Leia Solo
Jul 17th, 2001, 08:49:51 PM
After careful consideration of both the pros and the cons, I have decided that it is for the best that the board,<A HREF=http://pub5.ezboard.com/bnewrepubliccentralcommand>the New Republic Central Command</a> withdraw from participation with Star Wars Fans.net roleplay and politics. This decision was not made on the spur of the moment, but rather has been discussed with several people on the board, and offline friends that know about Star Wars Fans.net, to ensure that I was not the only one that felt this way, and to make sure this was not a rash decision.
There are many reasons as to why we have come to this decision, but I will not bore you with them in this post. Just know that there is just cause for us to withdraw, and to begin again.
For those of you that are wondering who I am to make such an announcement, let me tell you: I have been a member of ezboard for about two years, and have put in my dues at both the Greater Jedi Order, and SWFans.net itself as well as nearly 30 other boards I visit regularly. One of the reasons that some of you may not know me is that, for a while, I left the Order about a year ago after finding out that a fellow Jedi was slandering me. Despite that, I came back and once again, tried to create my own little niche within the Order. Although, because of certain circumstances, I can only be found within the Temple, and even there, only rarely.
Anyway, like several others in the recent past, we are beginning our own plans for a new, and different role playing group similar to that Star Wars Fans.net has to offer. While the others attempted in the past have either failed within a short period of time, or never actually gotten off the ground, I know that this attempt will be successful.
I realize that because I am the leader of this movement, I will probably not be welcomed back to a few of the boards that I have for several years frequented. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to accept so that the New Republic Central Command can grow into the board I know it can become; not only a place for many to come and role play, but somewhere for people to come and make friends. That has not been a possibility with Star Wars Fans.net, and I am sure that those of you out there that are administrators of your own boards can understand my desire to make something of the board.
Now, before you point fingers and say that it is my own fault that there are so few members, let me make a comment in my own defense. I have sent out countless e-mails and spoken to people time and again at various boards. They say that they will come over, but they never do. I will not try to convince you that I did everything possible to recruit people, for I know that whatever your opinion is at this time, that is how it will probably remain. Just know that after months of talking to people at over 30 different boards, I feel as though I did all I could to get people to participate in Star Wars Fans.net roleplay.
I have a feeling that this announcement may be a shock to some of you that are actually taking the time to read this, but believe me when I say that I have not tried to hide my feelings about the N.R.C.C.’s role at SWFans.net. Recently, I have alluded to the fact that I and several others were contemplating a split off. Whether or not my comments were noticed, I don’t know, and don’t care, because it would not be the first time that something I said was ignored. That is the reason this message is being posted at so many different boards: I want to do my part to make sure that everyone knows what’s going on because I know how poor communication can be from one board to another, or even between members of one board.
Before I close this message, I want to say that I have enjoyed getting to know those of you that I have, and have enjoyed role playing alongside you. I wish you all the best, and will not soon forget the hours that we have spent together on the boards.
For those of you that want to know the reasons behind this break off, or want to know more about it, feel free to stop by the board (the link is at the top of the post,) or e-mail me at chiefofstateleiaorganasolo@juno.com or princessleiaorganasolo@hotmail.com I will be more than happy to talk to you about whatever you want to discuss.
I hope to see you around, and may the Force be with each and every one of you.
Thanks for the memories-
Leia Organa Solo
Chief of State of the New Republic Central Command
There are many reasons as to why we have come to this decision, but I will not bore you with them in this post. Just know that there is just cause for us to withdraw, and to begin again.
For those of you that are wondering who I am to make such an announcement, let me tell you: I have been a member of ezboard for about two years, and have put in my dues at both the Greater Jedi Order, and SWFans.net itself as well as nearly 30 other boards I visit regularly. One of the reasons that some of you may not know me is that, for a while, I left the Order about a year ago after finding out that a fellow Jedi was slandering me. Despite that, I came back and once again, tried to create my own little niche within the Order. Although, because of certain circumstances, I can only be found within the Temple, and even there, only rarely.
Anyway, like several others in the recent past, we are beginning our own plans for a new, and different role playing group similar to that Star Wars Fans.net has to offer. While the others attempted in the past have either failed within a short period of time, or never actually gotten off the ground, I know that this attempt will be successful.
I realize that because I am the leader of this movement, I will probably not be welcomed back to a few of the boards that I have for several years frequented. But that is a sacrifice I am willing to accept so that the New Republic Central Command can grow into the board I know it can become; not only a place for many to come and role play, but somewhere for people to come and make friends. That has not been a possibility with Star Wars Fans.net, and I am sure that those of you out there that are administrators of your own boards can understand my desire to make something of the board.
Now, before you point fingers and say that it is my own fault that there are so few members, let me make a comment in my own defense. I have sent out countless e-mails and spoken to people time and again at various boards. They say that they will come over, but they never do. I will not try to convince you that I did everything possible to recruit people, for I know that whatever your opinion is at this time, that is how it will probably remain. Just know that after months of talking to people at over 30 different boards, I feel as though I did all I could to get people to participate in Star Wars Fans.net roleplay.
I have a feeling that this announcement may be a shock to some of you that are actually taking the time to read this, but believe me when I say that I have not tried to hide my feelings about the N.R.C.C.’s role at SWFans.net. Recently, I have alluded to the fact that I and several others were contemplating a split off. Whether or not my comments were noticed, I don’t know, and don’t care, because it would not be the first time that something I said was ignored. That is the reason this message is being posted at so many different boards: I want to do my part to make sure that everyone knows what’s going on because I know how poor communication can be from one board to another, or even between members of one board.
Before I close this message, I want to say that I have enjoyed getting to know those of you that I have, and have enjoyed role playing alongside you. I wish you all the best, and will not soon forget the hours that we have spent together on the boards.
For those of you that want to know the reasons behind this break off, or want to know more about it, feel free to stop by the board (the link is at the top of the post,) or e-mail me at chiefofstateleiaorganasolo@juno.com or princessleiaorganasolo@hotmail.com I will be more than happy to talk to you about whatever you want to discuss.
I hope to see you around, and may the Force be with each and every one of you.
Thanks for the memories-
Leia Organa Solo
Chief of State of the New Republic Central Command