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Marcus QDunn
Oct 1st, 2001, 06:19:57 AM
How you Remind Me

<font color=red>

Never made it as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealin'
Tired of livin' like a blind man
I'm sick of sight without a sense of feelin
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
Been to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no

It's not like you didn't know that
I said I love you and I swear I still do
It must have been so bad
Cause livin' with me must have damn near killed you

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
Been to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no

Never made is as a wise man
I couldn't cut it as a poor man stealing
And this is how you remind me
This is how you remind me

This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
This is how you remind me
Of what I really am
It's not like you to say sorry
I was waiting on a different story
This time I'm mistaken
For handing you a heart worth breakin'
I've been wrong, I've been down
Been to the bottom of every bottle
These five words in my head
Scream "Are we having fun yet?"
Yet?, Yet?, Yet?, no no


He was sitting at his usual place in the Bar and Grill, the exact place to best keep the place covered. On his hip was the rail gun, the other was the now hidden saber. At his table was the Command squad of the Special Forces, the New Republic division he lead. Zara Drecker, Jyanis, Nathan West, Devires. Tyle was around too, probably mercilessly drilling new recruits. Around the floor was aliens and humans that frequented this place, even some Dark Siders, who occasionally glanced warily around, surrounded as they were by Jedi and that one lunatic with the guns.

Major General James T. Tohmahawk had certainly cut a reputation as a shoot first enforcer, especially for trouble makers. The latest fool who had tried something had ended up in a small bag, with the pieces they could find. When Tohmahawk stood , gun in had, beings ducked or ran.

How much more would it be if they realized the hand that held the gun belonged to the sole Jedi Warlord seen for centuries, a Jedi who practiced the arts of war, who attacked without mercy and gave no quarter. Marcus Q’Dunn, recently returned Jedi Master to the Greater Jedi Order. Scarely 10 beings in the GHalaxy knew this General was only a façade the Jedi had built up to protect his real identity, so he could have freedom of action. Seemed like when he acted in the brutal and blunt way he did, other Jedi would cringe and speak of the Dark Side, or at least they had when he lived a different life. It was much better to let the Jedi think he was just a arrogant General, with a chip on both shoulders. Better that they didn’t know of the Jedi beneath, a man who refused to acknowledge the wimpish creed, who believed in action and not words.

As for the dark Side…… they simply wouldn’t understand the passions that drove Q’Dunn forward. Why he hated seeing the Jedi sitting in their chairs, sprouting words that to him stunk and were hollow. Why he would lay down his life to defend what he believed in and would continue to prove to himself that he could stand when other stepped aside. \

Five years ago, that attitude had made him the darling of all the Jedi, a respected leader, a Council Member, a man with a career that knew no bounds.

Now…. He was a pariah. His views were not welcome and he suspected, if it wasn’t for the fact the NRSF he lead were the guardians of the Jedi bases, he would not be allowed anywhere near the temple. Suited him, in some ways he loathed the Jedi and what they stood for now. Soft they were and he hated the sight of most of them. Almost as much as he hated Force users who Unbalanced the Force. Some days he more respect for some of the Dark Side than he did for some Jedi.

Q’Dunn right now was with people he knew, respected and to be honest, this was his family. The eclectic group he had drawn together to lead the NRSF. Beings he knew and was comfortable with.

Some days, he suspected Scorpion WAS family, so similar they were.

“…. And the supplies will be dropped off here and here” ended Drecker, pointing at a map the group were pouring over.

“Well, that looks good. We expecting opposition?” Asked West.

“No. We cleaned them out two weeks ago. You should have a free shot at the building” replied Drecker.

“Ah, you take all the fun”

There was laughter and Q’Dunn himself smiled. This was just so much better than Council and that hellish Senate Committee. Common people, common goal. Untamed beings whose energies were being directed in the way best suited for each person. Or as Scorpion put it, no bull-DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-. There was a round of drinks that arrived, which bought a pause in the discussion on the operation they were planning. Q’Dunn leaned back, sipping his tea.

“Excuse me?”

Q’Dunn taked his head, as did everyone else at the table. A Jedi Knight was there, Warren Azalin. Not one of them that knew and not someone Q’Dunn cared for either.

“Yes? Cant you see we are busy?” snapped Scorpion. Than made the Jedi Master grin, seeing Azalin fazed for a moment, before recovering.

“I have urgent business with the Council…”

“Oooh, whoop de do, tell someone who cares Jedi. Go away” snarled Q’Dunn

“And so do you Tohmahawk. You are order to come this way”

“Pardon?” asked Q’Dunn in a flat and dangerous voice

“The Council has summoned you. Come with me.”

He paused, then got up. He walked slowly to Azalin, before allowing his gaze to burn straight into the Knight’s eyes. “No”

“You will now. Yoghurt orders it himself”

“Really? Devires, Scorpion, come with me”

“Alone Tohmahawk, your directe…” The last word was broken by Q’Dunn suddenly moving and smashing Azalin in the face. Twice as powerful as a normal human, acclimatized to 2G, he was much faster and stronger than he looked. Fast enough to king hit a Jedi. Also helped that with the ability Q’Dunn had to repress his effect on the Force and hence hide himself, a Force user would get no warning. The Jedi crashed into a table and onto the floor.

“Your in no position to direct or order me Jedi. If I want someone to go with me, they will. Come on Gurney and Jyanis, I’m made ill just looking at the Jedi in here.” Q’Dunn turned on his heel and began to stalk off, pushing aside another Padawan in such a way she tripped and fell onto a table. Devires winced, while Scorpion openly grinned.

The left the Bar and Grill and had gone some distance before Gurney spoke. “You really should not be so deliberately antagonistic Master. I know it’s not my place to speak of your actions, but is this right?”

Q’Dunn turned his head as they continued to walk, to glance at Devires “Your uncomfortable with my actions?”

“Yes I am Master. Why do you do it? Surely you don’t have to go out of your way to offend every Jedi you meet?”

“Have I offended you yet?”


“I’m only offensive to those I believe seek not what a Jedi should be Gurney. Being a Jedi is not paying lip service to a creed, or to words. Being a Jedi is where you make your stand, what you really are. It is 100% commitment and devotion to the Light, pure and simple. You put yourself last and others first. You are servant. I see too many Jedi that are self centered and refuse to mend their ways. Look about you Gurney. There is a Galaxy that screams for our help and yet the Jedi almost to a man and woman do nothing. And the Council…. They let it happen!”

“Then why don’t you reveal yourself and go back and lead again Marcus. I remember the days when you did, you were the worst thing ever to hit the Republic’s enemies. Remember when we went hand to hand years ago?” said Jyanis

“Indeed I do. Odd we became friends after that”

“Not odd. Even though I didn’t know who Tohmahawk really was, you were one of the few men I knew that was worth spit. Remember what we did to Great Darth Milenko?”

“Oh hell, do I ever. Talk about us pulling a fast one on the Republic”

OOC : Open.

Jedi Knight Amnde
Oct 1st, 2001, 03:13:31 PM
*Amalia sat quietly from across the bar, watching all this. What she saw disturbed her, but she did not show any such expression but merely remained quiet. *

Oct 1st, 2001, 04:47:57 PM
A young padawan bumped into Rock as he was carefully reading a data pad. Rock was almost knocked out of his seat, but he had jumped up just in time. He saw a few men walking off, two of whom he recognized. Rock had read about Jyanis Scorpion, a once famous Imperial commander. He now worked for the NRSF, and was also training as a Jedi. And everybody knew Marcus Q'Dunn. Some people respected him, but Rock thought of him as an ignorant loud mouth.

"What is your frickin problem!?" Rock yelled at Marcus. He knew he heard him, but doubted he would reply.

Nichos Marr
Oct 1st, 2001, 04:55:06 PM
"You obviously need to review your notes Q'Dunn." The familiar, and always defiant voice of Nichos Marr caused the three to turn their heads. Nichos had his arms crossed, and a very serious expression on his face.

"I don't know what prompted you to strike Warren like that. Perhaps if you don't like the way Warren Azalin acts you could help him to amend his ways. Althought it seems you are the one that needs to amend their ways. Doing what you did back there, you gave the Dark Jedi a bad name." Nichos leveled his eyes with the man.

There was something that bothered Nichos about Q'Dunn. He knew from previous sightings and close observation that the man did not like how things were run. Nichos didn't know much about the actual Marcus Q'Dunn himself, but he seemed rather arrogant and hot headed at times.

"And here you are, conversing casually as if nothing happened. I can't believe you have the audacity to call yourself an ally to the Jedi. Hey, I'm far from being perfect myself. I ain't no Jedi poster boy, but at least I know which side of the playing field I stand on."

He suspiciously eyed Gurney, "If you take orders from this man, I fear your future." And then he stared at Jyanis. A blue skinned humanoid, that Nichos could not identify. "How can you call this man your friend, or even a comrade for that matter. Fifty credits says he punches you out next week."

Nichos took out his lightsaber, rose it in the air and dropped it. It hit the floor and clanked hard, right in front of the Jedi's feet. With his arms still crossed, he moved over to Marcus Q'Dunn and stood right in front of him. The defiant gaze in his eyes held, as he stared up at Q'Dunn that was slightly taller then himself.

"Will you hit me too? Am I block in your path to success?" A smile crept upon his face as he continued to speak. "Well I can tell you right now, I won't lay a hand on you. You deserve a punch twice as hard as what Warren received, but I won't be the one to deliver it. I'd rather live inside a Hutt's stomach then lay a hand on your slimy skin."

His smile turned into a full-fledged grin.

"Isn't it funny? Instead of trying to help the Jedi correct their ways, which would be ultimately beneficial for the Galaxy, you run off to do things on their own. Being a Jedi or even an agent of good is about unity and serenity. You've proven today that these two variables mean nothing to you." Nichos stood, and wondered if Q'Dunn would strike back. He didn't even bother to reach out with the Force and find out. If Nichos got hit, he got hit, but it would prove his theory.

EDIT- Tried to amend to avoid calling Q'Dunn a Jedi.

Oct 1st, 2001, 07:24:53 PM
:: AB stood suddenly, shocked at what Q'Dunn had just done to another fellow Jedi. She looked at the other patrons in the bar, and started wondering what on earth the Sith would bring back to their dens to report about this. ::

:: She listened to what Nichos had to say and had to agree with him. But something was obviously wrong. Why would Q'Dunn disregard an order to comebeofre the Council? An order gievn by Yoghurt? No answers came. It was as if it was beyond her reasoning to understand what was going on inside the man's head. ::

:: She stepped forward, addressing Q'Dunn. She wanted to snap with something smart-mouthed, saying, "What crawled up your a$$ and died?", but she kept it to herself. Rather, she tried to reason and possibly get answers from him. ::

Q'Dunn, that was completely out of line. Especially for someone as smart and high ranked as yourself. Why would you do such a thing? And to a Jedi, whom you claim to help protect, no less? It was a simple request given, and you lashed out.

:: She frowned and crossed her arms. ::

Marcus QDunn
Oct 1st, 2001, 08:16:16 PM
OOC : I clearly stated there were very few people who are are aware that Tohmahawk (as I appear to be) is a Jedi. It appears a high ranking NR soldier has been summonded before the Council, has struck a Jedi , but is still going to the Council as requested. I have told very, very few people IC.

Gurney Devries
Oct 1st, 2001, 09:59:16 PM
From under his hood, Gurney's mouth curled into a noticeable sneer. He tilted his head up just a bit, lighting up his face slightly more but deliberately leaving everything from his eyes up obscured. He uttered a single, short laugh before speaking.

"I take orders from no man, princeling. Ye do well ta learn that."

He raised a single fist to his mouth, stifling a cough. There was a brief flash of color from the concealing darkness of his hood, but it was gone before Nichos could so much as determine the hue.

"'Sides... I dun frankly give a damn about yer precious rules and procedures," he said the last in a mocking tone. "It's not like any of ya Jedi offered ta take me under yer wing. If not fer the General here, I'd probably be a dead man right about now. That's not a debt I take lightly."

Nichos Marr
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:16:40 PM
Nichos slightly turned his head to the side to face the hooded man. He was shrouded in mystery even more then Q'Dunn. The Jedi noticed he had never seen what Gurney did look like under that veil of darkness.

"I..." Nichos' eyes shifted to the ground and then back to Gurney. "I am quite sorry about that Gurney." He'd heard his name mentioned a couple of times in the past, before Nichos had went away on his "escapades". Nichos wasn't aware that the Jedi Academy coordinaters were having a hard time finding someone to teach Gurney the ways of the light.

"I agree the General has done a lot of good, but today?" Nichos wanted answers, but he didn't get any. He expected the NR general to punch him while his attention was diverted to Gurney, yet he felt nothing...

Turning back to Q'Dunn he sighed and shook his head, "You didn't have to resort to punching Warren in the face..There are subtler ways of telling someone to frell off. Don't you agree, or are you condoning his actions?" Nichos frowned. "Besides, had I been around and not stranded on Tatooine, or prisoner on Vjun, I would've tried to help the coordinators."

Estelle Russard
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:17:22 PM
Estelle jumped in her seat, the teacup clanging noisily against its saucer as she almost spilt the whole contents at the unexpected violence that just broke out beside her table.

She sat blilnking embarresdly, dabbing at the mess with a napkin as the group moved by her, oblivious to her.

The General, she thought she recognised as Force Master Hunter - the man who had she had first met on her arrival at GJO - but he was addressed as "Tomahawk", so she couldnt be sure..

He was followed out by a hooded man with an accent and a blue fellow who himself bore as confident an air about him as the General did, but in a different way.

As they moved past, Estelle offered her handkercheif to Azalin for his bloodied nose and he took it, getting up from off the crashed table and moving off without a word.

Again, she thought to herself... this is soooooo different to what I had ever thought the Jedi would be like. and looked around worriedly.

Warren Azalin
Oct 1st, 2001, 10:53:53 PM
"Did anyone catch the number on that speeder bike?"

He lifted a hand to his forehead as he tried to shake the pain away, after all it wasn't every day you saw things in double even triple. He didn't even know what the frell had gone wrong. He was only following orders from the council, but all that had earned him was a one way ticket into the bar's patrons. Last thing he remembered was a bowl of root stew landing on his robes after he flew through the nearest table, still couldn't figure out why.

"What the Frell is with Tohmahawk. Someone needs to get that man to lighten up. Seems that stick up his ass is starting to affect him."

Even thinking hurt for him as he got up on his feet again and looked around the Bar. It seemed he hadn't been the only victim of Tohmahawk as he saw a young padawan lifting herself from another nearby table. He didn't agree with the way the General worked, he didn't even know why the Council let this man stay with them, after all he was only a thorn in their side. Still he stayed, and Warren would decide not to dwell on it because his head was hurting enough already, and he did not need anything more to dwell on. He began to walk away as he noticed one of the Padawans hand him a handkerchief. He took it with a smile as he realized his nose had been obviously busted, that was no problem for him though. He wiped the blood and held the handkerchief in place as he let out a sigh and began to walk away.

Oct 2nd, 2001, 03:33:55 PM
Rock left his table and walked over to the bickering Jedi. He was angry, and was talking loud enough to be heard all around the bar. "Tohmahawk, what is your problem?! I figured a General of the New Republic would have more respect than that for a Jedi. I dont agree with everything that goes on around here, but that was very uneccasary (sp?)," yelled Rock.

Anbira Hicchoru
Oct 2nd, 2001, 09:22:01 PM
:: Anbira watched the altercation, concerned at the man's rather aggressive nature. It in itself was of little consequence, but if repeated, would bear correcting.

Anbira knew few people...much less their ways. He would simply observe them before acting on anyone's stead. ::

Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 3rd, 2001, 08:34:34 AM
His eyes bored in on Nichos', seeming to stare straight through the Jedi.

"Get this straight. I'm not a Jedi and I dont share your values. I am a soldier first and foremost and I frankly dont trust Force users. Try lecturing the excuses you call Padawans, because that will be more effective. Out of my way... Jedi "

The last was said with a sneer. He stepped forward, physically pushing Nichos aside as he did.

"Gurney, Jyanis - keep following me to the Council rooms"

Oct 3rd, 2001, 04:55:54 PM
Rock stepped in front of the General as he pushed Nichos. Tohmahawk was bigger, but Rock was too angry to care. "Where do you think you're going? The Council may call, but you need to apologize to Warren and Nichos first!"

Nichos Marr
Oct 3rd, 2001, 05:11:50 PM
Nichos held up his hand signalling for Rock to stop. As he suspected, Tohmahawk hadn't shown the slightest bit of care in what Nichos said. The Jedi wondered if what he just did was a waste of time. It took him a few moments to realize it wasn't. He would have to keep a closer eye on Tohmahawk, especially at this time.

"No apologies are needed Rock, and remember anger is of the Dark Side. Just let him go." Nichos stepped up beside the younger Jedi and looked down at him. "Let Tohmahawk see those who have summoned him. I am sure that they are aware of what he just did..." He said and then added with a mutter, "Or they soon will be."

The Jedi would have to get to the bottom of this matter, some way or another. Tohmahawk's current actions both intrigued and worried him. The Jedi had caught something from the General when he went close to him. It wasn't anything big, but he felt something. Perhaps the general was a Force adept? No, that wouldn't be likely...Nichos would have sensed his Force signature before.

The Jedi watched as Tohmahawk began to walk away, and toward the temple. Gurney and Jyanis faithfully followed, as Nichos had anticipated. As if drawn by a magnetic force, the Jedi began to follow them. He caught himself doing so and stopped. Turning around, Nichos nodded to AmazonBabe and Rock.

"If I were you two, I'd keep an eye on him. But at the same time, steer clear. That man is on a mission. I just hope the mission isn't one that could harm the Jedi." He shivered.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 4th, 2001, 01:10:50 PM
::After a long day in the council chambers..Leia decided to head for Yoghurts to relax a little. Unbeknownst to her, was the situation at hand. The Jedi Master headed out of the chamber doors and gently pullled up her cloak hood as she stepped outside::

Miryan no Trunks
Oct 4th, 2001, 07:48:30 PM
*Taking a sip of his water, MnT continued to rest at the table he was at. He watched the situation unfold via the force, feeling that openly staring could put him in a situation he cared not to be a part of right now..*

" ... Heh, how humerous.. The Jedi Council openly willing the prescence of such a violent man among them.. It was almost.. Almost saddening to see how far a group so strongly set in their ways, were degrading, but then the reminder that it was indeed the Jedi, shattered that emotion.."

Marcus QDunn
Oct 8th, 2001, 03:20:41 AM
:: The council rooms weren;t all that far. He continued to walk, this time quietly, the sounds of their footsteps the only sound, until Jyanis spoke

"James... are you sure your actions are wise?"

"I dont like the Jedi Jyanis... you know that better than anyone. It was some sort of cosmic accident I am one at all"

"Some accident - I know you too well that you wouldnt have taken up your sabre again if you really hated the Jedi that much. What gives?"

Q'Dunn sighed. "Ask me after I found out what the Council wants Jyanis"

They continueed to walk in silence

Amalia Azalin
Oct 9th, 2001, 12:55:51 AM
Amalia watched as Warren walked toward her direction, not yet noticing her. She saw his nose, and could only shake her head at his appearance. She did not understand why such a thing had happened. Just what was it that Warren had done to displease this man, Tohmahawk. Had Warren deserved the actions that had been brought upon him. She highly doubted so from the reactions that were given by the patrons of the bar. Nonetheless, she would not voice her opiion about this, it was not her place to. She would not stick her nose where it did not belong.

No pun intended She thought as she looked at Warren's bleeding nose.

Finally he had spotted her and had made his way to meet her.

"Are you alright?"

Estelle Russard
Oct 11th, 2001, 12:50:33 AM
Estelle looked on as a number of the Jedi responded to Tomahawks "methods" of communication. This was an education right here and she had a front row seat.

Some of them wanted a peice of their violent comrade, others seemed to take a deep breath and suffer him for their own reasons and others, like her, watched and weighed what was going on.

Whatever conclusions one came to...making sure you were out of striking distance when conveying messages to this General was sure to be one of them. It was one Estelle was making a mental note of anyway.

She ordered another cup of black tea, having been robbed of the first, and squeezed some lemon into it. Sipping it carefully not to burn her lips, she quietly wished Fett was here - she had so many questions..