View Full Version : Tiger's Eyes

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 02:45:03 AM
Seer enters the bar, looking somewhat lost in her own thoughts before she sits down at the bar. She watched the patrons briefly before looking up at the stars that shone down from the sky light in the ceiling.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:01:16 AM
Following close behind his master, Kitssarri came into the bar. Looking nervously around the bar, scanning the patrons trying to avoid a situation like last time. Picking up his pace a little, so as to catch up to his master, the feline figure makes his way through the bar.

"Sssomethjing ssseemsss to be on jyourrr mjind tonjight massterrr. Jis everrrjythjing ok?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:12:36 AM
jI wjisssh that everrrjythjing wasss all rrrjight but jI scrrrewed up on sssomethjing and jit'sss onljy a matterrr of tjime beforrre everrrthjing fallsss aparrrt, jI have morrre to worrrrrrjy about than jussst mjy chjild now.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:19:24 AM
A look of concern came across his face, as he dared to sneak a look at his master. Although it hadn't been long since he'd been given to her, Kitssarri had grown to like his master and care for her, as was called for by his caste.

" Jis there anjythjing that Ji can do to help jyou thrrrough thjisss tjime?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:24:37 AM
not that jI know of Kjitssssssarrrrrrji unlessssss jyou can turrrn back tjime.....

Seer smiled briefly before looking up at the stars again

Whjy do jI get mjyssself jinto thessse messssssesss? jI ssstjill don't whjy jI djid what jI djid.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:35:03 AM
Looking up towards the skylight, trying in vain to see what his master was looking at. He sighes and then returns his gaze to the table in front of him

"Ji am sssorrrrry mjy masssterrr.All that Ji can offer jisss to be therrrre forrrr jyou durrrjing thjisss tjime. Jif therrrre jisss anjythjing that jyou rrrequjirrre jyou onljy need to asssk. Ji aim onjly to pleassse you and sssserrrve you"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 03:41:20 AM
And all jI need jisss forrr jyou to jussst be therrre, therrre'sss rrrealljy nothjing that can be done untjil jit happensss....jI can onljy hope that jit wjill come to passssss afterrr thjisss chjild of mjine jisss borrrn.....jI don't want to put mjy chjild jin dangerrr just asss jI djidn't mean to put hjim jin dangerrr ejitherrr.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:10:37 AM
"Ji will not allow anjythjing to negatjively jimpact jyou durjing thjisss tjime, mjy mjissstressss. Ji would gjive mjy ljife to protect jyou."

He quickly looks up her, and for the first time since meeting her, makes eye contact - only for a second however. Just long enough for her to know that what he said was true. His loyalty to her was something that could be counted on.

"Jis therrre sssomethjing that jyou rrrequjire now, mjy ladjy? A drjink perhaps?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:24:42 AM
Seer smiled slightly as she noticed Kitssarri try to look at her for a moment, she had a feeling this one would bear no resemblance to her previous servant Kirreeta.

jI know that jyou would, Kjitssssssarrrrrji and jI'm glad of that....at anjy rrrate, all therrre jisss to do jisss wajit and sssee what happensss.....the one jI'm worrrrrjied about hasssn't notjiced jI'm arrround jyet and jI've been herrre forrr manjy monthsss now, ssso therrre'sss a chance that jI have tjime untjil that one fjigurrresss jit out....jI'm not much forrr drrrjinkjing thessse dajysss but jI'll thjink a sssteak sssoundsss good rrrjight now....

Seer said quietly before ordering one from a passing waitress. When it came, Seer noticed Kitssarri was trying to not look hungry but she knew he must be. Unsheathing one claw, Seer sliced a large chunk off and set it towards the edge of her plate.

Jussst eat that forrr now, jI'll fjigurrre out what to do when sssomethjing happensss.........

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:46:05 AM
His stomach had been rumbling for it had been a long time since he last ate. Kitssarri thought he had hidden his hunger well, but apparently his charade had been discovered. He reached for the piece of meat, and ate it quickly, feeling awkward all the while. He turned his head slightly, so that he was not directly facing his master. Normally he didn't eat in the company of his master.

"Ji thank jyou forrr thjis masssterrr. "

When he finished eating, he wiped his mough and turned back to face her, all the while keeping his eyes low.

" Masssterrr, when jyou need me, Ji ssshalll be herrrre. Alssso, Ji am ssssorrrry forr the jincjudent whjich occurrrred durrrjing ourrr lassst visssjit to thjissss place"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 04:56:16 AM
A common mjissstake to make, but no harrrm wasss done....the forrda arrround herrre tend to be kjinda rrrude to newcomerrrsss, they have enough sssenssse not to bug a female but not enough to leave any male alone.......

Seer eats some of the steak before speaking again

Honessstljy sssome of thessse forrda need betterrr mannerrrsss, attackjing sssomeone forrr no rrreassson, therrre's no sssenssse jin that....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 29th, 2001, 05:07:25 AM
"Thjisss jisss trrrue. Howeverrrr jit wjill not happen agajin. Fajilurrre jisss sssomethjing Ji do not take well."

He qucikly reaches for a glass on the table and takes a drink of the cold water inside.

"Ji do not mean to be rrrude. Howeverrr Ji mussst jinquirrre. When sssshall jit be tjime forrr me to meet the otherrr?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 29th, 2001, 05:14:13 AM
Meet the otherrrsss? not a clue, thejy jussst kjinda come arrround herrre when thejy feel ljike jit.....jI would asssssume jyou'll rrrun jinto Cjirrrrr and hjisss mjissstrrressssssss at sssome pojint but the otherrrsss arrren't frrrequent vjisssjiterrrsss to herrre......

(Hmm, I wonder why he wants to know about the others here, Kirreeta never cared what was going on ever)

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:29:52 PM
"ahhh, that would explajin jit then. Ji wasss currrjiousss asss to whjy Ji djid not sssee anjy otherrrsss herrre. Perrrhapsss, jif my ssserrrrvjicesss arrre not rrequjirred sssome dajy, Ji ssshall trrrjy to meet up wjith ssome"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:35:14 PM
jI know of at leassst one who jisss arrround herrre a lot, hjisss mjissstrrressssss and her aunt can alssso be ssseen herrre occasssssssjionalljy....sssometjimesss one of the intelljigence femalesss comesss asss well but not often....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:41:55 PM
Lifting his head once again, making breif eye contact with his master, to once agin show his words are true, before lowering his eyes as a sign of respect.

"Otherrr femalesss do not concerrrn me. My lojyaltjy jisss to jyou, and jyou alone. Thjis jisss sssomethjing jyou can count on mjy ladjy."

He quickly glances around the room, making sure that no one is watching them closely, or getting to close to his master.

"Jis therre sssomethjing jyou rrrequjire? A drrrjink perrrhapsss?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:48:05 PM
Nope, don't rrrealljy need anjythjing....anjythjing elssse about herrre that you'rrre currrjiousss about?

Seer wasn't used to this much talking with a manservant since most seemed to think they need to wait until spoken to but she didn't mind questions, it was certainly different than talking to Kirreeta though, he was more likely to mouth off than to have anything relevant to say.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:53:51 PM
"Jyesss mjy ladjy. Parrdon me jif ji'm bejing jinqujisjitjive. Ji am onljy curjiousss about thjingsss ji do not know much about. Jin whjich cassse, ji mussst asssk jyou. When jis the date? Jyourrr motherrr neverrr told me"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 30th, 2001, 04:58:44 PM
Seer's tail twitches at the tip while she tries to remember

That would be becaussse jI neverrr told herrr the date, well jit'sss ssometjime arrround the end of Novemberrr, anjythjing elssse?

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:07:22 PM
The feline sat in his chair for a second, thinking about the situation. She had asked if there was anything else, and he had so many questions, but yet at the same time it was not his place to be questioning his master like this

"One fjinal one, jif Ji may masterrrr. Wjill ji be meetjing the fatherrr? orrr forrr that matterrr, who jis the fatherrr, once agajin yourrr motherrr djid not tell me"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:13:52 PM
Seer choked on a bit of the bite of steak she was trying swallow at the time, that was not really a question Kitssarri should be asking especially not with all of these forrda around. But she just drank some water before answering him.

jI'll tell jyou that laterrr sssjince jI doubt hjisss missstresssssss wantsss to accjidentalljy hearrr that but jyou'll end up ssseejing hjim eventualljy, he'sss arrround herrre a lot....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 30th, 2001, 05:18:28 PM
The question had startled her, and as soon as he saw that it did, he regretted it right away. Who was he to be asking question to her? And especially questions like that? This was twice now that he had failed her. She would not take much more of this from him. He had better be on his best behaviour now he thought.

"Ji am sssorrrry mjy Masssterrr. Ji've asked sssomethjing Jis sssshould not have. Whateverrr punjisssshment jyou feel jisss necesssarrry jis acceptable..."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:14:37 PM
jIt'sss jussst not a quessstjion jyou ssshould have asssked essspecjialljy not herrre....punjissshment? jI'm not one who doesss that, besssjidesss all jyou djid was ask a quessstjion....and the onljy male jI have everrr hurrrt trrried to kjill me ssso jI scrrratched hjim jin ssself defenssse......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:32:50 PM
"Jyesss massterrr, howeverrrr Ji ssshould have known betterrrr then to possse that quessstjion to jyou. Jit jisss not onljy rrrude, but ssssomethjing that shoud not have been asssked bjy an jindjivjidual jin mjy place. That jis whjy Ji dessserrrve punjissshment."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:38:58 PM
jI'm not gojing to punjish jyou for assskjing a quessstjion, jussst forrrget about jit, jI'll tell jyou who he jisss laterrr....jI gave jyou the opporrrtunjitjy to asssk quessstjionsss, jI jussst djidn't know jyou would asssk that....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:45:30 PM
SIghing deeply, he fidgited, rubbing his hands together under the table nervously. He was doing it again, making his master angry. It seemed he couln't do anything right.

"Ji am sssorrrrjy masssterrrr. Ji ssshalll obejy. Jit has been forrrgotten."Looking around nervously once more, he desperately tries to change the subject

"Ji trrrussst jyourrr meal jis sssatisssfactorrrjy?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:53:00 PM
jI would rrratherrr go out and hunt sssomething but jyesss jit'sss fjine....but jit wjill be a ljittle whjile longerrr beforrre jI'm fassst enough to hunt agajin.....

Seer sighed, she didn't like having to eat this prekilled food, it wasn't bloody enough but it was fine for now.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Oct 31st, 2001, 03:54:58 PM
"Jif jit would pleassse jyou, Ji could go hunt forrr jyou. Ji know jit's not ourrr cusstom, but to pleassse jyou ji would do anjything"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Oct 31st, 2001, 04:01:24 PM
therrre'sss no need forrr that rjight now, thjisss jisss fjine and besssjidesss jI allrrreadjy pajid forrr jit....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:53:04 PM
He grew a little more comfortable now that the subject had changed and he did not feel like he was a fool anymore. Well not so much a fool anyways. Glancing around the bar once more, he made sure that no one was approaching them in an "uncalled" for manner. The protection of his master was something that she could count on from him.

"Jyess masssterrr Well ssshould jyou rrrequjire morrre, or sssomethjing a ljittle morrre pleasssjing, Ji am herrrre forrr jyou. All jyou need to do, jisss assk"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:58:58 PM
Hmm, well jI don't rrrealljy need anjythjing rrrjight now...

Seer said quietly as she tried to see what Kitssarri kept looking at. (Hmm, this one seems to really want to make a good impression)

Kjitssssssarrrrrrji, arrre jyou one of mjy mother'sss ssserrvant'sss orrr did ssshe trrrade forrr jyou?

Seer wasn't sure but she had a feeling from how the male acted that he had come from another female's service.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:05:20 PM
He was still looking around the room, when the question had been posed. His head snapped back immediately towards her, all the while keeping his eyes low to avoid contact

"Ji know that Ji am rrrequjirrred to anssswerrr jyou. But Ji mussst assssk......Mussst Ji?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:09:40 PM
jYesss, jI'm jussst currrjiousss jisss all....

Seer said quietly as she fiddled with her necklace and on the short chain hung three small silver claw shaped charms, an exact copy of her mother's logo.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:16:46 PM
Sighing heavily, he head dropped some. This was something he did not like to talk about. Some may see it as someone wanted him. He viewed it from the other perspective. He wasn't wanted and that's why he was traded away.

"Jyou'rrre sssussspjicionsss arrrre corrrect masssterrr. Ji wassss trrrraded for bjy jyour motherrr and then gjiven to jyou, to watch and look overrrr jyou durjing thjisss tjime. "

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:21:10 PM
Seer noticed Kitssarri's ears droop, so she knew what he meant.

jI'm sssurrre jyou mussst have had sssomethjing that jimprrressssssed mjy motherrr ssso that ssshe pjicked jyou, ssshe doesssn't let jussst anjyone watch overrr me....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:29:17 PM
Even after hearing her words, he was unsure of what to think. His mood didn't really change, and he could not get that sense of failure out of his mind. If he could only keep himself from failing his masters. Why else would he have been traded, only to be given away?

"Ji am not ssso ssssurrre. Perrrhapsss jyour motherrr onljy took pjitjy on me and that would be whjy she trrraded forrr me"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:39:03 PM
mjy motherrr doesssn't choossse out of pjitjy, ssshe looksss forrr onesss that ssshe knowsss wjill do thejirrr bessst to prrotect me....mjy motherrr jisss verrry perrrsssuassssssjive so jI'm sssurrre ssshe barrrgajined forrr jyou with yourrr mjissstrrresssssss untjil ssshe got herrr wajy....

Seer put her finger lightly on the side of his face that was turned away from her and made him turn to look at her.

jYou'rrre not a fajilurrre jif that'sss what yjou'rrre thjinkjing.......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:48:42 PM
As she turned his head, forcing him to look into her eyes, his feeling of unease began to rise considerably. Being a male Ciszerack came responsibilities. And with those responsibilities, he must show respect to females and more importantly, his master. Diverting his gaze from theirs was his way of doing so.

Kitssarri's lack of confidence made little things seem like huge failures to him. And with each new "failure", his self confidence fell to newer depths. Until he could get out of this circle, he would continue to doubt his abilities.

"Jyou've ssseen how manjy tjimes Ji've fajiled jyou sjince Ji came jinto jyour ssserrrvjices. Doesssn't that sssajy sssomethjing about me?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:56:35 PM
Seer watches him turn away again (he's so worried about what I'll think, he only made a few little mistakes)

Jit sssajysss nothjing, missstakesss arrre common thjing forrr anjyone to make ssso jyou don't need to worrrrrjy about sssuch trrrjivjial errrrrorrrsss.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:06:27 PM
Thoughts began to run though his head quickly

Only a few mistakes, sure. But how many is that i've made since i've come into your presence? And they keep adding up. How much longer before she trades me as well?

He perked his head up slightly, taking another nervous glance around the bar, looking for any sign of hostility. Protecting his master was his ultimate mission, and he was making sure this would be one mission he would not fail.

" Ji don't know. Ji am jyourrr ssserrrvant, and jin bejing ssso, Ji mussst be perrrfect, forrrr no lesssss do jyou dessserrrve"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:13:23 PM
Perrrfect? jI don't need jyou to do everrrjythjing rrrjight, jyou'rrre new herrre ssso jyourrr bound to ssscrrrew up forrr a ljittle whjile.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:18:18 PM
"Perrrhapsss in jyour ejyesss masssterrr. But jin mjine, Ji mussst be, esspecjialljy wjith jyourrr prrressent condjitjion"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:21:36 PM
jI'm jin no rrreal dangerrr, asss long asss jyou do what jisss needed, that'sss fjine....jyou honessstljy worrrrjy too much, therrre'sss no need to worrrrjy ssso much.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:30:12 PM
" Ji onljy worrrrrjy sssso much becaussse Ji carrrre. Therrre jisss no rrroom forrr errrror when jit comesss to jyou. "

Under the table, unbeknowst to Seerrasseei, Kitssarri kicked the ground nervously. He had come to like her alot and her attitude towards life. This was why he felt he must be so perfect for her. He did not want to see her harmed in any way, and only receive the best in return.

"Perrrhapsss wjith tjime, Ji majy be able to rrrelaxxx sssome wjith the prrrogrrresssjion of my abjiljitjies. Howeverrr untjil then, Ji wjill strrrjive forrr perrrfectjion, forr ljike Ji say, sssomeone of jyour famjily name dessserrrves the bessst and Ji am farrr frrrom jit. Howeverrr, Ji wjill strrrjive to be jit. And hopefulljy whateverrr Ji can become wjill be good enough forrr jyou"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:38:01 PM
Seer fiddled with the charms on her necklace again for a moment.

jyou'rrre dojing fjine and jI'm sssurrre jyou'll get usssed to thjisss place jin tjime, at least jyou don't do what Kjirrrrrreeta used to bjy ssstarrrtjing a fjight everjywherrre we went.....that jerrrk knew jussst how to act good wjith mjy motherrr then wasss an asssssss the rrressst of the tjime.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:08:36 AM
The large feeling unconsciously perked his head and his ears up. His teeth began to grind together, slowly and quietly. Attitude such as what was explained to him was unheard of in the prescence of your master.

" Well mjy massterrr, that jis one thjing jyou won't have to worrrrrjy about wjith me. Ji know mjy place and wjill not sssstep out of ljine and djisssrrressspect jyou ljike that. Majy Ji asssk what hassss sssjince become of that dolt?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:16:31 AM
jI know jyou wouldn't, jyou have rrresspect unljike that jidjiot....Afterrr he attacked me whjile drrrunk, mjy motherrr sssent hjim back to the Hunterrr Forrrcesss, he'sss at the lowessst rrrank possssssssjible now.....and jI can honessstljy sssajy that jI don't mjissssssss Kjirrrrrreeta at all, he djid nothjing but get on mjy nerrrvesss all dajy.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:24:54 AM
Ideas began to form in his head, as Kitssarri made a mental note to remember that, so that one day he might pay this Kirreeta a visit. Moving his hands underneath the table so that Seerasseei could not see then, he clenched his fists, his knuckles turning a few shades lighter.

"Ji ssshall have to rrrememberrr that forrr the futurrre. Ji am glad you sssshall no longerrr be botherrred bjy hjim."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:31:22 AM
jI don't thjink he'll botherrr me, besssjidesss he hasss a scar over hjisss ejye to rrrememberrr me bjy, but that'sss hjisss own fault forrr trrrjyjing to kjill me, ssso jI hjighljy doubt he'll everrr come anjywherrre nearrr herrre agajin essspecjialljy not afterrr ssseejing how mad mjy motherrr wasss.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:38:10 AM
"Perrrhapsss not. Ji might have......"

his voice trailed off when he realized he was speaking out loud. The anger at the disposition of the other male was still within him. Realizing this, he took a deep breath, and unclenched his fists, trying to calm down some.

Taking a few extra seconds to calm down before speaking once more, he looked around the bar, for any of the same hostilites that might threaten his master. Satisfied that there were none to be found, he turned his attention back towards her.

"He wasss a fool to have trrrjied sssomethjing ssso ssstupjid. Jyourrr motherrr wasss rrrjight to sssend hjim awajy. Ji am sssorrrrjy jif ji am rrrambljing"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:46:25 AM
Well afterrr that, ssshe fjinalljy beljieved me about hjisss actjionsss, ssshe wasss ssso mad that njight, ssshe had hjim sssent awajy rrrjight away......jI wasssn't hurrrt but jit took a whjile forrr mjy fatherrr to rrrecoverrr forrr hjisss jinjurrrjiesss afterrr fjightjing Kjirrrrrreeta off.....and jyou'rrre not rrrambljing.....

Seer said quietly while fiddling with her necklace, she didn't like remembering that night.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:51:47 AM
He sensed a slight change in her attitude and having learned from his previous failures he chose that he better not pursue the topic any further

" Ji am sssorrrrjy forrr brjingjing the topjic up. "

Placing his hands back on the table, folding one on top of the other, he continued speaking.

" Sssso how jis yourrr fatherrr anjywajysss. Jyou have not mentjioned hjim at all"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 2nd, 2001, 04:58:10 AM
well the lassst tjime jI saw hjim he looked much betterrr, jI couldn't sssee anjy ssscarrrsss on hjim, he'sss rrreallljy a njice gujy though, mjy brrrotherrr and jI arre hjisss majin concerrn afterrr mjy motherrr.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:15:57 AM
"that jisss good that jyourrrr fatherrrr carrressss forrr jyou ssso. Perrrhapsss Ji ssshall get the honourrr of meetjing hjim one dajy"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:21:53 AM
Majybe, well he jisss the one who calmed mjy motherrr down a lot, ssshe wasss qujite a hothead back jin the old dajysss orrr ssso jI hearrr, he'sss parrrtjialljy whjy jI'm not asss cold asss mossst femalesss asss well, he hasss a good temperrrment that ssseemsss to rrrub off on otherrrsss.....jit'sss kjinda funnjy though that mjy brrrotherrr jisss jusst ljike hjim.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:29:24 AM
"Ji fjind jit harrrd to belejive that jyourrr motherrr wasss hot temperrred jin herrr jyouth. Jyour fatherrr hasss done much wjith her. Jyou ssspeak hjighljy of yourrr fatherrr, and jit jisss not a bad thjing that jyourrr brrrotherrr jis jussst ljike hjim"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:39:16 AM
mjy motherrr ssstjill hasss a temperrr but ssshe not asss bad asss ssshe usssed to be, but ssshe wasss qujite loud when Kjirrrrrreeta djid what he djid, jI neverrr sssaw hjim afrrajid of anjyone untjil mjy motherrr ssstarrted jyelljing......my brrrotherrr jisss jussst ljike mjy fatherrr but he djid hang out wjith mjy fatherrr alot when he wasss youngerrr.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:42:35 AM
"Well Ji do not plan on gettjing on the bad sssjide of jyourrr motherrr, ssso hopefulljy ji wjill not sssee that."

He steps talking for a second to take a few breaths

"Jit jis funnjy how fate worrrksss, jin the wajy that jyourrr brrotherrr hasss become much ljike jyourrr fatherrr"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:47:40 AM
well asss long asss jyou don't trrrjy to hurrrt me, jyou'll neverr have to sssee how mjy motherrr looksss when enrrraged.....yep, thejy look a lot aljike asss well, mjy brrrotherrr looksss ljike a jyoungerrr verrrsssjion of mjy fatherrr.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:50:10 AM
"Ji count myself luckjy to be jin jyour famjiljy'sss ssservjice. Perrrhapsss one dajy Ji ssshall have the honour of meetjing them all one dajy"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 4th, 2001, 04:57:49 AM
Mossst ljikeljy, jI'll mjight go back to vjisjit afterrr mjy cub jisss borrrn and old enough to trrravel but jI thjink mjy motherrr wjill probably call to sssee how jI'm dojing sssoonerrr than that ssso jyou mjight see them vjia mjy computerrr beforrre then.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:25:24 PM
"Ji look forrrwarrrd to the dajy when Ji wjill get to meet them. Thejy have rrrajisssed a fjine daughterrr. Ji hope that jyou keep me arrround to have the honorrr of meetjing them one day"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:33:31 PM
Seer smiles for a moment before fiddling with charms on her necklace again

well asss long asss jyou don't hurrrt me orrr anjythjing ljike that, jyou'll be arrround forrr awhjile....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:44:59 PM
"Majy Ji make an obssserrrvatjion?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:48:47 PM
jI guessssss, about what?

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:51:56 PM
"Well, jyou ssseeem to be emphasssjizing that jif ji do not hurrrt jyou and then plajyjing wjith jyourrr necklace alot. Whjy jisss that?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:55:46 PM
Seer raises an eyebrow

That rrrealljy hasss nothjing to do wjith anjythjing, jI just messsss wjith jit sssometjimesss......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:58:19 PM
" And what about the otherrr parrt of jit? Jyou avojided that parrrt all togetherrr"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:07:57 PM
jit'sss happened to me once beforrre and even though jI know jyou won't trrry to hurrrt me ljike Kjirrrrrrreeta, the fact that jit happened ssstjill leavesss that ljittle bjit of a ljingerrrjing worrrrrrjy jin me......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:10:37 PM
Lifting his head slightly, he stole another quick look at her, before resuming speaking

"Ah, Ji underrrrssstand. How can Ji help jyou overrrcome thessse fearrrs?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:13:11 PM
not a clue, jit hasssn't rrrealljy been that long sssjince jit happened, jit wasss onljy about 3 monthsss beforrre jI got herrre, jI guessss jI jussst haven't gotten overrr jit jyet....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:16:43 PM
He quickly risked another glance

"Well jif therrre issss anjythijing that Ji can do to rrreassssurrre jyou orrr help jyou wjith thjisss, let me know, ok masssterrr?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:20:53 PM
jI don't know what jyou could do honessstljy, jI thjink jit jisss morrre of one of thossse thjingsss onljy jI can get thrrough on mjy own......but jI'll let jyou know jif jyou can help out.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:24:00 PM
"Alrrrjight masssterrr. Mjy hand jisss extended to jyou jif jyou need jit. All jyou need to do jis asssk"

He focused in on her necklace, staring at it unknowlingly.

"Majy ji asssk about jyour necklace?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 6th, 2001, 04:29:15 PM
Seer follows his gaze to her necklace as she fiddles with it again. (Hmm, I do seem to mess with it a lot, ah well)

What about it?

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 6th, 2001, 05:06:12 PM
Her abruptness in answering caught him slightly off guard, and he could feels his cheeks flush slightly. Kitssarri tried to speak, but found thast he only stammered

"uh..Ji...Ji....Ji wasss onljy wonderrrjing jif jit held sssome sssorrrt of ssspecjial meanjing, orrrr jif jit wasss gjiven to jyou bjy sssomeone ssspecjial"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 7th, 2001, 03:21:45 PM
After raising an eyebrow as to why Kitssarri had suddenly blushed, Seer's tail twitches back and forth a bit as she tries to remember the full story of it. Fiddling with her necklace a little bit more, she traces the outline of one of the charms with her finger before speaking.

jIt hasss to do wjith the powerrr of thrrree orrr morrre accurrrateljy the powerrr of thrrree women, mjy grrrandmotherrr and herrr two sssjisssterrrsss....beforrre Teerrrrrrroussssssseji Ssstarrrssshjip Cussstomsss jInc exjisssted, my grrrandmotherrr and herrr sssjisterrsss all worrrked on makjing thejirrr own companjiesss but asss tjime went on, thejy notjiced that when thejy worrrked togetherrr, thjingsss worrrked betterrr. Wjith the combjined efforrrt of the techsss of thrrree mjissstrrressssssssesss, technjical flawsss werrre found and fjixed qujickerrr and morrre jideasss werrre come up wjith frrrom the mjindsss of thrrree worrrkjing togetherrr jinssstead of jussst one.....each claw reprrresssentsss one of them and how thejy took overrr mossst of the cussstom parrrtsss jindussstrrry ljike a ljion ssstrrrjikjing down jitsss prrrejy and rrrippjing jit up wjith jitsss clawsss.....the name Teerrrrrrroussssssseji even comesss frrrom the thrrree of them, jit jisss a parrrt of all of thejir namesss put togetherrr.....and no jit wasssn't rrrealljy gjiven to me bjy sssomeone ssspecjial, mjy motherrr gave jit to me when jI ssstarrrted to learrrn about the companjy and jI wjill take overrr forrr herrr when ssshe rrretjirresss....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 7th, 2001, 05:00:01 PM
He smiled as he listened to her speak about her special necklace. He had come into a special family and he was proud to say who he was owned by

"It sssseemsss that jyourrr necklace jisss verrrjy ssspecjial to jyou and jyou're famjyljy. Ji mussst tell jyou that Ji am pleasssed to sssajy that ji am jin jyourrr posssssesssion"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 7th, 2001, 05:09:47 PM
jYesss, jit jisss, thjisss tjype of necklace jisss worrrn bjy the femalesss jin mjy famjiljy.....well be sssurrre to thank mjy motherrr forrr that then sssjince ssshe'sss the one who decjided on jit.......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:14:26 PM
"The next tjime thatJi do sssee herrr, Ji wjill make jit a pojint to do jussst that. Therrre jis much that Ji owe jherrr forrr.. Jyou mussst rrrealljy trjy to get jyourrr motherrr overrr forrr a vjisssjit sssometjime"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:17:02 PM
Well mjy motherrr jisss a busssjy woman, ssshe doesssn't have the tjime to get awajy much.......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:19:57 PM
"Ssso ssshe hasss not ssseen jyou sssjince jyou became prrregnant?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:21:38 PM
jin perrrssson, no...via computerrr, jyesss, mjy motherrr doesssn't have the tjime to trravel much......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:26:26 PM
"Perrrhapsss jif jyou asssked herrr, ssshe would come"

He quickly scanned the bar once more, before turnung his attention back to her

"Jis there sssomethjing that jyou desssjirrre?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:33:23 PM
jI don't know about that, jI haven't ssseen mjy motherrr leave home ssince jI ssstarrrted trrravel jin herrr place forrr the companjy......morrre than ljikeljy ssshe'll sssend mjy brrrotherrr overrr or sssomethjing sssjince ssshe doesssn't have the tjime to vjisssjit me herrrssself.....

Seer's tail twitched back and forth behind her, even though she knew her mother was happy about being a grandmother soon, she also had a feeling her mother wasn't happy that Seer was now wanting to stay in one place for the time being instead of traveling to talk to potential customers. While she thought about that, Seer unconsciously fiddled with her necklace again before speaking.

Nope, jI ssstjill don't need anjythjing......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:42:15 PM
" Jussst checkjing Masssterrr. Jyourrr comforrrt is what matterrrsss to me."

He seemd to lean back slightly and ponder things for a second

"Whjy don't we take a trrrjip to sss ee herrr?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:45:49 PM
jI rrratherrr not forrr the tjime bejing, ssshe majy jussst make me ssstajy home for a bjit whjich jI don't want to do rrright now....jI ljike thjisss place much betterrr than home, therrre'sss thjingsss and people herrre that arrren't back therrre.........

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:52:53 PM
"that makesss perrrfect sssense to me.. Jif Ji majy sssay ssso. Jyou arrre verrrjy currrjiousss to me. Jyou arrre not ljike mossst otherrr woman of ourrr kjind"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 04:58:53 PM
well that'sss parrrtjialljy becaussse of mjy fatherrr, hjisss wajysss tend to rrrub off on thossse arrround hjim essspecjialljy sssjince he was arrround me and Tokarrrrrrra a lot. Mjy motherrr let hjim be arrround usss sssjince ssshe carrresss a lot forrr mjy fatherrr and ljikesss to sssee hjim happjy.......honestljy otherrr than mjy fatherrr'sss jinfluence, jI have no jidea whjy jI'm ssso much calmerrr and njicerrr than mossst femalesss.......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 05:01:01 PM
"Well jif Ji may be jinclined to sssajy ssso, Ji ljike jit. Jyou arrre much morrre of a pleasssurrre to be arrround then sssome otherrrs"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 05:04:18 PM
Um, thanksss, jI guesssssss, the onljy rrreassson can come up wjith wasss mjy fatherrr, otherrrwjissse jI wasss raisssed jussst ljike anjy otherrr female.......

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 8th, 2001, 05:07:31 PM
"Well whateverrr the rrreassson, Ji ljike jit. Ji ssshould be qujiet now. Ji am exprrresssjing mjyssself farrr to much. Ji apologjize Massterrr"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 8th, 2001, 05:15:08 PM
jyesss, jyou arrre a ljittle bjit.....

Seer says before yawning and turning her attention back to the stars, looking at the part of the sky she knew home was in, she wondered if her mother was mad at her for what had happened. Seer knew this was pretty keeping her in one place which her mother wouldn't like but she knew also that she liked it here. Being away from her mother was much better than being at home and there was some things that made her want to stay here. But for the time being, Seer wasn't going to travel for a bit, it was too close to her due date to be traveling.

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:04:18 AM
Lowering his eyes and head, as he knew he was wrong and pressing things with his attitude. It was another example of how had failed in being a good manservant. He was getting ready to wallow in more self pity, when he heard a very quiet sigh. Looking up at his master, he began to take not of her appearance and how she didn't look well

"Masssterrr.....Arrre jyou ok? Jyou do not look well? Do jyou rrrequjirrre sssomethjing?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:12:42 AM
Seer yawned before looking over at him.

jI'm fjine, jI'm jussst tjirrred jisss all....

Seer yawns again and stretches slightly before standing up.

Come on, Kjitssssssarrrrrji, jI thjink jit'sss tjime to call jit a njight sssjince jI can hardly keep mjy ejyesss open.....

Kitssarri Reetissa
Nov 12th, 2001, 03:21:20 AM
As his master rose to her feet, Kitssarri jumped to his, obediently following every word from Seer.

"Jyesss masssterrr. Let usss deparrrt. Jyou need jyourrr rrressst"

As seer began to walk towards the door, Kitssarri quickly walked past her, clearing a way for her through all the patrons, most of which drunk. It was his job to see that nothing happened to her. Finally they exited the bar, and were gone