View Full Version : Something I brought to the attention of FMH...
Aug 25th, 2001, 06:07:15 PM
About 90% of the Jedi have dead parents, and about 40% of those were killed by Sith.
Aug 25th, 2001, 06:19:12 PM
maybe they all have the same parents? :)
Its why I never say where Fett's parents are, to keep it fresh
Aug 25th, 2001, 06:25:41 PM
I think the same sort of rule applies to the Sith:
About 90% were chased off of their homeworld (50% of those planets having been destroyed), and about 80% of them blame the Jedi for some failure.
Aug 25th, 2001, 06:26:02 PM
yeah, I am not gonna mention Hwoarang's either.
EDIT: so true so true.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 25th, 2001, 06:34:59 PM
Anbira's dad was a royal duke, and was destroyed in a planetary genocide. His mother was a slave...the same.
No Sith were directly involved in their demise.
Jubei's still got his ma and pa :)
Nichos Marr
Aug 25th, 2001, 07:23:46 PM
Nichos' parents died...well his mom is still alive..but he doesn't know that ;)
Darth Eve
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:12:04 PM
What about having wealthy parents, who show their love for you with money, whom are alive and playing croquet down and the local jedi health club?
What if your people call the sith people and do lunch?
What if you're not a loner, nor lonely, and have many fans?
What if you weren't abandoned and all your groupies would never leave your house and stop eating out of your fridge?
What if you didn't have visions of death, and had visions of chocolate cake instead?
What if all your story settings weren't brisk, raining hard, or having a "cold presence" about them?
What if you didn't sense her hatred and sensed her addiction to alcohol?
What if your long lost brother was just next door?
What if you cape wasn't flowing about as you entered the room because it was torn from getting it caught in a tree branch?
What if your presence was warm?
What if your pet jawa wasn't an attack dog?
What if you didn't always wonder in the bar and grill alone and depressed, and were just.... ready to drink?
People need to get a new angle. Most the stories start the same way. Everyone's parents and family members are dead, so they are abandoned and lonely. Everyone is in search of something, or on some quest. Its all the same. We need new angles.
Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:22:06 PM
Well...the Jedi and Sith are very spectrally aligned, so while there is some room for creative lisence, there are a few things you gotta adhere to.
For the best angles, I suggest having characters who don't have the crutch of a force-adept ideology :)
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:28:32 PM
I have no idea what that means, but it sparked something in my come there are so many Jedi and Sith??
Ryu Warusa
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:33:37 PM
Because most kids like to pretend they are 'evil'. Then they get bored that no one opposes their being 'evil' and make a Jedi character.
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:36:40 PM
because as a kid, its what you wanted to be(Unless me, where it was a Han/Wedge/Boba/Jedi mix:) )
Aug 25th, 2001, 09:43:51 PM
I'm actually a Sith, so there's no point in pretending to be one. :)
Nichos Marr
Aug 25th, 2001, 10:23:39 PM
Being Dark Jedi is much cooler then being a Jedi ;)
Aug 25th, 2001, 10:29:54 PM
Dark Jedi is coolest, then Jedi, then Lamo...uhh....I mean sith.
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:02:15 AM
I'm sith and we kick ass although i'm actaully an outcast of the sith. I like the sith because they have more freedom then the rules the jedi have to follow. although then agian it was the rules of the sith that made me more of an outcast.
But i have to say all and all the jedi and the sith are one because with out the sith the jedi would suck and the same for if the jedi where none and the sith just stood.
as for the dark jedi i see no real big differance between them and the sith.
And if you want to know my characters past he basically has none at least none he can remember. although a friend of mine who isa sith to his parents where killed by jedi because his parents paid the sith off to leave his family alone.
Darth Turbogeek
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:38:51 AM
Playing a Jedi can be out and more cooler and I know. I fully enjoy playing Jedi. The fact is, Dark Jedi and Sith are more restricted in their actions. There is no compasion, there is no peace, there is no love. I find Sith / Dark Jedi more flat in character than the Jedi.
It never ceases to amuse me that the Sith claim the Jedi are more boring because of rules. That shows a lack of understanding in what a Jedi can really be. The Jedi are not defined by a creed or rules, do a bit of research and find out there are Jedi who obey rules - and other that dont give a @#%$ about rules. What Yoda called Jedi is NOT the be all and end all. Jedi DID attack, they fight, they did get angry, they lie and cheat. You have to understand why and play it out.
The reason why I think new entrants to RP are Sith first is because a Sith is easy to play. A proper Jedi character can be quite difficult and seem restrictive. It isn't as easy, but the so called restrictions are only illusions. There are certain things a Jedi simply cant do (Use the Force in anger is one) but the are other things a Sith cant do as well (Use the Force with love - that' happenes and the grip of the Dark Side will break). A Sith with compassion will weaken their power. A Jedi with compassion strengthens theirs.
Sith have less freedom - you just have to really look to realise why.
DT of course has no parents, being a clone. Tohmahawk - well I have never mentioned parents and I'm not going to. What drives him is something different anyway.
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:51:49 AM
The fact is, Dark Jedi and Sith are more restricted in their actions. There is no compasion, there is no peace, there is no love (Waggless Finger)
Nuh uh uh. You're lumping Dark Jedi in with Sith. A Dark Jedi is often someone who still wishes to do good, but feels justified in using the Dark Side to accomplish it. The ends justifies the means, by their philosophy. They are not creatures consumed by hatred and anger, as the Sith are (Or rather, as they're supposed to be).
A good example of this subtle difference was shown in the computer game Jedi Knight: Sariss (a Dark Jedi) sacrificed her own life to save that of Kyle Katarn (a budding Jedi Knight), so that he could have a fair fight. Would a Sith do something like that? I think not.
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:11:38 AM
A sith can show love its called tough love or hard love and can show compasion to like my chacter being a sith will not kill kids no matter what. adults are different story I play my chacter on many ideas one of them is adults cause war not kids.
if a jedi slips to evil tendences he gets closer to the dark side a sith slips to could tendences he is evil with a heart all bad guys have a preference on how far they'll go and what they defently won't do. where as good guy or jedi can be -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s they have righten rules to how far is to far and the rules applie to everyone but sith rules are indvidule there are fewer writen rules because a sith can do good if they want to with out and consquences but jedi will turn.
The dark side is stronger.
Darth Turbogeek
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:16:57 AM
* Waggles finger back *
Nope. That's what UnBalancing the Force is. Thinking you can do good with evil powers and visa versa. The Sith are a Religious Order more precisely, Dark Jedi and Sith are both consumed, not just by Anger and hate, but more. Revenge. Treachery. Lust. Sneaks, lies, deception. I could name more, but brain aint working.
The fact is, Sith are a subset of Dark Jedi. The Sith have a religious portion, but both use the Dark Side for selfish ends. The essence of a Jedi is being a servant of others, For the dark Jedi, it's servant for your own ends.
One of the things that I think we will see in EP II and RP III is that Palpatine isn't just a power mad ass. He in fact truly believes the Republic is so corrupt and wrong, this is his way of bringnig about order. Some of his motives are in the novelisation of TPM. Maul plain just hated the Jedi, he really is consumed by hate and anger. Sidious rids the Jedi as they stand in his way for what he sees as Utopia. He is attempting to bring about what he sees as a good result, but using the wrong power. He hence Unbalacnes the Force.
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:46:11 AM
Nope. That's what UnBalancing the Force is. Thinking you can do good with evil powers and visa versaI'm not arguing that point. However, I am saying that they have a different view on the matter, albeit a misguided one.
The Sith have a religious portion, but both use the Dark Side for selfish ends. The essence of a Jedi is being a servant of others, For the dark Jedi, it's servant for your own ends.That can be true: A Dark Jedi may simply harness power for his or her own ends. However, this is not a defining feature of a Dark Jedi (They do not necessarily need to be selfish to be called a "Dark Jedi"), whereas it is a defining trait of Sith.
One of the things that I think we will see in EP II and RP III is that Palpatine isn't just a power mad ass. He is attempting to bring about what he sees as a good result, but using the wrong power. He hence Unbalacnes the Force. Which is precisely why I have seen it speculated that, in his later years, Palpatine stopped considering himself a Sith and took on a role more suited to a Dark Jedi. In fact, there was a debate about this not too long ago on the OOC forum.
Dark Jedi are far more versatile in that regard than Sith, in that their motivations can and do vary widely. Sith, however, serve the role of the traditional villan: Undeniably Evil.
Darth Turbogeek
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:13:45 AM
Mort : No argument from me on any point there. I've actually wondered about Sideous cause he doesnt really fit the Sith as we know them and does seem to be more of a Dark Jedi. His next apprentice, Tyranis, DEFINANTLY is a Dark Jedi and not Sith in the true sense. I dont think we can go further on what Tyranis is without going into spoliers, but he is Dark Jedi. I personally think Maul was 100% Sith. Sideous probably just uses absolutly every means for power, which is why he moves away from strict Sith.
Now Master BladeIce....
A sith can show love its called tough love or hard love and can show compasion to like my chacter being a sith will not kill kids no matter what. adults are different story I play my chacter on many ideas one of them is adults cause war not kids.
No no no! Love is NOT part of the Dark Side. IT IS NOT, full stop, end of story. Love keeps redeeming Sith / Dark Jedi back to the light side. Love is a defining LIGHT side trait. Compassion is also not a Dark Side trait, just as Anger is not a Light Side trait, nor is Deception. Love broke Vader from the Dark Side!
if a jedi slips to evil tendences he gets closer to the dark side a sith slips to could tendences he is evil with a heart all bad guys have a preference on how far they'll go and what they defently won't do. where as good guy or jedi can be -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s they have righten rules to how far is to far and the rules applie to everyone but sith rules are indvidule there are fewer writen rules because a sith can do good if they want to with out and consquences but jedi will turn.
You didnt read what I've posted before, right? There are stuff all rules for a Jedi, there are many way to be a Jedi. Some Jedi are scholars, some Jedi are out and out fighting machines, who attack and attack until their enemy is crushed. Some Jedi are sweet, while others are right -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-s. There are MORE rules for a Sith, much fewer for a Dark Jedi. Sith and Dark Jedi doing good is called UnBalancing the Force - doing good with evil is STILL evil, no matter your intentions. Thats what the saying the Road to Hell is paved with Good intentions means. Do it too much and the grip of the Dark Side could well be broken.
The dark side is stronger.
I need to switch accounts to reply to that
Marcus QDunn
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:29:47 AM
The Dark Side is Stronger
No. It is simply easier and seductive. To be a Jedi takes willpower, commitment and strength. It is a long and hard, narrow road, with many twists and turns. A real Jedi understands this and what it means. It is easy to lash out in anger. It is harder to stay at peace with yourself, calm. It takes something more to understand how to utilise this subtle strength.
It is much like comapring two ways to break through a electronically locked door. You can use patience, calmness and hack the electronics. Or you can just blow the crap out of it with dynamite. Dynamite is faster, but it has unexpected side effects, like the possibility of brining the roof down on you. The slice takes time and skill, but it will work with much better results.
No, The dark Side is not stronger. The Light Side isn't necessarily either. But YOU will be if you know how and why to use the Light side
Liam Jinn
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:34:06 AM
*takes out a tissue and dabs his eye with it*
Kikran Akard
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:48:11 AM
I'm my own grandpa....
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 26th, 2001, 04:29:38 AM
doing good with evil is STILL evil, no matter your intentions
Using the Force to kill a man, who's planning on detonating a bomb, and killing off a thousand people?
Oooh, Evil.
Elieen Cross
Aug 26th, 2001, 08:56:44 AM
You placed his quote out of context. He was referring to the Dark Side as the evil. There are indeed times when a Jedi would have to kill, but it would be as a last resort.
If your Dark Side, I would imagine your the one who planted the bomb in the forst place. And if not, why not.
Aug 26th, 2001, 10:18:55 AM
Two Aliens Pick Nose
Waaah? Stanly Stupid, eh!?!?
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