View Full Version : ::saunters into the bar::
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:24:16 PM
::Saa walks into the bar wearing an usually lowcut shirt -- low even by a Cizeracks standards. She scans the faces of the bar's patrons, but sees no one she recognizes. Slowly she glides up to the bar and orders her usual -- gin and tonic.. with a lime of course.
::Upon taking a sip, she begins to think to herself.
jI could rrrealljy ussse sssome excjitement tonjight... jI wonderrr what'sss gojing on that would be fun to do...
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:33:53 PM
Cirrsseeto's ears perk up as he sees the familiar form of his mistress enter the bar.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:35:43 PM
::looking up from her drink, she spots Cirr.. Smiling, she yells out
"Hejy Cjirrrrrr, wanna rajissse sssome havoc tonjight??"
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:37:56 PM
Cirrsseeto begins to purr at his keeper's proposition.
Alwajysss rrreadjy, mjissstrrressssss.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:49:51 PM
::Saa begins to think of ways to irritate the Jedi in the bar..::
::Sniffing the air, a large grin slowly spreads across her face.. she reached down and pulled up a medium sized puppy by its tail while it yelped in pain::
"Hejy Cjirrrrrr... Rrrememberrr how on Carrrssshouljisss... ljive puppjy wasss a deljicasssjy... Mmmmm... jI haven't had ljive puppjy jin a long tjime... Wanna sssharrre?"
::Saa starts to drool slightly as the thought of the tasteful treat passed through her mind.. The puppy began to squirm faster in her claws as if reading her thoughts.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:56:01 PM
Cirrsseeto started to salivate, sniffing at the forrda that Saarrreeaa held...wondering what was making her act so generously as of late. Back on was rare that he would be treated to the same choice cuisine as the mistress.
Slowly, he approached her. Sometimes, the way she held such control over him, she could give him the slightest bit of leniency, and it would drive him crazy. His purring deepened as his eyes met hers.
Jun 6th, 2001, 10:32:08 PM
(wesa finish this tomorrow Cirr Cirr :) )
Hunk Seidou
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:19:18 AM
Hunk looks up from his drink, startled by the yelping of the young animal. Quickly leaving his seat, he snatched the puppt from the woman's hand, set it behind the bar and turned back to her in one smooth motion.
"Come now, I'm sure there are other ways you could amuse yourself ma'am," he said, flashing her a wide, jovial smile.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:18:49 PM
**Grunting, she lifted a pawlike hand and smacked Hunk across the back of the skull.
"Watch what jyou'rrre dojing wjith mjy appetjizerrr."
**Planting a hand on the bartop, she vaulted herself over, landing right on top of the helpless puppy. Saa picked it up by it's tail again.
"Thjisss jisss mjy food, Jedji.. jif jyou want jyourrr own, then go and fjind one."
**Eyeing the puppy hungrily, she winked at Cirr.
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:24:48 PM
:: looks at at Saarrreeaa Meorrrei ::
Just what do you think you are doing miss that is cruel try eating...something other than a poor dog!
:: takes the puppy away and hides it ::
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:36:33 PM
**Her face twisted into a snarl as she walked face to face with the human female.
"Do not mjissssss me, forrrda. Mjy name jisss Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa Meorrrrrrrrreji. jYou majy call me Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa Meorrrrrrrrreji. Gjive me back mjy food, orrr jI mjight decjide that humansss arrre fjittjing enough for Cjizerrracksss to eat."
**Glancing at Cirr, she growled...
"Fjind me that puppjy, Cjirrrrrrr."
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:38:30 PM
Yes hello to you just back up a bit alright?
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:41:17 PM
I do not think...puppies are good for you...come to think of it no live animal is good for you...
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:42:17 PM
**She found the human female to be almost hysterically funny.. and began to laugh out loud.
"Me? Back up... frrrom.. jyou??? jYou sjilljy gjirrrl.. jI haven't backed down frrrom Jedji farrr ssstrrrongerrr than jyourrrrssself... whjy would jI ssstarrrt now?"
**A tear snuck out of the corner of her eye.. Saa threw back her head and laughed louder.. completely forgetting about the puppy for a moment.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:46:41 PM
Dutifully, Cirrsseeto begins to reach forward to snatch the puppy from the Hyuu-mann female, but stops when the two start to argue. He flutters his ears, unsure of what to do next.
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:49:41 PM
:: hands Saarrreeaa Meorrrei a tissue ::
I am glad you find me to be so amusing...
Merlock Homes
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:50:58 PM
walks in and snatches the puppy holding it safely in his arms never hurt innocents. you should learn comes in handy.
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:53:07 PM
::watches the scene with thinly veiled amusement as she walks over and politely removes the puppy from Home's hands.::
Anne Millennium
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:53:26 PM
:: applaudes Merlock ::
I advise you becareful, especially since there are two..and they seem to be angry..
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:55:10 PM
Cirrsseeto growls once and lunges forward, gripping Merlock by the throat and lifting him into the air. The claws in his fingertips begin to gently extend, pressing against Merlock's carotid arteries. His ice-blue eyes narrowed as his ears folded back. He awaited a command from his mistress of what to do with this Forrda
Merlock Homes
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:55:20 PM
I don't care if there are hundreds of them! You should never even think of hurting innocents. And i'm not about to start a war over this, i just think they should try showing more respect to life and nature.
Merlock Homes
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:57:07 PM
sighs i'm used to this by now. grabs Cirresseeto's hand, prying off the fingers and flipping him over do you always follow orders? Man...i'm not here to fight, but to talk to my friends and the woman i love.
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:59:01 PM
Cirrsseeto leave Merlock alone...he has done nothing...
:: readies her staff ::
I will not attack if you leave him alone
Leon Katsuragi
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:59:06 PM
*leon walked into the bar..and saw some guy asking to be killed by cirr*
Are you some type of Idiot?
*he yelled at Merlock*
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 09:59:37 PM
OOC: Not a loosely-packed snowball's chance in Hell you're that strong, Merl.
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:00:36 PM
He did not ask for it...this is my fault..I should have never said or done anything...
:: stares at the ground ::
Leon Katsuragi
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:02:26 PM
ooc: now that I look at it there is no way he could have done that.... cirr would have taken his head before he got close enough to even try
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:03:11 PM
**Hissing with spite, she struck the back of the boy's head with her palm.. sending him flying straight into the bar. Lunging forward, her claws extended as Saa grabbed the back of the young boy's shirt. Her incredible stregth surged through her as the adrenaline rushed inside her veins. One clawed hand slammed the boy's face into the bartop and held it there as she leaned forward to hiss in his ear.
"Next tjime, rrrefrajin frrrom touchjing mjy ssserrrvant, forrrda."
Merlock Homes
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:03:18 PM
Well, i should be going anyways, See you later, Aer ^^ Bye Cirresseetto oops won't be going yet then
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:03:23 PM
I will not ask you again leave merlock alone!!
Merlock Homes
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:05:41 PM
Rule #1, never underestimate your opponents as quoted by may be the biggest mistake you'll ever make ^^ hops up and walks over to Aeris As i said, not here for a fight. don't expect us to just stand around as you eat puppies, though.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:05:43 PM
**Glancing back at the amusing female, Saa growled.
"jYou arrre ssstjill herrre? jI would have thought jyou werrre elsssewherrre bjy now"
OOC: You might want to read up on a Cizerack and what we can do. We're incredibly strong, and you wouldn't have had any chance of pulling that. Knights barely have the power. Nevermind Padawans.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:06:59 PM
Cirrsseeto stands, scowling at the Hyuu-mann who had flipped him. Suddenly, his demeanor changes completely, as he wonders where the puppy went. His ears droop as his face takes on a quizzical expression. Eyes shifting from side to side, he sniffs at the air
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:07:20 PM
I will not leave..Merlock is my best friend and all I wish is that you leave him alone...he never did anything!! :mad:
Leon Katsuragi
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:07:36 PM
*leon laughed at Aeris....if the ciz had mercy they would not kill her..*
Hey little girl...back down unless you want to be splaterd all over the bar..
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:07:53 PM
OOC: Did you totally neglect what I did? Either post, or don't. But don't ignore only certain parts of the RP.
Virgil Titus
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:09:49 PM
:: Amidst all the confusion, a single voice cut through the cluttered noise like a blade. The majority of the bar's occupants (who weren't too busy fussing over the puppy) turned to see the madman, Virgil, striding into the building. Under one arm, he held his amber-topped cane. Under the crook of the other a small, furry thing squirmed to get itself free from his clutches. ::
"Ah, as amusing as all this is, I do think you people are making quite a fuss over nothing. The Woodlanders do offer up their lives as sacrifice to us... who are we to reject them?"
:: He hesitated only a second before flinging the creature he was holding across the room. It hurtled through the air, whistling at a breakneck speed, before colliding with the far wall. The creature burst with a *SPLAT*, not unlike a fruit, sending streams of blood across the nearby patrons. ::
"Ewoks... gotta love 'em."
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:10:10 PM
little girl?!?
:: sighs ::
Ok, ok...I will back long as you guys stop eating puppies...try chicken...
:: hands Saa a chicken ::
Better for you...
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:15:55 PM
Cirrsseeto watched the ewok splatter against the wall, and suddenly the puppy was no longer on his mind. Salivating, he wondered if Saarrreeaa noticed the recent kill
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:17:51 PM
**Saa angrily pushes the chicken away, spitting in disgust. Her arm flexes once, and smashes the boy's head into the counter once more before letting go. His limp body slid to the floor. Her eyes looked at the blood trail down the the wall. The bloody mass on the floor were the remains of an Ewok.
"jInterrresstjing. Cjirrrrrr... That can be jyourrrsss... jI want ljive prrrejy tonjight."
**Looking around, she spotted a familiar Jedi holding the puppy.. sitting quietly over in a corner.
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:19:33 PM
hmmm well he it is impossible to do that..
Virgil Titus
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:20:04 PM
:: A smile on his face and a twinkly in his eyes, Virgil noticing the cat-thing that seemed interested in the fresh blood. He called across the room. ::
"Eat up, my's friend! There bes plenty more where that cames."
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:22:31 PM
OOC: Technically, he didn't. Because he never RPed getting out of my grasp. So I am still holding him, until I decide to let go. Which I did. I am leaving him unconcious, since there's this little rule against killing without permission.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:22:49 PM
Cirrsseeto turned back towards his mistress...and he remembered the puppy. Glancing back at the ewok corpse, he decided that the carrion could wait. Saa was right of course. Live prey was best. Smiling, he wondered how she was so smart.
Virgil Titus
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:26:33 PM
:: Shrugging, but still smiling, Virgil made his way over to the source of the commotion. ::
"All this bes over a little furry, yes? Well, rest assured that the Woodsie Lord can finds you all puppies to eats! If ye bes hungry, fleshthing, then eat of me. If ye be thirsty, then drink - For I am the Honeymaker and the Jacksberry!"
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:34:48 PM
::Bel feels the eyes of the Cizeracks swing towards her. Loud and clear her voice rang across the bar::
You have food lying dead on the floor. Do not seek trouble where you shouldn't be looking. I am not like these padawans -- do not trouble a Jedi who sits alone in the bar, my cat friends.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:36:47 PM
Cirrsseeto's eyes darted from the puppy-holding female back to Saa, and then back again. What to do? The female was right...they had a fresh kill in front of them...but then wasn't every day a live puppy crossed your path.
Aragorn The Huntsman
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:49:27 PM
(A dark haired man strode into the bar. His greenish-grey cloak fluttered slightly as the doors closed behind him. As Aragorn allowed his eyes to adjust to the dimmer lighting inside Yog's, he noted the atmosphere seemed a tad tense.
(He walked confidently up to the bar and looked around for a bar tender or keep that hadn't been startled by whatever ruckus the strange alien creatures had stirred up. A quiet and withdrawn man, Aragorn was content to simply watch and wait for events to unfold.)
Virgil Titus
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:51:59 PM
:: Turning, Virgil took note of the new entry. ::
"Well, well... if it isn't Lord Yyrkoon himself."
Aragorn The Huntsman
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:00:00 PM
(Turning, Aragorn regarded the strange man
"Yyrkoon? Sir, I have no idea what you are talking about.. you must have me mistaken"
Virgil Titus
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:01:06 PM
"No, no... course I don't m'lord. Just been a while for the both of us, hanen't it?"
Aragorn The Huntsman
Jun 22nd, 2001, 09:03:28 PM
(Aragorn stared at the strange man talking to him. His dark brown eyes searched the other's face, looking for some signs of recognition. THe man must be playing games with the hunter, for Aragorn could not identify one thing about the stranger that seemed familiar. Even the name the man called him was foreign. His eyes narrowed to slits. An intensely quiet and introspective man, Aragorn hated silly games. Everything about this stranger reeked of inanity, and he knew immediately that the two would not get along.
"My name is Aragorn.. Not that name you addressed me by. You may also call me Strider. And no, we have never met before.. you must be mistaken"
(his voice had grown cold by the end. The barkeep cautiously brought him a whiskey on the rocks, and accepted the hunter's credits in exchange. Aragorn turned away from the strange little man, and became absorbed in his drink... trying to avoid talking to the human any longer.
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