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Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 21st, 2001, 10:45:56 PM
;; Although he was almost a full mile away from the Bar & Grill, Korrarri had the distinct displeasure of being downwind from it. The unsavory scent of hyuu-mans filed his nostrils... large numbers of hyuu-mans. His stomach was growling and he considered, however briefly, of entering the bar in search of food. Slowly, he paced back and forth outside, trying to figure out what to do. Was it really worth entering that smelly place just for some food? His stomach growled at him in answer. Well, that about made the decision for him.
Slightly hunched over, he pushed open the door to the Bar & Grill and surveyed the gathered patrons. Any of them would do... just had to make this quick. He hated to eat and run, as it usually upsetted his stomach, but he was loathe to spend any more time here than he had to. As Korrarri took a seat, he thought he caught a glimpse of another Cizerack nearby, but the room was far too crowded for him to be sure, and the scents were all mixed up. He would just have to wait until one of the hyuu-mans approached him. That would make things much easier. After sitting there for a few moments and doing nothing, he decided to order some food, so as to appear more casual. ;;
"One sssteak, jif jyou would, barrrtenderrr."
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:06:58 PM
;; Great. Now there was a steak sitting in front of him, but he most certainly wasn't interested in pre-killed food. Slowly standing, Korrarri figured that now might be a good time to try and find that other Cizerack. Maybe he knew of some good hunting grounds. All of the people in here looked greasy, anyway. ;;
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:23:55 PM
**Saa was in a horrid mood, and was occupied in deep thoughts as she moved through the throng inside of Yog's. She had lost Cirr somewhere, and it irritated her that she couldn't smell or see her servant anywhere. Abruptly, a man and herself collided most unceremoniously. Growling under her breath, she glanced to see that the thing she had bumped into was a Cizerack.. and a MALE at that.
**Reaching up, she grabbed the male by his ear and twisted hard.
"Watch wherrre jyou arrre gojing, chjild.. Next tjime jyou bump jinto me, jyou wjill fjind jyourrrssself punjissshed."
**Saa glanced about, and failed to see another female... anywhere.
"Wherrre jisss jyourrr mjissstrrressssss? Ssshe needsss to be notjifjied of thjisss jindjissscrrretjion."
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:27:42 PM
;; Korrarri yelped in pain as he foudn himself being forcefully lifted by the female Cizerack. ;;
"jI... jI don't have one, mjissssss. jI'm afrrrajid that jI'm a bjit lossst, jyou sssee."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:30:00 PM
In the midst of the commotion, Cirrsseeto had returned to the fallen ewok. He knew that it was technically Saarrreeaa's prerogative to eat first, but he was starving, and she was nowhere in sight. Gnawing away at a half-eaten leg, Cirrsseeto wandered about until he found Saarrreeaa...
...and another male.
Cirrsseeto's ears fluttered. Another Cizerack here? Was he one of the hunter soldiers? No...he wore no red armor, not to mention, he was rather small. A young one. Puzzled, Cirrsseeto licked at his face somewhat, approaching cautiously.
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:33:19 PM
**Her eyes widened as she looked at the male in front of her. No mistress? Why this was unheard of!!
"Lossst? What do jyou mean of lossst?"
**She led her way over to an empty table, pulling the poor Cizerack along by his ear.
"jYou have neverrr had a missstrrressssss.. or ssshe jissss jussst not herrre rrrjight now?"
**A mischievous gleam appeared in Saa's eyes.. but it glimmered for a second before being masked behind a show of anger and rage.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:40:25 PM
"Ow, ow, ow!"
;; Korrarri was pulled along forcefully, afraid that his poor ear was going to be yanked right off. He didn't know a whole lot about living in large communties with other Cizerack, but he certainly knew it was forbidden to cross a female. Reluctantly, he explained to her his situation. ;;
"jI wasss abandoned when jI wasss but a jyoung pup, mjissssss. Pleassse don't be angrrry wjith me. jI've neverrr had a mjissstrrressssss."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:42:25 PM
Having nothing better to do than watch, Cirrsseeto simply stood by, occasionally gnawing on ewok flesh as the little soap opera unfolded in front of him.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 22nd, 2001, 12:06:09 AM
;; His eyes darting back and forth, Korrarri notices the other male Cizerack nearby... that must have been the one he spotted earlier. ;;
"Umm... jI jussst wanted to get sssome food. I don't sssupossse jyou could help me?"
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jun 22nd, 2001, 08:49:46 PM
**Saa flicked her wrist, twisting his ear painfully until he turned back to face her.
"Do not ssso much asss look at hjim. He wjill not anssswerrr jyou unlessssss jI perrrmjit jit rrrjight now. Ssso, jyou have neverrr had a mjissstrrressssss beforrre? jYou djid not grrrow up on Carrrssshouljisss, jyesss? Ssso whjy do jyou have an accent then? jIf jyou had grrrown up on a human planet, then jyou would have lossst mossst of jyourrr accent.. Ljike mjy aunt, Sssasss."
**She glared at the young male.
"jIt jisss mjy dutjy asss a Cjizerrrack to take jyou as mjy ssserrrvant.. but jI feel ljike jyou arrre not telljing me the whole trrruth. jI want the trrruth now.. Otherrrwjissse, jI wjill ssshjip jyou back to Carrrssshouljisss... and jyourrr new mjissstrrressssss wjill not be asss kjind asss jI am. Food wjill come wjith the trrruth."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 23rd, 2001, 01:30:20 AM
Seer yawns as she enters. I've got to stop working so much lately. She thinks to herself before she notices Saarreea and Cirrsseeto with what appeared to be a young Cizerack male. Curious, she walks over and checks out the new arrival before speaking.
Anotherrr lonerrr agajin? and jI suppose jyou don't have a mjisssssstrrressssss ljike the lassst one that wanderrred jin, rrrjight?
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:04:06 AM
;; Korrarri cried out in pain once more, attempting to pull away from the female Cizerack's grasp. ;;
"jYeow! jI neverrr sssaid that jI didn't grrrow up on Carrrssshouljisss, mjisss, jussst that jI wasss abandonded. jI watched the otherrrs of ourrr kjind carrrefulljy ssso jI would know how to behave arrround them."
;; Korrarri twisted a little bit more, trying to get Saarrreeaa to lighten up her grasp on him when he noticed the other female enter the room. ;;
"Oh no", he mumbled. "Not anotherrr one..."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:20:49 AM
Seer smirks.
jYou have nothjing rrrealljy to worrrrrrjy about wjith me, jI'm lessssss ljikeljy to hurrrt jyou.
Seer looks at Saa for a moment
Would jyou mjind lettjing hjim go ssso jI can talk to hjim? He'sss not gojing to anssswerrr quessstjionsss well wjith jyou doing that.
Saa growls slightly but lets go.
Ssso how djid jyou get herrre, jyoung one?
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:44:55 AM
;; Instantly after being released, Korrarri raised one paw to his ear, cradling it. He was wary about taking his eyes off of Saarrreeaa for very long, but he turned a bit so he could speak to Seerrasseei better. ;;
"jI wasss followjing that one around", he said, pointing to Cirrsseeto. "jI wasss hopjing to catch hjim alone."
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 24th, 2001, 03:53:24 AM
Laughs briefly.
Hehe, ssshe won't botherrr jyou forrr the moment ssso jyou don't need to keep watchjing herrr. Followjing hjim? Whjy? He'sss harrrdljy everrr alone anjywajy. Ssso you'rrre alone, huh? jI can rrremedjy that prrroblem and jyou can't just wanderrr arrround herrre wjithout a mjissssstrrrresssss. So jyou mjight asss well come wjith me unlesssss jyou would rrratherrr go wjith herrr? but technjicalljy jyou don't have a chojice jin the matterrr.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jun 24th, 2001, 04:01:43 AM
;; Looks back and forth between the two females ;;
"Errrrr... do jI have to have a mjisssssstrrressssss? jI've gotten bjy prettjy well ssso farrr on mjy own."
;; His eyes started to dart back and forth, looking for an exit. ;;
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jun 30th, 2001, 12:54:47 AM
Seer smiles at the young male's nervousness.
jIn anssswerrr to jyourrr quessstjion, jyesss jyou mussst have a mjisssssssstrrressssssss. Besssjidesss jyou can't jussst wander about on jyourrr own, jin all ljikeljyhood jyou wjill end up wjith sssomeone farrr worrrssse than ejitherrr one of usss.
But ljike jI sssajid beforrre, jyou have no chojice jin the matterrr. jI wasss gojing to gjive a sssljight chojice but jyou don't ssseem to want to take jit ssso jI don't thjink jI wjill. And sssjince Sssaarrrrrrrreeaa alrrreadjy hasss Cjirrrrrrrrsssssssseeto, jI thjink jI wjill take jyou jin and honessstljy jI wouldn't sssuggessst arrrgujing wjith me, jI majy be njicerrr than mossst femalesss but jit jisss bessst not to crrrosssssss me.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jul 1st, 2001, 02:59:51 AM
"Well, jI wasssn't rrrealljy trrrjyjing to arrrgue wjith jyou," he started.
"jI jussst don't know how thjingsss worrrk in larrrge communities. jIf jI have to be jyourrr... ssserrrvant, then what do jI get out of jit?"
Korrarri made a slight cringing motion when he asked this, prepared for some form of retaliation at such a foolish question.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:03:40 AM
Seer growls, slightly annoyed.
jYou'rrre not sssupposssed to get anjythjing frrrom jit, but technjicalljy jyou wjill have a ljight worrrk load, all jyou mjight have to know jisss a few ssshjip factsss.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:12:27 AM
Korrarri hesitated, unsure of how to proceed. He was, after all, surrounded by three other Cizeracks. All of which who were older than him. :/
"jI... guessssss that jisss acceptable. Can jI, errr, qujit laterrr on jif jI decjide that jI don't ljike jit?"
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:16:24 AM
Asss farrr asss jI know of, jyou can't qujit everrr. jYourrr mjisssssstrrressssss jisss the onjly one that jI know of that jisss allowed to fjire jyou.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:21:48 AM
"Errrm... alrrrjight, then. How do jI starrrt?"
Grimacing, Korrarri thinks to himself: Now how am I going to get out of this one?
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:28:49 AM
Well, tomorrrrrrrow jI guesssss jI can show jyou what jisss needed but now, all jyou have to jisss the norrrmal Cjizerrrakk manssserrrvant dutjiesss whjich at thjis tjime would be go home sjince jI'm too tjirrred at the moment frrrrom mjy own worrrk to get anyjthjing elssse done todajy....
Seer yawns.
Korrarri Veesharu
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:34:13 AM
"That sssoundsss fjine to me, jI guessssss."
;; Korrarri started to look for an opening he could take to make a hasty exit ;;
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jul 1st, 2001, 03:45:57 AM
Hmmm, doesn't even know he's supposed to follow me. Seer thinks to herself before she drags Korrarri out of the bar by the front of his shirt. She then goes over to her modified speeder, starts it up and pulls him enough to get him to sit behind her on it. This one is going to be a challenge for awhile. Seer thinks to herself before heading back to the Pride with Korrarri hanging on to the speeder for dear life.
OOC: last post for now, Korrarri, bb when I find the time.
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