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The Shadow Jedi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 08:28:39 AM
The steps up to the Bar were taking swiftly. He moved past the guards at the door, the weapons scanners detecting this person carried no weapons. His face was hooded so that all his features could not be seen, the cloak ran the length of his body, disgusing all features. He stepped quietly to the bar, tapping on the polished wood surface for some service. He ordered a drink, before turning to regard the beings in the bar area, talking, dining, ignoring the lone person at the bar.
He was failing however to see the person he was looking for.
Was she no longer coming to this place? Maybe one of the barstaff could tell him.
He stopped a passing barstaff.
"Good evening, I seek one who calls herself TUJK. Would you be good enough to tell me where she is?" He could feel some suspicion come off the barstaffer, so he added some calming tones to his voice.
"Do not worry, my intentions are peaceful only. Would you find her for me?"
Jul 3rd, 2001, 01:40:56 PM
Some times... just sometimes, it wasn't with sight the things you wished to find could be found.
The blind jedi's small form stepped down the stairs, her glasses off, showing her sightless orbs... and yet, beyond reason, her graceful and careful movements contradicted her sightlessnes.
She woave her way though the bar, towards the one she had been informed that wanted to speak with her.
"Apparently, the one you seek has been found."
She stood there, her arms crossed, with no fear or concern for herself... waiting for a reply.
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 07:33:18 PM
The shadow Jedi heard the other approach, timed his turn to face her,,,, and then stopped, puzzled. Something from his memory wasn't matching up with how the person remembered TUJK.
It only took a momnet, before realisation came.
"You are blind? How did this happen?"
Jul 3rd, 2001, 07:57:52 PM
"I am without vision"
The words came with a smile
"That doesn't mean I am blind to the world around me. As for how it happend... let me say that I simply experianced Sith sorcery up close and personal."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 09:53:36 PM
He grimaced unseen. But took note of her words about not being blind to the world around her.
"Walk with me please..." He raised a hand from his cloak, the hand covered and bound in rags. "I would wish to speak more with you"
He paused before walking
"Have you ever seen a Healer about your eyes, or is the Jedi Order not possessing a Healer of that magnitude?"
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:06:38 PM
She nodded slightly.
"I will walk with you."
As theywalked she considered his question.
"Why would I seek a healer?" a red brow raised. "There is no reason to. I do not suffer... and who am I to change the will of the force."
A smile played out over her face.
"If nothing else, I view things much more clearly now."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 10:17:48 PM
"So you applied the lesson of not trusting yours eyes to the full extent. Not many Jedi realise the importance of that - I would say it was unfortunate in your case, but I clearly see you percieve it as a benefit, not a hinderance. That shows wisdom others lack"
He fell silent for a moment, before speaking again.
"Tell me about yourself. Why did you seek to be a Jedi and who was your Master?"
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:06:42 PM
"Nothing can be fully trusted."
the statement was simple, but made with certain hints to the present company.
"I have little to say about my reasons, other thanto simply learn."
She tuned her milky orbs to the shadowy figure, the blind eyes seeming as if they were looking past the shadowed exterior of her companion, to seek the depths of his intentions.
"I had no master...
I had a teacher, and a friend."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 3rd, 2001, 11:35:35 PM
He turned his head at ther words
"Your teacher was your friend? You have had good fortune then. I have seen times when students rebelled agains their teachers and I have seen the damage it does. Fortunate indeed you are"
Looking ahead, he thought out the next question carefully.
"Who was this teacher and what made him worthy of friendship?"
Jul 4th, 2001, 12:51:39 AM
"Names mean little in terms of friendship.
But if you must know... he was known as Turbogeek."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:33:49 AM
"Interesting. I have heard many talk about that man in terms of friendship. He was a man that inspired emotion in people, be it negative or positive. You were his last student, were you not?"
Jul 4th, 2001, 01:59:46 AM
"I suppose I could be named as such."
She was still reserved in her words to this one. Too much known by him in reguards to many things.
"Unless he had another student tucked away in the shadows."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:21:56 AM
"The only other student of his before he was killed went to the Sith and I am not certain why. You appear to be the final success he had. It may be that he taught badly towards the end or did nto pay enough attention. It is a common mistake a lot of Jedi Masters make with their students, one they seldom admit to. More good Padawans are lost to the Dark Side due to negligence than anything else."
He stopped on the path - as they were now outside - and reached out to touch a tree branch in his way.
"I sense you are reluctant to speak. If that is because I appear to know much... I know only what would be common knowledge by someone observing for a period of time. I have been wondering about the Jedi here and I have been watching for a long time now. I chose to speak to you becaue you seem to be one who observes well and would be able to answer my questions best. Do you have have a student yourself?"
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:26:49 AM
"Perhaps I can be labled as a sucess, perhaps not. It depends who views my deeds."
She chuckled at her being the one to observe things well.
"I've had several students, I teach what I can and let them find thier own way from there. In the end, there's only one true freedom, the freedom to learn things for yourself.
I'm not one to limit a students freedom."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:33:59 AM
"Ah yes, to learn, you must first be willing. I remember a Padawan who had no Master once and unlike most others, he needed no Master to teach him to learn. But the willingness to learn must be guided, so we may not learn too early things that can damage us and lead a Jedi from the true path. How would you guide the ones you teach?"
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:46:08 AM
"By controling the situation, offering them tests that cannot be bested by simple reasoning, where illogic is the key.
Above all else. I teach them to think, and realise that they're not ready for somethings.
Sometimes failure is the best lesson."
She smirked
"You might not have found the way to do it, but you narrow down the list of wrong ways."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 4th, 2001, 02:52:29 AM
"A good answer... but I would suggest you have missed the most important way of all and one I believe is used too little.
Teach By Example. Is it not the best way to teach right from wrong? It has been said we dont listen to to just the words of a person, but watch and mimic their actions, especially of ones we admire? Would you not agree this to be the case?"
Jul 4th, 2001, 03:16:36 AM
"Well, I'd rather not have a bunch of blind students..."
She smirked. Emulating others wasn't a good way to learn, it gave the motions, but often not the reasonings.
"My path isn't nessisarly that of my students. My actions wouldn't be fitting for those that have the spirit of an active defender, so they must find thier own methods.
Besides. Without the diversity of thought the jedi would be nothing. Having them follow my footsteps would be only passing on my failings to them, makeing them easy prey for those that could possibly fall me."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 4th, 2001, 06:53:54 PM
“So you disagree? Then let me explain. Please, walk with me again as I do”
“The correct term I should use is discipleship and it is the true way a Padawan / Master relationship works. The Master teaches not by holoviews and dry texts, but as the two experience day to day the Master passes down his or her life experience and knowledge, whilst also giving lessons on how to deal with situations by the way they respond to what challenges are placed in their path. A teacher who knows how to disciple will be able to give their not only methods, but reasons why they do. It will allow the student who wants to learn a chance to evaluate and understand the motives.
A true Master would observe a student and find out where their strengths are and guide them down that path. For their weakness, the Master edifys and helps the student to build up, maybe even turning the weakness into strength.
Discipleship means that you will not be able to teach any student but never think that because your nature is not of a Warrior that you cant teach one meant to fight. A hot head can learn much from a person of peace. They learn patience and they learn the alternatives to fighting. And when it does come down to a fight… they learn to defend until the correct time it is to strike. A student who is a defender at heart can learn nobility, honour and strength from a Warrior. They can learn stealth and subtley, illusions and how to find courage when the situation is bad.
It is not diversity the Jedi seek to have… but balance. Not balance between light and dark like false teachers and even the Sith try to lie about. A Jedi may be a truly great scholar, but they will also understand the fighting arts. A fighter will have compassion and peace. A Jedi is not just one thing or another, they are many things. It is true that a Jedi will eventually pick his or her own path and develop as their gifts have been given, but with balance they have a far stronger base to build themselves on.”
He paused, just allowing their footsteps to be the only sound, then continued
“A good teacher will always be searching themselves for weakness and have the wisdom to know where they are weak. They would learn about themselves as they sought for qualities in themselves that they would like to pass down and even select which footsteps they wish their student to step in.
But do not think that what you are weak in would necessarily be the same for your student. It could well be a strength for them. You could be too instinctive or impulsive. That may well be something the student needs to learn.
But in the end…. The best teacher is the one who is best able to learn. And the best thing to learn is about yourself”
Jul 4th, 2001, 07:58:24 PM
She shook her head.
"I do not use the term master... teacher, or friend, but not master. It holds too many meanings, and few of them proper in terms of what I view a jedi as.
Perhaps that is why I do things the way I do. Becaus I don't seek to be anything but an equal with my students."
She shrugged.
"I suppose I'm not a true master in your eyes... which works fine for me. I have no use for that title."
She considered the rest of the words.
"You forgot one thing that each jedi is.
In the end, there is no right or wrong way to be a jedi if one follows the general guide of the code. Perhaps my ways arn;t the way you view a jedi as being... but then again, a jedi also has to be understanding of ways not thier own... "
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:04:06 AM
“Each Jedi is unique, yes, but they must have much in common with each other and that is why I do not discuss that. My words hinted of the individual, if you recall, but in all I speak as a whole collective. Each Jedi is like the organs and cells of a being, they serve a purpose to the collection of the whole. And in some cases, where one might walk on one’s hands instead of the feet, different Jedi learn to be something more than just what they are.
There is for example only one truth, no matter from what point of view. There are many things a Jedi may do on their path, but there is but one path to be called a Jedi. The code itself does not define all what a Jedi is to be, for you can be calm, at peace and still be taken by the Dark Side. A Jedi can attack and Jedi do get angry. It comes down to the Force and what side we are on. There is no grey area or fence sitting, you are either Dark or Light. The road of the true Jedi is difficult and narrow, strong and wise they must be to walk it.
Yes each Jedi is unique… but we are one body.”
He stopped speaking to collect his thoughts. She was about to speak again when he placed a hand up to indicate he hadn’t finished. Belatedly, he realised that visual signal was not only pointless but callous. But it was excusable, she was so good at not using her eyes, it was uncanny. Like she had full vision. The Shadow Jedi instead touched her shoulder lightly.
“Your use of other senses with your sight gone is impressive. Highly impressive. It is hard to believe you do not see with your eyes at all. This leads me to something I would say… to view yourself as someone’s equal all the time is not correct. We are not to favour or discriminate someone based on race, sex or creed, but if one is truly a Master, it is right and honourable to acknowledge that. You youself…. You have developed the art of seeing with the Force to the point far beyond anyone else I have experienced. That in turn would make you nearly immune to mind tricks and illusions. You would see through disguises and falsehoods better than almost anyone could, just by your simple reliance. That in itself makes you a Master and I would call you that. Granting title and deference is proper when it is the proper place”
Jul 5th, 2001, 03:45:25 AM
Tujk shook her head.
"And I refuse to be labled master. In my eyes it's not a sign of respect, it's a sign of the person labling others and not knowing the truth of the lable.
I am a master of nothing. I comman nobody, nor do I seek to. I hold no control of any place.
The only thing that is under my control is my body, my mind. My heart... and I don't really find much of a point of calling myself the master of myself.
The title of Jedi master is a missnamed title. No jedi knows everything, nor does any one jedi control another.
I sit on the council, and yet, I expect none to heed my words without beleiving in them.
I am a Jedi, but I am not a master. Leave such titles to those that follow the paths in darkness and wish in thier delusion to use a title to reflect the control they beleive they have.
As for my way of viewing the world. It's a simple thing... every jedi should be able to distingish the varried flows of the force in every object. I simply have had to rely on it more than most. It doesn't show anything about me save that I learn to adapt, rather than bemoaning a loss."
(edit) TTT
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 7th, 2001, 09:28:32 AM
He shook his head.
“You place you argument well, but I must disagree. There are indeed those, especially the Sith who covert titles and lust after false power, who never truly know the meaning of or deserve any title. But as I said, it is proper in the right place and at the right time. I myself call others Master and when I say it, I truly mean it. Would you claim that I don’t know the meaning of what a Master should be? It is not a label if it is truly earned. There are Jedi where it would be an insult to call them any less than Master.
I once thought similar to you and in most times, I still do. But I have found times it is right and proper.
You say Jedi do not command another. That is not always correct, but there is a difference in the way a Jedi will command from a Dark Sider. A Dark Sider will do so with no thought for the other. A Jedi does so because they wish to be a servant for the others they command. A true Master is a servant to all others. Once you understand how you must be a servant for others and yet sit on the Council, you will understand one of the secrets of being a Jedi.
We exist to serve others. Yet, we are greater than others, we have the power of the Force and we can do things just about all others would not be able to do or contemplate. The Sith would seek to use their power over others. The Jedi do not. We use it to defend and teach, strength and edify others. We learn to control the Force not for ourselves, but for others. That is especially true for the Master, the Master who truly is and not just called that. Those who don’t understand the true power of being a Servant to something else would say that view is weak and foolish. I almost feel sorry for their delusion. If they only understood….
A Master is granted his or her title by their power, yes. But it is the defining mark of a Master on how they use it. Do they seek to place themselves first or last?
You say, if I remember right, that you only control your body. Is it not true to be a Master, first you must Master yourself? Is that not what a Jedi seeks to do first? To remain calm and at peace? How do you think that is done, wishful thinking? No, control of mind, body and spirit.
If you are a Jedi, it is a right thing to wish to learn to be a Master. But only if you truly understand what comes with it, the burdens and trials, the problems and difficulties.”
Shadow Jedi smiled under his hood. “Then again, maybe you are correct. If anyone truly understood how hard the life of a Jedi Master is, the sacrifices, the trouble, the days and nights facing death, who would want to be one anyway?” He laughed softly. “Yes… who would want it. And that Tujk, is the point. No-one really wants to be a Master, not if they understand what it is. And yet some Jedi, if they have the ability can do nothing more than become Masters, because to be anything else would mean they are putting their own interests and wants first. And putting yourself first, is that not a Sith thing to do?
While you think on this, I would comment once more on your ability to see without eyes. You claim it is simple and that any Jedi should be able to do it. Well….”
To their side was a small rock, sitting on the side of the path. Shadow Jedi paused and raised a hand, a finger outstretched. Nearly a minute later, the stone burst into flames.
“…. I would say that was easy. But I know that not everyone can do that. The Sith would claim they could do this, but their way is just a trick and is done by reflex, done by beings who have no real idea of the forces and energies behind what they do. They would think a click of the fingers could achieve it. How wrong and weakminded. It takes understanding of the myiad of details, the nature of the stone, the connection to the Force, the energies needed. Others may be able to set the stone alight. But only those who truly understood could pick it up….”
He stooped and took hold of the stone, lifted it. It was still burning, but his clothes and his hands seemed unaffected.
“….. and not be hurt. Others may know how to see things with the Force, but only you have learned how to live that way. It may not have been your choice to do so, but you have. Others would have chosen new eyes.”
He looked at the burning rock in his hands, concentrated and after a few seconds the rock began to smoke as the flames went out. The blackened stone was dropped back to the ground, to hiss in a small puddle. “For me that was an easy thing as I have learned and learned and learned and learned. I have studied long and hard to have control like that. You have lived long enough to have the vision in the Force you have. It is not a simple case of choosing to do it, you bent your mind and learned. And turned a weakness into a strength.”
Jul 9th, 2001, 02:16:42 PM
"To wish to be a master is not the way of the jedi. To wish to do the greatest good is. They are not the same, not in everyone.
And for me, the greatest good I can do is helping other learn, a teacher, not a master."
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 10th, 2001, 09:43:05 PM
"You make it sound bad for one to aspire to be a Jedi Master. No, you are incorrect. To be something better than yourself is exactly the journey of self discovery and learning the Jedi are to travel. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a Master, if that desire is placed correctly. I would percieve you would speak partially out of your desire not to accept a promotion, for your reasons. I dont seek to promote you and this is not a Master Trial - but you speak selfishly in part. You place your desire first. No one who knows what a Jedi Master truly is treats it lightly. No one becomes a Jedi Master without displaying the utmost skill and commitment to the Jedi and to the Lightside. No one is promoted becuase they want to be.
A Master also teaches you understand. It is their responsibility"
Jul 11th, 2001, 04:50:34 AM
Her lips quirked up into a grin.
"Above all. Master is a title, and it carries several incorrect concepts with it.
Which is why I refuse to have such a lable placed upon me. It is not the duities I fear, but simply the foolishness it causes in some people's view points.
You say I see what other's can't. Consider this my lesson to all then. Teach them to see past titles and see each other without any social buffers.Leading by example. "
The Shadow Jedi
Jul 20th, 2001, 11:04:08 PM
"But I have not asked you accept a title.
Think about this... a Jedi strives to be the most they can be. I would wonder if what you say would hold you down to be less than you should be.
For now, I am going back to speak to another. I see however you had a good Master and that was all I was to find out for now. It wil; be my pleasure to speak to you again one day soon. Farewell for now"
He turned and left her there, walking back to the Jedi compound.
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