View Full Version : A Shadow of the Past, Returned.

Organa Solo
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:29:04 PM
OOC: I am getting so sick of TGC. So I think I'll move along now and regain my RPing sanity. :)

In walked a brown cloaked figure from the past. It was a woman, not large in size at all, but what she lacked in that department was well made up for in bearings. Her footfalls were somewhat heavy, and made sharp and timed clunks on the floor as she moved on. She stopped in front of the bar. And the first person who happened to look up at her with the familiar expression of not knowing quite what to say or do, she smiled at and said;

"Hi, I'm Leia. Now where does one get back into the action around here?"

Jacen Jade
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:07:43 PM
OOC: I joined in.


the modified corelian transport ship, Vector enter the planet

Amalia Azalin
Oct 24th, 2001, 06:15:25 PM
ooc: Who isn't sick of TGC and all of it's wonderful changes within the past year...:rolleyes:

ic: *Amalia happened to look up at the bar for a moment, taking a small break from reading what information lay on her datapad. Her left eyebrow rose slightly as she watched the brown cloaked figure sit down at the bar. She titlted her head to one side slightly, musing. She then frowned a little and then placed her attention back onto her datapad.*

Organa Solo
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:45:04 PM
The person to whom Leia had addressed seemed to be at a loss for words, and the sudden urge to turn and survey the room again overtook her. She half turned, and hadn't even moved her gaze to start the passive sweep when she found that right in the center of her vision.... was Amalia. An eyebrow raised. Fancy seeing her here. Leia smiled at the befuddled anonymous bar patron to whom she had so suddenly addressed.

"Don't worry, you don't have to answer that. Let me pay for your drink"

Her hand came into view as she stretched it out of her long sleeve and deposited a credit on the bartop. Then she nodded and walked, actually more like glided, towards Amalia's table. She was within only a few feet of the table when she finally spoke.

"Long time no see, old friend"

Amalia Azalin
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:01:14 PM
ooc: :(

ic: *Amalia slowly raised her head to look up at Leia as she spoke. She set her datapad on the table and placed her hands in her lap. She noded her head to Leia in greeting.*

"Been a little while, yeah."

*She smiled a little.*

"What brings you here?"

Jacen Jade
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:03:48 PM
OOC: Sorry.


in the furtherst dark corner, jacen jade hides himself wit hthe force watching everyone.

Organa Solo
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:24:20 PM
OOC: oh, it's more than just 'dumb changes' Jade. I suggest you don't get some of the older members around here and SWF even started about their opinion of TGC which we have fallen the victim to because of Ceel and his antics that are making the board do what it is doing, which is nothing good at all.

Leia merely shrugged, then grinned.

"Oh, I was in this part of the galaxy and decided to drop in. Haven't been around in a while, decided to see what I could get into around here. Fate happened to have it that you'd be here, as I see, so what brings you here with your dataoad?"

Amalia Azalin
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:37:27 PM
*She reached out and tapped her datapad slightly.*

"This, oh, nothing really, just familiarizing myself on some Jedi history..."

*She frowned at the prospect of not knowing enough about the Jedi. She started to speak, but then hesitated, wondering if she should tell Leia of why her travels brought her here.*

"I come here often, I train some of the Jedi over at the Academy."

Jacen Jade
Oct 25th, 2001, 08:33:10 AM
jacen looks at the one they call Amalia and Leia. They look familliar but jacen is unsure. he gets closer unnoticed in the shadows.

Organa Solo
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:12:25 PM
Leia smiled.

"Really. I almost got into that once... but that didn't work out too well...

"Well, I am glad to see you are doing well for yourself. How are you and Warren and... well, the third party doing?"

Amalia Azalin
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:35:57 PM
*Amalia wanted to ask why it didn't work out so well, but she decided against it, not wanting to pry.*

"Um, Warren.."

*She smiled.*

"I see him about as much as I see you. We say but a few words to each other during the day. He is busy, just as I am."

*She raised a questionable eyebrow at the mention of a third party.*

"What do you mean about a third party?"

Organa Solo
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:38:04 PM
Leia's brow knitted in abrupt concentration, and an odd look crossed over her face.

"I correct myself. Parties. I did not know you were having twins..."

Amalia Azalin
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:51:29 PM
*She blushed a little*

"Oh, those parties. I was going to tell you, I'm sorry."

*She frowned a little.*

"Perhaps with such important information, I should have sent a holomessage, but I would have much rather liked to have told you in person..."

*She whispered softly a sorry, disappointed that she didn't tell Leia much of anything anymore. Her disappointed look faded and she smiled just slightly, not knowing how to fix her neglection.*

"But...um..you know now."

Organa Solo
Oct 28th, 2001, 06:41:52 PM
Leia nodded.

"Yes... but that cannot be used as an excuse for the lack of communications. I suppose we have some catching up to do..."

Leia was still standing across the table from the seated Amnde, and only now did she quietly sit down.

Amalia Azalin
Oct 29th, 2001, 01:49:18 AM

*She bit down on her lower lip slightly.*

"It..wasn't an excuse."

*She said softly as her eyes seemed to shy away from Leia's gaze and onto the table top for a moment. A few seconds passed by before her eyes were finally placed back on Leia once again. She sat silently looking at Leia, wanting to speak, to say anything, but no words or thoughts came to her. She chewed softly on her tongue for a second and then her eyes moved back to the table top once again.*

Nice job, Amalia...*She thought silently to herself.*

Organa Solo
Nov 7th, 2001, 10:02:44 PM
Leia was quiet for a considerable time, whether purposely or for other reasons would always remain a mystery, however.

"I understand"

The words were not clipped, were not sharp. They just were. Leia smiled, almost grimly, at Amalia.

"Quiet. Too quiet for the likes of me"

Leia sat up abruptly from her half slouched posture and looked around, as if seeing things for the first time.

"Is it really always this quiet in here?"

Amalia Azalin
Nov 8th, 2001, 01:08:27 AM
OOC: Almost two weeks, Leia. Give me one good reason why I should reply. I waited, and waited, and waited. Yeah, I know, you're busy. *takes dusty book and places it back on shelf.*


oh well, eh?


Just me though, I'm sure.

Organa Solo
Nov 10th, 2001, 04:11:26 PM
OOC: You can give up on me if you want, this week my average training response time was three days. Horrible. I have another RP at TRF that I haven't replied to in a week. I've just been busy or not online at all, you're not the only one left waiting while I struggle to keep up. Right now TRF itself without all of my RPing activites has my resources drained with Ceel and his personal attacks. What makes this thread in particular worse is that it's here and not within easier access of me when I'm working at TRF. You just have to have patience and faith.

It's the best I can do right now.

I apologize for any stress it may cause you or others.

Amalia Azalin
Nov 10th, 2001, 06:01:06 PM
OOC: I'm not giving up on you, Leia, but you don't exactly make it easy for me not to want to give up. Your work load seems to get bigger by the day though. I don't see it as getting any better, but I'm hoping I'm wrong. It does not make me all too happy, but I'll do what I have to if it makes it easier on you.

IC: *Amalia raised her head just slightly to look around.*

"Sometimes, other times not."

*She reached over to click her datapad off, then returned her hands to her lap. She looked at Leia, she seemed to want to ask Leia something but did not for it had nothing to do with the conversation at hand but yet it was something she had always wanted to ask Leia. She drummed her fingertips lightly on the table top. She stopped drumming and sat back in her chair, crossing her arms.*

"I wonder about something, I don't know why it has crossed my mind now. It is a question...I wish to know your answer to. An odd question, but I wish to know nonetheless..."

*A soft smile fell upon her lips.*

"Do you ever take the time at night...to wish upon a fallen star in the sky, or do you miss out on such a rare occasion because your work load doesn't allow you to see such a gift?"

*She paused.*

"I wonder if you miss out on little things in life. Little things in life aren't always as important as the big things, but you should have the chance to experience the little things too, and I wonder if you do."

Organa Solo
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:13:51 PM
Leia smiled.

"Of course. Every day small occurences surround me. The butterfly in all it's beauty as it flutters past, the bird singing it's song of happiness, the good, the bad... everything.

I merely do not percieve things in the fashion that you might, for I am different than you, as everyone is in this universe. You simply do not understand my perception of the things around me, but that does not mean that in it's simple essence it differs any from your own"

Amalia Azalin
Nov 12th, 2001, 12:04:12 AM
*Amalia thought deeply about what Leia had just said.*

"I believe you speak the truth, Leia. Though I find irony in your words. For if one does not understand another's perception of something, what happens when a problem or conflict arises, how is it supposed to be worked out?"

*She did not really expect Leia to answer her question. Though it was a question she already wished she had the answer to.*