View Full Version : A Lonesome Cry (open)

Xanatos Etanial
Aug 31st, 2001, 05:41:27 PM
::Xanatos stepped in, and took his customary glance though the bar, things were par usual. Allowing a sigh to pass his lips he found his way to a stool at the bar and motioned for his normal, half a glass of Chardonnay now, and another half in 10 minutes. He waited patiently as the barkeep brought him his drink, leaning back he pivoted on his stool to face the evening crowd and took a long lasting sip of his refreshment. Par usual indeed.::

Katarina Kariena
Sep 2nd, 2001, 12:40:55 PM
"Bored, X?" Kat asked walking by him on her way to her usual corner of shadows. She grabed some random Corellian drink along the way.

Bouncer matic
Sep 3rd, 2001, 12:17:08 AM
A massive giant takes a seat next to Xanatos and it's glowing eye fixes both the Sith and Kariena.
" Well Butterfly no Mechs to keep you company." The Lazerous Ogre chuckles slightly as Xanatos tries to move away from the giant.

" BARKEEP A KEG OF ALE!!" The Ogre roared and slammed a generous amount of credits and jewels onto the table." This garbage of rocks will by us a round won't it X?" The Ogre grinned.

Sep 3rd, 2001, 12:24:11 AM
(Growls at the Potentional Food)

Xanatos Etanial
Sep 3rd, 2001, 07:35:45 PM
::Xanatos curls his upper lip in a sneer::

Matic... I would prefer to be alone right now, please return to LST. I'll be more than happy to buy you a keg myself next time we share a drink, right now I just want to enjoy my silence.

Bouncer matic
Sep 4th, 2001, 03:07:36 AM
Boncer grinned at Xanatos's uncomfort. " Sure one thing first though."

The Lazerous Ogre stood and grabbed the head of the slobbering Fiend Oracius and slammed it down onto the table where X and his guest sat. The Mountain of Armor and leather named Bouncer matic muscled the fiend down in it's surprise and a molecule thin blade came out and found the flat end pushed neatly next to Oracius's scrotum or genatalia or whatever was hanging between it's legs.
Bouncer pushed the blade slightly making Oracius chirp and placed his finger into the ear hole of the white massive of teeth and claw. Bouncer forced the fiend's legs back so that they couldn't lash out so no unkindly accidents should happen. Oracius stopped thrashing and growled but made no move to get it's special friends seperated from the rest of the body.

Bouncer whisper happily to it.

" Move and say goodbye to making little 'whatever the hell you are's'. Next time you growl at my Tribemaster, his guest and myself I might give you my axe to eat to fill that big fat gut of yours." Bouncer pushed the knife a little closer so that the Fiend might erase any thoughts of retaliation or nasty electric shocks. It stopped growling and kept silent.

With that Bouncer lifted his head and jammed his finger painfully into the Ear hole of the fiend so it will behave. Xanatos lifted his drink away from the spikey mouth of the Fiend's head held but a few scant inches from him.

" Does anyone own this thing??? I can do them a favor and give it a clipping. Better in the long run for house breaking.Must be murder on the couches and shoes. Growling at wemon sitting with gentlemen minding they're own business willing to spend money how unsavory training. Anyone? Anyone want to claim this overgrown Sheepdog? No....? bad news fella." Bouncer grinned. " You move and my finger punctures that goo you call your mind. You move and you become a high tenor. You try anything funny and all of the above happens at once. If your lucky I'll puncture your brain first, so you don't have to feel anything unpleasant below in the waterworks." Bouncer sighed in a parental way.

" I might let you go but you look the stupid type to try ruin my drink of Keg. If thats so and I smell it on ya.... well you might get out of here in a box. Or I might let you go and you'll say hey Oracius this thing doesn't look like a Sith so I'll let him drink his beer in peace,apologize to the lady, and I'll go mind my own business. Doesn't choice two sound like a good choice??" Bouncer pulled the beast gently past Kariena and placed his back to the wall while waiting for someone to claim this sack of uncultured growling escrement.

Casually Bouncer looked at Xanatos. " Say Xy this thing ever give you any garbage in the past? Oh and bugger that!!. I plan to get a drink here, not LST. Fraggin Templar things you got running around there make for little conversation?"

OOC: HI no worries mate. If this over the top I can edit on my own. If not let me know. Oh and Oracius cool pic I can actually get some some good Quake pics for that thing. Shamblers. LOL bastards were always tough to kill. Too bad they never made it to Q3.

M6 Nemesis
Sep 4th, 2001, 03:43:41 AM
Sitting at another table not too far away with her long-time partner Briareos, M6 decided she had had enough of the floor show.

The young woman with the lithe body and ample chest walked over to the group and placed her foot, encased in leather to her knee and nothing at all between there and her hip holster, upon a chair next to Xanatos. She leaned forward, showing off her cleavage to full advantage, and pointed out her displeasure with the bar's staff. "Oh, Bouncer...." came her voice like rustling silk with a lovely lilt and tons of unconscious sex appeal. "There IS such a thing as overkill, you know. Let the poor guy go before you have the Intergalactic Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals after you."

"And you WILL be more careful what you say about the Templar, won't you dear? Some of them ARE my friends, you know."

EmmSixx smiled seductively and lifted her drink in salute.

Captain Tohmahawk
Sep 4th, 2001, 04:25:25 AM

The whole bar goes silent as the smoke from a rather large hole in the table the fighters were at drifted upwards. Tohmahawk had the rail gun in hand and rather foul look on his face at the other side of the bar

"Weapon. Throw it away or put it away. Sit down and dont even THINK about fighting in here. Got it?"

Around the bar, other members of the NRSF and Jedi - the ones allowed in with weapons - were at this point pointing blasters, lightsabres, rail guns, kittens and the odd rocket launcher pointed in the place the fight was.

He looked about then put the gun away. That should be a clear enough message - no fighting in here.

Bouncer matic
Sep 4th, 2001, 09:34:12 AM
" Har har har har,... you hear that sheepdog?? No fighting. No weapons, I think that would entail looking at the guests as a dinner tray as well." Bouncer pulled his knife away and stowed it safely and shoved the fiend away from him sending crashing to the bar counter. Bouncer looked at the small M6 siting daintly with Xanatos and Karenia.

Oracius turned and growled a sound that would have had the hardest of creature taking cover. It's jaws parted revealing it's marroon stained teeth. Eyeless the beast rubbed it's ear hole and slathered it's rage,yet it did not advance on the strange Ogre who's mass and strength and agility was uncanny.

The Lazerous Ogre stared back it's sigle pulsing eye glowed but it's face was that of stone and ice.

Oracius heard the muffled clicks of weapon hammers being drawn incase the two mountains of death descided that the bar was as good as any to dance in. Oracius knew his job as a bouncer. He should try to remove this hulk in boiled leather and dented armor who had acosted his being,

Yet it was a paying customer. Yoghurts displeasure out wieghed the need for vindication and the fiend shambled off to growl at young lover sith who actually feared it.

Bouncer leaned forward and grinned at M6." Say It would be a pleasure to buy you a drink. Debating over the Templar and they're personalities might notch away some time."

Xanatos Etanial
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:38:18 AM
::Xanatos sighed and stood up finishing what was left of his half a glass. He adjusted himself and cleared his throat::

"I must apologize for Matic, though a talented and capable warrior, he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Matic, return to LST immediatly, and be waiting for my return. You and I are going to have a little CHAT about your conduct here today."

::Xanatos gives him a menacing grimace::

"And I suggest you obey my order immediatly, unless you'd like to find out why I am the leader of the Lone Sith Tribe."

::Xanatos stared Matic down and gave a passing glare to the others involved in this disturbance, he had wished his solitude this day, he had wished a chance to reflect, instead he had gotten a bloody war.::

"Tomahawk, I suggest you stand down as well, this is a matter that I'll deal with, and it doesn't concern you. I am as displeased with his actions as you are, and I will deal with it accordingly."

::He waited for both the Ogre's and the Captain's responses::

Bouncer matic
Sep 4th, 2001, 07:29:05 PM
"Playin politics heh? Fine Xy next time gruesome descides your a snack. I'll be sitting at LST with the droids figuring out how to make them sing in harmony." The Lazarous Ogre stood and bowed to the two ladys present. " Ladys, may you both have a cheerful night. On me enjoy the drinks." The Ogre grinned and left the bar with all the weapons trailing him. Glistening diamonds and ruby sat on a stack of credit the Ogre had left.

Sep 4th, 2001, 07:40:05 PM
ooc-Dont he make you wanna reach out and slap him?

Trip Tucker
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:32:02 PM
As the monstrous form leaves the bar, a shadow follows him on the rooftop above. The Bouncer makes it less than five steps down the alley before the shadow strikes.

A burst of flame shoots from a large projectile as it jets its way from the roof. Traveling in a corkscrew pattern, it strikes the giant directly in the back and explodes with a thunderous clap and a blinding flash of light.

The shadow flies from the roof, following the trajectory of the missile into the smoke cloud left from its explosion. As it enters the cloud, an audible THUMP is heard, similar to the sound of an axe striking a tree. This is closely followed by the sound of a body striking the cobblestones, and ends with a bubbly groaning sound.

The Ogre emerges from the smoke, not visibly affected by the attack.

M6 Nemesis
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:41:14 PM
OOC to Rock: Yeah, i think i'm going to LIKE Bouncer! LOL!

Hey, Bouncer, you have access to pics of that thing? the "Shambler"? i want to see! i've never seen one before.

M6 looked from the table to the man with the gun to Bouncer lumbering out the door with a grace that warned of his unusual swiftness. She shrugged at Xanatos and stuck out her tongue at him, moving off to the bar for a fresh drink, courtesy of a pretty little ruby left on the counter. Turning slowly to survey the room, she watched as people lost interest and went back to their conversations, and finally let her eyes rest on the man with the gun. As usual, she was as curious as she was young, and she just had to try approaching him.

"Nice piece there. I've found that they're slow to load and not all that great in close quarter combat, though. I prefer a standard plasma gun; good fire power and spread. Of course, with all the choices of equipment around here, I'm sure you have a better idea than mine..." She appraised the weapon with an experienced eye and then looked up at the owner and smiled.

"Hi, I'm EmmSixx."

Bouncer matic
Sep 4th, 2001, 10:55:25 PM
The smoke clears and Bouncer looks down to see a man in blue clothing similar to a officer of the law back on Torien. Snarling he reaches down and hog ties him with a some gut string from a pouch and slings the unconscious Trip Tucker onto his shoulder.

" That was a favorite leather jerkin my friend." The Bouner leaps quietly to the side of the wall and let his fingers crush through the mason and the giant pulls himself nimbly up the side of the building till he reaches the top. Setting the shadow man down with a thump Bouncer slides to a crouch and waits for him to wake.

Trip Tucker
Sep 4th, 2001, 11:54:35 PM
The man in blue opens one eye cautiously to find that he is being intently scrutinized by a monstrous form. The ogre's clothing is still smoking in the back from the missile attack. Trip Tucker, sewer rat extraordinaire, opens the other eye and checks the area. No one else is in sight. Good, this should be easy, he thinks. This big brute has me all tied up just where he wants me. Too bad for him that he's a little too close for his own good.

"You-ah speak-ah Galacta, bruddah-man?" says Tucker. "We-ah be friends-ah, I give-ah you much-ah credits and-ah shiny stuff. You-ah lemme go-ah now, hurry up quick!"

"I MIGHT let you go after you tell me why you attacked me and who you're working for," rumbles the Bouncer. "It's my guess that was a Mark-45 Mod II wire-guided anti-personnel missile. Am I close?"

Uh-oh, thinks Tucker. I may be in trouble here. Not only is he strong enought to roll me up and play sqaz-ball with me, but he's smart enough to know I'm working for someone else. It's time to get the frack outta here.

"Well," says Tucker, testing his bonds. "See, it's like this. I'm outside the gate of the local military base the other day, and this military transport drives toward the gate, and this box falls off the back, see..."

As he talks, he extracts a small, thin blade from his sleeve and begins sawing at his bonds, not moving his arms perceptibly. "...so I'm looking through the window, and I watch you throw all these jewels on the table, see..."

The blade severs the bonds, and Tucker slides it back into his sleeve. From his other sleeve, he pulls a small, gleaming tube, with what appears to be a faceted jewel on the business end and a scrollwork-engraved silver trigger near the other end. "...so I see you get kicked out of the bar, see, and I'm thinking..."

The flamer is in position in his right hand, safety released, finger on trigger, ready to sing its happy song. Maybe the ogre has let his guard down while listening to this oh-so-interesting tale. "...so I shoot the missile at you, see, and it hits, see, and I JUMP UP..."

He jumps BACK, not up, away from the ogre, whipping his right hand around and firing the flamer directly at the ugly mug of BouncerMatic.

Bouncer matic
Sep 5th, 2001, 08:37:58 AM
Matic left hand strikes the weapon away sending if off into the night. His right grasps the knee of Trip and his eye flares. Tucker's knee joint pops. The sinews snap and bone grind together under the imense pressure.Pain fills his head like a pretty white light. Then the knee is repaired. The Pain ceased then it was destroyed again. Healed and torn asunder again. Trip Tucker had no time to howl inbetween the strange dance of healing and agony that happened in milliseconds.

" Next time you attack me it will be your scrotum human. Now Footpad. You want junk rocks I take it. Fine." Bouncer reached into a pounch and pulled a handfull of jewels, diamonds and rubys. Trip Tucker had enough time to see the wall of knukles encrusted with shiny rocks of wealth fall like a pretty avalanche into his face then darkness and dreams of wealth and hospitable bills.

Bouncer stood and sighed. These chunks of useless crystal carbon we're a problem. Utterly useless to the Lazerous Ogre except for whatever affect they had on small evolved alien monkeys on getting him ale beer and food on this Rock of a world, Or pop toys that made boom sounds.
Matic shrugged.

Looking at the smiling form of the layed out Trip Tucker covered in jewles and worthless rubys, The Ogre grinned. A footpad. I wonder if Xanatos could use one? Bouncer pulled a white card with the simple letters that said LST and dropped it next to the unconscious thief.

The Bouncer lept from one roof top to the next till his hulking mass was gone.

Trip awoke a hour later. His knee ached his head hurt. rubbing his belly he could feel small round glass like pebbles. The footpad grabbed a hand full and looked to see a shiny retirement fund in his palm.