View Full Version : A dozen Cizerack enter the bar

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:42:04 PM
The double doors of Master Yoghurts Bar & Grill swing wide open as a dozen red-armored figures march inside in perfect sync with each other. The clack of their boots striking the tile leaves a chilling crescendo as they maneuver towards a table where a brunette woman is sitting. Splitting off into two columns, the Cizerack surround the table where she sits. Their hands are kept at their sides, and their battleglaives hang in their scabbards from their belts.

One Cizerack steps forward from the others, saluting the woman at the table.

"Jedji Masssterrr Lejia Sssolo, the Prrrjide Motherrr sssendsss herrr thanksss."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:54:19 PM
::The Petite Jedi Master looked up somewhat suprised at the Cizerack Armed Forces. Leia then bowed her head slightly before them::

Good evening Gentlemen. This is a surprise. The Pride Mother sending her thanks to me. I am quite honored. May I ask why?

Please have a seat and I will place an order for some Corellian Ales for each and everyone of you

::Leia motioned for a service droid to come over and place the order with it::.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:00:12 PM
The lead Cizerack spoke.

"jYou arrre too generrrousss."

The group graciously accepted the drinks as they sat all around Leia. The lead Cizerack spoke again.

"The Prrrjide Motherrr sssendsss herrr thanksss forrr jyourrr sssuccessssssful negotjiatjion of trrrade between ourrr natjionsss."

In unison, the Cizerack all salute Leia.

"Ssshe alssso sssendsss gjiftsss to jyou."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:06:30 PM
::Leia smiled at the gentlemen Cizerack::

You are quite kind and I must say the pleasure is surely ours to have this trade agreement. I think both parties will benefit highly from this.

The drinks are the least I can do for you gentlemen making a special trip here to visit me.

Please..there is no need to send gifts Gentlemen. Honestly. We Jedi do not need them but the gesture is quite thoughtful. Thank you.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:13:03 PM
The Cizerack began to look amongst themselves in confusion. Sheepishly and with lowered ears, the spokesperson lowered his voice.

"Mjisssssstrrressssss Sssolo, jI wasss orrrderrred to gjive jyou jyourrr gjiftsss."

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:20:04 PM
::Leia felt awkward but knew she did not want to be disrespectful or for that matter insult these wonderful people. She figured she better make an exception to the rule...which Jedi do not accept gifts normally::

Please forgive me. I did not mean to insult you. I will accept them on behalf of the Jedi and our new found relationship. Please thank the Pride Mother for me and I will make sure she gets a personal message from me as well.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:26:21 PM
The lead Cizerack smiles, and extends his hand to Leia.

"We arrre honorrred that jyou accept usss, Mjisssssstrrressssss Sssolo. Tonjight, we arrre jyourrrsss."

From behind, one of the Cizerack gently but firmly begins to give Leia a shoulder and upper back massage, while another pours her a glass of cold champagne.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:31:43 PM
::The Jedi Master was quite surprised at the Cizerack men. She had to nicely think of a way to decline their offer::

Gentlemen..please that is not necessary really.

I have an idea. You know what really would please me. We can all have just a simple chat over this lovely champagne. That is really all I ask of you.

::Leia replied sweetly::

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:42:10 PM
The spokesman nodded.

"jIf that jisss what Mjisssssstrrresssssss Sssolo wjissshesss, ssso be jit. Howeverrr, we mussst make jyou comforrrtable asss well."

Two Cizerack gently removed Leia's shoes, and began to gently rub warmed sandlewood oil on her feet and ankles, taking every effort to sooth the honored female. Two others began to play strange bowed instruments vaguely similar to human violins.

Four others removed their red armor in unison, revealing the tight black clothing that they wore underneath. Removing the shirts and shoes, the Cizerack were clad only in black pants, as they began to do a well-choreographed and sensual dance in front of Leia, to the beat of two bongo drums played by the remaining two Cizerack.

The spokesperson smiled toothily at the Hyuu-mann figurehead.

"Ssso, Mjisssssstrrressssss, what ssshall we talk about?"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:20:14 AM
::Leia turned her neck side to side as one of the Cizerak men was massaging her neck as another was doing the same to her feet. This was quite unlike the Jedi Master to let this happen..but she feared she would insult the gentlemen by continuing to tell them to stop there sweet gestures that were ordered by the Pride Mother herself.::

::She smiled at the Cizerack men before letting out a sigh::

Ahh...that feels good!

::As the gentleman continued to rub her neck::

Well...I would like to hear a little more about yourselves and your country if you don't mind.

You know....

::Leia gave out a slight chuckle::

this feels pretty good. I don't mind saying so myself. I mean..I have been under a lot of stress lately personally and this totally seems to make my troubles go away.

Kikran Akard
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:28:30 AM
::Kikran leaned back and put his foot on his table, watching the strange occasion. He thought it quite funny to watch what they were doing.....until they started taking off their clothes::

"Err......" Kikran said as he turned the other way.

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:35:08 AM
The bongo drums begin to beat into a dizzying and almost tantric cadence, as the dancers move their bodies in perfect fluidity to the rhythm. One dancer broke from the line, and moved towards Leia's table, removing a bunch of grape-like fruits from a basket. As the music played, he fed her Cizerack grapes from the bunch, as well as passing her a wine flute of champagne. The rest of the males continued in a similarly pleasing fashion, and the spokesperson obliged Leia's request.

"jI mjyssself come frrrom the sssoutherrrn contjinent of Carrrssshouljisss, ourrr homeworrrld. jI am frrrom a mountajinousss place, wjith hjigh grrrasssssslandsss and cool brrreezesss. Game jisss plentjiful therrre, and jI ssspend mossst of mjy tjime jin the fjieldsss...well, jI djid."

He smiled.

"That wasss beforrre the Prrrjide Motherrr chossse me asss a concubjine manssserrrvant. Now, jI ljive jin herrr palace, wjith 5,000 otherrrsss of herrr choosssjing"

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:47:32 AM
::Very unlike Leia...she found herself enjoying this moment. Quite unusual for the Jedi Master..it kind of remind her of the days when she was a Princess::

::Finishing off one of the grapes given to her, she smiled at the dancer::

I am fine thank you. Really

::He moved away from Leia and smiled while continuing back to dancing::

That is a very interesting life you lead and your planet sounds quite lovely.

But 5,000 manservants. My!! Why would she need so many??!!

Cizerack Hunter Forces
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:51:42 AM
"Becaussse ourrr mjisssssstrrressssss jisss a woman of manjy tassstesss."

He gestured to his comrades.

"We arrre among herrr favorrrjitesss, and ssshe wanted to sssharrre usss wjith jyou...asss a token of herrr grrratjitude."