View Full Version : My thoughts on the past few days.

Sep 12th, 2001, 06:37:50 PM
I sit here.. still listening to the news, and still in shock.

I live in Florida.. but I AM a New Yorker. I grew up on Long Island, and spent many weekends walking around the Bronx and Manhattan when I was a kid. Many of my friends and family still live and work there. One of the most beautiful sites to my eyes has ALWAYS been the NY skyline. I love that city.

I knew people in the Twin Towers. I don't know if they are alive. I can't express what I feel inside. It's a measure of hate, anger, shock and extreme sorrow. I've given blood, my car is decorated with the American flags.. I haven't stopped crying.

What these people did to NYC should be stopped. I don't care if you don't know anyone who died, do something. My cousin just retired from the 24th precinct after 23 years in the NYC Police Force. He was frantically calling there to find out if long time friends and colleagues were dead. They are projecting more than 20,000 dead.

Let's put this in perspective. In Vietnam, 58,000 Americans died in combat. This was not an act of terrorism. An act of terrorism claims hundreds of lives.

This claimed TENS OF THOUSANDS of lives. This was an act of war. I'm sorry I'm saying this, but I need to blow off some of the hatred I'm holding in my heart right now.

There are a few ways to sum up how I feel. "Once the shock wears off.. American citizens won't be so much concerned with bringing these people to justice as much as sending these people to hell."

"Wipe them out. All of them"

I ask all of my friends on the boards to pray. Pray for those poor people who don't have mothers, fathers, husbands, brothers, daughters to come home to. Donate blood if you can. Donate your time. Donate money. Help your fellow Americans. They did this to crush our spirit. And it will not work. America does not crumble.

America will unleash a hell like no one has ever seen before. And once and for all stamp out people who think they are right to do this. People are likening this to Pearl Harbor. If Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the USA's response to that atrocious act by Japan... I eagerly await to see what we do to Bin Laden and all terrorist leaders who operate in the world.

I take this personally. They killed my friends, they killed my family. And I just needed to vent.

Thank you all for listening, and if you are going to delete this.. Please, email me first.

Kitty McQuade
Sep 12th, 2001, 06:41:50 PM
:: HUGS ::

My prayers are with you always.

Sep 12th, 2001, 06:50:47 PM
I will be sending money soon, I cannot donate blood as I am too young.

I am sorry to hear this Bel, and I know you are going through a rough time. I hope that you make it through.

My dearest condolences.

Nash Stolar
Sep 12th, 2001, 06:54:01 PM
I'm sorry bel..

like Zasz said all I can do give money.. and I plan to...

I will also pray for those lost..

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 12th, 2001, 06:56:12 PM
I have given my blood.
I have given my time in volunteer work at the Red Cross
I am giving my money for victim's aid.

And...if we indeed do go to war in Afghanistan, and my country needs me...

I will enlist and go to war for my country. God bless America.

Jenn...call me,
Charley :)

Sep 12th, 2001, 06:59:27 PM

If my country needs me... I am planning on enlisting as well. As is my boyfriend.

Thank you so much guys. You don't know how much your kind words mean to me.

Oh, and Charley

;) , miss ya man

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:00:46 PM
Yeah, LOL....I keep missing your calls :( I've been out the past two times you've called....and I see your name on my cell :(

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:07:57 PM
Truth be told, I had this irrational fear that something had happened to you or someone in your family, Bel. This at least removes at least one weight from my heart. I pray that you haven't lost anyone dear to you.

When I first heard of all this on the news, I don't think the full impact of it hit me. I felt sorrow for the innocent lives that were senselessly thrown away, and I harbored a disbelief that it was all actually happening. But when I heard that the Palestinians were dancing in the streets... celebrating and thanking Allah that 10,000 innocent people died... that ignited in me a righteous fury that I have never felt before.

I'm doing what I can to try and help those in need. I went to donate blood today and, even though I was denied, I am still going to head on over to my local Red Cross after work tomorrow and see if there's anything I can do to help out. I urge everyone to try to find ways to do the same in their community.

Don't let this become America's Darkest Hour. We are being tested by the flames of tragedy. Don't let those flames break us. Instead, let it reforge us into what we truly should be: A United Country.

God Bless.

-- Shawn M.

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:08:23 PM
It's all good.. phone tag has it fun little elements :) .

Hey can you do me a favor, can you make me a sig about NY .. I've seen a few I like, but PaintShop isn't working for me. and I'm not on my CPU, so I can't IM you.

I'll try and get a hold of you tomorrow night, after my meeting for work. Thankfully we found out all of the Enterprise employees working in D.C. and the Manhattan area were accounted for.. so I don't believe my company had any losses to deal with. I'm a bit worried about my cousin, last I heard they didn't have any fatalities.. and only one broken leg.. but that could have changed by now. He might get chosen to go back there to help the rescue efforts.

He actually helped during 1993 when the garage bombs went off... but even he started crying when the Trade Center went down. It is going to be scary for us if he has to go back. I just heard the last 2 floors of the towers just collapsed, hopefully all the rescue workers were evacuated before that happened.

Well I gotta run.. Call ya tomorrow :)

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:10:55 PM
If you'd like, you can use the one I'm using Jenn. It was made by one of the people in the Replica Props forum. Charley has one of his own, too.

Sanis Prent
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:16:49 PM
here's mine...

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:21:03 PM

I'm ok.. but I was planning on moving there in a few weeks. Shannon and I had a trip planned for NYC to visit apartments.

That plan has been scrapped for now.

My family is ok, I think we've heard from everyone. But there are three people I've known since I was like.. 7.. that I haven't heard from. My cousin knows countless others in the fire and police departments that they haven't heard from.

I am filled with a hate that is all consuming right now. My mom called me at work sobbing about a horrible plane accident. Planes used to hit the tower of the Empire State Building all the time.. it had to be an accident. And as she's talking to me, she let out this scream. I wasn't near a TV, but she started screaming about the second one being on purpose. I've never heard my mother like that. My father used to work for Solomon Brothers (Smith, Soloman, Barney) -- which is number 7 -- the 47 story building that collapsed yesterday. He worked for many places up and down Wall Street. He used to go to meetings in the Towers. That was MY HOME. I broke down in tears. My heart hurt like nothing ever before.

And I couldn't believe it when they collapsed. I still feel like throwing up. You watch as people jump from the windows, choosing to fall to their deaths rather than face the fire. You talk to people who survived -- saying they ran past people in wheelchairs waiting for someone strong enough to carry them down. You talk to my friend, who had just gotten out of the building when someone grabbed his arm and screamed "GET UNDER THE CAR". He shoved my friend under the car as the building collapsed. When some of the debris settled down, he crawled out, and that man was dead. He died saving my friend.

If this isn't reason enough to eradicate all of the Middle East.. then I truly don't know what is.

And even though I know it's horrible... god forbid if you are a Muslim in America right now. Hide. There have already been reports in NYC of cabbies being beaten.

Those that side with Terrorism. Palestine, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan.. they deserve what's coming.

And don't talk to me about innocent women and children that we may kill. Think about all the innocent people THEY killed yesterday. Think about the 8 year old boy sobbing, crying "Why did I have to see this, God.. Why did I have to see this?". Think about my friend Libby who was hysterical crying, trying to get a hold of her uncle on the 92nd floor of one of the Towers.

They deserve what's coming. If you aren't with us, you're against us. And that's that.

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:27:23 PM
I am using the one Charley is using, I hope he doesnt mind. I just put a poem that I wrote above it.

Kitty McQuade
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:28:32 PM
Can I carry one of those in my sig too?

:: Hugs Jenn :: =*(

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:31:23 PM
I think everyone should share the sigs

Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:32:41 PM
Dzym, we don't need attitudes like that.

I'd like you to change your sig.

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:33:33 PM
I dont care if my Poem is used, and i can imagine that no one cares if sigs are used.

Sanis Prent
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:33:55 PM
NATO, France, Russia, China, and Lord knows how many UN nations are mobilizing for military action. We've sanctioned security council resolutions from the UN, and NATO has authorized Clause Five....officially throwing those 19 nations into war.

As soon as the finger is pointed, the entire planet Earth will pounce onto the stupid nation foolish enough to harbor these murderers.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:43:47 PM
So, you would rather me express my Love for the idiot? Everyone has different forms of expressing themselves, and mine is this. Even if he isnt responsible for WTC Attacks, he is responsible for a dozen other things. I'm just focusing on anger instead of remorse.

Shock, Remorse, Anger... I'm just along a little further then all of you.

Sep 12th, 2001, 07:46:15 PM
If you think that you're the only one who's angry over this, then you've been reading with you eyes closed. However, I have to agree that your signature is in poor taste. I can't speak for the other Admins and Mods, but if I see you post with it at SWFans, I will edit it out on the grounds that it is highly inflamatory.

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:56:27 PM
@#%$, I'll get rid of it then....

Kitty McQuade
Sep 12th, 2001, 07:56:42 PM
I'm using Charley's.

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:20:37 PM

Darth Eve
Sep 12th, 2001, 08:37:31 PM
And after it all you guys bicker at one another. You're agreeing that freedom was violated yet you tell one another what to do? Freedom includes expression and the right to feel, last time I checked. You're biggots to say you're sad about what happened yesterday and make similar mistakes here. Get over your trained, politically correct walking on egg shells and speak your damn minds about how you feel!

Guys, if we don't have eachother, what do we have? Please understand that when tens of thousand of your own are killed, you're only human to be mad. You'll only to want to seek revenge. And if you ask me, making a sig like any pales in comparison to driving a plane full of people into a building full of people. It is NO WAY means that Dyzm is the same type of person that this terrorist is.

I mean think about the battles you're fighting here.

As someone who is educated and certified in all subject matter concerning foreign policy, international relations, and economics, I can say you're all just being human in reaction to terrorism. And while some of you are threatened by rash or vicious statements made by a graphic, others lost lives for the "statement" made yesterday.

Trust me when I say that what the American governent is doing to handle the situation is so far the best and smartest course of action. You also have very capable people handling the situation, and they will strive for an outcome that becomes the best option for the most people. Americans are good guys and you have to believe that we wouldn't be as strong or as cohesively nationalistic if our way of life didn't work.

The LAST thing to do now is bicker over insignificant matters. Stick together. Realize we have a common goal, which superseeds all the petty bs that you're waisting posts over. I understand whats happening here, and its bigger than most of you know, not just for americans, but for everyone. You're with the good guys, or you're with the bad guys. But if you're with the good guys, at least try to get along, and practice what you preach to yourselves and the world.

Sep 12th, 2001, 08:55:40 PM
And if you ask me, making a sig like any pales in comparison to driving a plane full of people into a building full of people. It is NO WAY means that Dyzm is the same type of person that this terrorist is.I support the usage of a signature as a way of mourning: I look at it as being comparable to a Black Armband.

I said that I would edit it on the grounds that it's inflamatory, and that's what I meant. It's too prone to start arguments and pointless flame wars.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:03:22 AM

Gosh..Jenn. Miss ya pal. Hate to see you back to this unfortunate situation. Gosh...I know what you mean.

My prayers are out to you, your family and friends..as well as Hart's any anyone else affected by this tragedy.

My parents were going to visit my brother in NY in two weeks. But are now cancelling there flight reservations. They will reschedule at another date. I am one of the fortunate few that have NY family and friends spared by this tragedy. Although..I know someone in my neighborhood that (not personally..but I heard about it) ..their dad was on one of those planes that crashed into the WTC. *sigh*

I am going to look into donating blood tomorrow. Its the least I can do.

Take care Jenn

Lady DeVille
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:32:10 AM
*hugs Jen* I'm so glad to hear you are all right. I'm still in a state of shock I think. Being on the West coast everything seems so far away...and yet in my backyard at the same time.

My thoughts on the past few days are a jumble, and its hard to sort things out. I live with my sister and her family, and we were watching the news tonight, my brother-in-law and five of my seven nephews (there are 9 kids in the house...but thats another story all together..) and me.

David, my brother-in-law was having to explain to Adam and Joe (6 and 5, my roommates :) ) about what had happened. They can barely even grasp the fact that we live in a country called America, and that we are all Americans. Adam asked me if I was an American too. I said, "No, I'm from the moon. Of course I'm an American!" That part was cute.

Then trying to explain why the bad men did this, and how awful it all is...how tall the buildings were, compared to how tall the pile of rubble is (120 stories, to 6 stories of debris...compared to our own, 1 story house...) and how many people died. How many little boys just like them don't have daddies anymore.

And then about the bad men, the terrorists...committing suicide because they were crazy and thought they were doing the right thing by killing all those people. Joe asked me if I was a "suidider" too. (Sometimes I wonder about these kids...) Of course, I'm not. But these kids don't even know what suicide is! At these ages they think they will live forever.

I'm anticipating bad dreams tonight. I pray not, for their sake. Joe had a Pokemon dream last night.

I pray for more Pokemon dreams.

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 15th, 2001, 08:50:36 PM
I think my thoughts were closely resembling Shawn's. I was a bit worried about you, and I hadn't heard from you at all, but I don't even have your new number or anything. Well I hope everything is going to be okay for you. I don't have much time right now but if you ever need someone to talk to you know you can give me a call anytime you want. You always did the same for me, and so it's the very least I can do for you.