View Full Version : Hobbles In Looking For Someone.
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 15th, 2001, 05:36:14 PM
Making his way into the Bar and Grill Melkibor looked around, he had seen many strange beings in his life, but this place held some of the strangest...then again this wasn't much coming from a three foot tall troll. Hobbling over to the bar he looked up at the counter hoping someone would see him standing there.....
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:29:20 PM
::Looks over from his place at the counter, studying the small creature::
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 15th, 2001, 06:59:16 PM
Arching his small neck back the troll looked up trying not to fall backwards as he tried to look at the stranger.
"Be us looking for somone, yup we be looking for somone special you know. You know? Warren his name be, also Lord Abaddon does he be called. Must be finding him or else trouble I'll find, Raziel and Arachulas must find.....Hello."
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 08:44:56 PM
::Kikran faced turned dull, as he looked back at the small being::
"Warren, of Abaddon, left...a couple days ago, with a fellow named Terathel."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:02:29 PM
Melkibor began to pace as he heard the bad news, it seems he was too late already. They would kill him when they found out....
"Terathel found him already, bad this be, very very not so good. World coming to end...well faster than normal mean us. Find them us must else them and all us be dead. Help find them please you all be doing? Need your help do we so all them not be mad at us for not getting them back."
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:07:29 PM
"....and how would I be able to help? If Warren wants to run away, then let him, not my problem."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:20:39 PM
"Understand us do you not? Warren run away he never did do, Abaddon did must left with him. Terathel and Abaddon did make pact-like deal years ago gone by, We done have to stop him so the generals and others that with Abaddon where with before can help kill people like all. I have much to speak about with all time gone by, me be after all a few hundreds of one years old, thousands might be also well. If you hear me speak with ears then sit an quiet."
Kikran Akard
Jul 15th, 2001, 09:25:34 PM
::Gets a strange puzzled look on his face, then sits down::
"How many years has he been speaking." Kikran thought to himself.
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 15th, 2001, 11:00:27 PM
Grinning to himself slowly Melkibor hobbled towards the tall seats of the Bar, he could see just over the top of them as he tried to sit down; with a small sigh he turned to the Man with an agravated look in his face.
"Help might you give us ok please? Tiny we be and seat bigger than us be, so it no good to us like that."
Minutes passed as the Jedi just stared at him in confusion not knowing what exactly the small troll had asked for, eventually he figured it out and placed him on the chair.
"Thank us to you for helping we get here. Hear with ears you do now please as I talk words from mouth..."
".....Millions years go by ago the big not small guy in heaven created many funny things, among these oddities were Angels and others like me of small to big like power. Mr. Biggy also made Jelous and feelings of not so well thought, as time went by as always it does do winged people got tired and mad. Heaven became scary as wingy and wingy try to kill each and all others round them, all became real bad be like small beings like us not know what do. So we hide, we try to not to well though, angel boy number one becomes Abaddon as he makes a big bad thing and tries to hurt Mr. Biggy. Long time go by as Abaddon and Biggy fight, all end soon enough though as Biggy tries to make smiteorific example of wing wing. Follow did people to Abaddon and such as cause they go to Mortal world as bad thing for they did. Lucky all were not as Biggy got angry at the bigger bad ones, Sadly us got stuck with this group as we left behind to get trouble. Melkibor never hurt people much but got trouble towards me anyways, others and us sent to netherworld we were, sunblock should have brought though as we now know. Got worse was wing boy for power, in end he was looked away in place of no retuning, but demon-man help him free and us leave with all them and we also. Story long kinda short us need to Abaddon and Warren find of quickness, Mad-man he be worse would be if not with us he be, Legions of hell need he if to kill. Else why Melki be her talking like us to you, help will you us find them look for? Spare you migh us but not might like the others I find for......."
Melkibor continued talking his usual ramblings to the poor Jedi, he had hoped the young man would understand his intentions and help find Warren or Abaddon. The fate of the universe depended on finding those two who were one - well not really. Universe end no matter what Abaddon and group do, but maybe this way Melki can help some....
Kikran Akard
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:32:12 AM
::Realized what the troll was saying, but didn't buy into it::
"Listen...I know the whole Abaddon/Warren thing is going on, and I want Warren back, but I'm not going to go on a big mission like this. Perhaps you'll be able to persuade someone else."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:22:48 AM
"Help others by then good be, where find us people more fthat help to us? Find them by us will you, you can?"
Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:39:12 AM
Liam stands up, and faces the troll.
"Ok, I'll help find them."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:54:27 AM
Startled by the new stranger Melkibor jumped up slightly and only succedded in flying out of the seat he had made his way into earlier. Taking his time he got himself off the floor only to stare up at the stranger, where the heck had he come from....
"You be scaring us, hell coming from you be? Need us help more do now us be getting."
Turning back to the chair he tried hopping back ont it but still the small troll could not reach; trying as hard as he could was only letting anger get to him. Quickly the small being turned around towards the new Jedi, saying nothing to him. All Melkibor did was give him a swift kick to the knee out of anger..
Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 11:57:27 AM
Grabs his shin, then helps the little one in the chair.
"What the hell did you just say?"
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:11:56 PM
"Think you what said us? Speaking English us are always doing."
Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:13:33 PM
Liam shakes his head.
"You may be using English, but you could try using correct sentence structure."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 16th, 2001, 12:27:03 PM
Looking at the new Jedi he wondered what he was getting at, Melki was speaking perfect english. Maybe this man was just insane.
"Speak greatly good do I do well. Mad you must be just cause not standing me here over."
Liam Jinn
Jul 16th, 2001, 01:34:33 PM
"Right...So, I am helping find Warren, right?"
Jul 16th, 2001, 02:11:29 PM
The Jedi's talking was cut short as Arachulas burst in through the doors of the Bar and Grill with angels in tow, he had come to find out where Abaddon and Melkibor had gone, now was the time of prophecy and he would not lose those two at this close a time.
"Where is he? Where is the one known as Warren and a small Troll named Melkibor. I demand they show themselves before there has to be a problem here."
Melkibor the Troll
Jul 16th, 2001, 02:16:55 PM
Mlkibor had about three seconds to hide as he saw Arachulas burst in through the door, it seems Melki had taken to long and now the Angels had taken over again...... He was in big trouble and all he could think of was were was he going to hide... Turning to the two Jedi he grinned as he hid under the Table.
"Help us from hide him, Arachulas man bad, hurt us find if us he does..."
Liam Jinn
Jul 17th, 2001, 10:53:41 AM
Liam shook his head and looked at the newcomer.
"Well, Abaddon isn't here, or the troll. You might just want to go looking for them somewhere else."
Jul 17th, 2001, 01:19:59 PM
"Well, I know where he is."
:: Terathel grinned from a dark corner of the bar. He tipped his hat, as a way of greeting everyone. He shifted his eyes to see who was present. ::
"Arachulas, Melkibor, long time no see."
:: Tera walked by a bar and swiped a can of beer, that a Gran was drinking. The Gran got up, but Terathel pushed him to the floor. He took a long sip of the beer, finishing it. With a sigh, the man crushed it in his strong hands. ::
"Aww look, it's you two again."
:: He motioned to Liam and Rebel. ::
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