead around here, so I figured I take advantage of it and take a break for awhile. How about yourself?

Jun 21st, 2001, 09:45:27 AM
:: "Only just got up. Noones round at the moment, so no point getting up" Fett replied, laughing.

"Is it normally his quiet this time of the day?"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:52:23 AM
::At first Selena giggled a little at Fett's comment::

Ya know come to think of it, it does seem to be quiet in the morning here. But then again this place has its moments.

::Selena paused momentarily::

Hmm...well since we both don't have much to do around here at the moment. Care to share a little background history about yourself?

I mean...I don't mean to impose but I have heard that you are considered "The INFAMOUS Reaperfett". So I guess what I am trying to say is..well since I have heard that about you, the title has peaked my curiousity some.

Care to share? I sure hope you don't mind and think I am prying too much?

::Selena looked at Fett kind of shyly. Hoping he wouldn't mind her straight fowardness::

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:03:55 AM
:: Fett smiled as she called him infamous. It always made him laugh, because he can still wak down Coruscants main sector in only underwear, and few would recognise him.

He then winced unnoticably, as he realised what she wanted- his past. Fett hated telling people about it. He'd guessed that no Jedi fully knew, except for Leeloo. He could sense that she was asking quite innocently, and he did feel he could trust her, but decided to hold back that part.

"Well, started a while back, just drifting on either side of the law. Ive robbed banks, Ive helped a government get back documents." He began

"Then, I found I knew the force, but quite restricted. So I joined the Jedi, and the rest is for the holorecordings to say" He finished, smiling. He then decided to try and change the subject.

"So, what about you? Howd you end up here?"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:16:25 AM
::As Selena listened intently to Fett..her face showed a surprised look on it as he mentioned he was on both sides of the law. It amazed her how that could be. I mean afterall, he was a jedi although he did mention he had not known he was force sensitive until shortly after that.::

Really? You were on the opposite side of the law?! I find that somewhat fascinating. May I ask what made you become a Jedi, besides the fact you later found out you were force sensitive. What I am trying to say is..well why all of a sudden a change in careers sorta speak.

::Selena looked on curiously at Fett but then realized he asked about her past. Not to say she felt she had much of one::

Well..not much to tell about me. I was a city girl...from Coruscant. Got tired of the hustle and bustle and crazy lifestyle there. I was visiting this planet one day..and found myself entering this here bar. Luckily for me there was a help wanted sign posted and well...I applied. Long story short...here I am.

::Selena gave a smile and continued on the conversation::

But please do tell me why you changed so suddenly from the wrong side of the law to a Jedi..I mean besides the fact you found out you were force sensitive. Again..I sure hope I am not prying too much. Trust me ...this conversation will just remain between the two of us.

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:19:03 AM
:: "Well, I had already stopped by the time I found out, I was more helping on the good side. And the, the fact I could redeem all I did, I couldnt really refuse, could I?" Replied Fett, realising he wont be able to change the conversation from him::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:25:33 AM
Well redeeming oneself is a good thing, especially for one striving for the lightside of the force. I have to commend you on that. Even though I honestly don't quite understand the force, as I am just your every day citzen.

::Hoping she was going to push Fett away with more questions, Selena chose to continued their little chat. She found it quite interesting to say the least::

Ya know..you sort of mentioned what you did before becoming a Jedi. But truthfully you seem like such a nice gentleman. I really can't believe you did anything so hideous that you felt like you had to redeem yourself by becoming a Jedi. I truly mean that...really! What would you consider so awful about your past?

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:28:21 AM
:: "Well, I robbed the 8th biggest bank on Correllia, that count?" He replied unremorsefully

"Most of that went towards helping someone get off planet. We then kept half the profit, and gave the rest away. And thats just the first one in my head"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:32:17 AM
::Selena pondered Fett's comment before answering::

Well..its not like you killed someone..is it?! I mean, yeah you robbed a huge bank, although you said it was to help someone. Although that all depends on who you helped to get off the planet. Were you a mercenary of some type?

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:35:32 AM
::Fett gave out a half laugh as she said didnt kill anyone.

"Yeah, not that time. She had helped us out before, and she needed to pay off some crime lord. As she had helped, she deserved the money."::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:39:24 AM
::Amazed at Fett's comment, Selena questioned him more::

A CRIMELORD?!! Do tell more!! Like who??! Not the infamous Hutts I've heard about? What do you mean by she deserved the money? I mean who was this lady in distress?

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:48:48 AM
:: "Not a clue. Killed some people, dealt spic, I know. She deserved it because she had helped us when we needed the help, so we paid her back"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:54:54 AM
::Selena raised an eyebrow at the mentioning of Fett killing people::

You keep saying you have killed people!! Why?!! Defense?! Or...what exactly?!

::Taking sip from her water bottle again..before pressing him for more questions. Selena slowly pulled the bottle away from her pursed lips once more::

Well..you still haven't answered me as to who she was. I mean was she a mercenary, or a trouble politician? Who was she exactly and how did she help you out?

Jun 21st, 2001, 10:57:17 AM
:: "She just helped in general. She got us somewhere to stay, helped us plan the raid, lots. COuldnt have done it without her"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:02:14 AM
::Selena slightly chuckled for a moment. Not that this conversation is amusing ..but it seemed to her Fett was avoiding her line of questions::

Ya know Ash...I asked why you killed people. But you seemed to avoid that question.

The same goes for your lady friend you speak of. Now..you said a raid...a raid on what exactly? I must say I find this all very interesting.

::Selena leaned back in her chair before taking another swig out of her water bottle as she looked on at Fett waiting for him to answer her::

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:10:54 AM
*An incredibly suave and charismatic voice interrupted the awkward silence.*

"Well, my lady, in this universe, it's either kill or be killed--"

*He produced a coin from his pocket and flipped it onto the bar counter.* "A Corellian if its not too much trouble."

*He turned back to the two and flashed his famous smile*
"And like this gentleman here, I think it's much safer being in the first category."

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:20:05 AM
::Selena put her water bottle down and turned her attention to the new gentleman standing before her::

I suppose that statement holds true. Can't say I know a lot about that.

::Selena smiled::

Sure thing Sugah. I will get ya that drink. Please take a seat with Ash here and I will bring you back one.

::As she stepped away::

Hey..Ash I will get ya one too! Ok?!

::Selena made her way to the barcounter and returned with two Corellian Ales::

Here ya go gentlemen!! On the house

::She quickly placed the republic credit Lando placed on the counter back in his hand:

Keep it, my treat. So as you gentlemen were saying...

OOC: I have to leave for a bit..but if you can continue with this thread even amongst yourselves..you can have me just sitting here or doing something else;) I will continue later :)

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:32:21 AM
"Thank you dear." *smile*

*Lando began to swivel his chair playfully as he rested an elbow on the counter and jutted out a hand for both to shake.*

"Ash, is it? And you must be... Selena? That's a beautiful name, young lady. I'm Calrissian. I'm sorry for having intruded, but I was hearing quite an interesting conversation and there is nothing I love better than sharing some old war stories."

*Lando slapped Ash on the back*

"Cheer up! You've still got your youth, not like an old fogey like me."

Jun 21st, 2001, 12:43:19 PM
:: Fett smiled as Lando slapped his back. Finally, an excuse to change subject he thought, as he turned to face Lando.

"So, what brings you here?"::

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 21st, 2001, 05:21:19 PM
"Well buddy, I was on nearby Teledos when some the police force there arrested me for some reason. I think it had something about me smuggling their spice out. I told them I didn't do it and they got the wrong guy, see? So once I was able to prove I was who I am and got diplomatic immunity, they just gave me a slap on the wrist and took back all the spice that I didn't take that I was supposedly packing in my ship."

*Lando sighed.*

"Anyway, to make a long story short, I ran out of fuel when they were chasing me around the planet. They agreed to drop me off here with my ship to refuel."

*Lando cleared his throat*

"But enough about what I didn't do." *He smiled* "What have you been up to? The Jedi here doing good?"

Selena Kyle
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:36:54 PM
::Selena returns back to the two gentlemen, trying not to interupt their conversation. She quietly pulls out a seat and sits down. Grabbing her water bottle once more she took a small sip and listened in on their conversation::

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:55:51 PM
As Ash opens him mouth, Lando interrupts. "Very interesting story Ash."

*He turns back to Selena.*

"So how are you? I don't think I've seen you around here before :)"

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:14:20 AM
::As Selena pulled the water bottle away from her lips, a small smile crossed her face::

Who me?! Well..I've been around a bit. But I guess overall you can say I am fairly new to this establishment as a waitress.

::Selena placed the bottle down on the table and extended her hand to Lando::

The name is Selena....Selena Kyle. Nice to meet your acquaintance..and who may you be?

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:22:54 AM
*Smile* "Calrissian. And I don't think it's because you're new here, I just haven't popped my head in here for a long while. Business is getting hectic y'know, with all those pirates and such."

*Looks around the bar*

"Seems like this is quite an interesting job. I bet you get to see quite some unusual stuff cross this place. One thing I've always noticed when in comes of Luke and Leia, wherever a Jedi is, there's some action closeby."

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:28:04 AM
::Selena smiled back at Lando::

Calrissian?!! Nice name..it has a ring to it. Pirates?!! What do you mean exactly. I am sorry I am not from these parts.

::Selena hesitated a moment::

You mentioned Luke and Leia..as in the Skywalkers, I assume. You know them? They are locals and have been known to visit this here bar time to time. How do you know these two jedi..if you don't mind me asking?

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:36:20 AM
"Heh, well, those two are hardly unknown throughout the galaxy. They're the closest thing to galactic celebrities there is.
Well, I met them when I set up a trap for Luke to get in the hands of Darth Vader and imprisoned Leia in a cell of mine at Bespin."

*Watches Selena's shocked reaction and quickly corrects himself.*

"I know that sounds bad, but we're friends now. Really."

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:41:23 AM
::A look of complete shock is still clearly shown on Selena's face::

YOU WHAT?!!! Trapped Luke for Lord Vader and then kept Leia in a cell..

::She narrowed her eyes at Lando and questioned him::

And..you guys are actually friends? Pardon me ..but I think I am missing something here. Care to explain?

Sir Lando Calrissian
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:52:38 AM
"Well, I redeemed myself a few times after." *wink* "I got them free, risking my own neck against Vader mind you, and helped them get Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt after I encased Han in carbonite. Yeah, I know that sounds bad again, and I regret it.
Hey, I know! Remember the Second Death Star? You might've not been born then, but I'm sure you've heard of it, right? Well, anyway, I'm the one who destroyed it. Yup."

*Takes out a leather bag from his pocket.*

"I like to keep this with me a lot. Let's me remember the old days."

*Lando produces the Alliance Medal of Honor and a picture of him in pilot gear giving bunny ears to Nien Nunb in the celebration on Endor after the battle.*

"I never get tired of looking at these things."

*turns back to Selena.*

"I'm the guy on the left that's over three feet tall."

Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:05:28 PM
::While listening to Landos past glories, a new feeling came over Fett. The need to tell someone. He realised now that the more he keeps it in him, the worse he will feel. Waiting for Lando to finish, he leans over to Selena.

"Can I have a minute? In private"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:18:18 PM
::Selena took the picture from Lando and looked it over::

Are those Ewoks?! I guess this is on Endor. Very nice picture. Those Ewoks remind me of cuddly teddy bears, although truthfully I have never seen one in person.

I must say Lando..I do apologize. It seems like you have truly redeemed yourself. I mean blowing up that second deathstar and putting your life on the line like that. You are truly a hero.

::A moment later, Selena heard Fett whisper in her ear. She seemed concern by the tone of his voice::

Sure thing Ash...where would you care to talk? Is everything ok?

Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:30:42 PM
::Fett gets up, and indicates for Selena to follow. Checking noone nearby can hear, Fett turns to Selena. He could sense he could trust her.

"OK, you asked about killing. Six. Two Imperial Officers, two crimelords, two murderers and a hitman after me. Seven. And then some of their men"

Selena's face changed into one of uncertainty

"I was a hitman. On Correllia. I did it for the money, I only went for bad people"

Fett leans against a table, and takes a deep breath.

"I had to tell someone. I think I can trust you"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:38:54 PM
::At first...Selena was concerned for Fett. She was not sure what was wrong. She followed him willingly, knowing deep down that he was a nice gentleman despite of his uncertain past::

::She turned to Fett..as total seriousness fell over her face. She looked into his eyes and responded sympathically::

You can trust me Ash. Honest. *sigh*

Ya know it seems to me your past haunts you some. I can understand your concern about killing people..especially if you were a hitman. I mean..my gosh..that had to be a hard life to live. Even though you said you killed only evil people, that still had to be rough on you.

Care to talk about it more?

Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:41:46 PM
:: "Not really. I mean, I know they were bad. But they still are there in your head, almost like ghosts following you" Fett replied::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:46:09 PM
::Feeling sympathy for Fett..Selena could tell this was troubling Fett more than he really realized::

Oh gee..

::She shooked her head::

I feel so bad for you. Sure its like these ghosts from your past keep haunting you. Have you ever told anyone this? Because it is possible that if you have not...this will continue to trouble you for some time. Do you feel you know why this keeps haunting you like it does?

Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:50:37 PM
:: Fett sits on a nearby table, and half looks at Selena, half at the floor.

"Never told any Jedi. A few others know though. And I dont know why it ghosts me, as I am half almost......know I was right. If I hadnt killed them, they would have killed others"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:59:52 PM
::Feeling bad for Fett and not knowing what to do. Selena could see he was upset as he continued to look at the floor. She walked over to Fett, bend down before him, she took her right hand placed it gently under his chin, so he would look her in the eye. Realizing what she had just done, she did not want him to get the wrong impression of her, she pulled her hand back gently away from his chin::

Listen...I think you did the right thing and you had to do what was right. You should never doubt yourself or question yourself like that. I mean..I really don't know you all that well...but from what I can see here, you are not some heartless killer that goes around killing people. Can't you see that?

Jun 22nd, 2001, 01:05:36 PM
::Fett managed a small smile as she spoke.

"You're right I'm not. But the point still stands. I killed them for money. The fact I only did bad people was because back then, it made it almost seem......right. But now? I don't know"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 04:31:35 PM


I know this may sound triffle..but that's in the past. There is nothing you can do about the past now.

Don't you see...being the Jedi that you are has more than set things right from the past. What you need to do now Ash ,is let go of the past if you can.

I sure hope you can for your sake.

::Selena looked on at Fett sincerely, hoping he would agree with her::

Jun 22nd, 2001, 04:49:26 PM
:: Fett looked at Selena, and gave another forced smile.

"I wish I could. Its almost impossible though, Ive tried before"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 04:56:21 PM
::Selena pondered Fett's comment. She wished she could say something...anything to cheer him up. But...what?::

What do you think it would take for these nightmares to end? Do you have the slightest idea what could? It seems like such a shame that you should be troubled by your past. You seem like such a kind and caring man. I would hate to see you go through the rest of your life like this.

Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:03:26 PM
::Fett buried his head in his hands in thought, before answering.

"I wish I knew. If it was WHO I killed, I could deal with it. Its the entire killing part thats the problem though. Take the Imperials I killed. They were doing bad things. But does that make them bad people?"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:18:37 PM
:: Once again feeling really bad for Fett...Selena gently placed her hands around Fett's bringing them down from his head towards his knees. She continued holding his hands as she looked into his eyes::

Oh Ash...I know you must feel awful. But from what you are telling me these people were ruthless and you had to do what you were sent to do. Just like you said...think of it this way, they would have killed many more people if you didn't stop them. Can't you see that?!

::Selena tried desperately to plead her case to Fett::


Please try...! You don't deserve what you are doing to yourself. You truly don't!!

Jun 22nd, 2001, 05:25:34 PM
:: Fett listened to what she said. She WAS right, he didnt deserve to torture himself like this.

"I do know that, I do know I shouldn't feel guilty, but I do, and cant help it. Ive tried toforget, Ive tried to stay busy, it wont leave my head. What if they were just following orders? The files I got on them could have been forged, or anything. I just cant be sure"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:35:33 PM
::Selena shook her head while holding Fett's hands tightier::

No...No...No!!! Don't you see! If they were carrying out orders...it was just like you!! You had a job to do and so did they. Call it the survival of the fittest, if you must!! You did what you had to do. How can you worry about if they were forged documents and such?!!

Do you worry about such things as a Jedi?! No...if I am correct, you worry about the present and the facts of the moment. Is this not true...what if all your past was the will of the force? Did you ever think that.

::Selena closed her eyes and shook her head once more side to side:;

I know..I know... why would you listen to me!! *sigh* I mean afterall..I am not force sensitive.

For heavens sake..what the hell do I know!!


But please just hear me out. Atleast from my perspective it all makes sense to me.

Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:41:23 PM
:: Fett looks up at Selena.

"Hey, you know plenty, dont think like that"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:47:02 PM
::Selena looked up at Fett as a very slight smile crossed her face::

Why thank you,Ash. But I really don't know. I mean...I am just trying to help you out here. I feel you are torturing your soul over something that you truly had no control over. I can see how much all this pains you. You truly don't deserve any of this.

You're a sweet guy and you seem to have a kind soul. I just wish there was some way I could help you get rid of these nightmares.

Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:49:54 PM
:: "Smehow, I doubt anyone but me can deal with this. Wish that wasnt so" Fett replies, letting out a sigh::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:56:56 PM
::Selena's smile quickly changed to a slight frown at Fett's statement. She did not answer right away...her face became one of deep contemplation. Suddenly a thought crossed her mind and she decided to question Fett on something::

Ya know Ash...again..I am not much up on the Jedi. But as you can guess I hear a lot through the so called grapevine here in the bar. I know you are a Jedi Master and a Jedi Council Member...but at one point you were a padawan. Did you ever speak to your Master about your past? Its to my understanding that the relationship between padawan and master is very tight...they do not keep any secrets. I was wondering..if you ever spoke to your Master about this or maybe if you had not...maybe you should. Maybe he or she can give you some advise...is that a possibilty. I mean..maybe that could help you out some.

Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:02:29 PM
:: "No, never told him. I did want to some times, but didnt know if it would affect things" Fett replied, now thinking about the past::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:07:42 PM
::Selena looked somewhat puzzled::

Affect things? What do you mean? I doubt he would have thought differently of you or thought bad of you...Ash. It's to my understanding the Jedi would never judge you like that.


Maybe you should have talked to him. But you know..its never too late as they say. Maybe he can help..if not maybe one of the elders or other council members could. Atleast give this some consideration.

I believe this maybe the only way to put this past behind you and prove to yourself that you truly did not do anything wrong. And maybe..just maybe..these ghosts from the pasts will finally stop haunting you!

Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:11:25 PM
:: "They couldnt help. Theres different kinds of help you can get, and for this I need someone who isnt going to say what I know theyll say" He says resigningly::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:14:47 PM
::Shakening her head at Fett once more::

What do you mean, you know what they are going to say? How can what they say to you would be bad? I don't understand....don't you think they could help you and that they would want to?!

Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:17:57 PM
:: "They wouldnt say anything bad, but I know what they'd say. Killings wrong, it was wrong, yadda yadda. It doesnt help like others do"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:23:16 PM
:: Once more a sigh can be heard from Selena::

You truly think they would tell you killings wrong? Even in self defense...even to stop the evil doers that you came up against? Jedi do kill don't they?!! I mean...for the good of the galaxy. Sort of like what you did. Besides would they not forgive you for the simple fact that you have redeemed yourself several times over? I would sure hope so.

Ok..Ash..if you don't think they can help you and I can't help you. What is it that can help you? Or is that still the mystery at hand here?

Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:26:44 PM
:: " thats the mystery"

Fett begins massarging Selenas hands with his thumbs, a slight sign of uncertainty

"There's one thing I know. You have helped me no end"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:35:38 PM
::Selena glanced down at her hands and noticed what Fett was doing. She closed her hands tightier around his, then finally bringing up her right hand to cup his hands between hers::

Really...did I?!

::She seemed a little amazed at his comment. A slight and yet bashful smile crossed over her face::

Well..if I have. I am glad I was able to help some. I truly feel I haven't done as much as I would like to for you Ash. You know you are a sweet guy. I know I have said this before, but I really do mean it. I really do hate to see you putting yourself through this torment. It just doesn't seem right.

I want you to know that if there is anything that you ever want to talk to me about...I will be more than happy to lend a friendly ear. I have been told I am not such a bad listener. I just wish I could have truly help you more than I have.

Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:38:00 PM
:: Fett flashes a less forced smile at Selena.

"Dont worry, I will when I need to. Thanks"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 22nd, 2001, 10:46:58 PM
::Selena smiled back at Fett::

Good! I am glad to hear that. I really wish I knew what more to say on the matter. Perhaps this is a good time to ask you if you like another Corellian Ale? Not that drinking solves anything..but maybe you just feel like having one to quench your thirst.

Would you care for one? I'd be more than happy to get you another one.

Jun 23rd, 2001, 06:37:27 AM
:: Fett stayed silent for a moment before responding.

"Yeah, I'd like that, thanks"

As she walks away, she gives him a comforting smile. Watching her leave, in her shirt and skirt, Fett unknowingly clicked into a flashback of times gone by...

Fett and Kyt walked past the attractive blonde in the skirt, and stopped at a large door, the only one in the corridor. he turned to look back at the woman, who was going round the corner. She turned and flashed a smile at him, which he returned, as he watched her dissapeer. There was no security nearby, the building had been made so no unauthorised people could get in. They were wrong. A few complex tools and a crawl through an air vent was all it had took. And now they were ready...

Kicking in the door, Kyt took the front, with Fett covering the rear. The room was empty, so the two carried on. As they got to a corner, Kyt froze, covering the hallway, as Fett took lead, and swung open another door. Inside was a fairly overweight middle aged man, with a small tuft of black hair on an otherwise bald head. He was sitting on a chair, watching a screen of figures. Fett reconised them as money figures. They were the recent takings from his drug trafficking. The man turned to fact the pair and went to get up, but a punch from Kyt kept him down. Fett meanwhile leant on the doorframe, wiping the barrel of one of his silenced pistols. After a while, he spoke.

"Jarius, Jarius, Jarius, you've been a bad man" He said, never looking up.
"I.....I....." He tried to reply, fear stopping him.
"Don't even TRY to pretend you dont know what we mean" Fett says, looking slightly up at Kyt
"Drug running. Assault. Rape. Over twenty cases of murder. Criminal Damage to a police equipment" he started, looking back at Fett, before kicking the man off his chair. He then lifted the man up, and put him on his knees. Fett then walked behind the man, next to Kyt.

"For these crimes, there is no penalty on this planet for you which is anywhere near just. So, we send you to where you can be judged to the full"

Both men then get out a silenced pistol each, and point it at the back of his head. Fett then begins to recite.
<font color=red>
nemo non talus,
vester tempus nunc.
Grando ad rex infans
<font color=white>
And with that, both fired.


Walking out of the room, Fett saw the blonde they had earlier seen turn the corner. Running up to her, he knocks her against the wall, hand over her mouth. Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a credit chit, and puts it on a pocket on her shirt

"This is for you. If we don't get caught, we activate it. ok?"

The woman slowly nods her head. Fett takes his hand away, and smiles at her, brushing back some hair that had gone over her eyes.

"Thankyou" he says, as he kisses her on the lips. He winks at her as he goes and leaves the room, with Kyt following close behind

Snapping out of it with a start, Fett saw Selena standing over him, hand on his shoulder.

"Are you ok?" She asked
"Yeah, just remembering some past problems" He replied dryly::

Selena Kyle
Jun 23rd, 2001, 10:33:14 PM
::Selena slowly handed Fett his ale::

Are you sure you're okay?!! Please forgive me but you had a distant look on your face that appeared to be troublesome. I know you said you were thinking of past problems.

Would you care to talk to me about them? You know there is a saying...."sometimes its better to talk about things then keep them bottled up inside you". Please Ash....talk to me about them...it would do you some good.

Jun 24th, 2001, 04:26:37 AM
::Fett sighs, and leans back on the table, so he is against the wall.

"I doubt it will help me. Its the same problem. I cant go round in life without being reminded of what I did" he says, while picking at the table at his side. He then looks up at Selena, a slight smile on his face.

"You can sit down you know"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 11:36:59 AM
::Selena gives off a combination of a half smile with a giggle at Fett before sliding out a chair next to him::

Silly me! I know I can sit down.

::she gave Fett a wink and giggled once more before sitting down in the chair::

Are you sure you don't want to talk about it? I know what you are trying to say, but just maybe talking can help. I dunno. Like I said...you are not a bad guy and I wish you can see what you have done might have truly stopped some other senseless killings by those you did kill.

Jun 24th, 2001, 11:46:17 AM
:: "But couldnt I have told the law? Got them to deal with it?" He replied thoughtfully, as he took a drink from his bottle, and looked down at her::

Selena Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 05:23:27 PM
I guess you could have went to the authorities. But then again..you were a hitman. You did believe in the time that what you did was right no questions asked. I am sure back then it never crossed your mind to go the the authorities. But...I guess you can say things changed. Afterall..you are a Jedi now..and see things differently.

All...I can say to you know is that, you are apparently a changed man and you should be proud of yourself. Can't you see what you are doing now...outweighs all of your past deeds?

Please try to. If only you could see that, then that is a step in the right direction.

Jun 24th, 2001, 05:36:22 PM
:: "But thats the thing. What DO I do? I sit round, act like I ownn the place, and occasionally help someone. Is that enough?" Fett says, staring at the ceiling, taking a deep breath as he does so.

"Lets be honest here. Had I not come here, nothing would have changed. There'd be other masters. All I've done would have still been done"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 08:55:24 PM
::Selena placed her left hand on Fett's shoulder to try to reassure him::

But..don't you see?! That what you are doing with your life now is right and that you are making amends for your past. Besides you can't change the past. That is the key issue here.

Jun 24th, 2001, 09:17:42 PM
:: " I dont do ANYTHING. There are Padawans whove already done more than me" He replied, before going back to picking at the table::

Selena Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 09:50:25 PM
What do you mean you do nothing? I find that hard to believe.

Are you not a Jedi Master and a Jedi Council Member? Ok..I will ask you to do this. Take a moment and seriously think. You must have some great accomplishments.

Now don't you?

::Selena looked on at Fett..hoping he would search his soul and recall all his great accomplishments::

Jun 25th, 2001, 02:09:52 AM
:: "You know, I honestly can't think of any. Not one, after all this time" He replied, taking another swig of his drink::

Selena Kyle
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:21:46 PM
::Looks at Fett puzzled::

I find that hard to believe. There must be something. Seriously try and think Ash!!!

Any battles and such?

Jun 25th, 2001, 12:36:41 PM
:: "Seriously, I can't think of one big thing I have ever done" Said Fett, now seriously trying to think back ::

Selena Kyle
Jun 26th, 2001, 03:31:59 PM
::Selena shakes her head at Fett::

Well...I am sorry I find that very hard to believe. Come on now...I am sure you can come up with something.

Ya know...even if you can't recall now, like I said I am sure there are just so many that this is why you don't remember besides you seem too preoccuppied with the past.

::Selena tried to smile at Fett before taking another sip from her spring water::

OOC: I guess you are not on now and unfortunately I am in a rush lots to do today. Went on that job interview I told ya about...lol...guess I can tell ya about that later. Job looks interesting to say the least

Jun 27th, 2001, 01:52:00 PM
:: "It's the honest truth. Ive done this for so long, but never got anywhere. Its pathetic when you think about it" He replied, Rubbing his face with his hand::

Selena Kyle
Jun 28th, 2001, 12:24:35 PM
::Selena could tell all her attempts to cheer Fett up were not working. Suddenly she took note of the time and it was getting really late::

Ash...Ya know what I seriously think you should talk to one of the others. I am sure they can reassure about your attributes to GJO. Really I am.

Oh my gosh..we've been talking for so long. I did not reliaze my shift is over. I really hate to leave now. But I must I have a few things to do and well..before you know it I have to return back here. You take care..it was a pleasure talking to you. Please stop by soon and say Hello again to me.

::Selena flashed a little smile at Fett::

Fett: Will do! Thanks for having this little chat Selena. Like I said before it really helped me out some. You take care I will see you soon.

::Selena smiled once more before getting her bag and heading out the front door.::

::Seconds after exiting the door...Selena felt what seemed like a barrel of a blaster in her back::

Unknown thief: Well..well..what do we have here? The waitress at the infamous bar & grill. Just hand me the credits Sweetie and I promise..well **evil chackle** that is try not to hurt a single strand of that pretty blonde head of yours!

::Selena frighten and not sure what to do...elbowed the thief in the gutt and started to run::

::She screamed just for a second::


::The thief buckled up but quickly lunged for Selena and pulled her by the back of her hair quickly, causing her head to lean back and face the thief::

Unknown Thief:: Not too smart Sweetheart..try that again and you will find a blaster hole in your side! GOT IT!!

::Selena just nodded not knowing what to do::

Jun 28th, 2001, 01:14:17 PM
::Leaning back, Fett took a sip of his drink. Sensing something through the force, he looks round the room for what the problem is, and then hears a cry for help outside. Leaping to his feet, he runs out the door.

Stopping outside, he sees Selena and the thief in front of him. He turns slightly, to stare straght into the attackers face.

"I suggest you leave" Fett says
"Who the heck are you? Oh no, some random drunk just threatened me. Come on" He replies, not realising who it was.

Fett tilts his head in a show of resignation, and lunges at him. The thief kicks Selena to the floor, and goes to aim his pistol at Fett. The Jedi then dives to the side of the man with lightning speed, and flicks his wrist. His sleeve-mounted pistol springs out, as he aims it as the man, who is now aiming for nowhere.

"Run along now" Fett says, finger on the trigger.

The man starts to run, looking back every few yeards. Fett gets up, and reholsters his pistol. He then walks over to Selena, and crouches next to her.

"You ok?" He says, as she slowly nods her head, a bit dazed from the kick. Slowly, Fett helps her to her feet.

"Come on, lets get you home"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:05:16 PM
::Selena visibly shaken up, but quite thankful for Fett's rescue slowly rises to her feet with his assistance. She looked up at Fett as she dusted the dirt off her clothes::

Thank you Ash!! You saved my life. I felt like I was a goner there for a moment.

::Selena found herself staring into her rescuers eyes then on an impulsive whim...she quickly gave Fett a kiss on the lips::

::Shocked at what she had just done and somewhat embarrassed...Selena slowly backed away from Fett, while covering her lips with her right hand::

Umm..I am soooooo sorry I don't know what came over me.

::Selena suddenly found herself staring at the ground from total embarrassement::

Jun 29th, 2001, 04:47:46 PM
::Fett stepped back slightly, slightly unsure what to do. He regained his composure, and looked back at Selena.

"Come on" He says, as he walks down the path


Reaching her room, Fett leans up against the wall as she opens the door, before turning to face her and putting his hand on her shoulder.

"You sure you are going to be ok?" He asked
"Yeah, I think so" came the reply, sounding a little uncertain. Fett moves his wrist to under her chin, moving her head up to eye contact with him.
"Listen, nothing can happen now. You're safe. Noone could get in here, no matter what. Ok?"

She nodded slightly, and forced a slight smile. Without realising, he slowly leaned forward towards her, until his brain kicked in.

Don't do it, remember last time, remember what happened

He paused, and then slowly moved his head back, and squeezed his hand on her shoulder.

"If you ever need to talk, find me. I'll be here" He said, and started to walk down the corridor"::

Selena Kyle
Jun 29th, 2001, 09:12:51 PM
::Selena watched Fett turn around and start to slowly walk away. She thought momentarily. Say something silly!! ::


::Fett turned around for a moment::

::Selena glanced down at the floor for a moment like a shy little girl, as she was holding the side of her front door::

Thanks....thanks again for all your help. I really do appreciate your help and offer. Let's just hope I don't have a strange encounter like that again.

::Fett forced a smile at Selena::

Sure no problem. Besides..I really think you'lll be fine.

::Selena nodded and gave off a small smile::

Thank you. Good Night Ash..hope to see you soon.

Jun 29th, 2001, 09:17:56 PM
::Fett puts his hand in the shape of a gun and fires it, mouthing pow as he does so. He then gives her a wink, and turns back to walking away::

Selena Kyle
Jun 29th, 2001, 09:25:36 PM
::Selena smiled back at Fett as he turned away and left. She slowly backed into her room, watching the Jedi walk away. As he became more distant from her view..Selena slowly closed the door until he was out of her sight. Once inside she leaned against the back of the door and slowly gave off a smile before kicking her shoes off. She then proceeded to get ready to turn in for the night::