View Full Version : At the other end of the bar....
Marcus QDunn
Aug 24th, 2001, 08:49:34 PM
A lone Jedi Master sips his hot chocolate.
Aug 24th, 2001, 08:54:01 PM
::A young man watches the Jedi Master's every move from a good distance away. He had to admit.....he was....scared of the man.::
Master Yoghurt
Aug 24th, 2001, 09:01:23 PM
Pondering his next move in a game of holochess against a protocol droid, Yog could not help being distracted by the presence of someone immensely strong in the Force sitting at the far end of the Bar sipping his cup of chocolate..
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 25th, 2001, 11:11:25 AM
::At the other end of the bar...a petite Jedi Master is sitting in a booth scanning her datapad while sipping some tea::
Vekaar Vekin
Aug 25th, 2001, 02:40:47 PM
Looks like everyone is enthralled in their own activities.
(Vekaar Vekin thought to himself as he surveyed the Bar and Grill. He could spot a few familiars such as the Jedi Masters Leia Solo and Yoghurt. He spotted a few unfamiliar faces. One of them was sipping hot chocolate casually.
Sometimes Vekaar wished he could use the Force. Being around Jedi was strange. He would probably never understand their gifts.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a glitterstick. The man lit it and began to inhale deep puffs. It was said that if one took in enough glitterstim they could read other's minds. Vekaar never really used the spice for that. He was an addicted smoker.)
"Not a busy day at all..."
(He muttered to himself, resting his head on the back of his seat.)
Estelle Russard
Aug 25th, 2001, 04:12:08 PM
Entering the bar, Estelle made her way past various patrons. Only one she had seen before..Master Yoghurt, had welcomed her to the GJO breifly at the Recruitment area. He was busy, with a game of holochess. Glancing around, others seemed occupied in their thoughts, a couple of men were sitting quietly sipping from their cups, another was blowing swirls of smoke causing it hang in a lazy haze in the air. But one person in particular caught her attention.
She was petite and had her head bent over a data pad of sorts. She had a grace about her and Estelle watched as she sipped her tea.
Working up the courage, she approached the table where Leia sat..."Excuse me, would you mind if I join you?"
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 29th, 2001, 12:20:47 PM
::As Leia was immersed in her work..she heard the greeting from Estelle. The Jedi Master shut down her datapad and gave a smile::
Sure. Please take a seat
::Leia responded at the very polite padawan::
Do I know you? Please forgive me...I have been somewhat busy and a tad behind in my work. *sigh*
::Leia extended her hand to shake Estelle's::
My name is Leia Solo...a Jedi Master at GJO. But you may call me.."Leia" I would prefer that. And who might you be?
OOC: sorry for the delay.
Sanis Prent
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:45:27 PM
(The smell of sweat, beer, and glitterstim clung thick to the air in the bar. Jedi and Sith, good guys and bad, they came and went...tossing back the house brew while trying to case the scene. I was in my element, in the midst of a dozen poor saps, each with a hard-luck tale. These joints were always the same. You either drank to have a good time and leave your mundane life out in the cold for a few hours, or you dranks simply to forget about it, and exist. The menagerie was as trapping as if it was made of concrete and cast iron. Nobody was the same, but the stories all connected the dots. I to she, she to he, and back again to we. We were the disenfranchised...the lost ones. We were reincarnated each day, returning to play out the same scenario. Sometimes I wondered if the politicians would ever get off their soapboxes and have a cold one. In the vulgar mob, you found how very similar everybody was to everybody else. Black, white, blue, green....we were playing the same song, just in different keys.
Maybe thats why I had a hard time taking my job personally. I could understand the concern on the other side. Nothing is a cliche when its happening to you. I'm sure if I'd had a hit put on me...I'd tend to get sore.
Then again, I had the foresight, insight, and hindsight working in my favor. I'd played the game for a while...and the quickest way to screw yourself was to get personal with a professional. When people lost their cool, I was there to put their flames out with gasoline.
My thoughts drifted back to Sorsha Kasajian, that whore. She didn't know the game...she was packing a deck of 52 to a Yahtzee table. She was deranged and confused, too blinded by her own hormonal angst to get the big picture. I knew why she'd come after me. It wasn't hard to remember. My hit on her had gone off without a hitch or a shot fired. She'd come at me like a rabid rancor with hemhorroids, and I was the pain in her ass. I humiliated her, on her day in the sun. She should've realized that was the way the frelling cookie crumbled, but try telling that to a dame with issues. She could stock the Coruscant Senatorial Library with hers, I was betting.
Instead of taking a walk and counting to ten, she wanted to play "Eye-for-an-eye." It was an old game, and I'd played it before. There was no glory in it. And there sure as hell wasn't any money in it. She was wasting my frelling time with her crap, and that was enough to set me off.
Killing my baby was a good start, if she was banking on self-nihilism. I'd thank her later...and put my shell gun between her legs. She wanted frelled. She'd get proper-frelled, in spades.
In six degrees of separation, the bitch was responsible for me being where I was. She wanted me dead, I returned the favor. To get what I wanted, I had to play the bargain game.
Sitting a distance a way, I glanced at a petite Jedi Master out of the corner of my eye, as I leveled off a mug of Sullust's finest dark. I'd seen her before, and anybody in the joint who hadn't had obviously been pretty interested in the floorboards. She was Leia Solo...a regular by understatement. She was in good spirits, but Jedi seemed to have that gracious smile surgically altered onto their face. With the Force behind could be the best poker face around. But I wasn't playing my hand in the game just yet. I'd sit back, have some brews, and watch everybody else take their shot. Time was on my side....and the night was young.)
Aug 29th, 2001, 09:43:13 PM
OOC- Sanis man, stick with the 1 paragraph replies plz :p
::I watched as Sanis entered the bar and grill. Everybody knew him. He was wanted by pretty much everyone. He seemed like a nice guy, but I knew better. I was bored of being bored. I wanted to meet the man, so I decided to walk over to him. But first, I felt my pocket to make sure my old revolver was still there. You werent supposed to take guns into the bar and grill, but I had special permission from Yog. I could take the revolver down with me as long as it stayed least until a fight broke out.::
"Umm.....hello. I assume you are Sanis Prent, the famous criminal?"
Sanis Prent
Aug 29th, 2001, 10:06:34 PM
OOC: No :)
(My attention turned to a red-haired man, sporting a pair of goggles over the top of his head. Something of the way he carried himself and his comment caught my funny bone. I couldn't tell, from the gun-shaped bulge in his jacket pocket to his tactless and wiseass comment. He was either a comedian or very new to the game.
Welcome to the School of Hard Knocks.
I wasn't living a button-down life, and entry-level jobs where I came from meant an ass-kicking and getting your shoes stolen. I'm sure that he'd see that I was a bit nicer in the long run. Heh...even a low down dirty bastard like me can tuck a pinch of karma away for a rainy day. I decided to take the high road, and give "constructive criticism".)
Sorry, I don't do tourist pictures.
(I gulped a level off my draught. The barley and hops smelled strong...the stout smell of a winner. Taking a few seconds to savor the flavor...I let him know the obvious. This was my castle, and I was king.)
Word of advice, take that two-credit piece of yours and tuck it in your belt. You look ridiculous with the snub-nose sticking out like that.
Another word of advice...learn the word entrepeneur, and update your vocabulary. Call me a criminal again...and I might give you a crime to merit it.
(Another gulp of Sullustians...I felt I got the message conveyed correctly. If not, that wasn't my problem anymore. I could kindly direct him to three others down the street for the complementary ass-kicking and shoe-stealing. My way, or the highway.)
Aug 30th, 2001, 07:04:49 AM
"I'm not here for pictures. And personally, I dont care what you think."
::I glanced around, then pulled out a card.::
"New Republic Special Forces."
::I put the card back in my pocket.::
"By the way, if not criminal, then what? Business man?"
Sanis Prent
Aug 30th, 2001, 10:23:50 AM
(I looked down at the man's card. NRSF. Great. I was happy for him. Whatever he was selling though, I wasn't buying.)
Nice...find that in a cracker jack box?
(I took another level down on my draught, returning my attention to where it had previously been. I wasn't big on threats, and this guy's amateur two-bit stormtrooper act was going over about as well as pork chops at a barmitsvah.)
As I said, brush up on the word "Entrepeneur". Now, do you "want" something, or are you just plotting to make my beer go warm?
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 30th, 2001, 10:34:07 AM
::As Leia continued to converse with Estelle..she could not help but notice some discrepancies between two gentlemen in the bar. Distracted momentarily...she eyed the two in the distance. She thought..:
What is going on over there?!
::Leia noted that one of them was the infamous..Sanis Prent. The Jedi Master had not personally had any dealings with the man..but has heard some about him...a businessman of sorts..more along the lines of a scoundrel. Leia seemingly shrugged off what was going on between Mr. Prent and the fellow and turned her attention back to Estelle::
I'm sorry...As you were saying...
Vekaar Vekin
Aug 30th, 2001, 11:14:48 AM
(Before arriving on the scene from where he was sitting, Vekaar quietly read over his datapad. After he was done, he pocketed it inside of his trench coat and walked over to Sanis and the NRSF agent. Vekaar gave Sanis a nod, and turned to face Hwoarang.)
"Mr. Hwoarang, does the New Republic know that you go around harrassing people in bars who are just trying to have a quiet drink?"
(Vekaar brought a hand up to scratch the side of his chin.)
"I'm Vekaar Vekin, an Information Broker. Oh and before you bother to look, I can assure you I do not have a criminal record. Any traces of it mysteriously vanished, Makes me wonder if you got rid of the file to clear your name. For all we know, for all anyone knows you could be criminal scum, trying to bring the New Republic down."
(The Broker gave a slight smile to Hwoarang. As an astromech droid wheeled up to him with a drink on a tray, Vekaar took it. He slightly sipped at it.)
"After all you were a member of the Empire. Your expulsion could have beena clever cover up for you. The Imps delete your criminal records in exchange for you infiltrating the New Republic and supplying them with useful information. Oh sure there is a peace treaty between the two governments, but Imperials are slime.
Next time you want to walk up to someone and judge them on things you've heard and read think twice. For all you know Sanis could be a top secret agent working for the New Republic himself that only the Senate would be aware of. Do unto others as you would like done to you."
(Vekaar's eyes shifted for a moment. He noticed there was a gun in Hwoarang's pocket.)
"I'm sure that gun will really attract the attention of the ladies if that's your alterior motive."
Sanis Prent
Aug 30th, 2001, 03:53:37 PM
(Vekaar Vekin...wiseass du jour. The heavyset slicer had a knack for all kinds of information...and disinformation to boot. I'd worked with him before. He was one of those "carefree spirit" kind of two-bit thugs, and I liked that. Reminded me of myself, only not as pretty.
He'd served one whallop of a veiled threat, and with Vekin, the stylus was always mightier than the lightsaber. There were more ways to murder somebody than by killing them. I could imagine rampant rumors and accusations, clogging up the headlines in Coruscant newspapers...chok full of senators and secret rendesvous with gungan call girls. The effect was more damnifying than a bullet to the head. At least that way, you didn't have to live to feel the aftermath.
He'd meant it, and didnt, all at the same time. He was full-well capable, but like me...knew about costs versus profit. There was no money in screwing a man like that over. A stiff breeze could do that, if it so desired. If you went through this business rubbing out everybody that scuffed your shoe, there wouldn't be many people left in the galaxy.
I laughed to myself at his comment, but I knew the truth behind it all.)
Aug 30th, 2001, 04:15:21 PM
"I am not harrasing people, merely trying to talk to someone. If you have a problem, you can shove it up your misinformed ass! I dont know where you got that idea, but that is very incorrect. I am not about to discuss the matter with you, however."
::I knew this wasnt going very well, so I made a hasty decision.::
"Screw this!"
::I just turned around and walked off. I saw the Jedi Master Leia Solo, and she was eyeing me suspisciously (sp?).::
Vekaar Vekin
Aug 30th, 2001, 04:46:31 PM
(Vekaar pulled up a seat and sat down beside Sanis. He took one last sip of his drink and set it down as well. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out two cigarras. He put one in front of Sanis' part of the table and motioned with his hands for the businessman to indulge.)
"Sorry I wasn't able to get rid of him for you sooner."
(He turned his head to gaze at the fleeing NRSF agent. Vekaar let out a small chuckle. At the same time he picked up his cigarra and put it to his mouth. The Broker reached into his pocket and pulled out a lighter. A few seconds later he was puffing slowly on the cigarra.)
"I thought they trained NRSF agents to last long in tough situations. Must be lacking funds..."
(Vekaar layed his cigarra down on the ash tray and rested his head back. As usual he sported a white baseball cap and a forest green trenchcoat.)
"So what's happening in your life, Mr. Prent?"
Estelle Russard
Aug 30th, 2001, 09:57:07 PM
<My name is Estelle Ru...."
She didnt get to finish the introduction as her attention, together with that of the Jedi Master's, was drawn away by
3 men to the left of their table.
As Leia turned back to her, she resumed My name is Estelle Russard. It is a pleasure to meet you Leia. I am new here to the Order and am just finding my way around. Do you mind if I join you?"
Leia nodded, "Please do"
The new recruit took a seat and ordered an orange juice from the waitress. Leia still seemed to be half listening to what was going no next to them. Estelle guessed maybe it was habit for one whos senses needed to be attuned to disturbances and irregulatities around her.
Do you know those men, Leia?"
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 30th, 2001, 10:12:15 PM
::Leia still somewhat distracted turned her attention to Estelle. It was quite apparent the Jedi Master was slightly disturbed by the small gathering of men. She watched carefully as the redheaded man glanced at her as he walked by::
Oh..I am so sorry Estelle. Please forgive me. Its nice to meet you too. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask me. I will be more than happy to answer them.
To answer your first of those gentleman I am aware of. I have never personally met him but he is well known throughout the galaxy. I suppose you can say he is a pirate well..more like a scoundrel if you know what I mean. His name is Sanis Prent. There is something about his aura that is troubling me. Fraid to say...I have not figured it out yet.
::As the waitress returns with Estelle's juice and the padawan went to get some republic credits. Leia motioned for her to put it away::
Please allow me Estelle.
::Leia presented a credit chit to the waitress::
So..Estelle how are things at GJO. Do you have a Master yet?
Sanis Prent
Aug 30th, 2001, 10:23:29 PM
(I took Vekaar up on the offer, lighting up the cigarra and drawing in a puff of spicey sweet smoke. Leaning back against the bar, I watched the NRSF Deputy Fife make his exit. I didn't feel bad for the guy...he'd thank me for the tough love later.)
Nice dramatic entrance, Mr. Vekin...I trust you're staying on top of things?
(Glancing back and flashing a grin in his direction, I focused my attention back to where it had been before the previous altercation. Leia Solo...she was the feature presentation for the evening.)
Estelle Russard
Aug 30th, 2001, 10:26:00 PM
Leia had paid for her drink. It was funny how the smallest token can touch someone. "Thankyou, Leia. That was nice of you."
"So far, I feel welcome here and I think I made a good decision to come here. My parents werent too keen on the idea...travelling off to find pipedreams they said, should stay on the family farm, find a good husband, raise some young'uns they said. I can still hear them." she laughed, dismissing such ideas as a waste of her youth and accomplishing nothing with a shake of her head. "ReaperFett has agreed to train me - or at least teach me of the Jedi ways and truths. You see, Im not certain I can be a true Jedi, using the Force and all, but we shall see, I guess."
Some furtive glances came their way, or more accurately, the petite Jedi Masters way, and even Estelle was beginning to pick up on some "weird" feeling. One thing she felt for certain, they were some shifty looking characters over there.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 30th, 2001, 11:00:48 PM
::Leia intently listened to Estelle telling her tale. But the force..kept interupting her as it seemed. It was PRENT..but why?! Trying to dismiss it Leia continued speaking to Estelle::
::she chuckled::
I don't mean to laugh but, your parents intentions for you sound very much like how my brother grew up. They wanted him to remain a moisture farmer on Tatooine of all places. Could you imagine?
::Leia continued to giggle some::
Fett..I see. He is a wise and very skilled Jedi Master. He should teach you the way of the force well. I am sure you are here for very good reasons. I sense the force is strong with you. You just have to feel it more. I know that might sound strange..but what I am saying is become more intuned. It takes time to develop.
::Leia noticed Estelle flinching some..sensing the same disturbance she was::
As I can see apparently are picking up an disturbance like I am. *sigh* That is good..but we must be wary.
Vekaar Vekin
Aug 31st, 2001, 09:23:50 AM
"As always Sanis."
(He took another puff of the cigarra and set it down on the ashtray once again. Vekaar had a smoking habit. This habit would eventually eat away at him and one day maybe even kill him. Thinking about quitting was easier then actually quitting. It took a lot of mental willpower. Vekaar wished he had the Force to weild at his side. Life would be much easier.)
"I'm meeting a few contacts on Nar Shaddaa in about..."
(Vekaar rolled up his coat sleeve and glanced at the chronometer.)
"...two days."
(He straightened his jacket and buttoned up the top most jacket. The bar didn't have that many patrons in it as it had a half an hour ago. Vekaar had seen a few familiar faces, such as that Jedi from Alderaan, Leia Solo.)
"I'm going to update my information database on smuggling activities on Nar Shaddaa. Who's in control of who, who transports what, etc. You never know when that kind of info might come in handy."
(Finally he acknowledged the Jedi staring at Sanis out of the corner of her eye. She kept on glancing back at him. Rather publicly he jerked a thumb toward her and asked Sanis a question.)
"Why does that Jedi lady keep gawking at you?"
Sanis Prent
Aug 31st, 2001, 09:44:53 AM
(Damn, my hand was tipped. Feigning disinterest, I turned back to Vekaar. I didn't want to spook her any more than I might have. If she got flighty...well, then so did I. I'd chase her to the Maw Cluster and back to get what I wanted. It wasn't anything personal. She was just another poker chip in the game.
I kept her in the corner of my eye, but returned my attention to the slicer. Besides...Vekaar was full of handy information. Listening to him often paid off.)
Nar Shadaa, huh?
(I thought about that slum-ridden moon, and all of my sordid history with it. The awful smell of tibanna converters and sewage...mingling with the hookers on the street peddling their wares for stim. You could make it big there...but most never did. The game was rigged, and I should know. I'd seen it at its best, and at its worst.)
Want a professional bit of advice?
(I smiled as sly as a I had the real deal.)
I wouldn't make too many investments around Nar Shadaa for the next month or two.
(Glancing back at Leia...I made sure everything was still in check.)
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Aug 31st, 2001, 10:18:04 AM
::Leia could not control the fact that something was truly bothering her about the two gentlemen. As she peered on, she noticed the heavy set man staring back at her. Leia's face perplexed some. She forced a smile...very non-sincere one for that matter. Leia tried to turn her attention back to Estelle, but once again from the corner of her eye, she caught Sanis watching her every move::
What is it about Mr. Prent? Why does he keep such a close vigil on me??
Aug 31st, 2001, 03:56:47 PM
::I was standing by the entrance, watching everyone. I noticed that Leia and Sanis couldnt keep their eyes off of each other. I had a feeling that something was wrong. It was another one of those feelings! I had been getting them more and more since I had been coming to the bar and grill. I now understood why the man had been so rude. He wanted me gone. He seemed to be discussing something important with the " entrepeneur".::
Marcus QDunn
Sep 1st, 2001, 07:34:02 AM
The Jedi Master just shook his head at disgust at the scum. There would be nothing he would like better than to just throw the lowlife's out.
He turned to his drink again. It seems no one was goignt ocome up to him, no one knew who he was. That was probabaly a good thing, a very good thing. it meant he could work in obsurity for awhile longer. The Galaxy thought he was someone else.
Maybe he should keep it that way.
Sep 1st, 2001, 10:28:36 AM
::I looked across the room again and saw Marcus QDunn sipping hot chocolate. I was one of the few who knew who he was...or at least I thought I did. If he was who I thought he was he could help me with my problem. I eagerly walked over to the lone Jedi.::
"Excuse me, but I would like to speak with you about a..uhh...problem I am having."
Sanis Prent
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:32:02 AM
(Unhindered, my attention returned to where it had been before. I smiled as a waitress came by, refilling my pint to the top. It would help to pass the time. Seconds seemed to drone on forever...and the same repetitive flow filled Yoghurt's bar. Nothing ever broke the chain. In the bar, the names changed, but the deeds remained the same. It seemed at times that the other sides of the bar and every darkened corner became too crowded, ironically enough by those who wanted to avoid company. Sometimes you just didn't get what you wanted.
Something didn't feel right about this situation. In the back of my mind, I should have known that casing out a Jedi master was begging to be conspicuous...but there were only so many ways of doing it. She had the edge of being able to know things...all I had was half-baked premeditation, and the comfort of knowing that the poodoo didn't hit the fan on my watch. Somebody else would take care of the dirty laundry. I just dropped it off at the laundromat. If that got me my fix...that would suit me just fine. Leia Solo was a pretty face, but I'd seen prettier faces meet nastier ends before...and she wasn't waving a get-out-of-jail-free card.
I leveled off my draught, and caught a glimpse of another gentleman down the bar, boring holes in my head with a harsh stare. No crime in that, although I never did enjoy attention like that. He seemed to be stewing on some bad thoughts, judging from the way his jaw clenched and unclenched. Who knew? Some people were ornery just to be artistic...and some had legitimate reasons. If he didn't step on my toes, he could make a sour face until it froze on his face for all I cared. Not my problem, and I'd like to keep it that way.)
Sep 2nd, 2001, 03:13:48 PM
**In the doorway, a figure appears, looking around the busy bar. Stepping into the light to reveal his face, Obiwan2 smiled, happy to be back here once again after so long. Seeing familiar faces as well as many new ones, he began to walk inside...until he finally saw the face of an angel. (Leia for those who couldn't guess ;) ) Obi moves closer to where his fiancee, Leia, is sitting. As their eyes met, he felt his heart begin to race. She stands up to embrace him, and there are no words that can describe how great it feels to have her in his arms again. With disregard to everyone in the bar, he can't resist a gentle kiss on her sweet lips.**
"You just become more and more beautiful everytime I see you, Angel," he whispers to her. "I love you."
**Suddenly, he notices another sitting at the table with his beloved and smiles at her.**
"Hello there. Sorry if I interrupted anything here. I don't believe we've ever met. My name is obiwan2. I'm a Jedi Master here at GJO. But me Obi."
**Then....The Jedi Master sensed...something more...**
Sanis Prent
Sep 2nd, 2001, 08:59:04 PM
(Where there was smoke, there was fire. My attention lit up like a christmas tree, and I washed down half my beer to keep up my guise of preoccupation. Leia's boy toy, Obiwan, had arrived on the scene. It couldn't have been easier if both were wrapped up with a ribbon on top. My good luck would shave hours, maybe days off my job.
I leaned back in my seat, letting the slow and gentle breeze from a ceiling fan wash against the sweat on my brow. Flagging down another brew, I slipped my hand into my jacket, pulling out a chrome-plated HoloComm. I didn't bat an eye...I knew exactly who to call. Tabbing down the list of communication addresses, I pinged one that any other day...would be the last person on my mind.
The beer arrived with its usual prompt delivery, the thick head rising against the dark contrast of the draught. Flipping a chit to the waitress, I paid off my tab.)
Hey babe, I'll be right back. Mind if I take this outside?
(She shook her head, and I was on my way. Fingering at the comm in my hand, I strutted past their table, only glancing down in passing. If Leia had any vibes about our passing...maybe distance would do the trick.
Walking to the door, I hit the transmit button on the comm. As usual, the line went unanswered, transferring to a messaging system. Typical of the contact. He was as slippery as an oil coated teflon snake sliding on a rollerskate down a frozen lake. He'd ping me back...on his terms. I didn't care. I'd make the spot, and he'd take care of it. Not my problem.
In a low, nonchalant tone, I spoke into the comm, my eyes peeled and scanning from side to side.)
Mr. S...I've got your turtle doves.
Vekaar Vekin
Sep 2nd, 2001, 10:25:41 PM
(Sanis had left Vekaar alone to wallow in his own thoughts. The Broker had long since finished the drink that now settled in his stomach. He was contemplating whether he should have bothered to stick around or go back to the Nebula Chaser. There wasn't much to do either, except maybe order more drinks.
A rumble formed in Vekaar's stomach. His head slouched low as he thought back to the earlier events in the bar. He had really burned that New Republic Special Forces agent. Now that he thought about it, he felt sorry for the young man. Vekaar had reasons behind his assault of accusations.
Over the past month he had contacted New Republic Officials and offered his services. Vekaar had even offered to transport goods, or whatever he could. Each time he was met with the same response. Either they would contact him in the future or they did not require his services at that time. At first he thought he was talking to the wrong people, but then Vekaar lost hope. Everyone just assumed he was scum or no good because he wasn't part of any major military faction or a wealthy land owner. Well Han Solo was considered scum and he did a considerable amount for the New Republic.
Mustering enough reason, Vekaar pushed himself out of his seat and stood up. He had a slight ache in his neck, but nothing really serious. It didn't bother him that much. He spotted Hwoarang a few tables down and began to walk toward him. He noticed the NRSF agent was with another man, one he hadn't seen or met before.)
(Vekaar tapped Hwoarang's shoulder.)
"Hey Hwoarang. Sorry for ripping into you earlier like that. I just don't like it much when people assume that someone is bad from stories they've heard in the past, or what not. I've grown a slight distaste for people who are quick to judge. Please let me buy you a drink?"
(He slightly raised his head to acknowledge the other man.)
"Since I'm on a shopping spree, would you like one too Mr...?"
Marcus QDunn
Sep 2nd, 2001, 10:43:25 PM
"Tohmahawk. The name is Major General Tohmahawk, NRSF" He turned to give the newcomers the full weight of his stare. "I might accept that drink later. Excuse me, but I'm starting to think there is trouble brewing"
No, one one here but the Council knew whom he was. And that was a damn good thing, because right now....He was sensing something odd going on here. That man Paret, he knew was not here out of the goodness out of his own heart. The smuggler didn't know that QDunn was a skifter that could take the sabacc pot in one swoop. A quick hand signal and the troops who were in positions to guard the bar and keep trouble out nodded.
Armed and dangerous now.
He walked over to where Leia and Obiwan2 were. Probably wasn't a bad thing he had his rail guns ready. One of these days, he was going to shake down Sanis - painfully.
"Hello Leia, Obiwan.... might I join you for a moment?"
Vekaar Vekin
Sep 2nd, 2001, 10:55:28 PM
If that man knew Prent, he'd know that Prent was just a synonym for trouble. Vekaar thought to himself.
(Once again the Broker had been ditched. He believed everyone was against him today. Now Vekaar Vekin was beginning to take this serious. Trouble WAS brewing and he would get to the bottom of it, or stay and find out what was going on.
Vekaar slouched into a seat beside Hwoarang. He remembered that the NRSF agent had a weapon.)
"Hey kid, you might have to use that weapon. I'll buy you a drink another time. Let's just stay back...if things get bad, I might jump in."
(He held up a fist.)
"These aren't just for decoration y'know. But I know Prent...Don't think he'll cause a disturbance on a planet like this. Then again...he's Sanis Prent."
(Vekaar didn't need the Force to see that Sanis had beef with that Leia chick. He casually walked to a bar stool, near Leia, her mate and that Tomahawk man and ordered a glass of water. Vekaar needed a good view of them, and needed to be sober.)
Sep 3rd, 2001, 07:34:28 AM
"I understand that you had business to discuss with Sanis."
::I turned back around to see Marcus get up and leave. He wasnt very friendly.::
"I see that you keep looking at my weapon. It is too noticible. I know that there might be trouble, so I will be right back."
::I run out the exit to my ship. I pulled out the revolver and put it in it's place along the weapons rack. I picked up two u'zis and put them in my pockets. I looked in the mirror.....not noticible at all. I ran back to the bar to Vekaar.::
"I am sorry, but I had to run a quick little 'errend'."
ooc-you guyz didnt give me any time to reply! You just kinda played my char for me lol. I hope that the weapons change wasnt a bad move.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 3rd, 2001, 10:52:57 AM
::Conversing some with Estelle..Leia picked up a very familar force was one of her one true love, her fiance... Obiwan. ::
Excuse me Estelle a moment.
:: Leia stood up and approached Obi. They greeted one another with a loving embrace. Leia looked up into her true love's gorgeous blue eyes after a tender kiss::
Thank you Sweetheart. You are so sweet. May I are so handsome and charming as ever. Gosh I have missed you terribly. It's so nice to have you here back where you belong. I love you, Obi.
::Leia and Obi smiled at each other after this tender moment and walked back to the table where Estelle was still sitting. In their passing...Sanis tried to discretely pass by the Jedi couple. Still unable to figure Sanis out...Leia watched him pass from the corner of her eye as Obi and her sat down::
:: Obi introduced himself to Estelle, as Vekaar sat down near the Jedi group. Once again...Leia felt there was quite a lot attention being drawn to her and more so now that her fiance Obi is here now. Trying very hard not to let it get her she was very happy to have her love return to her, Leia took another sip of tea and order a drink for Obi and another juice for Estelle.::
::Hwoarang was conversing with Master Dunn..who excused himself and was now making his way towards the jedi gathering::
Marcus: "Hello Leia, Obiwan.... might I join you for a moment?"
::Leia looked up at Master QDunn and smiled::
Why Master QDunn...what a pleasant surprise. Please..come and join us. How are you this evening?
Estelle Russard
Sep 3rd, 2001, 03:21:01 PM
Estelle was happy to meet Obi Wan, and said as much
as he joined their table. He and Leia seemed so suited and
were so obviously happy to see each other. Estelle started to feel like a bit of a third wheel sitting at the table and was just about to excuse herself so they could enjoy some time together, when another man came over to join them.
He invited himself in and took a seat, Leia ordering them all another round of drinks. There were furtive glances from left and right as more patrons of the bar seemed to turn more attention to Leia. You didnt need force sense to know something was in the works. The energy just seemed to bounce off one individual to another - small talk seemed out of place all of a sudden.
Estelle smiled hello to the man Tomahawk, and because she was not quite sure what to do, she did nothing but sit, toying with her glass and tried to keep her wits about her.
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:20:26 AM
The ESD Sanguine loomed over the Heavy Interdictor Cruiser Despondent menacingly. From afar it was but a spec compared to the much larger ship capable of launching an assault against a whole planet. Both ships floated looking completely devoid of life as all the windows had been darkened to keep out the cursed star that existed in nearly every system of the galaxy.
Dark troopers stood guard as the hallways images reflected about the dark plates that adorned them. The only relief from total blackness was the Coven's Winged insignia that adorned their shoulders. They faithfully guarded the arched doorway that swept high, where inside Saurron gazed to the future of what was to come. The room was lavish but dimly lit as he often preferred. Extensively long lengths of sheer deep colored fabrics hung from the ceiling of the expanse that was his meditation chamber.
To see the future one had to look upon the past as well.
Leia's face twisted in pain as Saurron's Sith Dagger cut her soft flesh easily seeking her womb...seeking to end the danger to the Darkside.
Obi's face contorted also, but not in physical pain it was more of an anger not indicative of a high ranking Jedi.
Love conquers all Saurron thought, his eyes were closed but a smile crept across his face where it soon faded.
His assault on The Princess Leia and Obiwan2 had been semi successful in his mind. The cut laid deep within her womb but still yet, the threat was felt causing tremors in the future of the Darkside of the Force. This event would not happen for some time, the true dangers...her and Obi's flesh and blood existed decades ahead where Saurron would surely be, given his longitivity. He could kill them then or could he?
Sanis took the job of tailing the Princess Leia, thus informing Saurron of her every location willingly in return for mere information...information Saurron would give in the utmost sense. Mr. Prent would soon know everything he wanted too about a "certain blonde" as he called her.
There was that wicked smile again...
The holonet receiver sounded with a soft high to low tone signaling an incoming encoded transmission. Saurron's eyes opened slowly in unison with a wave of his hand activating the image enlarger. Sanis's face filled the room with a pale blue light. Saurron stood joining his hands inside his cloak sleeves, staring at the image speaking before him.
"Mr. S. I've got your turtle doves." came Sanis as his eyes shifted about.
I knew that you would Mr. Prent. GJO Bar and Grill I presume?
Sep 9th, 2001, 02:03:25 AM
The cool night breezes buffeting against Mockadane's cloak was the only movement that caught Sanis's keen eye, moments before he emerged from a shadowy alcove across from the bar's entrance. Walking to the entrance, the big man gave a slight nod to Mr. Prent in passing.
Walking into the bar, the smell of alcohol and tension was immediatly noticed. The rather elegant establishment seemed to be bustling with activity. Making his way to the bar, Mockadane orders a drink then turns and summizes the occupants therin, a trait the mercinary learned long ago.
Facing the barkeep that brings his beer "Thank you" is all he says. After a couple of swallows, Mockadane keys in his com-link and speaks quietly into it.
Marcus QDunn
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:34:20 AM
"What am i having?"
He looked about the bar, mentally counting the NRSF troops. What most didnt realise was how highly trained they were, they surrounded the place in ways just about no one fully knew. Layer on layer. And the best weren't in uniform.
Something's going on Leia. Be ready "I'll have a Fosters actually. I'm feeling in the mood for a something dangerous"
At the key word, the nearest troops came alert. Q'Dunn himself, outwardly as the New Republic General and relaxed, was now giving the eye to all the patrons of the bar. A small hand signal set the second part in motion. They had this planned for a long time and now it was in motion.
Hmmmm. who's that at the bar? Never seen him before. I'll set three to cover him without him knowing. There's a few others that will need covering too. Another thirty seconds and we'll have enough people casually dropping in to have this place swarming. Up top will be covered, only a fool would try to get through air defence. Outside covered. Good, they caught my handsignal. They are watching him. And I'm the skifter only the Council knows about.
"How are you tonight Leia?"
Sep 9th, 2001, 11:10:54 AM
::Hwoarang caught the hand signal and moved into place. It wasnt noticible, because he had walked around the bar a couple of times that night. Hwoarang now thought about earlier...he had shown Sanis his NRSF card. But that was no big deal. More than likely Sanis didnt believe him and he probably didnt care either.::
Sep 9th, 2001, 06:23:15 PM
While requesting his second drink, having finished his first, Mockadane's instinct's were assured. More than a few of the bars patrons, seamed extreamly chipper and carried on little personal conversations with more enthusiam than necessary.
As his beer arrived,the big man smiled at the bartender... "Is the theatre in town?" Mocksaid sarcastically, "Because these ACTORS suck!" *Takes a drink while paying his tab*
Speaking quietly into his com-link, Mock winks at the barkeep. When hes done he tucks his com awayand says... "They should use tinted drink glasses, you know... for the visual!"
Sanis Prent
Sep 9th, 2001, 07:27:34 PM
The one and the same.
(As much as I liked to see a job through. I wanted to keep this short and sweet. My employer and I weren't the kind to see eye-to-eye.)
Is this a pickup or delivery order?
(The tension in the air seemed to rise, meeting up with the humidity to form a sickening blanket that smothered everything. Sweat beaded on foreheads as faceless drinkers walked past me. The thing that got my attention was the quiet...the usual cacophony of pub talk was distant and muted...with the exception of a long-haired ox mixing it up with the barkeep a distance away.
If I had a spider might be going off...but half of my business is setting a good poker face.)
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 9th, 2001, 10:03:12 PM
:: Obi signaled for the barmaid and ordered the Foster for Master QDunn, as Leia continued her discussion with QDunn. ::
::After QDunn..questioned Leia about Mockdane. The Jedi Master nonchalantly peered out of the corner of her eye to spot Mockadane. Visions of the past flashed before her eyes, horrifying ones of her last encounter with the Sith Knight. Flashes of sabers dueling in Dagobah with Obi and herself against Mockadane and......SAURRON. Leia's face contorted remembering that fearful day with destiny. All the horror and pain can be seen on her face. As much as she tried not to show it..the memories controlled her very being, as a single tear fell down the Jedi Master's cheek. Closing her eyes momentarily, trying desperately not to show her uneasiness with the question. Leia turned back to QDunn and answered the Jedi Master in a choked up voice::
His name...
:: Brief hesitation::
is Mockadane. He works for Saurron LeStat.
::Leia's head looked down at the table, it was obvious she was not happy about Mockdane's sudden arrival. The Jedi Master looked up to her left, into the eyes of her love. Obi turned his head momentarily to glance at Mockadane unnoticed before looking back at Leia's face. Obi's face seem to go from no emotion to one of concern. He remembered that fateful night too well and he promised Saurron would never get away with hurting Leia again.::
Obi, I suggest as General Tohmahawk stated we have to keep our wits about us. Something just feels terribly wrong tonight. I can feel it and I know you can too.
::Turning to QDunn with a half smirk on her face::
Well with other than the apparent matter at hand. I am fine tonight. More so than usual with the return of my Sweetheart. But I think you know that.
::Leia stated with a smile, trying to act casual as she gave Obi a gentle hug::
How are you this evening General Tohmahawk? What brings you to the bar and grill??
Sep 10th, 2001, 01:51:13 PM
Mockadane's transmissions from his comm went directly to his ship where in turn the Sanguine was communicating with it as well. Receiving the reports from Mockadane as he spoke with Sanis Saurron surveyed the situation.
Delivery?...and bring the NR Fleet that mills about in orbit down on my position, no.
Bright shimmers ran through Sanis's face as his holo image floated in front of Saurron.
Bring her and Obi to me, but let them do the flying, so to speak.
Saurron stared through Sanis
She will leave the planet eventually. Stay close and advise me of her heading when she does.
Estelle Russard
Sep 14th, 2001, 10:07:31 PM
She turned her head slightly, following Leia's line of vision, and glanced nervously at the dark man at the bar.
Just as quickly she looked back again, a small knot of nerves beginning to form in her stomach.
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