View Full Version : Morning Calisthenics

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 17th, 2001, 07:46:42 PM
(The pale yellow glow of sunrise hit Arcan IV early, piercing the early morning chill and cutting away at the dew. Jubei was quick to wake, leaving his small apartment above the bar & grill to walk outside. Inhaling the cool air, the Calanic monk unrolled a bamboo mat, and began to twist and turn his body in a series of acrobatic and fluid movements. Almost dance-like, Jubei flowed through his calisthenics, designed to enhance his physical fitness, and clear his mind early in the day.)

Oct 18th, 2001, 07:37:45 PM
:: The land still lay in a cool mist, as the sun had not quite pierced the viel of dawn. AB knew her Padawan got up early everyday to tend to his training, not only in mind, but in body. Setting out beyond Yog's, she saught him out, finding him doing exercises on a small mat made of bamboo. ::

:: Walking silently to the edge of the small clearing he was centered in, she waited until he had ceased the particular exercise he was doing. ::

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 19th, 2001, 11:37:51 PM
(He sensed her presence early on...halting in the midst of his focus kata. Jubei rose to full stature, removing a small handkerchief to wipe away the perspiration on his face. He turned to face his master, bowing)

Good morning to you, Master Amazonbabe.

Oct 19th, 2001, 11:48:12 PM
:: She smiled at him, happy to see him in good health. ::

Good morning, Jubei. I don't normally get up so early, but there was something I needed to discuss with you that was of some importance.

But we can speak later if you wish to finish your exercises. I can wait.

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 20th, 2001, 01:17:20 AM
(Jubei smiled, tossing the handkerchief away, as he stepped from his kata mat)

No, such things can wait. Time shared among others is time held paramount.

What would you wish to discuss, master?

Oct 21st, 2001, 03:19:09 AM
:: Her smile remained, as she began walking into the woods, Jubei at her side. ::

I wanted to speak to you about your training. I do not feel I can do anything further for you. You have reached a level where a Master cannot travel for his or her Padawan.

I, as a Master, can lead you to the path, but it is you that must finally cross the barrier to where it stands.

:: She stopped and examined a petit lavender flower, touching it lightly. It seemed to react to her touch, opening further, almost smiling. She smiled at it's shimmery insides, and let it be, continuing her walk. ::

But, I did want to ask you if there were any lingering questions you still might have. Anything I could help to give an answer to so as to quench your knowledge somewhat.

I, of course, could never fully fill the void of missing knowledge. Even to this day, I continue to learn. But I can help it along the way.

:: She continued her slow walk, listening to the grasses under their shoes crunch slightly in the morning dew. ::

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 21st, 2001, 10:43:24 PM

(Jubei carefully chose his words)

...Master, I find myself in agreement with the Jedi arts as you have taught, and as Master Sage has taught also. It is the way of peace, balance, and harmony. Yet...

(Jubei's hands folded into his robes)

...I am concerned with those seeking the art of combat in the realm of mortal means. To kill one life to save ten is still to kill one life. This heavy burden to even choose seems insurmountable to myself. I fear I may be hindered in my duties as a Jedi. I...

(Jubei's eyes made contact with AB's)

...will not take a life. Not even then. I cannot. I fear in my decision, that I will fail those of the Jedi arts who may call on me, but these are the ways of balance.

Oct 23rd, 2001, 07:43:37 PM
:: She understood his pain. She too had felt the same conflict when it came to be her turn to take a life to ensure the safety of others. But, sometimes even the many could not outweigh the importance of the one. It wasn't an easy choice to make whenever it did come. ::

I understand your resistance to take a life, even to save many. I too had difficulty when it came to be my turn to do so.

:: She sighed. ::

I won't lie to you by saying it never happens, or that in your life time it won't happen.

We are not afforded such luxuries as Jedi. Being a Jedi is difficult to some degree, and it's path can be demanding.

:: She continued her walk, some vines wrapped along a low hanging branch seperating with a sigh to let her and her Padawan pass through. ::

No one will accuse you of not doing your job as a Jedi. Every Jedi has the same conflict at one point in their lives.

:: She stopped, looking at him with warm eyes. ::

But tell me, does what you just said also apply to if you were to give your life to save another, whether it be an innocent or a fellow Jedi? In essence, you are killing. You are exstinguishing a life. Your life.

:: She folded her hands into the sleeves of her dark green robe. She was curious as to how he would answer. ::