View Full Version : Sanis sits at the bar
Sanis Prent
May 29th, 2001, 12:43:05 AM
(The outlaw returned to his frequent haunt, this time well-dressed in a black business suit. He sat at his usual spot, and ordered his usual dark Sullustian beer. Leaning back in his seat, Sanis popped his lower vertebrae as he removed a datapad from a small leather briefcase, looking it over.)
Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 01:03:33 AM
"Look, we gotta be smooth about this. I don't want some idiot making deals with us unless he has a damn good reason why. I like money but not at the expense of Sorsha."
:: she folded her arms and frowned ::
"This is the same guy that went after Saurron and stuff y'know."
Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:06:49 AM
:: He didn’t really know exactly how much use he would be at a meeting like this. So many people didn’t speak Rodian and he still had yet to learn to understand basic, so he never understood much of what was going on except for facial expressions. He looked over at Tirsa and answered. ::
You’ll most likely do all the talking. Not many humans I know speak my language.
Sanis Prent
May 29th, 2001, 01:16:54 AM
(As Sanis worked on his first pint, he began to look over the contents of the datapad. Most of it dealt with dry statistics...cargo capacities, personnell, etc. The drudgery of real business. In the sense of free enterprise, being an outlaw and being the regional president of a corporation were one in the same, but under the surface, they were different animals entirely. Sanis had a knack for the game, but being an outlaw had a different kind of flair to it. He wondered what it was that Sasseeri saw in him that made her screw him over like this...aside from his physical charms. And those weren't exactly going to help meet the quotas she needed.
No, Sanis was playing a different game than his usual go. This button-down free enterprise was a far cry from his usual run & gun style.
Pulling out a minicomm, Sanis punched up a number)
Jagen, this is Prent. I want you to sell 500 shares of the Poreison stock. They aren't meeting market expectations this quarter.
(Sanis folded up his minicomm, finishing his beer. Somehow...selling stocks just wasn't as sexy as his other line of work. What a joke of a job.)
Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 01:28:06 AM
:: she patted him on the shoulder ::
"You are good to pick up trouble while I find it. So, you can keep an eye on things and just watch this Prent guy. He tries anything .. shoot 'em." :evil:
Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:34:49 AM
:: His little round mouth formed what could pass for a grin as he patted his blaser and fleschette pistol at each side of his hips. ::
How I hope he tries something
Sanis Prent
May 29th, 2001, 01:39:11 AM
(Tapping the datapad's touchscreen, Sanis brought up his holomail. He had a few messages, mostly junkmail. However, he had one from a "S. Reeouurra")
Ah Hell...
(Sanis hesitated before opening it. He really didn't feel like hearing her voice, and especially not when she was contented over her prize. The past few holomails he'd received from her were full of mundane business details, but that smartass little sing-songey purr in her voice belied all of what he hated to hear. She gloated...not in actual words, but in the way she spoke. She lorded over him from the Arkanis sector, and "reminded" him of special business proceedings to be taken care of. In this case, it was the number of freight couriers moving from Coruscant to Ryloth...something which could've been brought to his attention in a less flashy manner.
Sanis sighed.)
Damn her...
(He listened to her message, watched her image smile and toss her hair around as she spoke to him in a rather direct if she was simply pressing buttons on his back, moving him around. She told him to increase the couriers, as the shipments were beginning to increase. Did he really need a holomail to know this? No...but that wasn't the point.
Shutting off the datapad, Sanis signaled for another beer. The day was already headed down the toilet. Maybe he could turn in a little early, and maybe spend some time with Dalee for a change. He needed a break from the monotony.)
Tirsa Krylana
May 29th, 2001, 01:52:34 AM
"If he does ... he won't know what hit him!"
:: she leads the way into the bar and finds Sanis at a table, all alone. It was weird. He was suppose to be some smuggler guy and he was wearing a suit ::
"Alright, this looks fishy already Endo."
Endo Freedoo
May 29th, 2001, 01:57:35 AM
:: He followed her in and listened to her speaking his native language, nodding his head in response to what she said. He didn’t bother looking around the rest of the establishment yet, he was more interested in accessing this human that sat before them. This was the first time he had set eyes on the man. Endo thought the being must be quite resourceful to have provided the Sith Master known as Saurron with the fight he had heard rumors of during his time in residence at the Sith Empire. ::
I agree
Sanis Prent
May 30th, 2001, 12:22:04 AM
(Out of the corner of his eye, Sanis notices a blue-skinned woman and a shifty-snouted Rodian approaching his table. If he wasn't mistaken, it was Miss Krylana and Mr. Freedoo, a couple of nefarious contacts that Sanis knew through a few other nefarious contacts. In the world of an outlaw, nobody knew each other, and yet everybody did. So, the players were always connected, in some form or another.
Gesturing with his free hand, Sanis offered the two approaching aliens seats at his table, as he took another drink from his beer.)
Fashionably late, I gather?
Tirsa Krylana
May 30th, 2001, 12:56:58 AM
:: tirsa stole one last glance at Endo before sitting down ::
"Why thank you Mr. Prent and we always make it on time. Since we go off our own schedule."
:: she flashed him a grin ::
Sanis Prent
May 30th, 2001, 12:59:11 AM
(Sanis smiled somewhat, raising his mug)
That's fine by me. I always pad my schedule for such a possibility. Gives me a chance to relax.
So...I take it we're here to discuss business.
Endo Freedoo
May 30th, 2001, 01:01:46 AM
:: He merely moved to the seat straight across from Sanis, greeting him with a nod and what probably sounded like total gibberish to the human man Tirsa had told him about. ::
Greetings human.
:: He crouched and took his seat, raising an arm, but keeping his big buggy eyes focused on the man in front of him as he waved down a serving droid. ::
Sanis Prent
May 31st, 2001, 11:02:20 PM
(Sanis smiled at the two, as he slid a datapad across the table to them. On it were several bits of information, personnell dossiers, ship stats, access codes, etc.)
Ever do any honest work for a living?
Tirsa Krylana
May 31st, 2001, 11:19:57 PM
"Honest work?"
:: tirsa slid the datapad over to Endo to look over. At first glance, she took notice of the information that was there and changed it to Rodian so he could read it ::
Endo Freedoo
May 31st, 2001, 11:26:37 PM
:: Apparently the human had no clue he had just been greeted by the Rodian, and it annoyed Endo that he was ignored, but he didn’t let it show. He just ordered a whiskey from the droid that arrived at the table.
The data-pad Tirsa gave him contained access codes, access codes to a starcraft, a rather large one at that. This could indeed turn out to be quite lucrative and was definitely looking as if it might be right up their alley, as jobs go. ::
Sanis Prent
May 31st, 2001, 11:38:35 PM
(Sanis chuckled)
Well, how about some semi-honest work, then?
(Sanis tapped a button on the datapad, and the insignia of the Sector Rangers popped up)
How about a career in law enforcement? Albeit a temporary one?
Tirsa Krylana
May 31st, 2001, 11:56:13 PM
"I think I need to hear more about this before agreeing to anything."
:: she frowned ::
"This might be a set up."
Endo Freedoo
May 31st, 2001, 11:58:53 PM
:: The insignia cause his eyes to get even larger than they usually were and he glanced at Tirsa for just a moment, expecting that she was handling this critically. ::
Sanis Prent
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:57:42 PM
(He finished his beer and leaned in close)
Well, as of recent, I've taken a certain executive interest in some Sector Ranger's stock, and I'm working on my portfolio, so to speak. Through some "reliable contacts", I've found out that the ship you see there is about to be used by an individual or individuals in some nefarious manner...probably between Corellia and the Rim Territories.
(Sanis leaned back, laughing to himself. He sounded like a true company man now.)
At any rate...I can't trust any simple rent-a-cop to tackle the situation. I need a couple of hard-cases on the, if you haven't figured that by now. I need you to intercept this ship...and catch it in the act of whatever it's doing.
(Smiling in an oily fashion, Sanis motions for another beer)
Don't won't be making mere rent-a-cop wages on this one. If I'm satisfied at what I see, it'll be worth 40,000 each to you.
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 3rd, 2001, 07:13:57 PM
:: she leaned back on her chair, letting it balance on two legs ::
"So ... you want me and Endo here to stop some no good scum in nefarious dealings and your willing to pay for it."
:: laughs ::
"What's the catch?"
:: the next sentence comes out in Rodian, not caring if Sanis understands it or not ::
"Still sounds like a set-up."
Endo Freedoo
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:05:34 PM
:: Endo’s eyes narrow slightly as he hears and actually understands Tirsa’s last statement. It sure was getting to be a major pain, not being able to at least understand basic. One of these days he would have to learn it.
The bar droid arrived with his whiskey and Endo paid for it, taking the drink with one hand while still holding the data-pad with the other. ::
Sanis Prent
Jun 3rd, 2001, 09:11:37 PM
(Sanis looks at Tirsa, and doesn't let the last phrase in Rodian phase him. If it was important, he'd get to it.)
The catch? Lets see...
(Sanis ran his hands through his hair) have to wear Sector Ranger uniforms, and maybe talk to the press? I'd say the pay compensates for those shortcomings, though.
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 4th, 2001, 12:42:25 PM
"You want us to do "honest" work. Wear stupid outfits and talk to the press, maybe?"
:: Endo and Tirsa were known for various unscrupulous acts not to mention her previous record ::
"Mr. Prent. You do realize who we are. No one is going to buy our act. The danger alone and the fact the press might be involved ..."
:: looks up in thought and scratches the side of her head ::
"Ehh ... 60,000 credits sounds more reasonable."
Endo Freedoo
Jun 4th, 2001, 07:37:06 PM
:: He just sat and watched, drinking his glass of whiskey, but still keeping an eye on the human. ::
Sanis Prent
Jun 4th, 2001, 09:21:00 PM
(Unlatching his briefcase, Sanis removed a tightly-wrapped black plastic bag, and slid it to the center of the table. Taking out a small knife, Sanis made a tiny incision in the bag, and a few grains of powder spilt onto the table, before shimmering and shining brightly.)
How about some candy to sweeten the deal, then?
(Sanis smiled)
Glitterstim...a dandy investment if I may say so. I figure four kilos have a street price of around 60,000 credits. How does that sound as added incentive?
(He leaned back in his seat)
Sell it, or use it....I don't care. But the offer stands.
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 4th, 2001, 11:43:44 PM
:: her expression told Sanis nothing of what she was thinking. Turning to Endo she explained everything to him in Rodian. After a few moments, she looked at him seriously ::
"Well? What're thoughts about this insanity, Endo?"
Endo Freedoo
Jun 5th, 2001, 01:40:05 PM
:: He listened to the explanation intently, not interrupting, occasionally sipping from his drink. It did sound somewhat suspicious but the compensation being offered to them for the service was hard to refuse. Posing as law enforcement officials would certainly be tricky, but was probably doable as long as Endo wasn’t required to speak or understand basic. He set his now emptied glass of whiskey on the table. ::
When, where, and how do we begin?
:: It wasn’t a direct answer, but the intent in the question was enough to convey that he was interested. ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 5th, 2001, 02:22:22 PM
:: it was obvious, at least to Tirsa, that Endo shared her concerns about this. If it was the usual jobs they did, it wouldn't be that much of a bother. Acting as Law officials didn't sit too well with her. Nodding to her partner, she turned back to Mr. Prent ::
"So when does this little adventure start? A bit more detail would be nice."
Sanis Prent
Jun 5th, 2001, 02:30:02 PM
Well, you'd need a minimum of 48 hours to get acquainted with some of the Standard Op procedures, and maybe another day to prepare for the actual job. I figure from my sources that the suspected parties will be making a hit on the ship in about a week...two at most.
So...the sooner, the better. Maybe even tomorrow.
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 9th, 2001, 12:34:49 AM
"That soon?"
:: turning to Endo, her speech went back to Rodian as she explained what Sanis wanted them to do ::
"Well learning the rules we get to break them easier eh?"
:: she stuck out her tongue and grinned ::
Endo Freedoo
Jun 9th, 2001, 07:07:29 PM
:: What might could be taken as an evil smile graces the Rodian’s face as he nodded and answered Tirsa. ::
Perhaps we could learn new ways around the law, being more familiar with their methods.
Sanis Prent
Jun 10th, 2001, 05:07:12 PM
(Sanis smiled a bit, noting their rising interest)
Should I take that as a yes?
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 10th, 2001, 08:14:01 PM
:: she crained her neck around to glare at Sanis, so fluid and graceful in her movement ::
"Did I say yes? Ah ... I didn't. So I guess you shouldn't. At least ... not quite yet."
Sanis Prent
Jun 12th, 2001, 12:19:09 PM
(Sanis backed away slightly, courteously raising a hand and smiling)
My mistake...take your time.
(He grabbed a napkin, scribbling a series of numbers on it with a pen)
Here's my comm address...why don't you guys give me a call when you get things sorted out.
(He glanced at the glitterstim on the table)
Keep that as a down payment. I'll be waiting for your call.
(He stood, shaking Tirsa and Endo's hands)
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a lunch date to meet on Coruscant.
(Smiling again, Sanis exited)
Don't forget to call.
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:11:40 PM
Daleethria was waiting outside of the Jedi Bar and Grill, keeping an eye on things. Nothing was going on which was typical. Normally she would not come with Sanis when he was going to speak to clients, but the lure of Yavin was too much. It was here that Daleethria found her own freedom, along with Navaria and one of the Ogre clones. It was the best thing for Navaria to stay here and learn the ways of the Jedi ...
... though a small part of her wished that she stayed with her.
Leaning on the wall, Daleethria watched a tech fueling an X-Wing with passing curiosity. It was that same part of her that wanted to know how Dalethria was doing also. It was hard for her to not care about them both, which is why she was here, hoping that she might run into her Jedi self.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:26:12 PM
:: A poison dart pierces Daleethria's neck, the vornskr venom coursing through her bloodstream as Sorsha appears ::
"Greetings. Shall I call you Sister?"
:: She strides closer as paralysis takes hold of Daleethria's body ::
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:36:16 PM
Instinctively, Daleethria reach for the dart and pulled it out from her neck. A presence that she had not picked up before was suddenly felt.
Kat? What was she doing here and why was she doing this? There was no logical reason for this at all ...
She felt herself becoming woozy. Whatever poison that was on that dart, was spreading through her body fast. Her ability to filter out poison's was not helping in this instance ... she never encountered this venom before. Only thing she could do was reach for her sabre and defend herself against whatever trick Kat was plotting.
Her eyes widened in curiosity and Daleethria looked down. She couldn't move her arm ...
Looking back towards her "sister", she realized just how bad this was ...
Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:37:03 PM
(Sanis was walking back to his freighter, when he saw Dalee standing near one of the Jedi X-wing fighters. He smiled, and was about to call out her name to come with him when a small dart jabbed into her neck. She reached up to it, and began to fall to the ground as the force-active vornskyr venom began to take its toll. Sanis' eyes grew wide, as he ran towards his stricken partner.)
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 13th, 2001, 01:53:41 PM
:: Sorsha incants the spell she learned at the Coven and points at Dalee's fallen form. Dark flames leap from her fingertips, engulfing Dalee in front of Prent's eyes ::
Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:01:11 PM
(In a rage, Sanis reaches to his side, drawing his mandalorian shell gun. He draws a bead on Sorsha, firing the black shell that he always kept in the left barrel)
Endo Freedoo
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:06:28 PM
:: As Sanis runs towards where Dalee is, a popping sound fills the air, then a whistling noise. Before Sanis has time to react an explosion rocks his heels as a flechette grenade impacts not less than ten centimeters behind him. The hot metal shards fill the surrounding air and riddle his body from the explosion.
The Rodian finds cover behind a rock and lobs two more grenades in the man’s direction. ::
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:08:43 PM
There was nothing she could do to protect herself. Her body was completely paralyzed and her mind was racing with hundreds of possibilities. The sensation of being in this state was fascinating to her empirical mind but her survival instincts were trying to find some solution. The conflict of her old self and new self gave Kat enough time for the killing blow ...
Fire consumed her body but she would not give Kat the satisfaction of screaming. Daleethria knew more about the Force then this mindless Sith ever would.
As she lost her ability to see and over the raging fire around her, she heard Sanis cry out her name. Her death would cause him such pain and grief ... she could not leave him just yet. Though this mortal body was doomed to end, her spirit could live on for a short time.
She was no Jedi ... completely ... but she had to attempt it. For the sake of her love for Sanis.
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:18:25 PM
:: a blaster bolt streaks across the hanger and nails Sanis in the shoulder, causing his shot to go wide. Tirsa grins and rolls on the ground and finds cover behind some metal cargo boxes. Those grenades are going to go boom soon ::
Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 02:27:10 PM
(Everything suddenly went quiet, as a ringing filled Sanis' ears. In the second after the explosion, it occurred to him that he'd been hit, as shrapnel peppered into his back, blowing him off his feet. He landed hard with a thump, everything coming in a muted tone...the weapons fire, the screams of Daleethria, everything. He didn't even realize that his shoulder had been shot. Blinking away the disorientation, Sanis lay on the ground, looking to the side. He saw the green-skinned Rodian lob two grenades at him. They skittered over, about 2 meters from him. Sanis cursed, his hands fumbling at his belt...looking for the control to his personal shield generator. Switching it on, Sanis balled into a fetal position with all his might, as the grenades went off, further plunging his world into a soundless nightmare)
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 13th, 2001, 04:09:44 PM
::Siek has been sitting in his TIE Defender, with is feet up and drinking his all to useral Fruit juise, the sounds of 2 explosions alerted him and he jumped from his TIE ducking behinde a X-wing, he viwed Sanis and his girl and the enemys that had set them up...he swiped round his sniper rifle from around his shoulder and zoomed in more, carefully assessing the sistuation..
Still in a position he couldent be seen but could see them, he loaded his sniper rifle and jacked back the loading handle causeing a noice to sound through the hanger, silence filled the hanger, sieken rolled out shooting 2 bolts at Endo hitting him in the wrist and shoulder, then dived back into his organal protective postition and running a good 5 ft further on...if they lobbed grenades the ships would explode killing them all, and siek knew it would.
"Over my dead body they die here" he shouted ecoing in the hanger
he re-loaded his sniper rifle pressing his back up agaist a shuttle..
"Damn it Sanis.." he said under his breath...
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 13th, 2001, 04:52:24 PM
:: Sanis' bullet impacts against a force barrier as the pyrokinetic kill continues to burn. Sorsha detects another presence in the area, but it mattered not. Nothing could save Dalee from her firey death as the smell of burning flesh fills the air ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:00:17 PM
IC~ :: tirsa got a bead on the guy that shot at Endo. Fool seemingly forgot about her. Oh well... his loss. Sanis was busy and this guy duck back around in his little hiding hole. She noticed the coast was clear and ran over to where that fool went and poked down where he ran off, back against the hull of a ship. With a wicked grin, Tirsa pulled off one of her cyro-ban grenades and threw it at the last known footfall she heard.
She dove behind cover as the grenade exploded, but this was no normal grenade. The X-wing that he used for cover, as well as the TIE near it was hit with wave of intense cold. All the electrical systems shorted out and were rendered useless. Sieken got the worst, being near the blast point, his body was severely wounded from the extreme temperature drop. He couldn't feel most of his body and if he didn't know any better, had severe frost bite ::
Endo Freedoo
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:01:19 PM
:: The blaster bolts hurt a great deal, but having hit his left arm made turning and firing three flechette grenades at the fool easy enough. They left the tube of the pistol with a fwoomping noise and arced up over where he had ducked for cover, dropping just at his feet. One, two, three. ::
:: The shards of metal and fragmentation debris they contained clinked as they hit the side of the X-Wing moderately harmlessly, not causing it any damage save a few scratches. The human however was an entirely different story. His frozen body was pelted with the chunks of hot metal and sharp shards, they ripped at every limb of his body and tore the clothing from his person. The blood flowing from the wounds was extremely slowed by the intense cold, but once that thawed, he’d be nothing more than a man lying in a deep pool of the thick reddish brown soup that was his own life’s blood. ::
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:07:06 PM
The inferno raged on but Daleethria was long gone. All that remained was her clothes and sabre which burned and melted inside ...
Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:15:48 PM
(Sanis gritted his teeth as the wash of heat subsided all around him. The shield emitter at his belt completely overloaded, sparking and burning. Painfully, Sanis reached down, and ejected the device off its belt clip, the hot metal giving his hand first and second degree burns. Gingerly, he reached forward, grabbing his shell gun. He was very disoriented from the blast as well as the shrapnel wounds in his back, but he continued on. He very-faintly heard three "thumps" in front of him, and saw the Rodian he had been talking to before...only this time firing at somebody. His big eyes were looking in a direction beyond Sanis, and his attention was not on him. Carefully, Sanis unhinged his weapon's breech, and slid a yellow shell and an orange shell into the barrels. He closed the weapon, but his shell-shocked ears didn't hear the click. Slowly, Sanis angled the gun towards Endo. Only at that moment did he see the imminent danger. Sanis' mouth moved, as he meant to say "Go to Hell"...but he couldn't even hear his own words. He squeezed the right trigger, and the yellow shell exploded toward the Rodian.)
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:21:51 PM
Sieken had loaded his rifle ready for another attack, but the stench of flesh filled the air...
he switched his rifle to full burst fire, and took off the scope, he was a danger when in a rage....even to himself...
He leaned out to see sanis fireing, he took aim, and fired at Tirsa fireing a full burst of bolts at him not even worried about the damage it might cause...
"Like i said, over my dead body"...he shouted
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 13th, 2001, 05:50:05 PM
ok OK!
by the way im 21 :-) so no you havent been RPing longer than me alive....ANYWAY..lets go back to where Sanis shot his Yellow bolt, and i'll learn from the surrondings here..mabey i jumped in to quick...
IC:..Siek fell to the floor knocked out, his head bleeding heaverly...he was totaly out of it, his rifel stuck under the A-Wing, Sanis was on his own...
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:12:08 PM
:: the dark flames diminish as Sorsha disperses the spell. She turns her attention to Sanis and creates a force wind, blinding him with Dalee's hot ashes ::
Endo Freedoo
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:22:06 PM
:: He saw the shell gun aimed his direction, but was too late to return fire or even get completely out of the way. Instantaneous instinct kicked in and he dove over the rock he had been using as cover and rolled up into a tight ball on the other side of it, just as the incendiary shell exploded and filled the air with a huge fireball.
The rock provided him some cover, but not complete protection. Flames lapped at his body and clothing and they caught on fire while he got burns on his arms, hands and one side of his face. Beginning to roll around, he managed to douse the flames on his clothes. Today was turning out to be a rather rough day, but then they knew setting this man up as Sorsha had requested would not be easy. He just hoped that the glitterstem in his backpack wasn’t burnt. He sure would hate to get out of this without the unexpected payoff. ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:26:27 PM
:: As Sanis was blinded, he didn't see Tirsa sneak up behind him. She was fuming from what she saw happen to Endo. Pulling out the knife from her belt, she grabbed Sanis from behind and slid the blade into his back ::
"That was for Endo you frelling piece of dren!!!"
:: she pushed him to the ground and quickly made her way towards her fallen partner ::
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:27:10 PM
:: Sieken woke with a start, the ice thoring, he kicked his rifel from out under the oil drums, his head badly bleeding, he was dizzy, and disorentated, he fell back to his knees, and feel onto his back cocking back the lever and noticeing he had 21 Bolts in the cartrage...
sieken dragged his now wounded legs behinde him passing some Fighters and shuttels as we walked/dragged, we peard round the corner to see Endo and Tis, he raised his rifle up to them shaking a bit from the lack of blood, he pulled back and noticed Sorsha, his mind rushed like a river, **This is it** he thought, im trapped i got nowere to go...i might aswell end my life usefull...he pulled out a Frag Granade, and looked at it...poped his kneck and looked back at Sorsha
Sanis Prent
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:30:29 PM
(The pain washed over Sanis again, as he watched the Rodian burn. The wind kicked up behind him, blowing hot embers across his lacerated back. Gritting his teeth in pain, Sanis rolled away from the ashes with all of his strength and concentration. He...was...about to....
...Sanis slipped into unconciousness)
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:37:31 PM
:: Seiken saw sanis fall out into nothing, sieken now felt very alone...he shooke his head and put the grenade away...he was going to get sanis out, no matter what it tooke even his own life just to get sanis away...::
"Alright guys, lets play" he said quetly cocking back his lever again puttinf a empty shell the the floor
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:43:30 PM
OOC~ Sieken! ONE post per person. You need to wait for other people! Sorsha has yet to respond to your first one. Will you stop screwing up the thread :mad:
Endo Freedoo
Jun 13th, 2001, 09:45:12 PM
OOC: Do you have any concept of the rule that states that you are supposed to give other players time to post?
Because it isn't your turn to post in this thread again, there is an order here, you took your turn, no editing it to say something different, now you are supposed to wait until its your turn again.
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 18th, 2001, 02:08:18 PM
:: Sorsha scans the area with the force and curses. The backup she arranged failed to come through for her. Her eyes meet Sieken's in a cold gaze as she disappears in a cloud of smoke and fire ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 18th, 2001, 02:18:00 PM
:: grabs Endo and puts his good arm around her shoulder and took on last look around before clearing out of the area ::
Endo Freedoo
Jun 18th, 2001, 02:29:46 PM
:: Smolders and smells of burning flesh as he is helped away. ::
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 18th, 2001, 03:19:49 PM
:: Sieken smiled, and glanced at Sanis, limping over to him, he looked back at the two hobberling off, he aimed at Endos back and point carring i it on::
he lowerd the gun and rolled sanis over....he tore a medi pack open with his teeth and started working on the cuts and gashes::
Sorsha Kasajian
Jun 18th, 2001, 04:05:34 PM
:: a wall of flame spreads across the ground, seperating Siekan from his ship as Sorsha moves unseen back to the Chimera. That would buy them the time they needed to leave unfollowed ::
Tirsa Krylana
Jun 18th, 2001, 09:24:37 PM
:: moving as fast as she could with how badly injured Endo was, Tirsa made her way to where she knew "The Chimera" was waiting for them. She heard screams of surprise as the firewall was erected ::
"Come on Endo! You got to help me out a little!"
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 18th, 2001, 10:28:53 PM
:: Sieken was mad, almost in a rage...he picked up his rifle slung it around his back, and picked up Sanis's shell gun, holding it by the barral::
:: The Fire erected around sanis and siek, but siek knew, he had to take this chance, he dived through the wall of fire, and rolled out of the other side quickly getting up, and aiming for cover.......noone::
" Come on...come on" he whisperd to himself
:: He saw a shadow from the flaims dispear round a corner, so siek disides to take chace::
Endo Freedoo
Jun 19th, 2001, 01:17:43 AM
OOC: :: Sigh :: Sieken, you still don’t quite understand the waiting for your turn do you? It was clearly my turn next and then it should be Sanis’ turn to respond in some way. Nor do you seem to understand that with what happened to your character, you should be injured as badly if not even worse than Sanis. Frozen with the cold grenade then hit with three flechette rounds? Your posts from here on are being ignored. Rolling through fire with what your character’s IC condition should be, is by far, quite god modish.
:: His head raised up from its slumped position as Tirsa dragged him to the ship and he looked at her and tried to smile. Half his face was black and pink from the burns. As he attempted to smile, he grimaced and moaned as the movements of his face sent stinging pains through his nerves. He managed to spit a couple words out. ::
Doing the best I can.
:: They slowly made their way up the ramp, Endo managing to help support his weight with the less severely burned leg, the one that had been closer to the ground when the flaming round fired by Sanis had exploded. ::
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 02:56:22 AM
right say a Freeze grenade right??? well i seem to recall fire melting ice...correct?...and when someone is in a rage mood anyhow somehow i dont know if youve had this, pain seems to deplete when your so mad, and in a stress to get to the person who done this to you...there fore, rolling through fire as quick as possible would hurt oh yes...but your ignoreing my action cuz you never wanted me to join in the first place anyhow.....any want me gone...nore will i result in RPING with you in the future....not that your going to be upset about that anyway...
2ndly, sanis is half dead on the floor, how can he write smothing if hes un-concuios?...dood serously...
In addition to that: when the grenade hit me my computer never showed the postes and still dose not, amking oblivios to the injuries in detail....
And En-forceing rules every 5 secs is just boreing and makes RP get outta hand...its just not fun
Endo Freedoo
Jun 19th, 2001, 03:39:31 AM
OOC: The posts in question still show on my computer and have the entire time. Sanis himself even mentioned it to you in one of the OOC posts which has been cleaned from this thread. This was long before you jumped through flames.
Tirsa Krylana
That's MISS BLUE to You!!!
Posts: 53
6/13/01 5:00:17 pm
Re: Sanis sits at the bar
IC~ :: tirsa got a bead on the guy that shot at Endo. Fool seemingly forgot about her. Oh well... his loss. Sanis was busy and this guy duck back around in his little hiding hole. She noticed the coast was clear and ran over to where that fool went and poked down where he ran off, back against the hull of a ship. With a wicked grin, Tirsa pulled off one of her cyro-ban grenades and threw it at the last known footfall she heard.
She dove behind cover as the grenade exploded, but this was no normal grenade. The X-wing that he used for cover, as well as the TIE near it was hit with wave of intense cold. All the electrical systems shorted out and were rendered useless. Sieken got the worst, being near the blast point, his body was severely wounded from the extreme temperature drop. He couldn't feel most of his body and if he didn't know any better, had severe frost bite ::
Edited by: Tirsa Krylana at: 6/13/01 6:07:58 pm
Endo Freedoo
Seeker Of Knowledge
Posts: 12
6/13/01 5:01:19 pm
Reply | Edit
Re: Sanis sits at the bar
:: The blaster bolts hurt a great deal, but having hit his left arm made turning and firing three flechette grenades at the fool easy enough. They left the tube of the pistol with a fwoomping noise and arced up over where he had ducked for cover, dropping just at his feet. One, two, three. ::
The shards of metal and fragmentation debris they contained clinked as they hit the side of the X-Wing moderately harmlessly, not causing it any damage save a few scratches. The human however was an entirely different story. His frozen body was pelted with the chunks of hot metal and sharp shards, they ripped at every limb of his body and tore the clothing from his person. The blood flowing from the wounds was extremely slowed by the intense cold, but once that thawed, he’d be nothing more than a man lying in a deep pool of the thick reddish brown soup that was his own life’s blood. :: * * * *
The only reason these rules have to be enforced every five seconds is because you can’t seem to grasp the simple concepts of the not quite so difficult rules of this RP. Perhaps your better suited for the MSN RP you spoke of before, where its faster paced and perhaps less structured?
As for what Sanis could post being unconscious: Do not place your own standards of creativity on others. You’d be quite surprised by what some people can come up with, using their imagination and creative concepts. You should not be the one to dictate what he can and cannot do, by supposing he can do nothing at all. The rule states that you are supposed to give other people time to post, something you disregarded in this thread several times.
Sieken Kasstra
Jun 19th, 2001, 08:33:19 AM
Well unfortunetly, i never saw those posts about beaing hit by the grnade, so in detail, i cannot quite grasp it not....again MSN is proboly more structurd beucuse it is live and your detail has to be accurate...i do aplogise for the misshapes of this damn computer, but that is the first time i have seen the grenade detail in full....
ill stay outta the thread but ill be kncoked out on the floor....once again i aplogise...
Morgan Evanar
Jun 20th, 2001, 12:46:56 AM
I sincerely doubt that you are in fact, 21 years old. I have not met a 21 year old that writes as poorly as you do.
Please, take some middle school english courses and try again.
Reysa Sashara
Jun 20th, 2001, 12:50:54 AM
*Looks at himself*
i can quite assure you im 21 my friend...
Sanis Prent
Jun 21st, 2001, 01:09:10 PM
(Sanis groggily rolled over on his side 10 minutes later, the smell of smoke assailing his nose as he comes groaning back into conciousness. His right arm lies in a puddle of warm, sticky liquid. Looking down, he sees that it is blood. His own. Cursing under his breath, Sanis tries to stand but between pain, shock, and blood loss, he can manage a crawl at best. His ears still ringing over a near-soundless world around him, he sees wisps of smoke rising from a spot on the ground only 10 meters away. His heart knew what he would find, but he just didn't want his mind to remind his heart of the fact as well. Weakly crawling, Sanis approached the spot where Daleethria's charred clothes and lightsaber remained. He tried to grab at the saber, but the metal was scalding hot. His hand shrank from the searing touch, as his other scooped a handful of light-grey ash.
She was gone.
No! Wait! There was no body! Sanis' last bastion of hope lay on that. After must be some kind of Jedi trick. Couldn't they vanish like that all the time.
Sanis smiled as if to reassure his panicked fear. He thought Where are you hiding, Dalee, knowing she was somewhere and her voice would come to him.
He waited...and waited.
Her voice never came. The awful realization of what had happened finally pierced the final barrier of denial and hypothesizing that Sanis could provide. He looked down to the ash on the ground, and felt weak. He didn't know if it was the realization that he was alone, or perhaps knowing how powerless he was to save her, and his own inner damnation of his abilities. Maybe some of it was even the blood loss as well. Whatever the reason, Sanis collapsed forward into the soot, his weak tears falling into the dry ash, making a whisping sound as they soaked into the charred cloth.)
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei
Jul 1st, 2001, 11:06:54 PM
**The commotion had died down outside the bar and grill. Patrons began to crawl out from underneath their tables, looking around as if to assure themselves they were still alive. Explosions had racked the building just moments before, but they seem to have quieted. Dust drifted down from the ceiling and shifted through the air, creating an eerie scene as all shapes and sizes of creatures, both human and not, stood to survey the damage. Yog's was a well built bar, and the only visible wounds were some cracks in the ceiling from the concussions outside. The mortar floated through the air, giving the scene an almost ethereal light to it. It was akin to chalk dust in the air, making everything glow with a hazy kind of aura.
**Saa dusted herself off. It was a futile process, and in the end she stopped and simply looked around. She could barely breathe in the dust filled air, and the stench of burning filled her nose. Try as she might, she could not hold her breath for long enough to suit her. Running outside, she took a deep breath and immediately gagged. The smell was worse out here, and it killed her feline senses. Saa looked up in horror, little fires were slowly burning themselves out in random places. The front of Yog's had turned into a battlefield in a matter of moments. Her eyes gazed among the ruin of a once pleasant street, searching for signs of who, or what, did this.
**Suddenly, Saa stopped. A body lay amid the reckage. A body she recognized.
**A wail escaped her.. damnable human.. getting himself into trouble all the time. Before she knew what was going on, her hand reached out and turned his body over. Prent's chest slowly rose and fell, but it was growing slower by the moment.
"Sssanjisss.. Prrrent... arrre jyou ok?"
**Her body leaned closer as she used a finger to gently pull up one of his eyelids.
Sanis Prent
Jul 3rd, 2001, 09:53:40 PM
(Sanis' eyes opened very slowly, his pupils dialated from the shock. He took a few shallow breaths before his eyes focused on Saarrreeaa.)
S..Saarrreeaa...Daleethria...she's gone.
(He tried to sit up, but the loss of blood caused him to grow very faint. He slumped over to his side.)
I'm not gonna make it here, Saa. They...finally got me.
Lady Vader
Jul 6th, 2001, 01:55:10 AM
*there was smoke coming from around the bar... smoke? since when did they burn things here, except maybe in the kitchen?*
*LV walked slowly towards the bar and looked around... what a mess! smoldering things, or what used to be beings... the smell of burnt flesh assailed her nose and she snorted softly... as she kept walking through the mess, Iesis, her Correllian panther, bounded off to investigate something she'd found of interest... LV looked on out of curiosity and watched as Iesis stopped near a kneeling Cizerack looking down at a fallen body*
*LV sighed... the Ciz was probably picking off the meat from whoever's bones those were... she frowned looking closer, and saw the female Ciz talking to the corps... and then the corps moved... the "corps" was Sanis*
*LV blinked and walked slowly towards where Iesis had stopped just behind the Ciz woman, and looked down... oh he look like he'd been through hell*
*she cleared her throat, and addressed Sanis from where she stood*
Life finally catch up with you?
*only then did she realize that he'd been crying from his tear streaked face, and the woman that normally accompanied him was no where to be found... she opened herself to the Force, searching for the woman who was also a Force user, and detected nothing... then something caused her to look down at a small pile of black ashes near Sanis' face... with widening eyes, she finally realized what had happened... she fell silent*
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