View Full Version : lost love

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 19th, 2001, 09:48:28 PM
It is better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all

Luke walks into the bar and picks a booth in the back of the bar, he had not seen her for a long time, but she looked just as good as when he had last seen her, Luke had not had feelings this strong for anyone, but there was something about her. When Luke thought he had lost her to the darkside forever, his heart had been shattered, he tried everything to turn her from the darkside, but it was not to be at that time.

When Luke and Navaria first met she had wanted to kill him because it was he who had killed her grandfather, Grand Moff Tarkin, aboard the first death star when Luke's torpedo blew it apart.
of course that was when she was known as Dalethria,

Now she was Navaria Tarkin again, and Luke still could not stop thinking about her, he was unsure as to her feelings for him, did she still resent him for the death of her grandfather?, did she feel for him what he had felt for her, this he did not know.

now Luke sits and ponders, deciding whether or not he should confront Navaria with his feelings

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 19th, 2001, 11:25:14 PM
Luke sat in his booth pondering his feelings for Navaria, he ordered a small meal and a drink and then lit the tables small candle.
Luke meditated while waiting for his order.

A musical chime sounded from his comm. unit and he answered it, the message was an automated response from his quarters comm. unit, indicating that he had a message waiting, Luke gave the unit his authorization code and the unit began playing the message.

an image of his sister (Leia) appeared on the small screen.

"Luke I wanted to talk to you, as I feel you have been distant as of late and wanted to help you work out any problems, please contact me when you can"

the message ends.

Luke thought for a second....sister dear there is nothing you can do, I must deal with this on my own, when I am sure on how to proceed then will I be able concentrate on more pressing matters.

Luke's order arrives and he starts to consume his meal while watching the bar patrons, almost as if he were watching or waiting for someone....

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 20th, 2001, 12:53:46 AM
A quiet evening once again. It was almost becoming quite monotonous for Navaria. The training practices with her Master were the sources of great joy for she was not alone. The few that she had met her were merely acquaintances and she still longed for friendship. If she longed for it so badly why didn't she have any. Navaria had been here for quite some time now and there were many around the Order and in the Bar ...

She was sky and not outspoken. She was also a pathological being cursed with her own fear of her ... of what she created.

Navaria made her way to Yog's this night, almost like every night. Her hood was completely covering her head as she looked down, watching her steps come in and out of view. Her thoughts of friendship led inevitably to him. Ever since he returned she barely said anything to him. Actually ... nothing. How could she hold such feelings in her heart and why would he reciprocate still when she was nothing more then
a weak being that was fearful of her shadow?

The door slid open and she entered Yog's finally. It was quite dark outside and she was grateful that her hood blocked some of the light ... not to mention hiding her from view. She craved company but wanted to be alone tonight.

Lifting her head slowly, her eyes scanned for a free table and found a couple of Jedi leaving their's. She made her way over their and smiled to the droid as it was clearing the glasses and took a seat.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 20th, 2001, 08:44:13 PM
Luke was breifly distracted by an altercation at the bar, when he turned his attention back to the rest of the patrons, he watched as a lone figure took a seat at a table. Luke was unable to see the person's face, but to his eye the identity was unmistakeable, he had visioned that form his every waking hour, and even saw it in his dreams. the sense he was geting from her was a yearning for acceptance, but yet a determination to keep her distance. How could he tell her what he really felt for her without compromising a freindship that had yet to blossom.

Luke decided it was time to break the ice, so he motioned for the server droid to send a bottle of their finest wine to Navaria's table.

<font color=blue><font size=3>Luke Skywalker -Jedi-Knight</font></font>

Selena Kyle
Jun 20th, 2001, 09:53:26 PM
::The little service droid made its way back to the barcounter, where Selena was drying some glasses. It beeped to her the order. Selena quickly put down the towel and pulled out the Vintage Alderaanian Wine Bottle and two crystal wine glasses and placed it on her tray::

::She bent down to the droid::

Listen..I will take this order to the young lady. Seems like this gentleman means some serious business. Afterall...this wine is vintage as we all know Alderaan is just a faded memory in this galaxy. Go ahead... go check on some other tables for me, while I take care of this order.

::Selena motioned the droid to leave. As the little droid rolled away, she slowly made her way to Navaria's table. Upon coming to the shy young lady. Selena titled her head some to peer into Navaria's hood.::

Good Evening Miss. I am sorry for the intrusion. But trust me you will like this surprise very much. It seems a young and may I add handsome jedi is interested in you.

::Selena then descreetly turned and pointed in Luke's direction before continuing her conversation::

You see, he ordered this here fine vintage wine to be sent to your table. I must say he has very fine taste.

::Selena popped the cork and poured some of the bubbly into one of the crystal glasses and handed it to Navaria, before placing the bottle and second glass on her table::

Now..I really don't know what more to tell ya. I would think you should expecting a visit from him shortly. Unless he is a shy one..if ya know what I mean.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:24:25 AM
Navaria recognized this waitress at the bar. Usually she didn't require just personal assistance because the droid's provided enough service for one as herself. What really confused her was the wine bottle and the two glasses.

"Excuse me ... I didn't order ..."

Selena continued to explain. Someone actually bought her this? She looked to the label ... Alderaanian wine? This was either a sick joke or someone really wanting to get her attention. Navaria turned her neck around just enough to glimpse at who the waitress was referring too.

By the Force she was grateful that her hood covered up her gaping mouth but you could see her left eye opening wide in surprise. She quickly turned back to look at the wine glass and quietly spoke.

"I ... I, thank you, Miss."

Inside she was trying to calm herself. Maybe he wouldn't come to her table? She sighed and narrowed her eyes.

Yeah right, Navaria. Of course he's going to join you.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:23:50 AM
Luke watched as Selena delivered his gift to Navaria, watched as she spoke with the slender woman, Luke knew if he were to proceed with this then its time to at least talk with her.

Luke waited until Selena left and then grabbed his drink and made his way towards Navaria's table.

Luke approached the table, noticeably nervous, nervous? how could he be nervous he has confronted dark jedi, evil sith and even the emperor himself, yet he was nervous to sit a talk with this vision of perfection.

Luke arrived at the table, "Navaria, are you up for some company if not maybe we can get together when you are free, no matter what please enjoy the wine."

Luke awaits Navaria's reply

<font size=3>Luke Skywalker-JediKnight

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 22nd, 2001, 01:18:15 AM
Navaria's eyes were drawn to Luke's as his words were spoken. She knew that he would make his way over here but now that Luke was finally here, if was like she was watching herself from the outside. This couldn't possibly be happening, could it? Many a night she had been here at the bar and Luke wasn't. Even at the Academy, she only saw him in passing, keeping herself hidden.

Her thoughts came back to what was occurring now. Luke was waiting for her and she was scared. It would be easy to bail now. He left the decision up to her. It wasn't something she was used to. Unconsciously, she pulled her cloak around her for strength and protection, looking back at the table. The bottle of wine was staring right at her.

"Did you choose the wine? Or did the waitress?"

She turned the bottle around so Luke could read that it was Alderaanian.

"Odd choice either way."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:06:59 PM
Luke looked at the label on the bottle of wine Alderaanian?, To say that it was an odd choice was definitly an understatement, With Navaria being the grandchild to the man that gave the order to destroy a civilization, giving her a n Alderaanian product would almost be like a slap in the face.

Luke put on his best smile, "I merely asked for houses best wine, If the wine is to your dislike perhaps we can order something else or we could just sit and enjoy each others company, either way i see no reason for us to sit alone. I think we have alot to talk about, I wanted you to know that i have been thinking about you alot lately, and I was wondering how you were adjusting to this new life. Also I was hoping we could spend some time together getting to know each other better.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 24th, 2001, 07:51:51 PM
As Luke waited for Navaria's reply, he looked into her eyes, they sparkled like the stars on a clear moonlit night. His heart was racing in the anticipation of what her answer might be, would she go forward with the encounter or would he be shot down like so many x-wings were against the empire during the great rebellion, he could do nothing but wait..Luke watched her as she contemplated her next words.

Luke turned away from Navaria's eyes long enough to see the waitress Selena watching them intently, Luke turned back to the woman that has touched his heart and soul.

Selena Kyle
Jun 24th, 2001, 10:08:26 PM
::Back at the bar..Selena was intrigued by Luke and Navaria. An interesting couple to say the least. She then noticed Luke glanced at her.::

::She thought::

Guess I better stop watching them. He doesn't look to happy about my curiousity.

::Selena flashed a small smile at Luke..as if saying good luck, before going back to drying some more glasses at the bar::

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2001, 04:30:34 PM
She pulled the bottle to her, the metal grating across the table. Long she stared at the label, not paying attention to how intently Luke was watching her ... waiting for her to say something. Nor did she notice the curious look of the waitress that served her.

Alderaan. It was the cause of much sorrow for many people and it was her own inability to deal with not only the death of her grandfather, but the knowledge of what her family had done. Her father was a loyal soldier and carried out his orders like the good officer he was. She could accept that but her grandfather, Grand Moff Tarkin ... how was she to really accept that it was because of him, and entire civilization was destroyed in a blink of an eye?

Her eyes turned and focused on Luke's face. She could feel her cheeks burning and again was thankful that her hood shadowed her face. This made no sense ... how could her feelings run so deep for the man that killed her grandfather, which then started to slowly destroy her family until it was only her?

So many questions and no answers. At least answering some of his were easier.

"Adjusting here ... has been ... difficult."

The uncertainty in her voice was evident.

"I know I belong here but ..."

Navaria frowned at her lack of manners. Her fears were getting the best of her.

"Please ... sit."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 25th, 2001, 09:50:11 PM
Luke takes the offered seat.

"Navaria you know if there is anyway for me to make your transition easier, I would be more then happy to help you"

Luke watched Navaria, trying to look into her eyes but the hood on her robe made it difficult.
"So are you going to leave that hood on the entire evening"?

Luke could tell that Navaria was nervous being around him but he didn't know why and he wasn't ready to come out and ask her just yet.

Luke tried to lighten the mood.

"so how is your Training going?, I hope Leia isn't being to hard on you"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2001, 10:46:01 PM
So much to say, but the words were not coming. It was hard talking like this. Already there was a barrier between them and her hiding behind the hood was not helping. Luke didn't want to pry and was holding himself back much like she was. Her timid fingers let go of the bottle and slowly moved up to her face. A few times, it looked like her hand was going to return back to the table but she fought the urge. Her lips twitch in anticipation but she had to do it. This was the only way to try and be comfortable in Luke's presence.

Two fingers slid between her face and the cloth and slowly pulled back the hood. Brown hair was revealed as her Padawan braid swung free, happy to be free from the constraint.

Mas ..."

She corrected herself.

"Leia is helping me greatly but things are coming along slowly."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 25th, 2001, 11:14:24 PM
as Navaria removed her hood, a smile crossed Luke's face.
"ahh, Now that is alot better. You are just as beautiful as always..uh ah i mean...I am sorry I hope that didn't make you uncomfortable..I ah..I just mean um.."

Luke quickly changes the subject
"So how is the wine"

"I am glad things are coming along with Leia, don't get discourage will the slow comings as long as they are coming along that is a good thing."

::Luke finishes the drink he had brought with him.::

Luke again finds himself unable to take his eyes off of Navaria.

<font face=arial><font color=gray>what is it about this woman, that spell binds me so...when she removed that hood I just about fumbled all over my self, I probably sounded like an idiot, gee I hope I didn't
present myself as a bumbling idiot.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2001, 11:40:00 PM
He didn't just say that ... no, I had to imagine that.

Navaria found herself lost in the gaze that Luke entranced her with. Her heart was racing and her breathing was become quick, almost as if it was hard to take in air. By the Force she was almost slapped across the face when he changed subjects. She was brought back to reality at the mention of her drink. Navaria had yet to even taste it.

The bottle was still cold, ice clutching to the sides. Images of being a child again at her parents fancy parties on Imperial Center came to mind. Dignitaries from all over the galaxy graced the home of the Tarkin's and it was such wonderful memories.

She couldn't help but smile in remembrance and lift her own glass up. By chance, her eyes locked with Luke's and her smile faded, replaced by her shyness as her eyes lowered.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 26th, 2001, 12:19:49 AM
as their eyes met Luke's insides started to rumble. <font color=gray>ButterFlies!, how can i be getting butterflies?</font>
then Navaria's eyes lowered away from his.

<font color=gray>I hope i am not pushing her away, that's it, i'm being to aggressive, back off skywalker</font>
"So how about a glass of that odd choice of wine?"

"do you come here often" <font color=gray>boy if that didn't sound like a pick up line I don't know what does</font>

Luke could still sense some nervousness from Navaria, he tried to calm her to let her know that she had nothing to fear or be nervous about with him.

Luke slowly moved his hand across the table and grasped Navaria's as she was reaching for her glass
"it's ok Navaria I don't bite" he said with a smile.

"You have nothing to worry about, I won't hurt you and I will do my best to see that no one else hurts you."

<font color=gray>stay calm Lukey, don't spook her</font>

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 26th, 2001, 11:47:54 PM
She jerked her hand away from Luke's once it finally dawned on her that he touched her. Mixed emotions were swelling and Navaria was looking for a way to escape without looking like a complete fool or hurting Luke's feelings.

Perhaps she wasn't ready to accept this?


Her eyes finally rose up from the table and stared into Skywalker's. The questioning in her eyes burrowed deep into his heart and this was the most open her senses were around him. The complete confusion and strong emotions that she had for the Jedi were there, laid out on the table ...

"Why ..."

Again her head lowered as the uncertainty and self-pity surface as all that was open for a brief moment was sucked back into her mind and locked up tightly.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 27th, 2001, 12:24:09 AM
When Navaria abruptly pulled her hand away Luke's head started spinning <font color=gray>No! Luke you fool what were you thinking, she is too fragile for this, backoff, back way off.</font>

Navaria looked into his eyes, his thoughts, feelings his entire being was there for her to read.

For an instance Luke thought of putting up his mental barriers, but no. sooner or later she would know that his love was hers for the taking, when she was ready.

There was no use hiding them now.

Yet at the same time when their eyes met, Luke could see into her, it was not his intent, it was like a wave of emotion that hit him like the wave that hit kenobi on the falcon when they were enroute to Alderan.

The confusion was evident as were her feelings.

"Navaria, I am so sorry, I didn't mean any harm. I know that you feel vulnerable right now and I did not mean to make you uncomfortable…please accept my sincere apology"

Luke made no mention of having felt her feelings, he did not want to "spook" her any more then he already had.

Luke slowly pulled his hand to the bottle of wine a poured himself a glass.

Again Luke tried lightening the mood

"how about a toast? To your new life and experiences may they bring you joy and bring GJO a great Jedi"

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:34:41 PM
Navaria wanted to leave. She wanted to run as far away from the bar as her legs could take her. To be exposed ... completely and utterly open like that for Luke to read was more intimate then any kiss or caress could have been. Why was she like this in his presence? How could someone do this to her? Her face was a bright crimson and she wanted the safety of her hood. She balled her hands into fists to fight the urge to bring them up and cover her face.

Her senses were heightened because of her emotions running free. Every sound in the bar became louder by ten fold. The glasses clinking together when people toast, the most quiet of conversations yelling in her ear ... everything was so loud that it drowned out what Luke was saying to her. It was hard to regain any semblance of control ...

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 28th, 2001, 09:58:31 PM
the wave of emotion coming from Navaria was almost enough to knock Luke out of his chair, he could feel that he was treading on dangerous territory here, one wrong move and it could lead to Navaria bottling up her emotions for ever.

Navaria was determined not to let luke in, not to let him see how vulnerable she really was. Luke had to do something, the easiest thing would be to just get up and walk away, let navaria come to him when she was ready...but what if she was never ready, what if she needed Luke to keep pushing her, but what if she needed Luke to back off.

there were alot of if's. Luke knew there was no way right now to calm her, so he decided to try another approach.

hey!, how about a nice walk in the moon light

Luke was hoping that maybe by letting her have a little mobility that Navaria would feel more at ease, or at least a better chance to run if she felt the need to.

Navaria Tarkin
Jun 28th, 2001, 11:05:50 PM
The tremors were coming on ... the usual effect of being so emotionally distraught. This happened one time with the one known as Sanis when he mentioned Dalethria. She had to calm herself down and get it together but all the noises that were amplified in the room was making it so difficult to think straight.

Something began to grow clearer then the rest though. It was a strange sensation like something was trying to protect her. What she heard wasn't something external but something that she felt inside. Focusing on that feeling, what she was lacking in controlling herself, became easier. It felt so simple to regain her senses, bringing them back to a normal level. Navaria blinked in confusion but realized finally that it was Luke speaking to her with his own thoughts that brought her back.

He could have asked her anything then ...

"Yes ... I'd like that a lot, Luke."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 30th, 2001, 01:05:48 AM
Ever since he had approached Navaria's table the little hairs on the back of his neck had been standing on end, not because he was expecting danger from Navaria but because being as well known as he was Luke could feel almost every eye in the bar zeroed right in on him a Navaria.

Luke more then once caught the waitress, Selena, watching them or she'd slow down while passing their table, hoping to over hear a little of the conversation to appease her curiosity.

There wasn't a bar or bartender in the galaxy that didn't dabble in gossip or lend an ear to a depressant drunk.

The idea of taking a walk with Navaria was not only to set her mind at ease, but to get away from the prying eyes and ears of Yog's. Luke stood and for a blink of an eye he thought of lending Navaria his hand, being always the perfect gentleman, but Luke remembered back to when he had held her hand and the emotional torment it had caused her, so he merely gestured toward the door with his left hand.

Luke could feel that Navaria wanted him to hold her, but she was afraid, afraid to trust him, afraid to let him into her world, afraid to love.

Luke tossed some credits on the table, including a small little tip to the waitress.

Luke and Navaria made their way through the patrons, around tables and chairs, squeezing around people in conversation. If I didn't know any better I would think it was 2 for 1 night

Luke accidentally bumped into an over intoxicated Gomorean and the beast became very agitated but was soon distracted enough that Luke and Navaria were able to continue on their way towards the door.

Luke opened the door and Navaria stepped out into the cool night air, followed by Luke.
Luke and Navaria walked along the well beaten path, watching as more people headed towards Yog's bar, or to the nearby landing port to recuperate from the festive activities happening at the bar.

Luke could feel Navaria's tension begin to lessen, the cool night air and the mobility seemed to calm her greatly.

Navaria's face shone beautifully with the reflection of the moonlight, and Luke could see her eyes sparkle when the light hit them just right.

Luke and Navaria stopped along side a building, there were no prying eyes, no hustle and bustle, just him and her. They stood there not saying a word for who knows how long, time stood still.

"Navaria, I, well I am not sure how to say this " Luke quickly changes what he was about to say " I mean I am glad that we decided to get out of that stuffy bar"

he almost said it, almost ruined everything, as fragile as she was, in that moment he was willing to risk it all. But what if he had, what if those three little words would have broken her out of her shell…it was too late now, he would have to wait for another opportunity to tell Navaria what was in his heart.

Luke brushed the hair out of Navaria's eyes so he could see her sparkling eyes, and for a moment he could feel her begin to tense up again, but he gave the most reassuring grin that he could.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 1st, 2001, 04:30:20 PM
As Luke ever so gently brushed her bangs out of her face, Navaria felt his fingertips slide quickly across her forehead. She felt herself swallow hard and close her eyes as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of her face. Once again her body was reacting, tensing up on reflex and her mental barriers were erecting around every thought. These reactions did happen before. When her and the other clones escaped from the old ROS base, the death and carnage that the two clones of Dalethria and Ogre made her sick to her stomach. She couldn't handle to visual and everything inside her that could cope with.

The death of Daalethria gave Navaria some of her control back but it apparently wasn't enough. She knew what Luke was going to say. Her heart wanted to burst open and finally let these hidden emotions come forth but why couldn't she get past a simple touch of her hand, the gentle caress of his fingers ... the look of love that he beheld?

No, it wasn't anything that had to do with the Force or her clones. This was how she always reacted to those that wanted to get near to her ever since her Grandfather died. It didn't matter that he was Luke Skywalker ... Hero of the Rebellion and the one that fought against her family. Navaria long accepted the fact that Grand Moff Tarkin was twisted and evil and her father served the Empire through loyalty and dedication.

It was because she loved him deeply. Everyone that she had loved had died and Navaria was too afraid to give herself into that love. The fear to loosing him like all the others was too great ...

All these thoughts and emotions past through her eyes while staring into Luke's. She practically melted when he grinned at her and had to steady herself by grabbing his arm.

"I ..."

Something that was hidden inside her, a part of Navaria that was always there but pushed to the side suddenly took over. It must have been the way that Luke was looking at her in that brief second, all her inhibitions broke down and something awakened inside.

Her hands quickly cupped the back of Luke's neck and she brought both their faces into a kiss. This was so much easier to show Luke how she felt then trying to stumble over words like he had done. It felt so right and so good to show her affections for the Jedi like this.

The her eyes snapped open in shock to what she was doing. How could she let herself do something like that! She pulled away from the kiss and pushed Luke away harder then she intended. Her blue eyes were wild and full of confusion. It was hard for him to locked on to them as Navaria was always pulling away from his sight.

"I'm so-sorry, Luke ... I didn't mean for that to happen."

Navaria needed to get away. This was all too much for her to deal with. Not giving Luke a chance to respond, she turned her back on him and ran off quickly in a random direction.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 2nd, 2001, 04:41:23 PM
Luke was taken by complete surprise by the kiss. Luke stood there with his head bent down towards Navaria even after she had broken the kiss, it took look a second to realize what was happening, as he bent back up he caught the end of what Navaria was saying and then she was gone.

“My god, what have I done, I put her in this situation, I should have known she was too vulnerable."

Luke ran after Navaria, she had a pretty good head start on him, as Luke rounded the next corner he came to a skidding halt, Navaria was no where in site.

Luke looked down the streets but did not see any sign of her, as Luke was about to head back to the bar he stopped. He could feel a presence; it was faint as if someone were trying to mask his or her location.
Luke followed the force presence to an empty alley there he found her. Huddled in the shadows, hopping that he would not find her there.

“Navaria.” Navaria Looked up, the tears streamed down her cheeks, she started to get up and look for another escape route.

“Wait, don’t run. It wasn’t your fault I put you in that situation, I should have known better. I need to tell you something, then after if you wish to leave I will not stand in your way.”

Luke prepared himself on what he was about to tell her. There was no choice he had to tell her the truth about his feelings.

“Navaria, When I thought you to be dead a part of me died with you, I could not bear the thought of not seeing you again. Then when you came back, there aren’t any words to describe the joy. I don’t ever want to lose you like that again, nor can I go on any longer without you knowing how I feel”

Luke placed his hands on Navaria’s cheeks, brushing the tears away with his thumbs. “I love you” he told her as he bent down and gave her a passionate kiss

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 5th, 2001, 09:21:43 PM
At first she had no idea what was happening. It was like the roles were reversed to what she had done earlier but Luke held no fear for his actions. He truly did love her. She didn't want to believe it but through the Force ... his feelings were open as a simple book. He spoke what his heart held and she could feel the truth in his words with the kiss they shared. It wasn't a desperate kiss that Navaria did before ... no ... this kiss held the passion and love that they both had for each other.

Her knees went weak and Navaria had to wrap her arms around Luke's neck to stay standing. The kiss was returned in kind because deep within her heart she knew there was no stopping this anymore. Luke came after her and even if she ran once more, the knowledge of what had happened this night would forever be burned into her heart and mind.

It was uncertain how many minutes passed but she broke away from the kiss breathless and buried her head in Luke's chest. She didn't want the moment to last being this close but she also didn't wish to stumble to the ground because her strength had been completely drained.

Navaria could hear Luke's heart beating just as quickly as hers and it was soothing to her scared mind. The melody that was heard calmed her enough to speak one sentence, though it was barely a whisper.

"I love you too ..."

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 5th, 2001, 10:20:07 PM
The words she spoke were like music to his ears, he had longed for so long to hear her say them. Luke didn't know why he loved her only that he did. From the first day he had met her he knew that there was a place in his heart for her, now she had confirmed that she felt the same.

Luke turned Navaria and placed his right arm around the back of her waist and they walked out of the alley into the shinning moonlight.

They continued to walk along the streets, Luke was never so thrilled to be alive then he was right now, he hoped for this night never to end.

The walked endlessly around until they returned to the path that would lead them back to the bar & grill.

They took another path that lead them away from the bar and onto a barely used path, Luke let the force guide his way through the brush, he came to an area that was blocked by numerous vines. He ignited his light saber and cut through the roughage and they entered a small clearing. In the middle of this clearing sat an old altar type slab. Luke had never known this was even here, but he knew what it was. This was the place where Jedi came to declare their love and it was here that Luke would declare his love for Navaria in front of the force. Luke laid his saber down on the slab and kneeled before the altar.

Navaria only stood and watched and he did this, she did not know what was going on. "Luke, what is this place?" she asked.

Luke turned to Navaria, still kneeling, Luke took her hand.

"This place is one of the most sacred places the Jedi have, it is here that Jedi declare their love and loyalty to one another and it is here where I now declare my love to you and vow my loyalty to you. Navaria Tarken.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 6th, 2001, 06:58:44 PM
Luke held Navaria close to him as they exited the clearing, they again walked up and down the path and headed back towards the bar & grill, the path was not as busy this time, it seemed most of the people that were in the bar had headed on to other areas of the planet or just headed home.

The two were so engrossed in each other that they never saw the angry gomorrean exit the bar and run into them, Luke went crashing to the ground landing hard on his tail bone. "Ahhh,, Hey! Watch where you are going" Luke looked up and saw the massive beast staring down at him and he gingerly rose from his now seated position as he did so the Gormoreean approached him and placed his meaty paw on Luke's shoulder, "Listen here pip-squeak,, You best watch where you are going, or I pound you into tauntaun fodder.", Lucky for Luke the transmitter in his comlink had activated when he fell. "Easy big fella, no need to get nasty, perhaps I has partially at fault, I wasn't really paying any attention."

The back tracking Luke had made with that comment only enraged the creature more, he believed Luke was patronizing him, and this did not sit well, especially now that they had attracted a crowd, the Gormorrean knew he would have to do something or news would get around that a humanoid talked his way out of a confrontation with him.

The Gomorrean picked up the pike he had dropped and approached Luke with a very Murderous look upon his face. Luke knew this type of confrontation was not in his best interest right now, especially with all of the progress he and Navaria had made, Luke entered the gomorreans mind and put an image of over 50 storm troopers surrounding him and before him stood every republic citizen's nightmare during the rising of the empire. Standing before him clad in his black cape and uniform, the breathing sound echoing through the gormoreeans mind. And in the raspy voice the Dark Lord of the sith spoke and the words echoed through his primitive brain. "be gone with you Gormorrean or I shall send you to the hutts and you can be a hearty meal for their rancor."

Fear shot through the Gomorrean's mind, fear of the massive creature known as the rancor, and fear of this, this… Man?. Fear of the Dark lord, the sith that had virtually destroyed the Jedi. The Gormoreean backed away from Luke and Navaria and Headed away from the bar in the direction of the landing bay facilities.

Luke dropped to his knees and held his hand in his head, he knew he did not have to go to such extremes to persuade the creature to back off, but he really didn't know where that came from, he was only going to put a little suggestion in the Gomorreans mind, but for some reason an image of his father came into view and once that happened it was too late to change tactics he had to go forward with the Mind trick, but that image had come from the darkest places of his mind. A place he had almost not come back from.

The image was so filled with darkness that it had almost consumed him.

Luke thought to him self. Hey I made it back, nothing to worry about right?

Luke made his way back to Navaria, the energy that little fiasco took out of him was evident in his eyes, but he refused to let on that he had almost lost control……Navaria did not need to know that, not now anyway. Not after all they had been through.

Luke and Navaria walked back into the bar, they had both become a bit thirsty.

as Luke and Navaria entered the bar a figure was standing in the shadows watching them intently, as it spoke "drink now Skywalker and enjoy the company of the light siders for soon you shall join the dark side, and your precious Navaria will lose another love". the voice went unheard by anyone but the mysterious intruder. The voice was distorted enough that it was impossible to tell if it was male or female, young or old...

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 11th, 2001, 03:43:33 PM
Navaria intertwined her arm around Luke's as they headed into the bar. The excitement just outside made her mouth go dry and she thanked the Force that it didn't turn into a brawl. She was so worried that would have ruined an almost perfect night ... but it didn't.

Nothing could spoil how relieved and how special she felt. It had been far too long since she last felt safe. With Luke ... there wasn't a doubt in her mind that her would protect her as his sister would guide her in the ways of the Force.

Luke pulled out a chair for Navaria, and she sat down with a smile. There were other patrons at the bar but for now, the only person that existed for her was Luke ... She knew that he was hiding something from her but Navaria let it slide. It would be something to talk about another night.

She watched Luke round the table and take a seat.

"Well ... what shall we have this time? No more champagne though, please."

A giggle escaped her throat and it was strange. At first she didn't know what to think about the choice of beverage but now, it was rather humorous.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 11th, 2001, 10:10:43 PM
Luke told Navaria that he would go get the drinks and he turned from the table and made his way to the bar.

Luke ordered a couple drinks and waited for the order to be filled.

after just a few minutes the drinks were given to him and he headed back towards the table, he was about 1/2 way when another drunken idiot bumped into him, almost causing Luke to spill the drinks. well if it isn't the Great Luke Skywalker, Killer of the first death star, HA!, you don't look so tough to me. Luke tried to turn away from the idiot but the fool blocked his way, whats the matter skywalker, not so cocky when your not in a starfighter are yaLuke grew weary of these confrontations, it was the second one tonight and he did not want anything more to ruin this evening.

Luke looked into the man's eyes and said in a stern voice, <font color=blue> you have to go to the restroom very very bad, if you don't leave now you will mess all over the place</font>.

The mans eyes became larger I..I. I got to go! the idiot than ran off.

Luke turned back to the bar and retrieved something from the bartender then made his way back to the table.

As he arrived back at the table a smile came acrosse Navaria's face I didn't think you were coming back.

Luke just smiled at her and said I ran into an old friend Luke gave a glass of fruit juice to Navaria I hope this will do, Its a little better than the alcohol in this place, I also have this for you Luke produced a single red rose from behind his back and offered it to Navaria.

A toast Here is to many more times spent in each other's company

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2001, 01:51:16 PM
EDIT~ Hit the post button by accident >_<

Her eyes sparkled with approval when Luke set the drink down.

"How did you know this was my favorite drink?"

She was continued to be surprised by the simple yet elegant gift that Luke held out to her. Navaria inhaled the scent deeply and calmed her mind as Luke took his seat across from her. Slowly she pulled the rose away from her nose and twirled the stem between her thumb and index finger, being careful of any thorns.

Locking eyes with Luke, a smile that no one had seen before spread across her lips. It was rather mischievous.

"You knew what you were going to do today ... didn't you?"

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 15th, 2001, 04:13:45 PM
Let's just say I knew what I wanted to do Luke says with a lopsided grin. I just didn't know how you would react when and if I approached you.

**takes a drink of his fruit juice**

You know, I don't think this day could become any better.

he says as Navaria and he stare into each others eyes. to Luke and Navaria the galaxy around them seems to have stood still, all that exists right this second is them.

Luke leans closer to Navaria and just as he is about to kiss her on her ruby red lips.
the server droid appraches, We will be closing soon, is there anything else I can get you?

No, We are just fine, thank you. Luke responds.

Luke looks back at Navaria, trying to figure out what she was thinking, he probably could look into her mind, but that would be too intrusive, so he just looked into her sparkling eyes..he was mesmerized by her.

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 15th, 2001, 10:37:07 PM
There were a few tense moments as they both stared into each other's eyes, wondering what the other was thinking. Navaria barely touched her drink, still in a complete daze that this night was actually happening. For once, something in her life since leaving Bakura was going right.

Considering that it was very near closing time for the Bar & Grill, Navaria finally broke eye contact and looked down at her half finished drink.

"We better get going Luke. I mean, they are going to be kicking us out anyway soon."

Her mouth went dry suddenly and Navaria took a quick drink before setting down the glass. Looking around a little bit, the droids were busy cleaning the tables and bringing soiled dishes into the back.

"Hmm .. I think they're getting closer."

She returned to look at Luke with a smile.

JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 16th, 2001, 03:51:33 PM
"Think if we just sit here they'll forget about us and go away?", "Nah, me neither, Then I suppose we might as well get out of here"

This time Luke didn't think twice about offering his hand to Navaria. "Shall we go then?"

Luke and Navaria headed for the door and once again they stepped out into the night air, which had turned a bit cooler.

Luke and Navaria walked hand in hand along the path, nearing the Jedi Quarters, Luke didn't want the evening to end, he thought desperatly for something else they could do together to keep the night going. but before they both knew it they were standing out side of Navaria's quarters. well I suppose the night had to end sooner or later...Luke Leaned against the wall smiling at navaria as she fumbled with her security key. Luke refused to leave until he knew that she was safely in her room....

Navaria Tarkin
Jul 16th, 2001, 08:10:43 PM
Talk about being a giddy school girl. Everything was fine this evening and she had to be stumbling along with her pass key. Finally, she was able to insert the key and the doors to her quarters opened.

Navaria stepped inside and turned around to meet Luke's gaze.

"Thank you for walking me home and for the flower."

She kept the rose upright, pressed against her robe as if protecting it dearly.

"I hope we can have more of these."

Not as shy as she was when this night first started, she leaned across the doorway and kissed Luke goodnight.