View Full Version : Shattered Dreams & Second Chances... [Open - Jedi Only]
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:46:49 PM
Luuke dragged his feet behind him as he approached the doors to the Bar & Grill. He knew there were Jedi about him, but what did it matter? Friends, Lovers, he couldn't have that... From the moment he had come awake, all he had been taught was to be someone he wasn't. His first memories weren't even his own, but someone else's. How does one deal with finding out he's lived in ignorance, that his life was non existent? The sorrow he felt in his heart even now was almost to deep to bear, and for a while he even considered giving in to it; Destroying himself for the failure that he was.
Luuke Skywalker, pathetic weak clone of the great Jedi Master. What pride was there in that? His life was now spent hidden beneath the shadows of his hood, stowed away in the darkest reaches of every city in which he came to dwell. He had never bothered to develop his Force abilities... it was of no use, really. He had never been gifted with that knowledge. Learning would require a teacher, and he knew that a teacher would never accept him. Who would accept him? No one! Worthless! He had been "birthed" into a worthless, useless, empty, sorrowful existence!
His every pore seethed with hatred, anger, jealousy! Why couldn't he had been destroyed? No, why couldn't he have been Luke Skywalker? Did the Emperor even know - Did he even care about what would happen to Luuke after he was cast away? No, of course he didn't care. Thinking back, Luuke knew that Palpatine never planned to let Luuke live longer than he needed him to. If not for the carelessness of a few smugglers, and the less-than-subtle questioning of Imperial Storm Troopers, Luuke would have been gunned down right there and then. That was when he felt it... heard it...
'Run, Luuke! Run!' The voice echoed in his head, a familiar longing building up inside his heart.
Luuke glanced at the chaos, realizing what he had suspected all along. There was no cease fire between the Empire and New Republic, and "Luke" had never agreed to train under the Emperor's guidance.
The would-be Jedi sighed heavily, a door hissing shut behind him as he glanced around the Bar & Grill. He didn't come here to find friends, and he didn't come here to seek guidance. He merely wanted to rest, sit back, and drink until his problems faded away. Calling out from beneath his black hood, the voice of Luuke Skywalker asked for assistance, the average sized young-man sitting himself at a table away from the bustle of the establishment.
Nichos Marr
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:05:15 PM
Nichos entered the Bar and Grill and inahled deeply. He hadn't been here in a while, and outside life was too demanding these days. Travelling half across the Galaxy, Nichos thought of it as a blessing that he actually had some free time to visit this place.
So many memories of the past. He remembered how he used to sing here, and drink the night away. Then the Sith and Imperials tightened their noose around the Galaxy. He had to 'get off his bar stool' and help the innocent. He was a Jedi, a protector of light.
"You wouldn't happen to have a can of Seppi, would you?" He asked the bartender. The bartender retrieved the can of Seppi and gave it to him. Nichos tossed him a cred chip and scouted for an empty table, or one of his friends.
"I wonder if anyone I know is here today..." Nichos whispered to himself.
One particular man caught his attention. A familiar man was sitting at a table not far from the bar. Nichos decided he had nothing better to do and walked up to the table, nodding to the man.
"Mind if I join you stranger?"
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:14:28 PM
Luuke looked up, setting down the sour ale he had mistakenly requested. How was he supposed to know that Huttese ale was this foul?
The thought of someone wanting to sit was him was different, somewhat frightening in ways. They'd eventually just walk away, telling him he's somewhat he's not. It didn't really matter anymore, and if the stranger choose to do so, then it would certainly not be a surprise... it would only be a confirmation of what he already knew.
"Why not? Go ahead... I'm not expecting anyone anyway. Not these days..."
Nichos Marr
Jun 10th, 2001, 06:37:58 PM
Nichos didn't like to pry into peoples' minds but he could sense some self-doubt from this strange character. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but Nichos had seen this man's face before...somewhere.
Nichos took a seat and set his drink down on the table. In the background the faint sound of jazt musicianss played their instruments creating peaceful music.
"Well, I always say things happen when you least expect them to. Forgive me for asking, but who are you? Your Force aura is incredibly strong. I've never seen you before, but a part of me feels like I have."
Nichos quietly chuckled.
"Maybe I'm just going crazy."
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 10th, 2001, 10:16:37 PM
::Leia walked into the bar and grill to see who was around this evening. She slowly made her way half way through the bar and thought she had spotted her brother talking to Nichos. Slowly she made her way towards their table and suddenly stopped short in her tracks. Her force senses told her..he was not her dear brother.::
::Contemplating her next move, she sat inconspiciously in the booth behind them. The Jedi Master kept her hood up, hoping not to reveal her prescence, as she tried to overhear their conversation. She had to find out more of who this fellow was and what brought him here to the bar and grill::
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 10th, 2001, 11:04:47 PM
Navaria once again came to the Bar and Grill to find solace in surrounding herself with strangers. No friends, save for a few acquaintances, the bar was a refugee for her loneliness. Her still drawn about her face is if some sort of shield of protection, her blue eyes casually scanned the bar.
A strange sense came about her. What she felt inside her was something that was almost kindred in spirit. She didn't know how to explain it better then that. It was like something that her heart was missing found its place once more. Delving deeper into the Force, a more familiar presence was known. Leia, her Master and friend.
She made her way over to Leia's table and looked at her. Her Master had felt it too and without asking, she sat down across from Leia. No words were spoken or sent between them both held curiosities to what was happening.
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:33:40 AM
"Luuke," The clone uttered, pulling back his hood solemnly, "Luuke Skywalker."
He didn't really care anymore - not about what this Jedi would think. He excepted him to go into an awestruck trance, babbling... and then would come the realization that he was no "Luke Skywalker." The scar across his face which trailed down from his eyebrow to his cheek could have told anyone that easily... It was one of the blessings of being a clone of the most powerful and well known Jedi to have lived - another of the reasons he wished nothing more sometimes than to be the one to kill Luke Skywalker... but what chance would he have against a fully trained Jedi Master?
Luuke signed and shrugged off Nichos' expression, taking another drink of the foul tasting Huttesse drink. It might not make his life any more pleasant, but quickly enough it was drowning his sorrows.
<img src=>
Nichos Marr
Jun 11th, 2001, 05:53:21 PM
"By the Force...Luke Skywalker??? You mean....THE Luke Skywalker?" Nichos had seen Leia's brother once or twice, but never actually met him face to face.
The Jedi slapped himself and blinked a few times. He had heard so much about Luke Skywalker on Rodia. But then, Nichos sensed distress in the man's voice. He backtracked the conversation in his mind and remembered an extendage on the 'u' in Luke.
Not quite sure what this meant, or how it related to the man's obvious sorrow, Nichos rubbed his chin. He took a sip of his drink, noticing how the area around him had become relatively quiet.
"You're not the Luke Skywalker I'm referring to, are you?" Nichos said with a frown. Not one of disappointment, but of remorse. The man had been irritated by Nichos' words.
JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 11th, 2001, 08:34:45 PM
Luke felt a ripple in the force and it had lead him here, the same ripple he felt when Leia told him that they had a brother, Luke had entered the bar and circled around to his sister, he immediatley focused in on the ripple it was a man in a cloak, not to different from his own,.
[i]force message:Leia, what do you think is going on[/b]
Luke watched the stranger carefully as he settled into a corner booth
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 11th, 2001, 10:48:19 PM
::When Navaria arrived at Leia's booth, the Jedi Master snapped out of her semi-trance state and looked up at her padawan as she sat down next to her. Neither Leia or Navaria uttered a word. Both read each others mind...focusing on the semi familiar prescence in the room. The two listened on for sometime.::
:: Once again...Leia felt the oh so familair force prescence again. But this time the force signature was quite distinct to her. Her eyes darted towards she can see Navaria flinched by the same feeling. The two turned to their left and there was Luke standing right next to them::
::Without hesitation, Leia quickly grabbed Luke by his cloak and yanked him into the booth quickly with her and Navaria::
::Leia shook her head at first at Luke and still did not utter a word::
::Via the force she spoke to her brother::
Luke...I just don't know!! I still do not know WHO he is or why he is here.
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 11th, 2001, 11:12:07 PM
Luke was here. Right across from her. It had been a long time since navaria saw him. If she remembered correctly, it was when he almost died by Kat's hand so long ago. She was quite grateful that her hood covered her flushed cheeks. With her death, Navaria thought such feelings for her Master's brother would have vanished. She was wrong. Even to this day she was still in love with him.
Navaria lowered her head and bit her lip in confusion, trying to decipher out logically who that other person could be. It was a welcome distraction to the feelings in her heart. The presence she felt in the other booth was indeed Luke ... but it was different. It was like her. She was Dalethria but she was not. The only plausable explanation was that he too was a clone. Luke before her was the one she had come to know. The other was a copy of him. Just like her ...
Her hands began to tremble. The thoughts of her own death and rebirth and fear of Dalethria coming to light in her mind. The pain of remembrance. Hopefully Luke and Leia were distracted enough by what was happening to ignore her foolishness.
JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 16th, 2001, 12:31:07 PM
As Luke sat in his cloak and hood, he turned his attention to Navaria
<font color=red>its is good to see you Navaria</font>.
Luke turned back to the mystery at hand, he could sense no negative energies coming from the man claiming to be him, could he be a twin, is it possible that leia and him were not twins but triplets. it was strange, to see someone that looked exactly like him.
<font color=red>Leia, it is imperative that we not spook him, he is in a very fragile state, if we confront him the wrong way it could backfire in our faces, with lethal outcomes, I think it would be better for now that he not know I am here, it could really push him over the edge.
<font color=blue>Luke calms himself, he visions a large pond with calm waters, and his force signature becomes almost non existant, only someone very close to him would know who he is.</font>
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jun 22nd, 2001, 06:32:00 AM
"Luke Skywalker... No, I'm not." He glared at Nichos for a moment, his eyes and face afflicted by a mix of pain and sadness. He wasn't strong enough to not care... not even now. He looked down at his saber, a perfect replica of the real Skywalker's. He had already taken one life with it... purely out of revenge. That man had laughed at him when he found out he was a clone... and now, he'd never laugh again...
"Why don't you just get out of here," Luuke said, looking at the table uninterestingly - but that was when he saw it, or more precisely, him. Luke. Of all the places in the universe for Luke Skywalker to turn up, he had turned up here. Luuke reached up to his face and moved his fingers across the scar, his other hand trembling on his lightsaber below the table, out of view of all other patrons. It made so much sense that Luke would show up here that he began to feel like a fool. He had come to get away from his problems and walked into a deeper tangle of them.
Slowly he rose up and took his hand away from his saber, pulling his hood up over his head. The shadows now coated him and hid the familiar visage of Skywalker, and that was what he walked. Slowly, he began approaching the table at which Luke now sat. He could very faintly make out two other people at the table, but the drink he had taken down was hitting him hard. All he could see was Luke's face and the blurring silhouettes around it. His footsteps echoed to a standstill as he reached the edge of the other man's table and glanced down at him through the shadows.
"Luke Skywalker?"
Nichos Marr
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:05:34 AM
Nichos stretched his legs and spun his chair around. The Skywalker look-alike had left and was now heading over to the original Skywalker who was sitting near Navaria and Leia.
I wonder, could it be that he was a...clone? Nichos absently waved the thought away with his hand. It was possible, though highly unlikely. A Skywalker clone would have been famous.
Nevertheless, the Jedi watched carefully, hoping everything would remain peaceful.
JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 25th, 2001, 12:22:13 AM
Luke raises his head and peers at a mirror image, it is then that he realizes that he is not a twin but a clone, he must proceed carefully
yes, May I help you my friend?
Luke remembers back to the last time he had come across a clone of himself, a clone that had been tutored in the ways of the dark side, by what else a clone of the emperor, was this clone programmed to kill him as the other was.
Luke tired of these games, ever since the destruction of the empire, he has had to look over his shoulder, wondering if every face in the crowd could be a potential assassin.
no Luke was determined this time to see that no blood would be shed with this encounter, this man could just as well pass for a twin brother, and if everything went well that is what he would consider him ....a Brother.
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jun 25th, 2001, 02:25:22 AM
"You... did this to me."
He pulled back his hood and let his head hang down slightly, letting Luke see the scar upon his flesh. The wound seemed to burn, Luuke fingers tightening around his lightsaber. Was now the time he had bee waiting for? The time to watch Luke grovel at his feet while he just took revenge for all the suffering he had been caused? Was he ready to do this..?
"And now... now..."
Luukes eyes welled up with tears as he dropped his saber and fell to his knees before the true Skywalker, staring at the floor. There was a scene around the bar a few others glanced over, then choose to look out silently...
Navaria Tarkin
Jun 25th, 2001, 04:39:39 PM
Navaria was taken aback by the strong conflicting emotions she was feeling. Luke wished only to embrace this ... clone, a twin, expanding the Skywalker family. The clone wanted revenge ... something that was all too familiar with Navaria. Such a strong and powerful emotion that it could control every action of the being that wield it.
She didn't know what to say but Navaria was on the edge of her seat, ready to protect her Master and Luke. Unlike her own twin, she may not be as strong in the Force yet ... but she possessed tricks that Dalethria did not have.
As Luuke fell to the ground, Navaria's eyes darted all along his body. Was he re-thinking his actions. She turned to Luke and her Master, waiting to see what would happen ...
JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 25th, 2001, 05:35:18 PM
"You.. did this to Me.", the words echoed through Luke's mind, and stabbed at his soul, how could he have wronged this man so much, he had not even seen him before. Luke could feel the anger in him, the hatred and the rage, Luke was sure that a battle was about to ensue. But just when Luke thought the attack would be imminent the Man dropped to his knees.
Luke looked around and watched as the bar patrons watched and then turned away when they saw Luke looking at them.
Luke looked down and saw the man's Saber; he picked it up and examined it.
The saber was an exact duplicate of his own, this man was made to be Luke Skywalker right down to the light saber, but something had gone wrong, this was evident by the look of the scar on the mans face.
Luke addressed the man kneeling on the floor.
"Tell me my friend, what is your name, and what is it that I have done to you."
Luke knew the answer to the first question, he knew that man would believe his name to be Luke Skywalker. Luke needed to find a way to calm this man, to bring him inner peace, only then would Luke be able to steer him away from the dark side.
If he (Luuke) were not careful the rage and hatred inside him would destroy him.
Luke lifted the mans head and looked into his eyes, he tried to get a sense from his mind, but it was full of confusion, rage, hatred, but yet he also felt something else, the same thing that compelled him to try and save his father. He sensed good in him.
The man is a clone of me, which means that he has my DNA, my tendencies, and my goodness. If he could be taught to let go of his hate then perhaps it could lead him on a new and better path.
Luke looked up at Navaria; she saw the fear in Luke's eyes, the fear that he would lose this "piece" of himself to the dark side.
JediMaster Skywalker
Jul 1st, 2001, 12:00:41 AM
Luke turns to his sister
"Leia, I ask that you look after him, there are somethings I must attend to"
before leaving he turns to Navaria
Luke looks at Navaria feelings of missed opportunities rise in his heart
"Until Next time Navaria Tarkin" and he gives her a soft smile
he then turns and leaves the bar with a hope that he will see Navaria again soon.
there was something else, this stranger brought up feelings that he never knew he had, did this "Luuke" remind him of someone he could have been had he taken the Emperor up on his offer? this he did not know, he only knew that he needed some space.
before exiting he took one last look back, but was he looking at the mirror image of himself or at the love he thought he had lost so long ago................
Jedi Master Luuke Skywalker
Jul 4th, 2001, 04:57:23 AM
Luuke didn't bother to answer his counterpart's questions. He just remained there on the floor, shivering slightly and crying below his breath. He felt worthless, and hadn't even been able to take advantage of this situation to murder the thing that was supposed to be himself... but no, Luke wasn't a thing at it, it was Luuke that was the "thing." He was just a clone in everyone's eyes... at least everyone who knew.
He still loved his sister, and always had. Nothing made sense, and he felt as if it had been years, but he knew she would care for him. Not the same as she cared for him... and that made his jealous boil to the surface. What could he do now?
Katarina Kariena
Jul 6th, 2001, 02:05:11 AM
Kat watched Luuke and felt his pain through the force. She didden't know who she was, she knew she had avoided the real Skywalker beacuse he gave her the creeps. She bent down near him and gingerly put her arm across his back, but ready to jump away should he lash out at her.
"Are you alright?" she asked worriedly.
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