View Full Version : SSSHORRRE LEAVE! (Open to all bar-goers)

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:18:36 AM
(Through the doors of Master Yoghurts bar & grill, a rowdy group of red-armored aliens begin to stampede inside.

Three-dozen in all, the soldiers were members of the prestigious 22nd Fighter Infantry, who were assigned to fly in the Keerta fighter-grappler ships...the first soldiers to invade an enemy ship.

Dispatched from the Korri battlecruiser carrying Admiral Arreearruu, the soldiers enjoyed a shore leave while the Cizerack fleet attended trade negotiations in the Yavin system. Hungry, thirsty, and looking for a good time, the raucous aliens began causing a scene around the bar, as they yammered, shouted, and began to order food and drinks.

Two of the soldiers got into a shoving match, each snarling guttural Cizerack curses at each other. It didn't take long for the two to resort to an all-out brawl, knocking patrons, chairs, and tables out of the way.)

Selena Kyle
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:43:54 AM
::Selena ran quickly over to one of the Cizerack and yanked him by the arm::

Now..you see here!! Knock off the rude attitude and take a seat please...nicely. Then I would be more than happy to serve ya?

Got it?

::Yes ...Selena was a little irritated but can you blame the poor waitress. She did not like rowdy crowds::

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:44:15 AM

**Dyzm runs over, picks up a chair, and slams it into the back of the first person he sees**(next person to post)

Krystal Starblazer
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:48:42 AM
Krystal known to be a loner Rogue Jedi quickly sprung up from her seat and turned to Dzym grabbing her saber from her belt. All of a sudden

Snap Hiss

Her violet saber came to life

"I think not Sith Boy!!"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:51:17 AM
The Cizerack turned to Selena, grinning widely as he talked to a few comrades beside him.

"Hjyuu-mann femalesss jisss...fejissstjy!"

He in turn took Selena by the arm.

"Want to ssserrrve me, jyesss? Ssserrrve morrre wajysss than one?"

Another soldier chimed in.

"Hope ssshe ssserrrvesss morrre than one!"

The comment roused a series of laughs from the Cizeracks.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:52:05 AM
:: Tohmahawk turned around, irritated. It had taken the NRSF some time to fix this place from the last fight.... waht now??? He saw some one lift up a chair to smash someone, thence he drew the biggest, heaviest gun he had, sighted, and blew the chair to pieces. The thunderclap from the Remington Pump pellet gun froze everyone in place and pieces of chair floated back down tot the ground again


The clicks of NRSF weapons being cocked sounded onimously.

"PLAY NICE PEOPLE AND HAVE A GOOD TIME!" He shook his headin irritation.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:56:11 AM
A tall Cizerack stood chest-to-chest with Tohmahawk

"jI don't ljike jyou."

Selena Kyle
Jun 11th, 2001, 12:58:38 AM
::Selena getting very aggitated turned to the Cizeracks, after abruptly jerking her arm away from them::

YOU heard the man. Now..play nice and keep your filthy paws off of me.

::Her eyes narrowed..she could not give a damn what they thought. Afterall they were being quite rude to her::

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:02:40 AM
:: Tohmahawk gave the Cizerack an evil look, spun the barrel of the Remington before shoving the barrel of the shot gun up the nose of the Cizerack in an incedibly fast move. He onimously cocked the hammer.

"Funny, I was just getting to like you big boy. Now if you want to cool it, we have some nice live cows you might like. What would you prefer, live meat or would you like a snotball full of pellets? Either way dont matter to me - I'm sure your Admiral, whom I've just spoken to would prefer you to have some food, wadda say?"

Krystal Starblazer
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:03:18 AM
Did you ever think the Captain don't like you either?! Hmmmm?!

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:03:26 AM
The Cizerack next to Selena laughed loudly, removing his hands from her.

"Fjithjy pawsss?"

He examined his hands, and sniffed them.

"Thejy ssseem clean to me, but perrrhapsss jyou wjisssh to clean them forrr me?"

Another soldier chimed in from behind.

"Ah, ssshe knowsss wherrre jyourrr handsss have been, Korrrrrroussssssa!"

The comment brought more laughter from the pack, and Korroussa promptly slugged the joker in the face, which brought more laughter.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:04:00 AM
**Dyzm drops the pieces of the shattered chair**

Party Poopers...

**Dyzm spins and runs toward the bar counter, reaching into his cloak, he pulls out a grenade, pops the pops the pin and tossing the grenade out behind him. He quickly jumps over and behind the Bar Counter and covers his eyes as the Flash Bang Grenade goes off, blinding everyone with the bright flash of light**

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:08:08 AM
The Cizerack staring at Tohmahawk froze for a moment, and then began to laugh.

"jI change mjy mjind, Forrda. jI ljike jyou!"

He backed away from the barrel of the gun, and sat at the table with Tohmahawk.

"Letsss arrrm wrrressstle!"

Selena Kyle
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:08:51 AM
::Selena totally disgusted with this rude bunch was getting quite angry.::

I don't get paid enough to deal with arrogant fools. But ya know what?! I am not going to let you bother me. So...let's get this over with. The sooner the better will be fine with me.

Now..you see those menu datapads before you.

::Selena pointed to the table::

Why don't you just tell me what drinks and food orders you would like, then I would go get them for ya.


Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:12:18 AM
:: A trooper of the NRSF stands behind Dyzm, the cannon in his hand cocked and ready to fire.

"Hey there Sith boy...... like to keep your head?"

The laughter of troops sounds out and Dyzm sees he's surrounded by 5 men bearing some of the biggest weaporny he's seen.

"Try anything... And I mean anything Sith boy and you end up in a lot more pieces than you are now. You might take one of us down, but not all of us and these guns are set for hair trigger." He eased the barrel to point straight at Dyzm's eyes.

"And dont try no Force tricks either smartass. We were chosen to guard this place because we're immune to mindf**** and know what you scum are capable of. Now SHUT THE F*** UP AND JUST GET BACK TO DRINKING ELSE YOUR BRAINS DECORATE THE WALLS FASTER THAN YOU CAN EVEN THINK ABOUT MOVING!"::

Dark Lord Dyzm
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:13:07 AM
**Sees Everyone Ignoreing His Posts**

A well, cant be the center of attention all the time...

**Sits Down and orders a Drink**

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:14:00 AM
The Cizerack huddled around the menu datapads...whispering to each other for a moment. A few scratched their heads, and some fluttered their ears.

After about 30 seconds, the spokesperson of the group looked at Selena.

"What doesss jit sssajy?"

A Cizerack behind him cackled.

"jI thjink ssshe wantsss to talk djirrrtjy!"

The group laughed again.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:16:34 AM
:: Tohmahawk grinned. Nice dealing with real soldiers for a change.

"All right. You win, I get you two live cows, I win, your paying the bar tab. Hows that sound?"

He spin the gun so it pointed away from the Cizerack, then looked over where a Sith was surrounded by troops. Dear oh dear, Now there was a prime idiot.

"Okay, what do I call you? I'm General Tohmahawk by the way, New Repbulic Special Forces"

Selena Kyle
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:18:54 AM
::Selena rolls her eyes and counts to ten to herself trying to desperately calm her nerves::

::Then in a saracastic voice::

Oh...silly me..I forgot you are a very illiterate bunch. Now that does explain all!!

Ok...what will it be boys? And if you can't order something decent..it will be an order of root stew for the table with some non-acholic Correllian Ale.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:24:03 AM
---The other Cizerack moved in closer to Tomahawk, a few of them snarling, apparently unaware or perhaps indifferent of the NRSF which surrounded them.

"jI'll put my pawsss anywherrre jI want."

The voice echoed out loudly as one of the red-clad males slammed his hand on the table, tension building up as the NRSF began to take carefully calculations, unsure of who they would fire upon if a fight broke out. Every single one of them felt a deep foreboding in their throats about bringing on a war between the Cizerack and the New Republic...

"Now letsss drjink!"

The other cats started laughing, the large one in front of Tomahawk, shoving him somewhat playfully into a seat which quickly tumbled back, sending the man sprawling to the ground, seemingly seated on a horizontal plain, his back flat to the seat, and the seat flat to the ground. One of the larger males tossed a mug of strange ale at him. Hunter caught it with a clumsy sort of grace, the rancid liquor spilling out over his clothing and dripping down his neck.

The Cizerack burst into laughter, taking swigs of their drinks and pounding on their seats and the bar's dull-metal counter. The large and more aggressive of the men stepped up to where Tomahawk lay seated on the floor and offered him a hand.

"Arrrm wrrressstljing!!"

Tomahawk was tugged to his feet violently and tossed into another chair, his shirt still soaked with ale. The large male sat across from him with an intense, yet playful, look. He wanted to arm wrestle...

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:24:09 AM
The spokesman tossed the datapad aside.

"Whateverrr'sss got sssome fjight left jin jit jisss good forrr me."

A symphony of "me too"s could be heard behind him.

"Brrrjing that, and jyourrr ssstrrrongessst drrrjinksss."

The spokesperson winked.

"And whateverrr elssse comesss wjith the meal."

From behind the spokesperson, a shorter Cizerack stood on a table, pointing at a Twi'Lek female at the bar.

"Look at that! Ssshe'sss got tajilsss comjing out of herrr head! jI wouldn't mjind one of thossse forrr fun!"

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:30:01 AM
:;As the large Cizerack tried to flick him into a second seat, Tohmahawk's hand tensed and rather unexpectatly, the Cizerack was on the floor, with Tohmahawk eyes glinting with msichief

"Yeah, we arjjm wresjjle matey. Like to start now?"

The NRSF soldiers also snickered. This was going to be fun to watch. Some reholstered weapons and generally relaxed.

Selena Kyle
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:32:33 AM
Very well then.

::Selena picked up the datapads from the table and placed an order in for the Cizeracks. About 15 minutes later...she returned with a several racks of ribs and orders of very rare steaks for the group along with a large bottle of 150 proof Corellian whiskey::

Here ya go Fellas. Enjoy

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:34:15 AM
The Cizerack jumped to his feet, grunting as he approached Tomahawk intently.

"Strrrong... forrr a Hjyuu-mann."

He slumped himself down in the seat across from the man and slammed his elbow onto the table, his muslces bulging noticbly beneath the stripped fur which coated him.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:38:18 AM
:: "You have no idea mate"

He pulled up a chair and then placed his arm on the table, his eyes still filled with mischief. "ahh, one moment..."

He grabbed a can of Fosters, opened it and placed it on the table.

"Loser drinks it. Okay? Now show me what yer got"::

Avolon Bisel
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:41:37 AM
Avolon has just came in when things settled down. Still seeing guns drawn he thought it a stupid thing to me un-armed. He looked to the Astromech next to him, that he entered the bar with.

"Max, pop the hood."

Max, the Astromech, shot out a blaster equiped with a ballistic chamber. One could switch modes at will. Avolon had made it himself. It weighed a lot, but his arms could handle it well. He caught it mid flight.

Avolon, never one to miss an arm wrestling match, even if it meant neglecting his bartending duties. He pulled up a chair nearby and sat in it, his left arm resting on the Astromech's dome, his right arm swinging low, blaster in hand.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:42:34 AM
The Cizerack male grimaced and spit at the sign of the horrid thing that Tomahawk had placed upon the table. Not even he would drink THAT.

"All talk and no actjion... You'rrre all the sssame."

He gripped the man's arm powerfully, his claws encircling Tomhawk's tiny hand and clamping down around it. The Cizerack began to luagh, waiting for the count.

Lady DeVille
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:44:56 AM
De'Ville entered the Grill and shouldered her way through the patrons to the bar. Shots tonight? She looked around. Yeah...sounds good to me. She ordered two straight vodka shots, and leaned back on the bar waiting for them. Her short hair fell against her face and she pushed it out of her eyes, and straightened her tight black jumpsuit.

Seemed to be a happening place tonight.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:47:48 AM
:: "All talk heh?"

Tohmahawk's arm muscles bunched and he powered the Cizeracks arm downwards. The other was obviously startled, but recovered, his strength bringing the arms back to equality.

Tohmahawk's eyes were still sparkling with mirth. "What's wrong, cat got your tongue?". He began to bear down again, beginning to use what was now apparently far more strength than his frame seemed to have::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:00:40 AM
The male tensed his arm, viens throbbing as he pushed against Tomahawk's noticably unreal strength. The man was strong..


He strained, grunting at he pushed foward, sweat dripping from his brows and nose.

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:10:41 AM
:: He was beginning to strain now. These Cizerack were bloody strong... but he wasn't entirely human either. Being born on a heavy gravity planet gave him far more strength than humans possessed and he was now putting it to good use. Even that was not going to be enough in the end, Cizerack were stronger again and this one truly so. But not by lot. He could see the others watching hadn't expected for a mere human to actually be able to even get close.

Tohmahawk strained, sweat beginning to drip and veins poppings in the effort.

All right kitty, your gonna win, but I'm gonna push you to the limit....

With one last big push, he began to force the Cizerack's arm to the table top

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:17:12 AM

The Cizerack's eyes began to buldge brightly, his teeth beared at Tomhawk as he pushed harder, his muscle's burning and pulling taught in the effort. This humn wasn't your average everyday joe...


Drops of sweat began to drip upon the table from the Cizerack's chin, his eyes focused intently on Tomhawk as he shoved the Human's hand closer and closer to the table top... he could win if he just pushed a little harder...



The Cizerack's cheered, laughing and slapping their clawed paws upon Tomahawk's back. The male in front of him yelled out for a drink.

"Strrrong, too!"

A large arm slammed a the Foster's before Tomahawk, leaving the man staring at it in disgusted disbelief.


The Cizerack grinned.

Lady DeVille
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:17:35 AM
De'Ville gaped momentarily at the huge pile of ribs that the group of Cizerak's recieved....and then looked at the shot glasses the bartender put up. What, was she crazy!?

"Er, I changed my mind, soda water?" Gross, I hate soda water! "Or... oh, blood and ashes, gimmie a water."

Captain Tohmahawk
Jun 11th, 2001, 02:41:27 AM
:: Tohmahawk grinned, and sucked in air to recover. Hell, these Cizerack were bloody strong...

"Were'nt quite expecting that now, were you?" He grabbed the can, ripped the ringpool and consumed the lot in one lone swallow, slamming the can back onto the table while some of the NRSF cheered.

"That stuff we use for cleaning engines and drinking games mate. We even drink Jedi Toilet Dukcs to prove we're real men. All right, cow's out the back. You want to eat it here and make the patrons sick, or have it slaughtered first? "::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 10:54:15 AM
The half dozen Cizerack huddled around Selena stopped yammering when she brought out a few large plates of food. For a moment, they stood around the table, looking at the ribs and steaks. A few comments could be heard in muffled tones.

"jI thjink sssomethjing got to thessse fjirrrssst."

"Not much fjight left jin thessse Forrda, eh?"

One of the soldiers snatched up one of the bloody-rare steaks, shoving half of it into his mouth. Tearing a chunk away in a messy mouthful, he forced it down and tried to talk at the same time.


Another sat at the table with semi-drooped ears, poking a slab of ribs with a claw.

"Not frrresssh enough forrr me. jItsss not movjing."

A murmur of comments from the group began to grow. Some sat and began to messily gorge themselves on the raw meat, and some weren't content with the portions, either in amount, or in state of life. One such Cizerack took a handle of the Corellian whiskey, popping the top off with a claw.

"Well, jif jit'sss the bessst the Hjyuu-mannsss have, jI'll eat jit...but not wjithout ljiquorrr jin me."

The idea was supported by the others, who snatched up the bottles of whiskey with gusto, quaffing down the amber liquor eagerly and messily. Now satiated, the group began to tear apart the portions given to them en masse. Sounds of tearing, slurping, and gnawing could be heard as the soldiers ate without any semblance of human etiquette.

The shorter Cizerack of the group came up with a rib, gnawing on it happily. Standing from the table, he walked over to the bar, tapping the female Twi'lek on the shoulder. She turned, and he hoisted her off her barstool, so that she stood next to him. He purred happily, tossing the gnawed rib bone to the floor.

"Hello tajilsss...want to plajy wjith me? Have sssome fun?"

Before she could protest, he began to kiss her, reaching up to her head and playing with her lekku.

"jYou arrre sssexjy ladjy, tajilsss." The shorter Cizerack chimed.

Sten the Chimp
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:12:56 PM
Sten sat in the corner, watching the arm wrestling match with humor. He found all of this rather rediculous, but he was hoping that a bar fight would ensue again. This time, he would be in on i

Sten the Chimp
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:13:46 PM
Sten sat in the corner, watching the arm wrestling match with humor. He found all of this rather rediculous, but he was hoping that a bar fight would ensue again. This time, he would be in on it...

OOC: EDIT: Sorry bout the posting it twice. My com went on the fritz when I was posting it.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 01:41:21 PM
A couple of soldiers noticed the small primate in the corner of the bar. The smaller of the pair elbowed his comrade.

"Eh, look therrre. And we thought we wouldn't fjind anjy decent Forrda herrre!"

His friend made a quizzical face, his ears perking up.

"That one? Nah, all skjin and bone!"

He thumbed in the direction of an ewok.

"Therrre'sss betterrr porrrtjionsss jin that one!"

Smiling toothily, he continued.

"Besssjidesss...jI'd rrratherrr fjind a prrrettjy Hjyuu-mann female tonjight. One wjith blonde hajirrr and a rrround backsssjide."

His friend shrugged.

"jI'm too hungrrrjy to thjink about that."

Sten the Chimp
Jun 11th, 2001, 05:08:52 PM
Sten watched warily as some of the Cizeracks began to eye him. His past experiences with a Cizerack weren't too good, but these ones were either too busy eating raw meat, drinking tons of liquor, or eyeing and fondeling the women at the bar. And almost all of them were drunk off their feet, so they wouldn't bother Sten. As he looked around, he realized that he was a little parched, so he ordered a huge glass of a banana colada. As he waited for his drink, he continued to watch the Cizeracks with good humor. "These guys are pretty wild. I like 'em," he thought to himself.

Leeloo Mina
Jun 11th, 2001, 07:25:49 PM
A familar orange haired woman walked intothe bar covering her mouth as she yawned. Shehad been bored sitting up in her room and decided togo down to the bar for a drink.

This place was almost like home. She rarely left her 'bar stool' (:p ) anymore..well, to be truthful she never hardly left it at all before either.. oh well. "I guess I'm just not really cut out to be a jedi", she thought to herself.

As she walked through the bar doors she heard the accent of the Cizerack. Gah. She hadn't had such a great day and a bunch of cats werent going to make it any better.

Leeloo walked slowly up to the bar trying to stay awake and ordered a Dr. Pepper...caffine is what she needed right now.
Leeloo took a seat a few tables away from the Cizerack.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 07:32:09 PM
Three Cizerack watched Leeloo enter, immediately ceasing their binge on Corellian whiskey. One of the soldiers was from the southern continent, evidenced by his distinctive grey and black marbled skin pattern. Wiping his mouth with his sleeve, he and his friends walked over to Leeloo's barstool.

"jYou arrre ssstrrrangeljy-furrrrrred, Hjyuu-mann"

He curiously ran a hand through Leeloo's orange hair, while his comrades snickered behind him.

Jun 11th, 2001, 07:50:15 PM
walks over to were leeloo is an sees cat typecreature messing with a jedi(friend)an getsalittle worried for leeloo
she cringes as the cizerack runs his paws through leeloos hair,aww hell!!! man this is just great ...she is gonna kick his furry ass!!!
walks over to the bar an sits on the other side of leeloo.
looks at the cats an wags a finger at them bad boys.

Jun 11th, 2001, 07:58:52 PM
:: shakes her head in disgust ::

stupid aliens starting a riot...That is not very nice...

Leeloo Mina
Jun 11th, 2001, 08:12:28 PM
Leeloo sighed as the cat came over to her. There were plently of other people in the bar to bother.. When he ran a paw--no..it was more of a hand, through her hair she grabed his wrist and placed it on the bar counter a little harshly.

"Please, just go away. I'm not in the mood to deal with you."

Almost wishing she had a ball of yarn to maybe make the cats leave her alone she got up and moved to the other side of Demon.

Jun 11th, 2001, 08:17:52 PM
aww poor leeloo!!*watches leeloo move toher other side*heyi think he likes you leeloo.

Leeloo Mina
Jun 11th, 2001, 08:27:13 PM
Leeloo turned from her drink and stared at Demon. She'd never met these guys before, had she?

"Yeah, sure he likes me. For one reason and one reason only.. Why dont you go have fun with him?"

She turned back to her drink and stared at it. Dr. Pepper..no matter how much she drunk of it, she'd still be aware of what was going on.. Leeloo grabed the sleave of a bartender and ordered a beer. Drinking always seemed to rid her or her sorrows and it would probaly work now as well. When he returned and handed her the drink, she tossed a credit to him and took a sip.Maybe she'd just get really drunk tonight..then again the kitties were around, so getting so drunk she wasnt sure what she was doing might not be wise. But, that didnt mean she couldnt drink at all...

Jun 11th, 2001, 08:32:56 PM
Kyle watched the Cizerack guys acting like creeps. These guys where going to start a fight soon and it would not be pretty. He dran a bit more of his Corellian Whiskey and watched them. Then he saw Sten and nodded towrds him.

Nash Stolar
Jun 11th, 2001, 08:40:26 PM
*Nash walked into the bar then watched the ciz and sighed...last time they came he almsot ran one of them through with his sword...but that was awhile ago and he could probley could put up with them...walking across the bar he saw demon...*

"Hey whats going on?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 08:52:55 PM
One of the other Cizerack noticed the two other females near Leeloo. He smiled.

"And thjisss one hasss frrrjiendsss to go arrround!"

The greyskin laughed, retracting his hand from the bar, looking back at Leeloo innocently.

"What arrre jyou havjing tonjight? We'rrre lookjing forrr good drrrjinksss, and good companjy to drrrjink them wjith."

The other Cizerack make their ways to Aeris and DN.

"jYesss, drrrjink wjith usss. We need...prrroperrr female gujidance."

The three Cizerack laughed, as the greyskin sat at the barstool next to Leeloo.

Nash Stolar
Jun 11th, 2001, 09:04:41 PM
*Nash growled in the back of his throat as he watches one of them make there way twords demon..his hand griped the long sword's hilt behind his back...he was also ready to help leeloo if it looked like it got that far..*

Leeloo Mina
Jun 11th, 2001, 09:05:00 PM
She sighed again, these guys just would quit. Maybe Demon would beat them up or something.. right now she didnt really care. Leeloo took a drink of her beer and ignored the cat. Yeah, they needed female guidance alright... she'd guide them with a few punches then maybe they'd leave her alone.
Or just ignoring them might work, they'd think she was boring and move on to bother another female.

Jun 11th, 2001, 09:06:48 PM
sighs and gets her staff ready

If it goes to far I will be ready to help you guys ok ^^

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 09:30:47 PM
The greyskin noticed Leeloo's concerted effort to ignore his advances.

"Not the talkjing tjype?"

He smiled.

"Nejitherrr am jI. Betterrr thjingsss to do than talk, jyesss?"

While the greyskin talked, his buddies stood a distance away, eyeing up DN and Aeris. The long-haired soldier purred, noticing Aeris' staff.

"Whjy don't jyou come dance wjith usss, ladjy?"

Back at the bar, the greyskin began to rub his tail up Leeloo's leg.

Force Master Hunter
Jun 11th, 2001, 09:43:54 PM
OOC : Admin note.... starting to get concerned how this thread is going. Keep the tone PG13 please.

Leeloo Mina
Jun 11th, 2001, 09:52:20 PM
The cat wasnt taking the hint. Leeloo stood up and grabbed her drink.

"Yes, better things to do than talk. Like sleep..ALONE."

Leeloo headed for the door taking her drink with her. She'd come back later on. For now she'd just hang around in her room while the cats were around.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 11th, 2001, 11:13:56 PM
The greyskin shrugged as the Hyuu-mann female strutted away.

"jYourrr lossssss, Hjyuu-mann!"

He grinned widely, reaching over the bar and helping himself to a handle of Bim Jeam bourbon.

Nash Stolar
Jun 11th, 2001, 11:19:38 PM
*nash watched as leeloo left...a small smile crossed his face and he let his sword go*

...demon...you coming?

*he then looked at the girl in pink*

I'm sorry...I never cought your name...

Lady DeVille
Jun 12th, 2001, 05:16:32 AM
De'Ville rolled her eyes at the conversation between the red-headed Jedi and the Cizeraks. She gulped her water, the ice clinking into her teeth. Bloody ashes.

She grabbed a refill, and stalked to a table, tugging at her jumpsuit which seemed too tight in all the right places. Cizerak attention was the last thing she wanted.

Lady Vader
Jun 12th, 2001, 05:23:51 AM
*LV had had a long day and it would be nice to kick back, witha d rink in one hand, and in relative silence... but when she opened the bar door wide, she was blasted with lots and lots of noise... growling, laughing, talking, it all assailed her... she winced slightly as a headache began to brew and saw where all the noise was originatig from... she sighed*

*as much as she liked felines, too many could be too much... and the Cizerack forces were LOUD... she snaked her way past several of them to squeeze herself next to the bar... to her right she saw a few leaving Leeloo after no doubt harrassing her, to her left a group laughed and began to... sing? and behind her they crowded, milling about... they had literally invaded the place*

*she looked at Selena who had recently returned to attend the bar, looking a bit exhausted... LV smiled*

You look how I feel. Give me something to squash this headache and knock back my worries. I want to resemble a relaxed person.

*though being dead would probably have suited her better at that point... she grabbed the drink thanking the waitress, and scanned the bar as she drank... she shook her head and rubbed her temples, sipping her drink again*

Fam Seele
Jun 12th, 2001, 08:54:40 AM

:: run off shouting ::

Merlock!!! Some Cats guys wanna...um.....Doing somethin' to Aeris!!!

:: leaves the bar to find Merlock Homes ::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:33:18 AM
The group of Cizerack that had huddled around Selena parted slightly when LV strutted to the bar. Immediately, the pack of them ceased gorging themselves on meat and liquor, and watched the curvy female pass. The spokesman of the group wiped the ichor from his mouth with his sleeve, and grinned laviscously.

"jI don't know about jyou gujysss, but jI'm rrreadjy forrr dessserrrt!" He chimed. The others had similar thoughts running through their head, as they stared at the catsuit-clad woman.

"jI ljike the earrrsss...jI thjink ssshe drrressssssed up forrr usss." One soldier remarked.

"Mussst've known we werrre comjing. Ssshe'sss a sssporrrt."

"Wonderrr jif ssshe'sss needjing a ssserrrvant, eh?"

The group began to quietly make assertions of the situation, giving LV's body their full attention.

The spokesman sidled up to the adjacent barstool, draping an arm around LV's shoulder. He purred in her ear.

"jYou look thjirrrssstjy. jI bujy jyou a drrrjink?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 12th, 2001, 12:13:18 PM
A pair of well-built Cizerack walked slowly up to De'Ville's table. They said nothing, but stood beside her, smiling.

Fam Seele
Jun 12th, 2001, 04:18:32 PM
*runs back in*

Couldn't find....Merl...

:: sweatdrops ::

Jun 12th, 2001, 05:37:23 PM
*demon looked at the cizeracks males an then ordered a full bottle of whiskey*hey leeloo why you running??*laughs an moves away from the cats*hell i might need another bottle!!!*opens her drink an takes a sip*hmmm.....might to fight with them.*smiles an takes another swig of her drink*

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 05:59:18 PM
*nash looked at fam who just came back in..*

You looking for somone?

*he then looked back a demon*

aww geez she is going to get drunk...and with the ciz around that wont be a good thing...

Jun 12th, 2001, 09:26:26 PM
looks at Fam

^^;;; It is ok..

Merlock Homes
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:26:56 PM

Jun 12th, 2001, 09:27:50 PM
Mer!!! hugs merlock

Merlock Homes
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:31:17 PM
Hugs Aeris These guys bugging you?

Jun 12th, 2001, 09:35:53 PM
Well..not right now Mer..but thank you..Luv ya Mer :)

Fam Seele
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:48:10 PM
*point to Merlock*

That's who I was tryin' to find...

:: brushes some invisible dirt off of herself ::

Lady Ivory02
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:51:30 PM
Hello Aeris. Good to see you again.

Lady Ivory02
Jun 12th, 2001, 09:56:11 PM
This is not a very lively conversation.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:06:04 PM
"jI agrrree!" A Cizerack growled as he walked up to the group assembled at the table. Several other red-armored felinoids did so as well.

"What arrre jyou forrda dojing herrre?" A larger Cizerack asked, in a gruff, low voice.

"Prrrobabljy rrreadjing poetrrrjy orrr knjittjing qujiltsss...sssomethjing Hjyuu-mannsss do." A shorter Cizerack with darker skin remarked, which drew laughs from his comrades.

One of the Cizerack paced around, looking at Aeris.

"jYourrr a currrvjy one. Whjy don't jyou come wjith usss, and have a parrrtjy?"

Jun 12th, 2001, 10:07:19 PM
*looks at nash*hey come join me*looks at the ciz's*awww they wont bother me...i have kenoki to proctect me....maybe..*takes another sip of her drink**smiles at nas*hey quit worrying!

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:23:06 PM
*nash sighed then stood by demons table...he took a bottle of ale and took a drink...still keeping an eye on the ciz*

What do you mean "Don't worry?"

Jun 12th, 2001, 10:35:38 PM
i mean dont worry....gods enjoy yourself for once nash!!!hehehe*takes another sip of her drink*hehe*looks at the ciz's*hmmm might be fun to fight with one of them!!!

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:48:00 PM
well your not a jedi...*takes another drink of the ale* and you most likely wont know what it is like....and besides you'll get creamed by those ciz.....well with out my help you will.....

Jun 12th, 2001, 10:52:09 PM
BITE ME!!!!! god i was joking nash...*punches him in the shoulder playfully*hmmm they are bigger then me though!but i might like that!!!

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 10:56:21 PM
But were in public....*he laughed* you might like taking on a ciz force? You will be killed......if they don't have other plans..besides I heard they fall easly to swords...

Jun 12th, 2001, 10:58:54 PM
hey hey...be nice to them...i like them!! *sips her whiskey*hehehedont get jealos.

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:05:34 PM

We jedi don't get jelious...we just wait for the peorson to attack us so we c.......Can I buy you another drink demon?

Jun 12th, 2001, 11:08:25 PM
sure!*chuckles at a thought that ran through her mind*hehe another whiskey if you please.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:12:02 PM
A pale-skinned Cizerack walked over to Nash's seat.

"jYou'rrre sssjittjing jin mjy chajirrr."

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:14:00 PM
*gives the bartender a few credits for demon next drink...that she already had in her hand*

Your not trying to get drunk... are you?

Jun 12th, 2001, 11:21:44 PM
*chuckles at nash*no im not getting drunk..just enjoying myself thats all.*looks at theciz*ohh looks like you sitting in the ciz's seatbest give it back.*winks at nash*

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:33:29 PM
*stands up and gives the seat to the ciz, then smiles*

There ya go bud...

*he then walks around the table and sith next to demon*


*takes the bottle of ale and finishes it*

Then I will also have fun

Jun 12th, 2001, 11:36:03 PM
awww!*looks attheciz*heh, well enjoy yourself!

Nash Stolar
Jun 12th, 2001, 11:45:16 PM
*leans close to demon*

You still up for that bite?

*laughs hard*

Jun 12th, 2001, 11:50:27 PM
*blushes*hey...heh..maybe.*pokes him in the side*

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:00:09 AM
*laughs again*

so what are you planing on doing to the ciz?

*he slighty looks at the ciz male at the other side of the table*

ShoeStone Wednesdaydale
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:04:48 AM
Barnaby is sitting at a table, eating some potatoes au gratin, when a Cizerack bumps into his table, knocking his plate to the floor. Some of the potatoes fall on his shoe. The old man stands up, his eyes glaring large through his coke-bottle glasses.

"Excuse me, lad." He begins...a bit of edge to his voice.

Jun 13th, 2001, 12:16:21 AM
hmm maybe be nice to him?!*laughs at nash's expression*

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:20:20 AM
The Cizerack stared at the old man in glasses, and laughed. Was he serious?

"Out of mjy wajy, Forrda."

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:22:09 AM
Be nice?

now thats not the demon I know and like....

Jun 13th, 2001, 12:26:00 AM
* hears what the ciz's said to the old man* hey be nice to him!!*growls at the ciz's rude behavior at the elder*hmm i was always tought to respect ones elders.*sips her drink*

ShoeStone Wednesdaydale
Jun 13th, 2001, 12:36:45 AM
If Barnaby glared any harder through his spectacles, he could focus light rays and burn a hole through the Cizerack with his tempestuous attitude. His left hand darted out of his coat pocket, with a switchblade knife in hand. Before anybody could react, Barnaby flicked the blade out, resting the blade firmly against the felinoid's crotch.

The stooped, elderly man began to contort his face in a sneer, yelling in the Cizerack's face. He spat when he talked, and his bad dental hygiene didn't make it any more pleasant.

"Listen 'ere, Felix...Ah dohn' know whot yah just cahlled meh, ahn Ah wouldn't bank ohn yeh sayein' et agayne, unless ohf course yoh're inclined to hahve meh snip yah bohllocks ohff en frohnt ohf tha misses, 'n stretch yoh're scrohtum ohver yoh're head like ah bohnnet, cohverin' thohse re-damn-diculous earlohbes yeh have. Ahn ef yah dohn't think Ah'm privy to et, then put yah bohllocks ohn tha line, whiskers."

He paused, catching his breath, and continuing to glare.

"Now, mah ill-fated @#%$...be ah chap ahnd clean tha au grahtin ohff mah loahfers. Ah just hahd 'em pohlished todaye, yah thoughtless shyte!"

Sneering, he pressed the knife harder against the Cizerack's groin.

Jun 13th, 2001, 12:39:52 AM
*sees what the old man did to the ciz...laughs hard at the expression on the ciz face*

Lady DeVille
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:24:07 AM
De'Ville lifted her water glass and paused, looking at the reflection of the felinoid faces in the liquid. She put it down, and turned to face...

..well, from her sitting position, she had to crane her neck to look at the one on her left. "Looking for someone?" Frell, I have enough on my mind. Go away. Go on, shoo... Bloody ashes, mind tricks never worked for her.

Lady Vader
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:51:19 AM
*LV turned her head slowly to look at the hand on her shoulder as the arm came around her neck... she rolled her eyes and turned her head in the opposite direction to face the over-eager Cizerack male*

*looking icely at him, she unsheathed one six inch claw and pointed it at her drink... she smiled, though the smile carried no warmth*

I already have a drink.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:54:59 AM
The two Cizerack by De'Ville sat, one on either side of her. The one to the right spoke.

"jI thjink we found what we'rrre lookjing forrr."

The one on the left spoke.

"What arrre jyou dojing tonjight, Hjyuu-mann?"

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:58:56 AM
LV's extended claw caused the Cizerack propositioning her to purr slightly. He smiled, exposing his elongated canine teeth.

"Then that sssavesss usss sssome trrrouble."

He leaned closer, taking in her exhilerating scent.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:01:14 AM
Half a dozen Cizerack stood around the old man and their comrade whom he now threatened to castrate at a whim. Suddenly, claws were unsheathed, and growls came from all around...when suddenly the Cizerack held under the blade shouted out.

"Back off! BACK OFF!"

He looked down to his crotch, and into the crazy eyes of the old Hyuu-mann.

"Thjisss Forrda jisss sssjick...he'll do jit! Jussst...back off!"

The Cizerack began to sweat slightly, his ears drooping in worry.

Jun 13th, 2001, 02:02:15 AM
*comes back to her seat in between the ciz an nash*looks at the cizan raises her eyebrow at him an daring him to try anything*

Lady DeVille
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:03:29 AM
De'Ville sipped her water. "I'm being boring. No, actually, I'm bored." She looked to her right, at the tall one who had spoken first, then back to the one on the left.

"You may sit with me, if you want, I'm going to have to get my back worked on if you insist on talking to me standing up. What are you two doing tonight? I guess its shore leave from the ship, right?" No one got hurt from being civil, right? Frell, don't invite them to sit! LEAVE! De'Ville finished off her water and turned to request another from a waitress.

Lady Vader
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:03:34 AM
*LV resheathed her claw and frowned... leaning back slightly, she placed a strong hand on the Cizerack's chest, stopping his movement*

Do you have a death wish?

Avolon Bisel
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:04:14 AM
Bisel stood up. He decided to do what could be considered his job, since he would in fact be despensing drinks. He grabbed a large pitcher from behind the counter and filled it with beer.

He yelled to one Cizerack who looked rowdy and ready to get hammered. And he slowly walked over to him while talking, finishing what he had to say as he came face to face.

"Let's have a drinking game. I call it "get so smashed you can't see straight". First one to taste their drink in reverse, if you know what I mean, or tap out is the loser. We take turns. Sound fair?"

Avolon had never lost. He seemed to have a bottomless stomach and the drinking tolerence the size of a grown Bantha.

Jun 13th, 2001, 02:08:08 AM
yeaha drinking contest!!! *shoves the cizerack slightly away so she could seewhats gonna happen*oh im sorry about that!hehe i love drinking contest.

Jun 13th, 2001, 03:29:59 AM
*thinks to her self,man am i gonna get it!!*leans away from the cizerack*umm excuse but could you move away just alittle...please??*looks at the cizerack an waits for his answer*

Jasseeri Arreearruu
Jun 13th, 2001, 04:24:05 AM
Glad to be off the ship after a fruitful meeting with the NRSF, the Admiral made her way to the bar's door and opened it. Inside she was greeted by her troops having a good time on their shore leave. Oh, she was sure they would get into trouble, but that's what bars were for. So long as they didn't do anything TOO dramatically drastic, everything would be fine.

She made her way to a small table near one of the walls and sat down. There was an empty seat across from her. She hoped the Major General would join her, but if he did not, there were plenty of other males here who would prove to be just as interesting. Though, she had to admit, there wasn't anything quite like a male with a military mind that could drive her wild.

She ordered a drink and a plate of food from a waitress that passed by, and watched the proceedings in the bar with a smile. It was good to have a bit of shore leave again.

Jun 13th, 2001, 05:02:32 AM
*sighs*oh well i tried.*gets up an moves back to the bar*orders a another bottle of whiskey*looks at the cizeracks an waits for the drinking contest to begin*hmm might get interesting after all

Jun 13th, 2001, 08:41:48 AM
Didn't you Cizeracks listen to merlock?! He said leave Aer alone.... :|

Jun 13th, 2001, 08:45:30 AM
:: sweatdrops ::

Hmmm...this is getting out of hand a little bit... --;;

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:44:59 AM
...lets see drunk ciz in a bar with lots of people around...

*he sighed and leaned back*

are you planing on joining them demon?

Sten the Chimp
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:55:28 AM
Sten walks up to the bar, ordering a refill on another banana colada. As he does that, he looks around the bar. He then notices a woman at the bar whom he had met at Rama's corner. After recieving his drink, he starts to walk to Demonknight's barstool. As he weaves through the Cizeracks, one of them deliberately steps in his way. Sten tries to go around, but the Cizerack moved with him. Sten looked into the Cizerack's eyes, sensing him up and down. Without any warning, Sten summons up a slight wind blast to push the Cizerack into the air. While in the air, Sten jumps to the Cizerack, spins him upside down, and pile drives the Cizerack... with his feet! Then kneeling to the floor, he looks the Cizerack in the face.
"Don't @#%$ with me."

Getting back up, Sten walks over to Demonknight's seat. Tapping on her shoulder, she turns around. She slightly recognizes him.

"Hi! How are things?

Reaching out, Sten and DN shake hands. Sten looks to her side, noticing Nash sitting besider her. Sten remembered Nash from his own days as a Jedi. But that was a time of the past. But it was no reason not to be friendly. He reaches out for a handshake.

"Hey, Nash, or Dragon! It's been a long time."

Jun 13th, 2001, 12:19:01 PM
That was a little odd..don't you think Nash?? <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":\">

Sten the Chimp
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:21:41 PM
What was a little odd?

Avolon Bisel
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:56:48 PM
Avolon grabed the wrist of Sten's outstretched right hand with his right hand, even though the handshake was not for him. He yanked him close, sliding his left palm against his neck. With his left foot he trips the monket, pushing down with his left hand at the same time. Still holding the monkey's wrist, Avolon looks down at the fallen chimp.

"Play nice."

Avolon released his left hand, but still held the man's wrist with his right hand. He grabbed his blaster with his now free hand and pulled it out with blazing speed. The barrell was pointed at Sten's neck, point blank range. Everything had happened before the chimp could relize what had just gone down.

"Or I'll have to escort you off the property."

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:51:15 PM
*looks at Aeris*

actualy....yes it was :|

Jun 13th, 2001, 09:13:04 PM
hey i might just do that!!! anyways come have a drink with us sten...might get fub*winks at him*

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:35:21 PM
*nash looked around.....it looked as if the ciz had no intrest in demon*

heh I scared them all off......

Jun 13th, 2001, 09:39:09 PM
applaudes nash

I guess you are a scary guy eh? ;)

Jun 13th, 2001, 09:43:44 PM
you wish nash...maybe they got scared of me!!!!!*slaps him on the back*

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:45:30 PM
Naw they are just scared of the sword on my back...

*leans close to demon*

Unless I have reason to be scary...llike if one of the ciz threaten demon or any other pretty lady by me...

*smiles half drunk*

Jun 13th, 2001, 09:46:20 PM
:lol: demonnight!

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:53:36 PM
There more scared of me....

*takes another drink of the ale*

Sten the Chimp
Jun 13th, 2001, 10:16:05 PM
"Alright! Alright! I'll play nice."

Sten picks himself up off the ground. Looking rather sheepishly at his brash acts, he felt somewhat stupid. But he didn't feel bad about what he did. It was the drunken Ciz who started it. And he finished it. Feeling thirsty, he remembered about his drink. He looked at the floor to see his drink covering it. Clambering behind the bar, he quickly grabs a rag and cleans the mess. Then he orders another banana colada. Taking the drink from the huge glass, he sits in a seat beside Nash.

"Sorry about that." :evil:

Nash Stolar
Jun 13th, 2001, 10:23:20 PM
Its alright

*wispers in stean's ear so only he can hear*...hey I think that girl likes you.. *points to Aeris02 *

Avolon Bisel
Jun 13th, 2001, 11:42:11 PM
Avolon smirked as he holstered his weapon. He found the beer he had rested in a seat nearby. He raised it again and yelled at the Cizerack.

"Kitty Cat! You game?"

Jun 14th, 2001, 08:42:45 AM
Me like him haha...
mocks fainting
no...I like someone else...no offense sten....

Nash Stolar
Jun 14th, 2001, 09:47:27 AM


*crosses his arms and leans back..*

Hey demon...any ideas on how to kill the time?

Sten the Chimp
Jun 14th, 2001, 12:38:33 PM
"Oh well. Your not even my race anyway, so even if you did like me, it would probably never work out. And if you thought the pile driving thing with the feet was strange, and rather impossible, then you're wrong. I got opposable thumbs on my feet, making it easy to grab things, and with the right amount of power, pile drive someone with them. I know what we could do to pass the time. We could get wasted, and then break stuff. Whaddya say?"


Jun 14th, 2001, 02:18:00 PM
yeah lets have drinking contest!!!!!

Sten the Chimp
Jun 14th, 2001, 02:33:11 PM
"OK! Who wants to go first?"

Jun 14th, 2001, 02:45:41 PM
me!!!!! get me another bottle of jack daniels whiskey...

Sten the Chimp
Jun 14th, 2001, 05:20:15 PM
::Throws the bottle at her head. Thinks to himself.

"Please catch it!"

::Starts dancing as Beastie Boys's "Intergalatic" starts playing. Takes a huge sip of his huge drink.

Jun 14th, 2001, 07:37:01 PM
*catches the bottle*thanxs

Sten the Chimp
Jun 14th, 2001, 09:26:19 PM
Holding the huge one hundred something size glass, he drank it all in a couple of gulps, and then orders another.

"I've already had like three of these. They just keep gettin' better and better with every swallow."

Chibi Sten
Jun 14th, 2001, 10:16:13 PM
Running through the crowd, Chibi Sten was so short that he ran right through all of the Ciz's legs. When he found Sten, he tapped him on his leg. Sten looked down to see Chibi Sten.

Sten: "What are you doing here?"

Chibi: "I wuz loookin' four u..."

Sten: "Well, you found me. So, you wanna get a banana split? Or a banana milkshake?"

Chibi(eyes wide): "OOOOOO. Can I git bof?"

Sten(smiles): "Sure. Why not?"

Sten orders a banana milkshake and a banana split from a serving droid. In a flash the droid was back with Chibi's food. So, Sten picked up Chibi and put him in a seat next to him. As Chibi dug into his banana split, Sten looks at DN.

Sten(whispering): "Sorry y'all. I don't wanna set a bad example for myself. I won't be drinking with y'all. But I'll just watch."

EDIT: I took out your signature, the code must be wrong because it messed with the thread's posts. If you'd like, I can help you with your code, but for now, please do not use your signature. Thank you. - Sage Hazzard

Jun 14th, 2001, 11:04:19 PM
*looks at the adorable little version of sten an laughs*awww hes sooo cute!!!!hey dragon come on drink with us

Nash Stolar
Jun 15th, 2001, 09:47:43 AM
I'm am not getting near that....chibi thing....

Jun 15th, 2001, 12:38:07 PM
*laughs at nash*hey aww poor nash!*takes a sip of her whiskey*hehe i bet you was adorable when you was little...

Jun 15th, 2001, 12:49:02 PM
:lol: Ok you guys are seriously drunk...that is creepy!! oh well...

Chibi Sten
Jun 15th, 2001, 02:54:14 PM

:: Takes a big gulp of his banana milkshake.

Nash Stolar
Jun 15th, 2001, 03:58:59 PM
**raises an eyebrow*

Uhhhh Aeris help.....

Chibi Sten
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:35:05 PM

Chibi Sten
Jun 15th, 2001, 04:38:16 PM

Jun 15th, 2001, 08:40:44 PM
Awww cute monkey Sten..nice piccie :)

Vash 001
Jun 15th, 2001, 09:05:33 PM
^^ Hello!

Axcess Time
Jun 15th, 2001, 09:12:13 PM
Hello Vash...How are you?

Nash Stolar
Jun 15th, 2001, 09:25:59 PM
Enough with the socks already!

Jun 15th, 2001, 09:35:14 PM
hey wheres the music?????need something to dance to!!!!

Sten the Chimp
Jun 16th, 2001, 11:37:30 PM
"What about the drinking contest? I know I'm not involved, but I still wanna watch y'all get totally wasted."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 17th, 2001, 12:45:09 AM
Seerrasseei looks around the bar, trying to find something interesting and noticed the many males of the Pride's Hunter Forces. But before even really thought of joining them, her stomach growled and she knew from her night in the pantry that any meat in there had been killed beforehand. Seer wasn’t all that picky about her food but she didn’t want recently frozen meat tonight, she preferred her meat to be freshly killed whenever possible. Growling, she decided to go see what she could buy from the local street vendors. In a few minutes, she returns to the B & G with a large goose. Seer sits down, sets the bird on the ground and watches the "goose" as the vendor had called it for a moment, she had seen chickens before but never a goose, so she was a bit curious about this much larger bird. The goose honks once, Seer reaches down and snaps its neck, much to the disgust of some of the bar patrons but Seer didn’t care. Putting the goose’s body on her table, she starts to pluck out some of the feathers but soon just tears off strips of meat and eats them. The meat was different and it tasted kind of like chicken. She didn’t know why but meat she killed herself always seemed to taste a little bit better.

Nash Stolar
Jun 17th, 2001, 01:03:00 AM
*nash leaned back in the char...the drinks were wearing off..and he began to feel kinda tired...he yawned and then streached slighty...he looked at sten an demon...they both looked like they were getting more drunk......he then looked to see one of the ciz females kill some type of bird...he was to tired to care..what type or even really care*

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 17th, 2001, 01:06:02 AM
Seer looks up as Nash finally falls over in his drunken stupor.

Hehe, jit ssseemsss that Hjyuu-manss can't hold thejirrr ljiquor well, pjitjiful.

Nash Stolar
Jun 17th, 2001, 11:12:42 AM
*nash got up....and sat down again*


when we barf...thats not holding it in

Sten the Chimp
Jun 17th, 2001, 05:25:27 PM
"I'm not drunk. Not yet, at least. And Chibi can't drink at all. The only people that seem to be drunk are yourself and DN. But what does it matter? You want another drink, Nash?"

Nash Stolar
Jun 17th, 2001, 06:03:34 PM
No thanks.....

Jun 18th, 2001, 01:52:57 PM
get me another drink!*laughs at nash*hehe i guses i am the only one who can keep the drinks down!!!!

Jun 18th, 2001, 02:16:14 PM
*demon gets up an stumbles backward into a big cizerack*aww hell!hello!

Nash Stolar
Jun 18th, 2001, 11:19:04 PM
*nash watches demon and sighs*

Sten the Chimp
Jun 19th, 2001, 12:07:13 PM
"Get this girl another vodka," Sten said as he handed the credit chip to a droid. "And another banana split and two banana milkshakes."

Turning to DN, she looked quite drunk, but she could have one more drink. It wouldn't kill her.

"No. I can hold my liquor quite well, I'm just tryin' to set an example for Mini-Me over here."