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Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 07:22:31 PM
. . .
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:08:56 PM
:: A youngish man walks in, acoompaying his Master Jeseth Cloak::
"Jeseth, these are Jedi? They are nothing like you told me they would be"
His gaze looked over the bar.
"They are a dissappointment"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:27:43 PM
Jeseth shook his head, putting a hand on the young man's shoulder. He was growing stronger with the Force everyday, and the Dark Jedi could sense it easily in his apprentice. He took one glance at the misguided souls before him, then sighed.
"They're lost, my apprentice... They simply cannot find their way into the Dark. Make no mistake, the allure of the light is tempting: It's simplicity, it's gentle nature, it's empathetic approach to life and the universe... but that does not make it the right path. It led me... to this."
Jeseth turned his arm up, showing the young Dark Jedi learner a mass of dotted holes along the inside of his arm in which he had to regularly inject bacta dosages. The clone had by now witnessed his master engage in this activity many times to heal the near-permanent scarring that his body had sustained. The Jedi had done this to his master...
"They will be led to destruction by their lack of vision, as I almost was. Death is preferable to such... ignorance."
The winged man in the dark robes finally pulled back his hood, revealing an ashen pale face, his hair tinged with grey, the roots and ends a dark and impenetrable black. His eyes now where nearly white, and seemed somehow to be focused on something distant which only he could see...
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:34:33 PM
"Then why do they prefer to stay ignorant?"
He galnced around looking at these strangely coloured people. Some were not a bright, ohers were quite bright. None were anything like the the one he had noted, not long ago....
Force Master Hunter
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:43:38 PM
He walked into the bar, tired and somewhat disappointed. The whole thing with that Ravenwing person had not gone well and there was on top of that the odd disturbance in the force he had noted at Coruscant. Something disturbingly familar
He moved to his normal table, looking around the room to see that the guards were in place and the NRSF soldiers were doing their job. He need not have worried, the NRSF were the nbest there was. He placed one gun on the tapbe, then called on a droid fora cup of tea. Before he sat down, he noted a few raised voices in the other corner. He glanced over there, puzzled. Carefully hiding himself in the Force, he moved for a better view. Two beings. One was a winged being, whiteish and almost dead looking.
The other.....
The other was disturbingly familiar. He decided to get a bit closer to have a better look as the being's face was partially in shadow.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:52:13 PM
"It is their destiny."
Jeseth resigned, not taking much of an interest in showing them the error of their ways. The time for that had come to end... he had learned first hand that only death and pain could extinguish the disease which they carried. His apprentice would still need to experience it first hand... but all in good time.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2001, 08:54:57 PM
He looked about, quite puzzled. All these people, all of them didnt want to be Dark Side? This was most odd. Why would they not? They seemed intelligent enough. But even intelligent beings made inexplicable decisions, he had learned in his short existance.
Ah! A person tinged Dark! "Hello! My Name is Turbogeek! This is my Master Jeseth....."
Something caugth his attention. He could see a man beginning to move in their direction, but something was wrong with him... something.... he suddenly realised. Force users seemed to be tinged Light or Dark. Non Force users were a greyish. This man had no colour whatsoever.... in fact, if it wasnt for the fact he was visible to the eye, it was like he didnt exist....
"Jeseth... that man over there..... He doesnt have a colour... at all. What does that mean?"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:07:28 PM
Jeseth glanced in the direction that the clone pointed in, his eyes squinting.
The man had hidden himself well within the Force, and in the distraction and bustle of Force users all around him, Jeseth had failed to notice anything amiss. But he knew by the look in the man's eyes that there was more going on than he was aware of, his instincts told him it was time to go.
"He's no one of importance. Another heathen, like the rest. Let's be on our way."
Placing his hand against Turbogeek's back, he began to turn, avoiding any chance of Hunter possibly getting a better glimpse of who the Dark Jedi Apprentice really was.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:11:12 PM
He noted the Dark Jedi Jeseth Cloak trying to lead the other away very quickly as soon as he caught sight of Hunter. And that just flared Hunter's suspicions even more. He drew one of his rail guns, the smart rope snaking around his wrist. He clicked the safety off.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:13:15 PM
He turned when Jeseth indicated they were going, but turned as he heard the man with no colour yell. He turned his head and by accident, his hood came off, revealing his face completely. What did the man with no colour want?
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:18:17 PM
*heard the yell an looks up from her table* what the hell is going on?*gets up from her table an walks over to where the commotion was coming from**sees a big guy messing with some other hooded guys* hey thats not fair!!
Force Master Hunter
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:20:53 PM
He nearly dropped the gun as he saw the face.
Holy.... holy @#%$!!!
He couldn't believe it.... it couldn't be true. It just... couldn't. Hunter himself had blown this man's face apart with the very gun in his hand, splattered his brains against the wall and then set fire to the body. No one, not even one a spowerful as this person came back from something like that... no one...
And yet here he was. Standing, walking, a touch younger. Just as powerful in the Force. It just couldn't be true.
"T.... Turbogeek?" he whispered. "But.... you're dead?!?! How can you be here...?" His eyes just ate the details of the face looking back at him in bemusement.
It didnt matter how it happened. Hunter knew what had to be done now. He gun came back up again and he pressed the trigger, the barrel spewing bullets ina thunderclap of noise
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:26:34 PM
Damn it! Jeseth placed his hand over the clone's head, pushing his skull out of the way of most of the incoming fire. A blast grazed across the top of the Dark Jedi's gloved hand, smoke leaping from the leathery material.
"Come with me. NOW!"
Jeseth slipped his hand away from his apprentice's head, reaching for a dagger within his cloak and looking back into the crowd. Many individuals had amassed themselves between the two Dark Sliders and Hunter, making it near impossible to get a clean shot without sacrificing someone in the process - but still, blasts continued to rain down upon the floor around them, seemingly with impossible precision for anyone who hadn't spent years in the practice. Whatever Hunter wanted, Jeseth was sure it had to do with this clone of Turbogeek... after all, as popular rumor had it, Hunter had been the original Turbogeek's executioner. There was no reason he simply hadn't made a mistake and taken this clone for the real thing...
Running ahead, laying low and attempting to push his apprentice to the front door, Jeseth glanced back to see Hunter attempting to run forcefully through the crowd, a look of madness strewn about his face. The Dark Jedi tossed his dagger through the ground, across to the other end of the room. A man sitting upon a table with a shocked expression on his face jerked back in pain, blood running down his chest. All others to that end of the room now began to run toward's Jeseth, their intent to move further away from the injured victim and out the door. This would only buy them so much more cover... but the time was vital. They needed every second. Especially on a planet which crawled with Jedi.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:37:38 PM
:: He disobeyed Jeseth, standing upright, curious what all this commotion. The strange man was holding some kind of blaster, but it seemed to be strange that there was no beams of light from it. Just noise and it seemed things exploded in it's path. Wow...
Quite suddenly, something brushed his face, a slap and sting. He put ahand up to his face as he instinctively ducked, then saw his hand had something red and shiney on it. Blood, is that what that it was? His face stung. It hurt.
He did that to you! He hurt you!
His curiosity gave way to anger, a temper tantrum. No one was allowed to hurt turbogeek, no one! Especially not with some magical device!
He searched the floor for a weapon, anything. His hand found a fork and he crawled to where there would be more cover, a place where there were a few tables. An idea came to his head...
Carefully peaking above a tabletop, he saw the odd man now looking around as people ran around him. He was searching for something.... Turbogeek sprang up and hurled the fork as hard as he could, burying the prongs into the man's hand
Force Master Hunter
Jun 7th, 2001, 09:45:51 PM
:: If the gun didnt have the smart roe tether, he would have dropped it as the for buried itself into his hand. he still did let go of it and it swung freely as he clutched the wounded hand. Bloody hell! He tensed and pulled the fork free, the sensation of pain making his skin crawl. The eating impliment feet to the floor as he looked around for the trower. A movement caught his eye as he regathered the gun, wincing as he moved the damaged tendons, then opening fire, blasting the chairs and tables to pieces in a storm of bullets.
Damn it.... it WAS Turbogeek! How in frell had he been resurrected?!::
Sten the Chimp
Jun 7th, 2001, 10:31:35 PM
Sten, reamaining in the shadows, and away from the crowd, saw the entire thing. And it still came off as strange to him. The Sith members were allowed here, as long as they played nice. Why not those two? What could they have done that could cause so much trouble? It was the Jedi's fault for all of this commotion. He was idiotically firing a strange and very powerful weapon that blew things up through a crowd of innocent people. How could they have sworn to be the "Defenders of the Light and All That Was Good" went they risked everyone else's lives? Damn those Jedi and their double standards! That's why Sten left those hypocritical bastards in the first place...
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:02:07 AM
OOC : IM NOT A JEDI!!!! You should know that quite well.
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:16:12 AM
Liam had sat at his table long enough, too many innocent were getting caught in the crossfire of FMH. He had just started firing at Jeseth and someone else. Liam sat up and lifted a table with the force then flung it into FMH.FMH was knocked back by the unexpected attack and ended up in a booth. He pulled his hood down, covering most of his face. Liam moved silently into the crowd and tried to lose any attention he had gathered.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:42:39 AM
:: Hunter got a warning in the Force, turned and saw the table coming. He swept out a kick, breaking the table as it sailed at him. More than just a touch angered, he shouted down the hubbarb
Thanks to whoever it was that threw the table, he had lost track of where the clone had gotten to.... this was not good. More disturbing, where had that damn Dark Jedi gotten to? Hunter had a few questions to ask and that person better have good answers. A fleeting movement caught a guards eye, he fired and the clone DT came hard and fast out of the area he was sheltering.
Hunter sighted, but the clone was now moving too quick, diving for cover again as several guns of the NRSF were tracking. Right, lets finish this off...
ziiiiipp. ziiiiiiip ziiiiipp.
The odd noise caught his attention as well as the sudden gagging of one of his soldiers. Hunter turned and saw the end of a fork protruding from the man's throat. He hardly gave himself time to goggle at the unexpected sight, before leaong behind cover as another fork ripped it way past his nose.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 8th, 2001, 12:55:26 AM
:: He had ducked behind the bar and crashed into a drawer that rattled. So far, keeping moving had kept him from being hit again, but with the additional crashes and bangs, it sounded like there were more people than this odd non coloured person using this weird power to make things explode. Why me he thought? Why want to make me explode?
Think quickly Turbogeek
He looked around, bumping the rattling drawer... he experimentally put a hand in there and felt something.... sharp, pointed. He dared to peek in and saw hundreds of forks. His eyes lit up as he made a grab ofr them, some spilling onto the floor as he scooped them up. His temper hadn't diminised, it was getting more and more deep as he stuffed the utentsils into pockets.
Behind you!
He turned at the arning, saw one of these beings with one of those guns. He didnt pause, he got up and leaped over the bar, tumbling as he went over into another row of tables. A fork stabbed him in the side, which increased his angerstill further. He didnt really plan it, he just wanted to lash out, so he got up far enough to clear the table, then began to thriw forks wildly, not really targeting, just trying to get these people who were wanting him to explode. He threw the forks harder faster, turning the cultery into blurs of motion, hitting targets, missing more often than not. He picked out one man and threw, cutting him down with a utensil to the throat. More screams. He just gathered another handful and kept on firing.
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 01:05:11 AM
Liam felt something sting his calf. He looked down and a puzzled look on his face. He pulled out a fork and threw it on the ground. What the hell was going on? What had those trigger-happy gaurds started this time? He glanced over the people in front of him to see someone standing on the bar..It was DT, but he was younger. Another fork whizzed by and hit some guy in the chest. Liam instictively threw DT off the counter into a wall with the force. This was getting out of control. What the hell did he think he was doing? Liam made his way to behind FMH and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Why the hell couldn't you of waited until you got outside of the bar before you fired??"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 8th, 2001, 01:24:17 AM
An explosion. That's all this encounter could be described as. Blood scattered across the walls as shining silver forks ripped through the flesh of "innocents" and aggressors alike. His apprentice was capable, and inventive.
<a href=>Snap-hiss.</a>
Ascension's blue light suddenly coated a corner of the establishment, half-screams filling the air as a loud and deafening hum peaked and then died away quickly. Four men fell to the ground, their torsos severed into sections, longs and hearts cleanly sliced apart. Their deaths had been quick and painless... merciful.
Shots flew his way, Jeseth nearly blurring as he attempted to dodge them. Blood dripped down his side as he glanced to see a piece of shirt torn away, a seemingly small amount of his flesh beneath it charred and ripped. A thousand more of the tiny and very nearly invisible projectiles flew at him, striking only the wall behind as his form vanished into the rafter's, completing a visibly painful feet of acrobatics and somersaulting onto the bar, clipping down a few more bystanders and newly-arrived security officers with the pulsating blade of his saber. A fork flew past him and nailed the bartender in the back, sending the man slumping to the counter in a dead heap.
Loose fibers of metal and wood filled the air once again where Jeseth had been, the Dark Jedi leaping back and narrowly avoiding another 10 or 20 shoots fired directly at the counter with incredible accuracy. He landed next to his apprentice and turned to him.
"We better get out of here soon."
His suggestion had been an understatement.
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 01:41:53 AM
Liam's attention had been momentarily attracted to Jeseth. 'Damn, what happened to no fighting?' Liam thought to himself. Too many innocents dead already. He noticed a gaurd laying on the ground and picked up his gun and aims it at Jeseth's midesection. He squezes the trigger and lets a few bullets fly. One bullet lands itself in Jeseth's ribs. Liam ducks to avoid detection.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 8th, 2001, 02:37:19 AM
:: He blazed away, throwing the forks for all they were worth. He could see people ducking all round and the flash of those strange weapons Jeseth called lightsabres igniting. Seemed like he was the centre of attention,as he jumped, ducked, weaved and threw for all he was worth. Some thing seemed to be guiding him, telling him where to place his feet, where to throw. When to move. His aim was getting better as he obeyed the voice that spoke to him in image flashes. He stepped and then dived as one of those men made the wall next to his head explode. How did they do that?!?
Twisting he noted Jeseth appear next to him, heard him say something over the roar of the things that made things explode. Didnt hear the words, but understood the intent.
Get out of here!
He would have to agree.... he was running out of forks. About to turn, he noticed as Jeseth suddenly seemed to stagger. Puzzled he turned....
And he saw the Man of no colour coming at them. Not armed with one of the explody things.... but with a long device, over a meter long. It was coloured silver and seemed to shimmer like sunlight catching frost. Turbogeek's heart seemed to pause and skip..... the frosty thing scared him deeply. But what was more scary was seeming the Man with no colour had taken his eye covers off and Turbogeek could stare into them. he didnt like what he saw at all. It was like... he couldnt describe it. All he knew is that it wouldn't be a good idea to stay around
"Master? Lets get out of here....."
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 03:16:10 AM
:: He was targeting Turbogeek again when Laim Jinn jooged him and spoke about waiting.
"Not a chance? Dont you get it, that's your marvelled Turbogeek and he looks like he's being trained by a Dark Sider! Do you want that type of power to get into the wrong hands you fool?"
He ducked as one of those forks ziiped overhead. He couldnt believe it.... decimated by a fork flinger. Some day he would be laughing at this, bit for now..... the gun he had clicked. @#%$, empty. He reholstered thething, shook off the teher, then moved back into some sort of cover. He saw this other Dark Sider light up his sabre and skewer some patrons of the bar.... Hunter got mad. This would not do!
He reached around his back and drew out the Sith Sword he carried sheafed to his back. The blade shimmered and as he touched it, the blade began to freeze. Icefist.... the sword Turbogeek had built before Hunter had shot him.... now Hunter was going to cut this clone in half with it. Seemed rather appropriate.
Hunter rose out of his hiding place, then dodged a fork. His sunglasses fell of, but he didnt notice. He was pure focused at the Dark Jedi and the clone. He began to advance, the blade in his hand shimmering and turning the air around him bitingly cold. He could feel the sword almost leap out of his hands, it seemed more eager than he was to cut the clone down.
Hunter saw the Dark Jedi take a shot, bit he didnt care. He was after Turbogeek. Quite suddenly, Hunter sprinted to the attack, Death the only thing reflected in his eyes
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:21:24 AM
**A petite Jedi Master was heading to Yoghurt's for the evening, planning to meet up with some friends for a drink. As she was grabbing for the frontdoor..she stopped momentarily and sensed a great disturbance in the force. Backing away slowly from the door...Leia walked over to a nearby window and peered in.**
What the.......?!!!!!!
**Seeing all the commotion shocked the Jedi Master and even more so....seeing Jeseth Cloak with DARTH TURBOGEEK**
Darth Turbogeek ALIVE!! What in the force is going on
**Grabbing her saber and unclasping it from her belt...Leia quickly entered the bar**
**She focused in on Jeseth Cloak and what appeared to be DT. The Jedi Master called out to Cloak in a very determined and forceful voice**
Jeseth Cloak...WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!!!! Stop this immediately!!! Or you will have to contend with me!!! And...
**Finding herself at a lost for words at first ...Leia blurted out to what appeared to be DT**
YOU!!!! YOU ARE NOT DARTH TURBOGEEK!! I sense much darkness in YOU!! Our beloved DT is one with the my friend are an IMPOSTER!!! AN EVIL ONE FOR THAT MATTER!!! I suggest the two of you leave this establishment IMMEDIATELY!!
**With that the Jedi Master, flicked the activation button on her lightsaber and readied herself for an impending attack**
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 8th, 2001, 06:07:02 PM
Jeseth stumbled back, growling loudly as the shot impacted him and burst inwards, tearing through his rib cage and entering his body. The pain was immediate and empowering, driving his senses for the split second. Jamming his leg underneath a chair, he gave it one hard kick for the ground, watching as Hunter tripped on it and fell forward unexpectedly.
"Lets go."
Grabbing his apprentice by the arm, Jeseth turned to give Leia one cold and icy stare, the window besides the two Dark Siders shattering into tiny fragments. He didn't know how long Hunter would be detained by the mess he had tripped him into to, but now wasn't the time to stop and figure that out.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 8th, 2001, 06:35:49 PM
:: He saw some woman screaming at him from one side and this Man with no colour, who seemed to have gotten up real quick. He was agreeing with Jeseth, he helped his Master get up and turn for the door. They both moved as fast as they could. Turbogeek made the door first and even began dragging Jeseth in his haste to get out of this place. Obviously, light coloured people didnt like dark coloured people? He would have to ask Jeseth about that.... if they got out of this.
He shoulder charged the door open and ran out into the night, still dragging Jeseth by the shoulder. ::
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 08:32:18 PM
Liam looks up as the B&G doors are flung open, with the clone and Jeseth making their exits. He turns and looks at FMH, who had tripped over a chair. He was now getting up and cursing violently. Liam grasped the gun in his hand and ran out the doors after the sith, firing a couple of shots at them as he made his exit as well.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:37:09 PM
:: He had barely hit the ground before he was regaining his feet, to see Turbogeek and that other Dark Jedi making good thier escape. Nit enough time to stop them that way....
He glanced at one of the walls, drew back his arm and flung the sword point first deeply into a wall. The wall gained a coat of frost instantly as the power of the sword supercooled the metal. Hunter took a run, shoulder chraged the wall and smashed the now brittle metal, grabbing hold of the sword as he did and flying through the air in a spray of shards, to roll onto the ground outside and then back on his feet. The air was fairly warm outside and there was still a good amount of light, but the sword seemed to suck every bit of heat from the surrounding air.
He ended up in front of the now skidding to a stop Dark Siders.
"You.. " he pointed at Jeseth "Leave."
"You...." he poited at Turbogeek "Die". He stepped to attack once again.
Lance Casey
Jun 8th, 2001, 09:52:59 PM
Casey was making his way to the Bar and Grill to meet up with Liam. Casey reaches the door only to have it slammed into his face. Casey falls to the ground and grabs ahold of his nose. He look's over and see's two men in cloaks, one dragging the other. Casey get's up only to have the door swing open and hit him in the nose again. When he turns his head to see who it was this time, he see's Liam running after the two men and firing shot's at them. Casey get's up and enters the bar with his head up in the air to stop the bleeding.
Casey "Next time I see Liam, remind me to break his nose.
Casey put's his head down only to see Leia standing in the Bar and Grill, surrounded by dead and injured bodies.
Casey "Oh my God."
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:01:01 PM
OOC : just aquick adjustment.... one thing that always ticks me off is saying the bodycount is high. Humour me for once... the damage this time is mainly cosmetic, whch was ALWAYS the intention only. Considering most people in here are Jedi or highly trained soldiers, having stacks of bodies doesnt quite make sense.
Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:08:00 PM
Jyanis trenched on with his head bowed towards the dense grass. He was in need of a drink to help wake himself up, and maybe some human contact. Well, maybe not human.
He lifted a small cigar to his lips and raised his lighter as he rounded a cluster of trees... and dropped it into the mud as he gazed before him. The door wide open. Blood, random footprints, and an odd sense that felt old and new all the same.
He took the cigar from his mouth and held it between two fingers, scanning the area, speaking aloud to noone in particular, "I missed something, didn't I?"
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:18:38 PM
"Not a chance in hell."
<a href=>Spark - Clash!</a>
Jeseth leaned forward, Ascension's glowing blue plasma blade intercepting the eerie and seemingly antique weapon - but it held!
The sword held it's place! How?
Jeseth could only help but to consider the unexpected twist. He should have known that Hunter wouldn't arm himself with merely a relic, and now as the mans knee connected with Jeseth's already wounded abdomen, he knew that the sword was indeed a relic - the only kind of relic which could have possibly blocked his attack: A Sith Blade. He could feel the Force coalescing over it as it made it's downward cut, prepared to remove his head from it's proper place upon his shoulders, but he was far to experienced to die so dishonourably, early into a fight.
The blue saber deflected the heavy swing, <a href=>sparks</a> erupting between Jeseth and Hunter, traveling through the air and onto DT's chest before being reduced to dying embers. Hunter came back around with his sword, attempting to use Jeseth's wounds to his own advantage, but the Dark Jedi had just managed to dodge in time, pulling his apprentice back out of the way of another of Hunter's maniacal and unrelenting attacks. Behind him, blaster bolts were coming in more and more clearly, a tree behind Hunter bursting into charred shards and fragments as a red stream of intense energy screeched by them loudly.
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:27:23 PM
Liam ran into the middle of the fight, Jes and Hunter were at it. Gah, I guess I'll distract Jes long enough for FMH to get DT..Liam continued his pace until he got close enough to hunter to yell.
"Need a hand??"
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:36:19 PM
::Total chaos and commotion is all that could be seen..Leia called out to some New Republic officers to take care of the damage brought on by the Dark Jedi::
::She quickly clipped on her saber and pulled out her trusty blaster from beneath her cloak. And darted after the two FMH and Liam Jinn were in hot pursuit...Leia followed after them::
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:40:32 PM
:: Hunter swept, moved, darted and attacked again, his movements now becoming graceful as he took the fight to the dark Jedi. The sword seemed to have a life of it's own as it moved, flashing and sparking with the coating of frost. The intense cold of the blade hit back at the intense heat of the Dark Jedi's sabre...
From the corner of the eye, he saw Turbogeek edging away to make a bolt for it. Hunter stepped back out of an attack, purposly stepped into the firing line of a blaster and deflected one of the bolts coming at him. Except the bolt changed as it hit the blade... the bolt froze as the blade sparked red, the plasma now converted to an icicle that fired outwards at Turbogeek, hitting his leg and even piercing the calf. Another bolt was deflected right at the Dark Jedi, the icile smashing into Jeseth's jaw. Hunter then aimed a two handed swipe to decapitate the Dark Jedi....
Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 8th, 2001, 10:43:50 PM
Jyanis finally saw what the commotion was. The fight in the distance. He couldn't make out who it was, but sparks were flying. He tossed his cigar aside into the mud with his lighter.
"Aw Hell, it was cheap anyway."
He ran forward between the trees, jumped over a fallen log and ignited one end of his lightstaff. He retracted the unlit end of the staff into the handle and kept running.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:07:11 PM
The shard of ice came across his jaw, blood pouring down painfully as a gash became apparent. Jeseth ducked back and watched at the very tip of Hunter's sword cut through the air mere millimeters from his head, a thin layer of frost appearing along his eyebrow ridges and hair as it passed. The Dark Jedi came up fast, his side and jaw now stinging painfully. Another flash of blue light and a loud hum, a clashing spark of enchanted metal and pulsating light. Jeseth watched from the corner of his eye as another two Jedi arrived on the scene, his situation growing graver by the minute. It was these hypocrites who forced him into taking those lives at the bar, Hunter's attack of Turbogeek having been totally unjustified.
But he had to give the man credit... he fought well.
Mirror Mirror, do as I say.
Turn all enemies back away.
Send them back from whenst they came.
Send them back, with no harm or pain.
Mirror Mirror, do as I see,
Mirror Mirror, so mote it be!
The blades locked simultaneously in battle, both opponents pulled in counteracting directions and angles. Hunter swung again, Jeseth's moves perfectly mirroring his, the impact of the assault being reduced to nothing. Somehow, the Dark Jedi was canceling out his leverage, and all of his moment. Mist rose up from between the two weapons as Jeseth shook the frost from his hair, watching it incinerate into the glowing blue blade before him.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:12:29 PM
:: He dropped to the ground, clutching at the .... ICE?!?! that had imapled his calf. Dosbelieving, he could only stare in surpirse. How...? Hand grasped the ice and then with a heave he pulled the icicle out of his leg. His scrotum retracted as he screamed in agony, the howl loud and drawn out. The blood dripped off the ice and partially downhis leg... pain... pain... PAIN!! His bak arched with another screaming howl as tears came to the eyes... he never knew so much pain could exist... so much... SO MUCH!!!
HE did this to you
Turbogeek racking sobs didnt stop him looking at the the people gathering....
THEY did this to you! They want to kill you for something you could be, not for who you are!
Yes.... yes... what had he ever done to them? What was this injustice? His anger began to flare. His hate began to swell. Somehing inside him told him what he needed to do.
Consume yourself in fury! Gather your hate, it makes you strong! do it
Yesssssss... his anger seemed to get hotter. Even fueled by the leg wound. He stared at the .... Jedi .... hating them. He stared at this Man with no colour, hating him more. His fury exploded in rage as he somehow dragged himself to stand on his feet. Fury... anger... hate... he fed on them, turning it all into himself, fueling the fury until it was a white hot bonfre.
He rammed a fist into the sky as the correct way to do this came to his mind, unbidden. On his finger tip a small flame danced.....
A wave of heat rushed outward, the ground beginning to lick with falme as the white hot fury just pushed...... a ring, expanding around him of earth burning spread, his anger, his hate, his rage just fuelled whatever it was he was doing. There were no explainations. Just a do....
Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:24:23 PM
He was running as fast as the Force would allow him, but a roar from one of the familiar beings stopped him in his tracks.
The ring exploded and reflected in his eyes. The grass was whipping down with flame fast. He jumped back as the fire got closer to his feet, looking up to the others for a clue as to what to do.
Liam Jinn
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:32:50 PM
Liam ran backwards away from the fire, since nothing could be done to block it for now, a force bubble useless against the heat.
Force Master Hunter
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:42:09 PM
:: He was about to strike again at the Dark Jedi when a sudden roar caught his attention. He turned and his eyes almost bugged out at the sight of the approaching flame ring. He didnt have time to even swear. He turned the sword and planted it inot the ground right at his feet. The super cold effect immediatly snap froze the ground under his feet and he kept his grip on the sword as the flame ring came at him. The ring broke upon the area the sword chilled, went around him and continued on. He clung to the sword for all he was worth, the cold and the heat contending for supremacy and instead neutralising each other. The air it self was getting almost too hot to breathe, only the swords power saving him
He swore loudly now. Who the frell had taught the clone to do this?!?!::
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 8th, 2001, 11:56:49 PM
Jeseth's sword moved down into the ground with Hunter's, leaving him burning as the air began to heat up around him. He needed to break this spell, and now.
Powers that be.
Powers that bind.
What now is yours,
Make it mine!
The saber pulled loose from the ground, Jeseth's gloved hand smoking noticeably as he began to run, moving as quickly as he could in his weakened state, his mind focusing on getting Turbogeek out of the area as soon as he could. The circle expanded, but there at the center he could see the clone standing, his fist held up into the air in anger. That would do just fine for now...
The others watched as Jeseth crouched, leaping upward and landing beside his apprentice with a tumbling thud. Jeseth clutched to his side, deactivating his saber and clipping it to his belt.
"Turbogeek, calm yourself! Control... you must learn control!"
Jeseth reached for his wrist, pulling himself up and watching as the ring continued to expand, the landing pads and the Jedi to opposite sides of the flames.
Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 9th, 2001, 12:03:50 AM
He continued to jog backwards with his lit saber in his right hand. The flame was moving a bit slower, but still chasing him. Finally, he grew weary of it and turned, running full out away towards the bar. He turned and skidded to a halt, and stared in disbelief.
The ring was creating a blaze in its wake, and taking out the forest. He turned and kept running, seeing Liam in the distance.
Liam Jinn
Jun 9th, 2001, 12:27:56 AM
Liam glanced over his shoulder seeing how far the flame was behind him. He saw Scorp and skidded to a halt, stopping Scorp as well.
"Ok, listen we gotta get this thing out before it reaches the bar. You think we could get a strong enough cyclone going in order to stop it? But we'd have to be able to control it, thats really the only chore, wanna give it a try??"
Jyanis Scorpion
Jun 9th, 2001, 12:31:27 AM
"Sure, why not. My day's been going good so far."
His tone reeked with sarcasm, but he grinned, and they took off towards the bar.
Darth Turbogeek
Jun 10th, 2001, 08:15:52 AM
:: He hit the ground and as he did, he felt a wearibness hit him. He heard Jeseth's words dimply, but it was a moot point. His anger had been expended in the burst and he just felt tired. The flame's died with no push behind them. How did he do that?
GLacing up, he saw the Man with No Colour surrounded by what looked like mist, the sword he held smoking as well as he ground. Turbogeek watched as the man looked up and his eyes bored into Turbogeek's.
Dt felt his viens turn to ice. This other man was simply the most frightening thing he could imagine for some reason.There was something that made him want to run.... and picking himself up, he did.
Sten the Chimp
Jun 10th, 2001, 09:12:19 PM
OOC:Sorry FMH. I forgot. I retract almost everything I said in my last post.
Sten watched from the roof of the B&G, completely amazed. How could a barfight so small lead to the decimation of a forest? Sure, Sten was all for destruction, but not of the forests. Not of the creatures who were out of the reach of the understanding of the Force. They knew nothing of these powers or of the powers that binded all living creatures together, or the very power that made them exist. And they were being destroyed. It hurt Sten. But, as he thought to himself, he understood. It was the casualties of war. Even if they didn't understand or weren't a part of the war, they would die. Oh well... Sten decided that he would use this small incident as fuel for the rage that would be needed much later...
But for now, he decided that he would get a closer look at the battle ahead. And who knows, maybe he would even get involved. But it was too soon to tell. Sten took off into the scorched wilderness, not even hearing the sickening crunch of the incinerated ground, or feeling the charred remains of Gaia beneath his f
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 10th, 2001, 11:29:11 PM
Jeseth took off, running as fast as he feet would carry him. Pain echoed through his side, rebounding off his ribs and through his lungs. He was bleeding inside... he could feel it.
A glint of steel could be seen in the Dark Jedi's hand as he continued to run along, limping slightly a few feet behind Turbogeek as they arrived at the flight pads. There was security moving in to seal the area, but it wasn't going to stop them. A flash of blue light signaled the end of the two guards who had just pulled their weapons on him, their arms falling to the ground with a thwack. Smoke trailed up from their severed limbs profusely, the cauterized wounds searing brightly with pain as they yelled out in anguish. Jeseth Cloak had had enough.
Giving the area a quick visual scan, he noticed a Rodian tech working on his ship, but the repairs seemed far from finished... They had to find another way out. Some other way - Aha!
"What the frell - AAAAAAHHHHHH!"
A young man fell to the ground, his arms severed from the elbows up as he fell back from the opening hatch of his ship. Jeseth crushed his rib cage as he ran up into the ship, not bothering to wait around until the hatch came down onto the mans legs with a deafening crunch. Everything was ready to go inside the old-styled ship... Except the Hyper drive, and he knew someone would be stupid enough to follow them up.
"Close the hatch!"
He yelled at Turbogeek, his hands already busy at the controls to get the ship's primary sequences going. His apprentice had already learned a bit about working with ship's on their few journeys, and thankfully it had been enough to properly seal a loading hatch. He could feel the ship rumbling beneath them, the shields going up around it as blaster fire and other assorted weapon's struck into the hull and rebounded through the landing pad area.
Jeseth Cloak
Jun 16th, 2001, 01:24:56 AM
Seconds had seemed like long minutes, but it had passed. The ship cleared the landing pad, a few of the NRSF officer taking cover to avoid any fire from the craft, but no fire came. With a burst of speed and a humm of engines, the ship was gone, streaking up through the atmosphere.
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