View Full Version : A woman of Appetite
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 21st, 2001, 09:43:10 PM
Kajeela strolls into Yoghurt's Bar & Grill, her brittle self-confidence evident in every stride. Taking a seat at the bar, her ever-present Enforcers standing a discreet distance to the side, the KAR Director orders a Marsheena Double.
She scans the occupants of the bar, a restlessness in her eyes that normally isnt present, and drums her claws on the bar counter."Brrrrrjing me a menu also" she called after the bartender.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 21st, 2001, 10:36:57 PM
(The sight of the Cizerack entourage and their matriarchal commander was one of concern for Jubei. As he sat a table away, their presence was a heavy weight on his thoughts. With his home planet of Calan hovering precariously near the jaws of the Pride, the threat of military invasion and occupation was an all-too real one, and something he and his monastic brethren had spent many a meditation pondering a solution for. Such dire circumstances had forced the elders' hands when they applied Calan for New Republic admission. Now, the territory was officially part of the New Republic, although the Pride, maintaining good trade relations with the galactic superpower, had obvious designs for Calan nonetheless. Cizerack gunships routinely patrolled around his home planet...sometimes even orbiting the peaceful enclave. It wasn't a pleasant thought, but Jubei had come to expect an inevitable invasion from the felinoids. They were callous and harsh, racist, sexist, and greedy. They would put the good farmers of Calan to work in some mercantile slave operation, if they got the chance.
Sipping his tea, Jubei closed his eyes, allowing his thoughts to clear and focus. He must remain objective and calm, and not allow his passions of home to cloud his reason. When the leader mewled a demand quite audibly, Jubei panned the area, spotting a free menu. With a subtle gesture of his hand, the Padawan monk sent the menu gliding gently and gracefully through the air, resting lightly on the Cizerack table. With a sigh, Jubei continued to sip his tea.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 21st, 2001, 10:58:10 PM
The bartender was slow, probably had to look up how to make a decent Marsheena double, no doubt. Kajeela was used to instantaneous service, be it from her own officers, or others among the Pride who tripped over themselves to stay in her good graces.
Her tail flicked back and forth irritably. She was hungry and impatient. Her enforcers exchanged furtive glances to each other. They hated when Kajeela was in such a mood.
Just as she was lifting from her seat to uncerimoniously prod the barman along, a menu slid gently along to stop, right-side-up, in front of her. A small surprised quip escaped her lips before she spun on her seat to see who had chosen to supply her immediate need in such a delicate manner.
Her eyes rested on the peaceful Monk seated alone at a table across from her. aahhh, "the fresh crop" (or as good as should the trade talks go as planned)
Picking up the menu she strolled over and stood beside the table infront of Jubei.
[i]"Kjind of jyou to assssssissssst me. Mjind jif jI join jyou tonjight?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 22nd, 2001, 02:34:13 PM
(Jubei hesitated. The Cizerack woman wanted to speak with him? If he were to let something slip, and possibly give her cause to pry...
Jubei calmed his worries. No, he would not let such suspicions affect him. The company of others was a virtue, even if the other was a Cizerack.)
I would be honored, good soul.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 22nd, 2001, 10:49:41 PM
Kajeela took her seat and looked the man over curiously.
Opening her menu, but not shifting her eyes from him she asked, "Do jyou alwaysss asssume strrrrangerrrrrrrs arrrrrre 'good ssssoulssss'?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 22nd, 2001, 11:35:05 PM
All come into the world as good souls. Imbalance can often lead them astray from benevolence, but the capacity for such remains.
Jasmine Green tea for you, my lady?
(Jubei was hopeful some better relation and understanding with the alien could be reached.)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 22nd, 2001, 11:51:15 PM
As the waitress brought her drink, Kajeela declined the tea for the moment, "perhaps laterrrrr...wjith desssssssserrrrrrrt."
As the waitress moved off, Kajeela called after her, annoyed to have to wait any longer to order.
"Brrrrjing me an orrrrrder of Juk Dor, and make sjurrrrre jit is sssssstjill wrrrrjithjing jin the bowl when you sssserve jit."
She turned as an afterthought to Jubei, "jyou arrrrre eatjing?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 12:13:15 AM
(As an afterthought, Jubei ordered)
I will have the miso -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ake with scallions, and two slices of honeydew melon.
(He looked inquisitively at the woman)
My apologies, but I didn't get your name. I am Jubei SaDherat Vader...
(He hesitated)
...of the Calanic monastery and Jedi Order.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 23rd, 2001, 12:20:22 AM
Kajeela smiled slyly at the monk.
"jI know who jyou arrrrrrrre"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 12:32:58 AM
(Jubei blinked, slowly nodding and sipping his tea)
I see. You have me at a disadvantage, then.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 23rd, 2001, 12:56:35 AM
She stretched a bared claw into her Marsheena Double, popping the small ball of amythest colored liquor that had sunk to the base of the glass and swirled it into the clear liquid that it nestled in. She took a long sip, enjoying the jolt of the potent drink.
Having people at a disadvantage was just the way the Director liked it. Though, she was no fool and just because one said he was at a disadvantage, did not mean he felt it to be so.
"jIt jis my duty jyou see. To know certajin thjingssssss"
She watched the monk closely. He was very different to most hjuu-manns she had contact with. He made her very curious.
"jI am Kajeeeeeeela Tarrrrrruurrrrrri, Dirrrectorrr of Cizerrrrack jIntelljigence"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:14:17 AM
(Cizerack Intelligence...a very wily, devious, and calculating group. They were the footsoldiers in the secret war to take Calan for the Pride's own gain. And here was the leader, no less. She seemed every bit as cunning as the shadowy syndicate that she claimed to control.)
A...pleasure, Director. Your reputation preceeds you.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:36:38 AM
"Then we arrrrrrre not ssssstrrrrrangerrrrs at all, Jjubeji SsssaDherrrat Vaderrrrr"
Her eyes were taking on a lively gleam. Jubei couldnt tell if it was simply the effect of the exotic drink or a darker reason behind it.
"We, ljike ourrrrr two homeworrrrrldsssss, arrrrrre becomjing betterrrrr acquajinted"
The waitress arrived and placed two meals, one infront of the respective orderers. As steam rose up from the plates before them, Kajeela ran a pink tongue along her lips, eyes remaining locked on the peaceful monk.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:49:21 AM
(Something in her response concerned Jubei. The padawan reached out with the Force, but the Intelligence director was not of the weak-minded. She kept her secrets carefully. As the food arrived, Jubei tried to focus on his vegetable broth soup and fruit slices, and away from Kajeela's dish, which seemed to be a bowl of some squirming animals of some kind. Jubei knew that some preferred to eat the flesh of animals, but the Cizerack flaunted this taboo to extremes rarely seen. It was...unnerving. Always a reminder that imbalanced beings were capable of taking lives without provocation.)
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 23rd, 2001, 01:51:01 AM
Saarrreeaa Meorrrei entered the Bar and Grill, her lips turned down into a pout. She didn't want to be here, but "Auntjie" ordered, and she obeyed. Saa walked through the tables, her hips swinging and her tail looped around her arm as she found a seat near the center of the common room.
Normally she would stay away from places like this...her business associate, Sanis Prent, frequented such bars, and if there was one thing she did not need, it was to see him away from work. jItsss frrrelljing bad enough that ssshe makesss usss ljive underrr the sssame rrroof... Saa waited impatiently for Cirrsseeto to arrive.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:05:46 AM
If she had noticed Jubei's aversion to her meal as it writhed before her in the bowl, Kajeela never showed it. Looking at the waitress as if the woman had grown another head as she placed utensils beside her, the KAR Director pushed them out of her way.
Dipping her hand in quickly, she snapped up one of the creatures. Expertly, she popped her index claw through the middle of its body, causing its 8 tentacle-like legs to kick and thrash about. A small squeal could be heard even as the delacacy was shovelled into the Cizeracks mouth, Kajeela catching a way-ward leg with her other hand and pushing it back in. Tipping her head back to enable her to suck in all eight tentacles more easiy, a new arrival caught her eye. hmm, thjissss jis new..
Noticing the Monk had not moved toward his meal, Kajeela dabbed at a dribble of Juk Dor oil that ran down her chin.
"Excusssssse my mannerrrrrrs, djid jyou wjish to trrry ssssome of thjisssss?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:15:56 AM
(The scene was absolutely barbaric. She devoured the strange creature without hesitation, as if she'd done it a hundred times before. No doubt she had. The appetites of the alien felinoids was supposedly immense.
To make it worse, she was offering one of the helpless creatures to him. Jubei watched them, flailing about. As politely as he could, he refused.) you.
(Frowning somewhat, Jubei spooned in several bites of his miso, before the soup got cold)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:22:52 AM
Kajeela looked over at what the Monk called a "meal" as she shovelled another creature into her mouth.
Crunching enthusiastically, she reached over and poked a peice of honeydew melon on his plate with an oilsoaked claw. Her mouth still a little full, Kajeela muttered, "How do jyou ljive on sssuch sssparrrse portionsss?"
Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:28:11 AM
(Sunset came, and I broke away from the tedium of repairs and upgrades, heading from the hangars to the bar. I hadn't bothered to change. I wasn't aiming to please anybody. My hair was a mess, and I had hydraulic fluid, oil, and random mechanic fluids on my clothing and hands. I had the quintessential mechanic look, and after 12 hours of "fixing" something only for it to break even worse...I needed a drink.
Repairs were tougher than I thought.
Heading to my usual barstool, I spotted a familiar figure sitting by herself. White hair, familiar stripe-marbled skin, and venomous disposition. Of all the places I'd expected to find her, Arcan IV was the least of them.
I walked over to her, taking her by the arm.)
Saarrreeaa Meorrreei, what in the Emperor's black bones are you doing here??!!
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 23rd, 2001, 03:21:27 AM
Saarrreeaa did not enjoy being jerked around by males, even on a good day. She snapped her teeth at Sanis as he grabbed her arm, surprised to see him, and startled. "Whjy arrre jyou herrre, Sssanjisss? And whjy ssshould jyou carrre that jI am herrre?" She took his wrist and pulled him forcibly down into a chair.
He smelled like engine grease and fluidics. Saa wrinkled her delicate nose, and willed Cirrsseeto to walk in. He didn't. Frell but he was getting inconsiderate lately. She would have to have a talk with him later....whenever she found him, that was. "jI am herrre at the rrrequessst of Sssasssssseerrrji." Her voice dropped in volume considerably, and she let her hand drop from his wrist, caressing the back of his hand as she brought her arm back to her side.
"Of courrrssse, jif ssshe jisss herrre, jyou may alrrreadjy have ssseen herrr." There was more than a slight suggestion in Saa's tone. Her eyes narrowed, remembering how he had rebuffed her advances, affronting and angering her at the same time. How he could turn from her, and mate with her half-breed aunt was more than she could understand. She was younger, more desireable in form, and a full blooded Cizerack. Cirrsseeto still had not forgiven Sanis for his rebuff of his mistress.
Saa hadn't forgiven him either. But desssperrrate tjimesss call forrr desssperrrate measssurrresss. Or strange bedfellows, although that certainly didn't literally apply in this case. She fixed her bright eyes on Sanis, awaiting his reaction.
Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 04:08:52 AM
(She wrangled me into a seat by my arm, between her hormonal angst and suprise at seeing my handsome mug, she must've forgotten her own strength. I kept my mouth shut. The only way she'd break me was if I wanted to be broken. Evidently the feelings of suprise were mutual, or at least choreographed as such. Maybe she wasn't keeping tabs on me, at least not under Sasseeri's watch.)
Yeah...she's here. Better yet, she's been mentioning checking your financial books. I hope you can cover your ass on this one, or else get us the hell off planet. I watched the last person who stole from her die of a slow blaster wound to the stomach. She doesn't frell around with this kind of dren.
(I gritted my teeth in frustration. My perfect little house of cards was getting a nasty shakedown) a week or two, it won't even matter. But as long as that money's out of the account, we gotta cover our tails on this.
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 01:52:21 AM
"Ssshjit." Saarrreeaa pounded the table with her fist before she controlled her outburst. "The rrrecorrrdsss arrre all locked away jin mjy offjice on Corrruscant. jI of courrrssse don't trrravel wjith that kjind of jinforrrmatjion jin my purrrssse." She looked around for something to drink. Suddenly her throat was feeling dry.
Leaning in towards Sanis, Saa whispered, "Do jyou know wherrre ssshe jisss rrrjight now?" At the human's shrug, she snarled, baring her teeth. "jI wjill have to meet wjith herrr herrre, fjind out what jit jisss ssshe wantsss. Perrrhapsss ssshe wantsss to ssspend sssome tjime wjith herrr njiece whjile we trrravel to Corrrussscant togetherrr... to look overrr the booksss..." Her expression fell into one of dismay. "Thejy can ssstand up to a glance, but jif ssshe wantsss to go overrr them ljike ssshe usssualljy doesss, then we arrre frrrelled."
Her mind raced, running through possible senarios, while her heart steadied itself. After the initial fear, she was getting herself under control. When this job was finished, she could cut herself free from ever having to deal with Sanis Prent again, and would have pulled a nasty trick on her aunt in the process. One that she would never find out about.
If she did, well...Saa didn't want to think about how much family meant to Sasseeri Reeouurra. About as much as a plugged credit chit. She turned back to Sanis, as a waitress placed two waters on the table. "Djid jyou have a plan forrr keepjing herrr awajy frrrom Corrrussscant? jIf jit meansss jI have to ssstajy herrre asss well, then forrrget jit."
Saarrreeaa grabbed one of the waters and drank it.
Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:01:48 AM
Yeah...I have a plan of sorts. Not much of one, but its something.
(I wasn't too comfortable talking about this kind of stuff, much less in public. We knew we were both sitting on a powder keg with this deal. I bit on my lower lip, and spoke low.)
I'm gonna try to get her yacht sabotaged.
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:17:29 AM
Saa raised an eyebrow, keeping her voice low. "jI hope jit worrrksss. And jI hope ssshe doesssn't fjind out untjil Cjirrr and jI arrre on ourrr way back to Corrruscant." She glanced around for the other water glass, and while she did so her eyes fell on the other Cizerack woman in the bar.
She downed the second glass of water, and then grabbed Sanis by the ears and kissed him hard. She pulled back before he could cause a scene, and whispered throatily in his ear, "Plajy along...Kei'Ai Reei." That should have been enough to explain her actions. If the KAR found out why Sanis and Saa were really talking together in a bar on Arcan IV... Well it didn't do anyone any good to dwell on the negative.
Saarrreeaa returned to his mouth, her hormones responding to her actions. Some how she knew what Sasseeri saw in this disrespectful and scruffy human. He was a good kisser.
Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:23:11 AM
(Even as her warm lips and tongue went to work, a cold chill shivered down my spine. Kei'Ai Reei agents? The Cizerack Intelligence division was notorious for being ruthless and calculating in their tactics, and I was no stranger to some of the shocking stories of their actions. Of course, it could all be a coincidence that a KAR operative was in the building. Then again, with two other Cizerack of noteworthiness on planet, and me being connected to was painfully intertwined in my business.
I slowly withdrew from her embrace, eyes locked on hers in a way to let her know that I needed more information, if she had any.)
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:38:52 AM
Saarrreeaa kept her eyes on Sanis' as she ran a clawed hand lightly down the side of his face in a gentle caress. "The Djirrrectorrr herrrssself. jYou know asss much asss me. We need to get out of herrre." She moved in for another kiss....anything to make the KAR Director think nothing of the pair of amorous strangers. And if she did recognize them, as she most likely would, then they were just co-workers who were screwing on their off time. Like they should have been all along. Saa was enjoying their kisses immensely.
Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:50:08 AM
(I played my part, and ran my hand through her platinum hair, responding to her kiss with my own.)
Alright, lets fly casual, and get out of here together. Did you drive here, or take a hovercab?
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:56:24 AM
"Drrove. But jI've lossst Cjirrr." She kissed him again. "jI wjill jussst have to come back and look forrr hjim laterrr." Saarrreeaa leaned into him, and they rose together. She looped her tail around her arm, and put her arm around his waist.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:08:18 AM
They called them Mando Eels. Caught fresh, they were normally pickled or broiled, but Cirrsseeto asked if they could be brought out live and raw. The waitress looked at the Cizerack strangely, but complied well enough. A few minutes later, she returned with a bowl full of the writhing serpentine fish. Cirrsseeto smiled happily, reaching a large paw into the bowl to snag one of the creatures, which he promptly bit the head off of and began chomping down. After a few, he got the rhythm down, and was able to slurp the sea creatures up like strands of spaghetti.
As Cirrsseeto looked up from his snack, he nearly choked. He saw his mistress, Saarrreeaa! He hadn't seen her in quite some time! But that forrda Prent was with her!!! Cirrsseeto's fangs bared at his sight, but he decided that seeing his mistress was more elating than seeing Prent was infuriating. Putting his food aside, he bounded over to her.
Hello Sssaarrrrrrrrreeaa!
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:17:58 AM
Saarrreeaa froze momentarily, and then let go of Sanis, reaching for Cirrsseeto. "Cjirrrrrrsssssseeto! jIt hasss been a long tjime." She had nearly forgotten how good it felt to be folded into his warm embrace, but it came back to her as he hugged her. She looked up at him, "We arrre leavjing, come wjith me. We have been aparrrt forrr too long."
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:29:54 AM
Cirrsseeto took his place at Saarrreeaa's side, nonchalantly bumping the distracting Prent out of the way as he did so.
Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:42:16 AM
(I didn't mind the big guy's rude intrusion. In fact, it worked to my advantage. Just as we left the bar, it got Saarrreeaa's attention off of me. She'd served her purpose. I didn't need her to go getting any ideas in that impressionable head of hers. She was good in a arms distance. The trick was to learn exactly how to dance that kind of tango.)
Saarreeaa Meorrrei
Oct 24th, 2001, 04:21:28 AM
She snuggled up under Cirr's arm, completely forgetting about Sasseeri and Prent for a moment. When she remembered, later, in her hotel room with Cirr, Saarrreeaa felt a knot of fear in her stomach. The meeting with Sasseeri would come too soon. She would have to carefully prepare.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:51:24 PM
Jubei watched as Kajeela poked at his plate, but hadnt yet replied to her. Perhaps he was practicing a "self-control" tecnique these monks seemed to enjoy so much.
Subtley, the KAR Director had kept an eye on Saarreeaa's table. Not only had the indubitable Prent joined her, but also Cirrsseeto. Such a curious combination, those three. It reminded Kajeela of a pot brewing on a burner, just waiting to bubble on over.. As they made their way out of the Bar & Grill, she made a point of not making eye contact with them, especially Cirr, he would only get twitchy and perhaps Saarr might get a whisper of Kajeela's latest arrangement with the befuddled servant.
The Director refocused on the Calan Monk and began to steer the conversation in the direction she desired.
"jYour home planet jis hassss been recjieving sssome attenjion frrrrom ourrr Prrrrrjide lately....assss jI am sssurrrre jyou arrre awarrrre.."
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 25th, 2001, 11:59:02 PM
(If sarcasm had a moral merit to it, Jubei would have used it. He paused, and carefully sat his spoon down, folding his hands together.)
Cizerack warships orbiting our planet isn't the greatest example of subtlety. Its an unnatural shade over a healthy forest.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:19:28 AM
Kajeelas lips pulled back in a smile, revealing small sharp and impeccably white teeth.
"jYesss, jI could ssssee how one could vjiew ourrr prresssence as otherrr than djiplomatjic. But, therrrrre jis nothjing to fearrr jif Calan rrrrremajinsssss co-operrrrratjive.."
Pushing away her plate that held only the juices of the Juk Dor, Kajeela motioned for a second Marsheena Double from the server.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:22:41 AM
You mean if we allow your Pride to annex us.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:27:34 AM
She waved her hand placatingly.
"jYou qujibble overrrrr terrrrrmjinology, Jjjjjubeji. Therre arrrrre worrrrrse fatess than annexjing by our Prrrrrjide, beljieve me.
Whjich brrrrrjingss me to my pojint"
Her drink was brought obediently and placed in front of her and with a sharp claw extended, she repeated the breaking of the amythest orb and swirled the colored liquiour in the glass.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:34:01 AM
(Jubei was silent, taking a sip of his tea, intent on hearing the Cizerack woman out)
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:50:14 AM
"Occupatjion can go harrrrrderrr on some morrrre than otherrrrs."
She shook her head sadly, as if she cared.
"jIt can make a djifferrrrence who one knowsssss. Orrr serrrrves...
Then, as if the thought had just come to her mind, she asked pointedly,
"jYou have famjily, frjiendssss, brrrrrethrrrren on Calan perrrrhaps?
jIt would be sssssuch a sssssshame ssssssshould sssomethjing happen to them. Essspecjially jif one wassss jin a posssssjitjion to help."
She let the thought hang and watched the Monk closely.
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 26th, 2001, 12:53:47 AM
(Jubei's eyes closed, as he took a breath. Despite her pleasant airs, Kajeela was just as imbalanced as the other representatives of her kind. However, as much as he detested the thought of his homeland being sacked and pillaged, he detested his peoples' deaths more.)
I would fail my beliefs to ignore any option to prevent the loss of life.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 01:00:42 AM
That answer pleased the Director.
He had taken the to reel him in.
[i]"As jyou know, jI have much jinfluence and could prrrotect certajin parrrrtjies for jyou. jYou, jin returrrrn, would do a cerrtajin tassssssk for me, orrrrr ratherrrr, forrr the Prrrrrjide."[i]
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 26th, 2001, 01:06:38 AM
I will hear your task.
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 01:10:46 AM
"jYou perhapsss know of Jajanneei Feesssarrrrro?"
Jubei SaDherat Vader
Oct 26th, 2001, 01:30:12 AM
(Jubei paused, sipping at his tea as he thought. Likely, she was one of the Cizerack trade bosses, but with her family name...)
She is the princess heir, yes?
Kajeela Tarruurri
Oct 26th, 2001, 11:07:37 PM
"Corrrrrect. Sssshe jis the Rrrrroyal daughterrrr of the Prrrjide Motherrrr. Rrrecently rreturrrrned to Charrrssshouljisss from herrr edjucatjion on Bothawui."
She sipped from her drink.
"Herrrr edjucatjion musssst contjinue. Therrrre arre mjany culturrresss and worrrlds sssshe has not experrrrjienced. And ssso, sssshe rrrrrequjirrres a tutorrr."
And now the deal.
"jYou ssssupply jyour experrrrtissse and knowledge, and cerrrtajin consssssjiderrratjions wjill be extended to thosssse closssse to jyou on Calan."
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