View Full Version : A woman sits at the bar...looking bored

Danya Sedirna
Oct 18th, 2001, 12:54:22 AM
Danya stirred her martini with her finger, watching the olive swim around underneath. Spearing it with a fingernail, she ate the olive, glancing over her shoulder with ennui at the scene around her. It was another uneventful night on Arcan IV. Sometimes, this planet could be so terribly boring...but it was her home.

A mischievious grin came to her face. On nights like these, sometimes she had to make the action come to her.

Humming a song in her head, Danya gulped down the rest of her martini, signalling the bartender for another.

Oct 18th, 2001, 01:28:01 AM
It was a strange thing that Mortaniuss still hadn't completely come to grips with, even after decades of unlife: The Hunger. Everything else had left him - There was no need to breath any longer, no need to rest. Only the Hunger remained, and it was more powerful than any he had known in life. Tonight, especially.

Sitting at a stool with his back to the bar, his crimson eyes scanned the crowd with a slow, calculated interest. He had a penchanant for members of the female persuasion - Twi'Lek women were an especially delicious dish. But sadly, one he got to partake in only rarely: None were present this night.

With only a lingering hunger in his gullet and a half finished glass of Blood Wine in his hand, the vampyre continued to relax, waiting for someone to catch his eye.

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 02:09:10 AM
(Another endless night on Arcan IV. They'd all merged into one nebulous afterthought...one drawn out carnal escapade that I could only half remember during daylight, or in the heat of the moment.

I arrived on-scene, flask of lukewarm Corellian whiskey in tow. I'd already taken most of it down, so coming to the bar was merely a punctuation to my debauchery.

As I took my usual seat at the bar, two things caught my eye. First...a knockout brunette sitting by herself at a nearby table. Second...a vampyre I'd had the displeasure of meeting before; Mortaniuss. I tossed back another gulp of bourbon, the gears in my head getting well-oiled.

The night was young)

Jacen Jade
Oct 18th, 2001, 08:06:15 AM
a figure walks in the bar and catches everyone's attetntion, the strange covering on his face is what puzzuled everyone. noone has seen something like that before.....

Oct 18th, 2001, 11:13:02 AM
While the unusually clad man may have caught the attention of some of the average patrons in the Bar, he went entirely unnoticed by Mortaniuss, who was far too blase for such things. Instead, the vampyre's full attention was riveted on a far more important figure - A one Sanis Prent. And the albino had apparently not gone unnoticed either.

Setting down his half finished glass, Mortaniuss stood and smiled, making a bee-line over to his quarry.

"Why, what a prosperous coincidence, Mr. Prent. So glad to see you. Tell me: Have you been well since our last engagement?"

Jacen Jade
Oct 18th, 2001, 01:24:07 PM
jacen orders a drink and sees this unknown race walk to the guy beside him, jacen keeps his head forward and listens to the conversation, and is trying to figure out what this alien wants with jacen's next paycheck.

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 02:23:37 PM
(I shrugged...those pasty bastards liked to speak in riddles anyways. I suppose I could oblige, until the whiskey got the best of me.)

I'm making money, and I'm not dead. Thats a pretty good setup for me, I guess.

Oct 18th, 2001, 03:02:40 PM
"Indeed. But you say that as if you find the prospect of death a hinderance."

(Mortaniuss smiled in that coldly calculating way of his.)

"Was there any particular motivation on your part that caused our paths to cross so soon again? Would you be requiring anything of me?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 03:28:03 PM
Tell you what...I'll look into that whole undead thing if you are up for a round of skins volleyball on Tattooine.

(I smiled casually, shrugging)

You could use a little sun, I think.

Oct 18th, 2001, 03:38:01 PM
(The smile vanished from Mortaniuss' face in a flash, replaced by an impassive mask. It didn't melt, nor turn into any other particular expression... it just disappeared.)

"I'm afraid that I don't tan well, Mr. Prent. Birth defects, and all that."

(Slowly, as though it wanted to be cautious before showing itself again, the smile returned to his face.)

"I shall be near at hand, if you find you have need of me. Currently, I find myself in need of a drink."

Danya Sedirna
Oct 18th, 2001, 03:48:54 PM
I couldn't agree more, myself.

Danya smiled, glancing at the long-haired man and the smile-cracking fella with messed up hair.

I hope we're all gin drinkers...

She flipped a chit to the bartender

...because if somebody isn't, they might be getting sick tonight.

Danya winked playfully, taking up residence on the stool between the two.

Oct 18th, 2001, 03:55:14 PM
('Ask and ye shall recieve', the vampyre thought to himself.)

"Well, let's just say that my tastes lay in... darker desires. But I think I can tolerate gin for a night."

(The smile had returned to his face in full force now, but he was careful not to show off his canines)

"Will you be joining us, Mr. Prent?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 04:02:12 PM
(I wasn't too thrilled at the prospect of gin. Clear liquor was rubbing alcohol with a fat pricetag. Like nasty women, gin was one of those vices that you only ran to when you were too inebriated to know any better.

But gin was in good company tonight. The brunette was doubling down, and raring to go for the long haul. Somebody'd once said never to mix light and dark.

Ah, but that person was probably dead, anyways. I'd take my chances. The brunette looked to be the meaner of the two, at least.

I glanced back to the vamp and the broad. My game face was on.)

Count on it.

Danya Sedirna
Oct 18th, 2001, 04:16:46 PM
Danya held three fingers in the air, and waved her hand around in a circular gesture.

Round of Beefeater!

The bartender returned with three full shotglasses. He set each in front of the three people sitting at the bar. Danya wasted no time, downing her shot and slamming the glass back to the countertop in one swift motion. She smiled at the two guys, running her tongue across her teeth.

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 04:29:11 PM
(The gin kicked me in the teeth on the way down. I smiled in spite of it. My stomach did cartwheels on the crap. I set the glass down, and drummed my fingers on the bar)

Well thats one helluva way to say hello.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:17:24 PM
OOC: Didn't say closed =]

From a poorly lit booth in the bar, merely a hop and a skip away, Morgan sniffed, and winced. Gin. His adopted father used to drink the god-awful stuff. And after he drank it? Well, a different tale for a different time. Needless to say, the memories weren't fond ones.

Owl-on-the-wing silent, he approached the three, grabbed the bottle the tender left behind, and downed the remaining contents. Rubbing alchohol would have been better. His stomach lurched, unaproving, but settled back down grudgingly.

"I reccommend a different way of saying hello." he suggestly flatly, and dropped enough credit onto the counter for the bottle.

Danya Sedirna
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:43:09 PM
Danya turned at the sound of another voice


A mischievious grin came to her face, as she turned around, eyeing the Jedi top to bottom. She sang in a quiet, low, and sultry tone, tossing her hair back slightly.

...is ver-y ver-y...ex-tra-orrrdinary.

Once again, she raised her hand in the air, rotating it. But now, four fingers were raised.

Four...is e-ven more...what I adore...

Slapping another chit on the table, she laughed, speaking to Morgan.

So saddle up to this party, cowboy.

Morgan Evanar
Oct 18th, 2001, 06:03:19 PM
Morgan glanced at Danya, and raised an eyebrow. It would be an interesting enough ride just to stick around. He sat.

She had quite a figure, and an impressive set of vocal chords. Morgan had a card all of his own though. He couldn't get drunk.

A smile slight smile on his face, he examined the other members of this group.

Oct 19th, 2001, 01:22:35 AM
(With only a whisper of movement, a sheet-white hand placed a credit chit on the bar. He made a brief gesture, and the bartender slid him a shot glass filled to the brim with a dark liquid)

"The night, as they say, is young. And I haven't made any previous engagements. So, for the time being, you have my full attention madam."

(With a wink that was more implied than actually acted upon, he raised his glass to his lips, the syruppy liquid draining into his mouth.)

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2001, 03:20:41 AM
(She ordered rounds of gin, as if on military clockwork. If anything, she was straightforward with her advances. After years of skirting the question on innuendo and half-guesses, it was a welcome change of pace, despite her bad choice in alcohol.

I took the second shot with a little more grace than the first, giving the party girl a good looking-over)

Jacen Jade
Oct 19th, 2001, 07:54:39 AM
jacen smiles and gets up out of his stool and walks over to the girl named Danya.

"Excuse me my lady, what does a guy have to do to get some service around here? The bartender is not as you would say.....polite."

jacen moves his head over to the tall white haired gentleman and smiles.

Danya Sedirna
Oct 19th, 2001, 05:32:51 PM
Danya glanced at the man with the shaved head, laughing at his comment.

I'd say to show a little cleavage, but I don't think that would work in your case.

She winked, standing up on her barstool. She shouted loudly, silencing nearly everybody in the bar.

<font size=5>HEY! My friend here wants something to drink! Move your ass!</font>

She winked at him, hopping back down from her barstool.

What's your poison, stranger?

Oct 22nd, 2001, 12:39:03 AM
Saurron had a habit of knowing where his Coven where...

The door slid open with a hiss allowing the nights lights to highlight his silhouette as he entered the Jedi establishment. Sigh...the word Jedi was almost as foul as the word sun or star for that matter, and almost burned as bad. Saurron stared into the bar and grill for a moment surveying the entire establishment with his pale eyes. The scent had struck him on the outer fringes catching his attention. It was feint but yet it was commanding...it was the darkness that existed in us all but yet it wasn't whole. The darkness, where the Vampyre soul existed forever...

Saurron's eyes gazed at the one who the alcohol poured for with unending ease...she had the charm down...to be sure

Danya Sedirna
Oct 22nd, 2001, 02:42:13 AM
Danya stopped in mid-breath...her attention diverted to a pale-skinned man who had just entered the bar. There was a sense of familiarity with the man, an aura to him that intrigued her very much. Her cherry lips turned upward in a friendly smile. Her prince had seemingly arrived.

Another one to join the fun, huh?

She smirked, twirling a finger around her brunette hair.

Looking for a good time, huh?

Oct 22nd, 2001, 02:46:54 AM
(The albino figure straightened, nearly dropping his drink. Instead, he set it down on the bartop, motioning again for another. The moment his Master had entered the room, Mortaniuss had known. In the relatively short time he had served under him, the lurid horror had gained a degree of respect for the Kindred creature which had taken him under its wing. Gently, he smiled.)

"Salutations, Saurron. Come to check up on me, have you? I was just keeping an eye on our mutual friend here, Mr. Prent."

Lady Alaria
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:11:57 AM
A petite figure in the alley behind the Bar and Grill furtively moved through the piles of garbage, and crept out to the corner. She was hungry. Not only for food, but for life essence, the Force within all beings that sustained her existance. Alaria pulled her greyed cloak over her blond hair, hiding the dirt, and the dark circles under her eyes.

It had been months since she had run away from Dagger's flagship...since his death. Since then she had been aimlessly wandering the galaxy, and had ended up on Arcan IV. -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-hole that it was. She spat on her hands to wash them, and rubbed them dry on the hem of her cloak. She and Dagger had been the last two of an entire planet ...and now she alone was left. She kept to herself, and took life when she required it for herself. Now such a time was drawing near again.

The last being she had taken had left her with a few credits in his pocket...most of which she had spent on food for the last few days. There were a few chits left. Perhaps she could rent a room and get a quick shower before the hunger grew too much and she had to hunt.

The woman's hands shook as she stepped out from the alley to the street, and walked into the building. It was dark inside, and she showed herself to an empty booth near the door. Dirty nails tapped nervously on the table as she waited for a server.

Jacen Jade
Oct 22nd, 2001, 11:22:29 AM
jacen thinks on what he wants his drink to be

"Well, how about some nice Corelian Ale?"

jacen grabs her hand and slowly kisses danya's right hand using his charm.

Sanis Prent
Oct 22nd, 2001, 01:26:27 PM
(Saurron Le'Stat was harder to kill than a black, malignant tumor in a hard-to-reach spot. I should know. We'd gone toe-to-toe in a knock down drag out rumble that would shake the scum off an InviSec alleyway. And that was the tamest part of our association. The cloak and dagger business we shared was grating on my gut instinct like a rusted razor going against the grain. Maybe in some way we were using each other for our own gain. Still...left a taste in my mouth that not even whiskey could burn away. His arrival at the bar had draped a shadowy pall over my evening...and acquainting myself with the brunette seemed more a distraction than a true enjoyable vice. I made eye contact briefly with his pale eyes, nodding before downing my gin. Suprisingly, the clear stuff was welcome release. Must've eaten my stomach lining away already. Tasted like candy going down.

The vampyre shifted his attention to the dame, and I suddenly began to see the strings of choreography hanging high overhead, like subtle spiderwebs. Le'Stat was a bit of an introvert, as were many of his kind. When they came out of the woodworks, it was for a reason.

And it seemed I was sharing the spotlight with Danya Sedirna, if I was in the spotlight at all.

Sometimes I wondered what ticked in Saurron's undead brain. Maybe I'd rather not find out. It always led to more questions at any rate.)

Oct 22nd, 2001, 02:55:14 PM
Saurron's heavy gaze was fixed on the charming woman receiving all the attention. His sight was as if through a wall eye lens as far as the rest of the bar was concerned. He could see all in his mind through the Force. His fixation eased as he proceeded with all the grace four centuries could afford to join his fledgling Mortanius, the Lurid Horror. A knowing smile and glinting eyes where his response to Danya. Her name was easy enough to pluck from her mind perhaps she could be ...guided...to protect herself from that he thought.

His eyes shifted slowly to Mortaniuss then to Sanis... As well you should Mortaniuss. For he is one human you don't underestimate.

Sanis Prent was driven by the credit like investing markets and usually only took action when there was money to be made. Unless there was a personal situation to handle. Since that day on Corruscant there paths had been crisscrossed ever since with covert agendas leading the way.

Saurron stared blankly at him glimpsing the future then turned back to the company at the bar.

He infused his preference to Danya so that she could order for him too. His whisper echoed in her mind lightly... Wine...red ofcourse.

Danya Sedirna
Oct 22nd, 2001, 03:26:44 PM
The fella was looking for attention, from both the barkeep AND Danya. She watched as he kissed her hand, like some Old Republic genteel plantation master. It might have gotten him somewhere, if she could keep her eyes away from the pale eyed tall drink of water who'd come in silently. What seemed like a passing bit of interest soon seemed much deeper.

She shook away the thought, returning her attention to Jacen, who still had her hand pressed to his lips. Perturbed, but not showing it, Danya leaned back to the bar.

Corellian Ale for Rico Suave, please.

Within moments, the 'tender returned from the tap with a mug full of pale brew. Danya slapped a credit on the table, and handed Jacen his beer. As he took it, her free hand slid below his waist, cold fingers clamping down like a vice on Jacen's crotch. Danya let the pain set in, and purred a warning in his ear, a sly smile on her face.

Quit while you're ahead, Cojak. Beer's on me.

Danya patted him on the shoulder, gently removing herself from her barstool, and approaching the sophisticated pale eyed stranger. Again, the feelings of deja vu ran through her. The air felt cool on her skin, causing her to slink her hands slowly down the side of her dress for the warmth of friction. She laughed in spite of the strange feeling. He positively radiated presence.

I'm sorry, do I know you?

The observant bartender asked Danya if her fifth gentleman caller would be having a drink as well. She was about to ask, but, for some reason, she had a hunch. Incredulous, she looked at the stranger, speaking back towards the bartender.

Yeah. Get him a...Ithorian burgundy...

Suddenly, she turned back fully to the bartender, putting her bottle of gin on the counter.

Make that two.

Oct 22nd, 2001, 07:47:32 PM
The strength and quickness of Danya told Saurron even more.

You do indeed...do you not? Saurron's eyes smiled at her.

He smirked in approval of her tactics in dealing with the would be date. His arm outstretched ended with long clear nails. Saurron motioned her and Mortanius to a secluded booth.

Buy them what he wishes He gestured with his other hand to the gentlemen suitors.

I'm so sorry Sanis but this one...is definitely not your type...trust me on this.

The last thing Sanis remembered was Saurron's words to him. He shook whatever it was that came over him like shirking the cold of the Hoth system away then looked sharply to see them already seating themselves in the booth of Saurron's choice.

Lighting in the immediate area dimmed as if on cue.

Jacen Jade
Oct 22nd, 2001, 09:45:03 PM
as jacen drinks his ale and watches danya walk away he smiles, if she only knew what he really was. jacen knows that the albino guys should know what he is. all jacen has to do his remove his black goggles to show them...and his teeth......

"Hey tender, make sure that Danya gets her credit back."

jacen puts down a credit along with his ale, jacen walks over to the corner near the pale figure and danya using his hearing to listen in to the conversation

Death Knight Soth
Oct 22nd, 2001, 11:33:26 PM
Soth studied the haggard looking woman that foraged through the trash outside the bar, were only moments before, his Master entered. From the dark recedes of the shadow's, were mortal eye's could not detect, the Death Knight of old was sizing up his next prey. He felt a lot like she was, sifting through the trash, looking for a next meal. The trash of humanity, nothing more then cattle in his eternal eye's.

Then it came, like a faint smell on the night air. An odd familiar scent that sent him back. Back to a past some twenty odd years or so. On a world, that he then, would have little to do with. A Jedi habitation of their ways and beliefs that he had given up long ago. The Order of Light was all but a distant memory to Soth now.

She lived there, a mortal woman that he was quite taken with. "Kaymeen" was her name to be exact. Soth muttered to himself. He had not spoken her name since then until now, as he drifted back to that time and place. She was a beautiful and striking woman to say the least. Reserved and somewhat stoic in her ways, but Soth was needless to say fascinated by her. Soth would drop in from time to time, but could never commit to her. After all, he was what he was. A Creature of the Night. Kaymeen never understood this trait in Soth. And it was never his intention of ever explaining it to her. "You make love to me, then you leave me for weeks at a time! And when you come back you act as if nothing ever happened!" Soth sighed at her distant words. She would have never understood his ways, his new dark life. He had never granted her the Dark Gift. Other matter's separated here path's, and he never returned to her again.

A hover car past near by, and Soth was brought back to his own time, minus his meal ticket. But that sweet smell, it bothered him, stabbing at him like a nagging pain that wouldn't go away. He knew the scent, but he had to see it for himself. Was it posable? After all these years? Soth silently mouthing the words to himself. Following it's fragrant path into the bar.

Before the Dark Knight entered, he covered his face with the black cowl of his Sith robes. He scanned the heavily populated bar room, reaching out with his innate dark gift to locate the recipient of the familiar scent. And there she was...Sitting in the presence of his Master, Saurron!

Lady Alaria
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:02:09 AM
Alaria ordered a bowl of soup, and sipped at her water. The booth across the room was cleared, and then a few people sat down in it. The light above the booth dimmed, almost too coincedental to be a coincedence. The tall men were pale, but the lighting was bad.

And what did she care, anyway? She'd never been one to stick her nose where it didn't belong. Alaria frowned at her nails, and worked at getting the dirt out with her napkin. Pausing, she steadied herself with her hands on the table, her eyes mere slits as she concentrated deep within herself.

She felt old...although her body was young. She had spent years in stasis on Terran...or whatever it had been called. The name itself was fuzzy in her memory. It was almost as if her entire life with Dagger was fading away, since his death. Sometimes it hurt.

But now the hunger was overtaking her again. Alaria looked almost longingly at the waitress when she brought her soup, but the girl left the table quickly. She would have to find a quiet alley, and soon.

Jacen Jade
Oct 23rd, 2001, 08:00:04 AM

as jacen stares at danya, he enters her mind and teels her to look towards her left......jacen then begins to use mind control to make her come to him

jacen whispers "Come to me...."

Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:59:28 PM
(The smell of premeditation hung thick in the smoke-filled air, like the smell of a thousand liquors splashed on the floor. It was inviting and repulsing at once, and I didn't have to use the Force to know that Saurron and his associates had something special planned for the girl. She seemed willing enough, but I'd seen the vampire work his charm before. She was likely just another fly in the web. Damn shame...she was a looker, too. It wasn't my fight though. I had no delusions of grandeur. I'd deal with them on my own terms, and when it suited myself and my wallet.

Speaking of wallet...my account manager pad began to beep in my jacket pocket. Removing the datapad, I keyed in my PIN and slid my thumb across the reader to validate.)





Good evening, Sanis.

You do not know me, but I am an associate of Mr. LeStat. I understand that you have conducted business with him before. In short, we are in the middle of an important meeting, and we require absolutely no distractions. That includes both yourself, and the ale-drinking gentleman next to you. Mister LeStat trusts you to be considerate, but the same trust cannot be extended to your colleague. His interference is unsavory. Please inform him of our dissatisfaction.

A pleasure to do business with you,

(I raised my eyebrow, sliding the pad back into my jacket pocket, scanning the area for the origin of the message. If the sender was still present, they didn't make their presence known. No matter. They paid up front. I supposed I could run a job ad hoc and on the fly.

Reaching over, I filled my shot with another helping of gin, tossing back the vile stuff. Wincing slightly, I tipped the barkeep, and turned around to Jacen.)

Damn shame, huh? Some you win, and some you lose. She's one helluva looker though. I'm gonna step outside for a bit of fresh air and a stim. Wanna join me?

Danya Sedirna
Oct 23rd, 2001, 03:50:34 PM
"Come to me...."

Danya closed her eyes suddenly, a voice quiet and distant ringing in her ears. It sounded pleading, but in a moment's passing, dissipated. Once again, her attention returned to the charming, pale-eyed gentleman.

I do, but I don't. Its so strange.

The same feeling of chill permeated around her, but it was quite inviting.

Oct 23rd, 2001, 04:55:25 PM
All will become clear to you in time.

Saurron held his glass up noticing the beauty of the burgundy's color. Deep and dark it flowed easily down his throat as he set the glass down with a slight clank on the table.

Gaining the attention of a waitress in his own special way Saurron advised her to bring the woman seated next to them anything she wanted.

Come and sit with us my apprentice. He called to Soth, however Soth was the only one who heard...

Jacen Jade
Oct 23rd, 2001, 10:37:24 PM
jacen smiles and speaks to himself

"The Albino's are going to try something to that woman."

jacen trys again

"Danya, come home.....come to your brother...."

Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 10:51:28 PM
(He had a catatonic look in his eye. I didn't think he'd had all that much tonight, but you never could tell with somebody. I pulled a pack of stims from my pocket, tapping two out. One, I placed between my lips, the other I placed on the counter by Jacen.)

C'mon buddy...lets take a walk outside. No sense in being flies on their walls. Trust me.

Death Knight Soth
Oct 23rd, 2001, 11:21:54 PM
The Death Knight waited through a sea of people as he started to move to a location were he would have little to no distractions. He did not wish to be bothered or trifled with at a time like this when so much was riding on the line.

However, there was one in the bar this night that he also had special interest in. Mr. Prent. Soth eye's narrowed as he watched the man from a distance. Sanis was turned at the moment, away from him, in some kind of discussion with a bald fellow that wore a strange looking pair of goggles.

The Dark Knight set in an empty darkened booth. He let out a slight chuckled at the thought of his encounter with the mercenary not long ago. Mr. Prent was a very resourceful man to say the least. If there was ever a human that could ever undermine a creature of the night, it was him. The little altercation on Coruscant proved that point. He was indeed a worthy adversary to any who crossed his path, but now, his reputation preceded him and the Coven had great interest in him weather he was aware of it or not. This was reflected in his association with the "Family." After all, two could play the game of chance. The question was though, who would be better at it when the chips were down? But Soth was sure that the man was all about money and the best bargain. And besides, every man had a price. A steep price!

Then like a cool wind the words of his Master washed over his mind. "Come and sit with us my apprentice." Soth did not hesitate at the words of his Master, even though he was reluctant to join them. There was something nagging about the woman in his company that bothered Soth. And he was about to find out why.

As he made his way to the table where the two sat. Soth thought of the woman Kaymeen. Then it hit him like a wave, crashing through his mind. "Could she be...?" Soth shunned the thought as he came to stand at the side of the table.

"My Master, I would be honored." But before he sat, Soth looked to the dark haired woman and was startled at her uncanny resemblance to the one he knew long ago. "If I may m'lady...?" The Knight gestured with an outstretched hand to the seat next to her.

Lady Alaria
Oct 24th, 2001, 02:29:04 AM
I sip my soup absently, my eyes caught on the two men at the bar. One is trying to get the other, a darker fellow, to follow him outside. I smile to herself. Yes, go outside. The blond is of an intrest to me, an air of virility and vitality is in everything he does. A real ladies man, that one. The other, the dark haired one... I concentrate, using my limited knowledge in the Force to extract the dirt from my skin and hair. My clothes are still musty, but as long as I am presentable, that should not matter for long.

I walk up to the bar, pushing my hood back from my long curly blonde hair, and take a seat next to the dark haired one. I smile at him, my blue eyes lighting up in feigned eagerness. "You refuse your friend's company, but perhaps you'd enjoy mine? I need an escort to my apartment. Its just up the street." I brush my arm against his, so lightly it might have been an accident. I make eye contact with the scruffy blonde. "Or if you could..?"

The blonde was strong, but the dark haired one, who called himself Jacen...his was a weak soup. Hardly worth the effort needed to extract it. But I need nourishment now.

Jacen Jade
Oct 24th, 2001, 09:10:35 AM
"My lady I think you are looking in the wrong spot for company...please go."

jacen leans toward the blonde man and whispers

"She wishes to kill you, do not go."

jacen picks up the stim

"You know, things like these they say could kill you....but they cannot. Tell me what you know about the Tall pale white haird figure and his friends, i know about danya....but the others....."

Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:18:05 AM
Alright...lets take a step outside. Not best to talk on the subject when we're within earshot.

(I glanced at the blonde. A pretty face, albeit a little dirty. She wanted to kill me? Even if I took the bait, it was an old story. Who didn't want to kill me these days? No sense in taking it personally)

Jacen Jade
Oct 24th, 2001, 03:03:48 PM
walks outside with Mr.Prent

"So, you came to me. My name is Jacen Jade. First, I wish to know what you know about the strange folks in there......secondly....why did you come to me?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 10:08:01 PM
(I looked at Jacen through a wisp of exhaled glitterstim smoke, running my other hand through my hair. It was a case of a man in the wrong place at the wrong time. Empathy was to understand a man's situation. Sympathy was to put yourself in their shoes. Jacen got the former. When it came to a job...nobody could buy my sympathy.)

I don't know alot about em...but I do know they mean business, in more ways than one.

(I exhaled again, flicking away a bit of accumulated ash)

I came to you...with advice. Get the hell outta Dodge. Whatever paths you've crossed with those characters back there...they don't screw around. The girl...hell...I don't know her story, and I know enough not to ask. She's a pretty face.

I've seen pretty faces before, and I'm sure you have too. I'm putting my two credits in, and I'm tellin ya...she ain't worth crossing those guys.

Jacen Jade
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:02:13 PM
"Perhaps you are correct Mr. Prent, those are some.....strange guys. I have seen many many pretty faces in my long life time."

jacen smiles and laughs a bit, sanis cracks a smile.

"Here, we get a drink at this place....my treat."

Sanis Prent
Oct 24th, 2001, 11:14:37 PM
(I smiled and shook my head)

Thats alright, I think I'm done for tonight at any rate. And if I were you...I'd be on the first outbound star ferry leaving Arcan. Its not in your best interest to stick around here with them around.

Jacen Jade
Oct 25th, 2001, 08:31:38 AM
jacen agrees

"I must agree Mr. Prent. I shall be on my way right now. See you when I see you...."

jacen's cloak spins around him as he turns and leaves for a new place to make his search.

Sanis Prent
Oct 25th, 2001, 12:21:41 PM
(As he walked away, I couldn't help but give a low whistle, doublechecking my account balance on my datapad. It was the easiest 125,000 I'd ever made, and I never even had to raise a finger.)

Jacen Jade
Oct 25th, 2001, 02:13:56 PM
while jacen is walking he senses the beings in the bar......he must go back. he stops and turns watching the man walk away out of sight.....jacen returns to the diner. he hides himself in the shadows of the sith.....watching their every move.

Oct 25th, 2001, 07:54:29 PM
:: AB walked in to get something quick to eat before she hit the flight simulators. She hadn't flown in awhile and she felt it neccessary to keep her skills at peek levels so that she wouldn't get rusty. ::

:: She took a seat at a table near the bar, and order a small soup and light salad. As she waited for her order to be filled, she looked around the bar. ::

:: Seemed there were quite a number more of the seedier type's in here today. She couldn't help but notice a table with two vampyres and a young woman, who obviously wasn't one. She could only hazzard a guess as to how that one might turn out. But, then again, the future had many faces. ::

:: When her meal finally arriving, she dug in, wanting to be finished quickly. But, while she ate, she watched the proceedings at the vampyres table. Something always interesting happened when they were around. Something always unexpected. ::

Sanis Prent
Oct 25th, 2001, 09:13:57 PM
(I stepped back inside, the chill of the night air driven away by the humid, warm blanket of the bar's atmosphere. Alcohol, smoke, and sweat from a hundred species mingled into some indescribable aphrodesiac, permeating the skin. I took another deep drag on my cigarette, letting the environment seep in once again, when the chilly night air knifed me in the back, as somebody came in...

...or at least I thought. The door opened, leaving nothing but the dim night's shadow in my midst. Even in the dead of night, the lights in the distance seemed to dim.

I exhaled the smoke in my lungs, whispy white ghosts writhing towards the black velvet twilight. I turned to close the door in my path when I noticed the smoke part suddenly, as if guided by magic. The whisps seemed to fold and contort around a face, then a head, and then an upper torso. I didn't need an exact match. I could add one and one up easily enough and be pretty damn close to two.

Unfortunately for Mr. Jacen Jade...his arithmetic wasn't so on par. He needed the schooling, but not in the book-learning sense. The only numbers I crunched were credits, and calibers. Five'll get you ten on what today's lesson was on.

I placed a hand firmly out into hazy shadow, pressing firmly against a man's shirt. On cue, Jacen folded out of his smoke and mirrors act. He wasn't smiling. That made two of us.)

Don't you take a hint? C'mon...outside.

(Pressing him back, we both exited the bar once more.)

Oct 26th, 2001, 01:55:02 AM
:: Around a mouthful of greens, AB kept watching the proceedings in the bar. There was no live entertainment. None were needed. You had all the characters in the galaxy right here to put on a great show. And for free. ::

:: She observed the vampyres talk softly and in low tones with the young woman. Some other beings in the corner were getting routy, having drunk too much, and laughing. There were a few at the bar counter itself, looking alone, and most likely wanting to be left alone. ::

:: Swallowing what she'd been chewing and taking a sip from her fruit juice, she watched Sanis walk in shortly after another presence had made it's way into the murk of the bar. Then both had exited. Then a rather noisy man, Sith no doubt by the usage of his words and the clammy darkness that radiated from him, walked in. ::

:: Yes, the galaxy was full of interesting characters. And it seemed all had congregated here at the bar and grill to perform an entertaining show. ::

:: She smiled around another mouthful of her salad. Of course, the neat thing about this performance, is that nothing was rehearsed. Talk about your cold readings and flying by the seat of your pants. But, those performances made the best stories. ::

Danya Sedirna
Oct 28th, 2001, 10:38:11 PM
The suave charm, it was something that Danya had seen before, so it wasn't the charm alone that got her attention. Something else, she couldn't put her finger on it. The sweet smell of roses could barely be sensed hanging in the air as an afterthought. As Danya found her self intriqued by the stranger's demeanor, a second man joined her, politely asking to take a seat. She smiled in spite of her self. It was fun to get this kind of attention, and a welcome diversion from drunken fawning and revelry. Danya glanced up at the second stranger.

Its a free planet, come join the party.

A waiter ambled by, and Danya realized that she'd been doing a lot of drinking and socializing, and not a lot of eating. She was famished. Getting his attention, she made an order.

Petite sirloin, as rare as is legal, and bring us some wine.

She winked, causing the waiter to solemnly nod and walk away. Turning her attention back to her guests, Danya smiled.

So whatcha doing on Arcan? You picked one helluva place to vacation, so I guess it must be for business, what little we have.

She shrugged tiredly

I'm Danya, village tour guide, of sorts. Born and raised, and I can tell you, you're sitting in the only half-interesting joint on the whole planet. Unless you're another pair of Jedi recruits.

She pouted

But I hope not. They're too absorbed in whatever they do to be any fun.

Oct 30th, 2001, 12:30:59 PM
Oh we are fun all right Saurron answered but we are not Jedi by any means.

A smile crossed Saurron's face. Indeed there was business to deal with he thought. As he surmised all roads would cross and some come to an end. He decided to leave Danya with his apprentice Lord Soth. They had much to talk about it seemed. He watched Danya order her food and smirked at the thought. Food...actual food it had been a long time but his body was not suited for such things and had not been for some time. Excusing himself politley he stood and left the table with feline type grace. There was something about Saurron that one noticed after he left...he made no sound when he moved.

His eyes glanced moving from one patron to another as if there were targets under some sight...staring them down causing them to look away at his approach. He was placing his order for the evening. Once to the bar he proceeded to order another burgandy like the one Danya ordered for him, but this one needed to be altered a little. Pulling from his combat suit under his cloaks he withdrew a warm vile made of light weight steel and transparasteel. This would calm his hunger for a bit while he waited for someone that he wanted to talk to...about certain matters.

Oct 30th, 2001, 09:49:55 PM
:: Needless to say, the look one of the vampyres gave the other patrons of the bar made even AB's spine tingle. When his eyes came to rest on her, she forced down the morsel of greens she had in her mouth. His stare was... bottomless, for lack of a better word. And it was intense. She wanted to look away, but refused to show that weekness. never the less, she knew if she looked too long, it would most likely intrance her. ::

:: Clearing her throat, she caused herself to sneeze, making her break the eye contact. Then she resumed her meal, catching the last bite. Just for good measure, though, she ordered another drink. Something a little stronger to knock her senses about and reorder them. ::

Oct 30th, 2001, 11:53:06 PM
Saurron sensed himself being scrutinized by another even after he had passed. His head turned slowly and with a heavy brow he brought about his eye, now a few shades lighter, to rest on her as his head was only half turned. She had red hair and a slim body but emited a goodness...he could change that he supposed...

Mmmmm...tasty. He murmured.

Raising his glass he partook in another long drink of the deep red liquid. His fangs clanked the glass lightly as he did. It was a slight sound but she heard it clear as day...or night for that matter.

Death Knight Soth
Oct 31st, 2001, 01:08:36 AM
Yes, indeed there was the smell of death about the room, faint, very faint, but noticeable only to those who delved in the side of the force.

The Death Knight was also aware of the looks and the prying minds of those around him. Unbeknown to them however, they too were being watched, studied. A subtle movement of the hand, a probing thought. He anticipated such a confrontation of sorts. He harbored and coveted the prospect of death in a moments notice. The tantalizing thought of a calculated blood bath if need be caused his fang's to protrude slightly. If that was there fate, so be it. His hunger at this point was almost unbearable. His mouth salivated over the potential prospect of blood running like wine.

Soth bid his Master well as he watched him walk away. Saurron to studied the occupants of the room. Like a predator looking for game. He also hungered as he. The room was ripe for the picking and it was there way in finding a host and draw them in for there darker purpose.

The Dark Knight watched as Danya ordered a very rare and bloody stake. Soth cringed at the site of it as the waitress brought it back some time later and set it in front of her.

Soth turned and studied Danya. The unholy Knight reached into her mind, subtly, gently. Dark tendrils snaked their way into her inner most thought's. This proved most difficult though. She was strong. A darkness Soth found most intriguing to say the least. And she was unaware of her potential and Soth seance it like an open book before him.

"M'lady, if I may be so bold to say." Soth looked at Danya in a seductive way. One that had a certain element to it that she found hard to resist." You are from? Your home world, m'lady?" The question seemed quite pointed to Danya, since she did not even know the mans name before her. But in her mind she found the answer and the name as he sent it there to her. "Yes, Soth is the name you seek." Then Danya realized that the conversation was not addable, but one that took place in the mind.

Oct 31st, 2001, 03:02:42 AM
:: She drank deeply from her fruity drink, the clinking sound still ringing in her head. And to think it had emitted from where the vampyre was sitting, and she hadn't even enhanced her hearing. Which means he had made the amplification himself. But none of the other patrons seemed to have nocticed, so that meant it had been soley for her benefit. ::

:: That sent another shiver down her spine and she closed her eyes, calming herself and letting the light of the Force come into her. She had to relax. Just then her R2 unit, R2-C3, rolled up beside her and emitted a single inquiring beep. That sound alone made AB jump nearly out of her skin. She whispered at the droid. ::

Damn, RC. You nearly sent me to my grave!

:: The droid beeped a longer inquery. AB looked at her chrono. ::

Well, yeah, it is almost time for me to be heading towards the simulators. But I want to spend a bit more time in here.

:: She looked back at the droid. ::

You can go ahead and get yourself started if you want. I'll be along as soon as I'm done.

:: The droid warbled a little toot. It seemed to hesitate. Then, setting it's middle leg out, it rolled towards the exit, heading towards the adjoining building where the simulators were kept. ::

:: AB remained where she was, sipping her drink absent mindedly, staring at the table. Try as she might, her mind just would not clear. All she kept seeing were those eyes and feeling... cold. ::

:: Sighing, she shut her eyes again, and went deep within herself, letting go and letting the light fill her entirely. The light would bring her warmth. ::

Nov 1st, 2001, 02:56:47 AM
And light would bring him death...

The glass hit the counter yet it wasn't belligerent, it was soft, light. The clink sounded again in her ears like a chime in the wind. Relaxing her being...sending chills up her spine and down her arms causing her eyelids to become heavy yet not tired. The hairs on her arms stood on end.

He turned from the bar leaving the tender enough credits to buy his own terra farm.

The red hared Jedi Master had never seen him before. Yet he was sure she had read reports on him. Even so, such things as he were rarely experienced by many Jedi much to there benefit. Saurron made his way over to her table much to her alarm, yet the light calmed her. He could see it flowing into her swarming around her...protecting her. Dark robes flowed over combat gear as he walked with all the grace four hundred years could afford.

Is this seat taken?

His eyes beamed and shimmered from pale blue to white and back again as he gazed upon her like a moth attracted to a flame...

Danya Sedirna
Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:02:35 AM
Just when things were getting interesting; just when Danya'd met a guy who wasn't married, gay, or a Jedi, and who didn't look like there was a bantha somewhere in his lineage; just then!!

Drang! She cursed, turning her dark eyes away from Saurron as he obviously found "greener pastures". . . . men!

She vented her frustration on her petite sirloin, jamming a steak knife into it and partitioning it several times. As she did so, her eyes were drawn up to Saurron's silent friend. Slowly, she stopped cutting. Like Saurron, his manners were polite and chivalric, and he carried himself well, almost like an aristocrat. Danya smiled, fiddling with her utensils as he asked where her homeworld was.

Somehow. . .she even knew his name.

I'm from Arcan IV. Been here my whole life.

Smiling curiously, she continued.

And what about you. . .Soth?

Death Knight Soth
Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:44:34 AM
"I am from a place they call the Parton 5." Soth replied in a low tone. He was lying of course, to Danya, but he had good reason to. A trace of disbelief was still faintly etched on Soth's face as Danya spoke of her home world being on Arcan. And even though her words did not correlate with the thought's Soth read in her mind, it still confirmed his suspicions of her. There was no coincidence on who she was now. "It was her, but how?" Danya did believe that she was really from Arcan, however, Soth knew better. The dark Knight sifted through her deepest past memories. Memories she had hid long ago. Self preservation it was in the young woman that Soth seen in it's purpose. "Ah, yes, he hurt you, the one who you called father." The color in Soth eye's momentarily flashed a hot red hue.

Soth fought back the hateful look that was almost evident on his stoic face. But luck played to his favor though, Danya seemed to be wrestling with the rare delicacy before her and Soth had a bit of time to quickly compose himself. If time had a way of catching up with one, it had with Soth! His past was now the present. But to revile to Danya what he knew of her was, well, to soon and to close for comfort. Saurron, his Master knew all along, but said nothing of her to him. "But why?" Soth pondered.

"Forgive me m'lady if I seem to be prying...But who was your mother and father?" Soth asked her softly, as if he was still in a state of denial.

Nov 3rd, 2001, 04:44:11 AM
:: AB cracked her eye open again as she heard that same clink, almost like a chime. When she looked over to where the vampyre was, she saw him standing. Her heart hit her stomache and she closed her eyes again, letting the Force calm her. She went quickly into a calming trance. ::

:: Only moments after letting the Force carry her on it's calm winds of light, a chill ran down her back as a voice whispered near her ear. The sound made her jump slightly as she opened her eyes, looking straight up at the vampyre, now smiling and asking to sit. ::

:: All she could think for that one second was "I should have sensed him coming" and "Bad day, bad day, bad day". Yes, he made her nervous, but she was sure as hell wasn't gonna let him see that. Clearing her throat, she managed a smile. ::

No, this seat isn't taken.

:: As he began to sit, she quickly went on. ::

But, I'm afraid I won't be here for much longer. I have some business to attend to... soon.

:: She winced slightly at that last remark. It just sounded so... lame, for lack of a better word. Sighing, she would not be rude by leaving right away. After all, he was a being wishing to speak to another. Never-the-less, she was wary. She would keep er guard up just in case. ::

Nov 6th, 2001, 12:00:21 AM
Indeed. You must be very important.

He arched his right eyebrow in a musing manner coupled with smirk. Another drink was placed in front of him. Dark red burgundy moved from side to side inside its glass as it was set in its place. Saurron would again alter his drink with a much thicker red liquid as before.

His glass rose to his lips...clink...again his fangs made the glass sing, chiming its short song in her ears. It was calming to her spirit as well, yet was altogether different than that she had learned to embrace...than that she was embracing now. She paused again feeling the chill of a wind unlike that of her beloved light.
It was enticing, daring, moving, sending deep feelings through her like those of an intense massage to the senses. Yet it was only a sound.

Tell me, what is your name? He asked with a toothy smile.

It was a command and a question hidden within each other...there were many things that were hidden here such as her true feelings about him sitting with her here and now. His smile stayed with him as he rose his glass to his lips once again.

Nov 6th, 2001, 08:00:25 AM
:: That chime sounded again. It was a sweet sound, but still, if her hair had been any shorter it was a good bet it would have stood on end. ::

:: It was a strange mixing of feelings going through her. She wasn't feeling uncomfortable with him so close to her, but she was very aware and cautious of any move he made. And, yet, at the same time, she felt almost excited. It was something different, something new. And that's what frightened her the most. Not knowing where it would lead. ::

:: She started to sink herself into the light again when he asked the question. It was a simple question, and she could have refused to ask. But, she didn't see the need to. Or couldn't? She shook that thought out of her head and looked at him. ::

I am more prominently known as AmazonBabe. But that is only a nickname.

My real name is Rie Mystt.

:: It was her turn to raise one of her eyebrows. ::

Now it's your turn.

:: She had seen pictures of him and reports, and knew quite well who he was. But getting him to say his would keep her mind busy in the conversation and not wandering off to... darker corners. ::

Nov 8th, 2001, 11:53:46 PM
Obliging her his deep dark vioce sank slowly into the light in which she was emersed in. It surronded her, an aura of the Lightside of the Force, and even though he had commerse with darkness that she could niether fathom nor understand he dared not exert his Darkside Powers...not here anyway.

My name is Saurron... He said with eyes of deep blue subtley giving her a calm all their own...a calm of like that of a sea washing ashore would bestow upon a being walking its shoreline.

His finger ran around the edge of his glass producing a melodic constant ring. The constant tone fluctuated from mid-high to mid-low as his finger rounded the rim.

Beautiful...isn't it? Before she could answer he finished.

The color...red...

Glancing up from his glass to her hair then back to her eyes in one smooth movement. Yes his eyes had left hers but she hadn't noticed.

The sights and sounds of the bar seemed to fade away as the shadows came from their corners to seclude them. It was as if the table had a single light shining dimmly down on it highlighting them as they carried on with their conversation.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 9th, 2001, 12:45:57 AM
Morgan trusted the pale Saurron as far as he could throw him. No... that didn't work. If allowed, Morgan could probably throw him pretty damn far. The Vampyre stunk of bad intentions. As skilled a Jedi Master could be, she probably could use an assist.

He discretely dropped an ice cube on the floor, and kicked it near Rie's table. Water in hand, Morgan took a sip as he walked near, and slipped on the cube as he was lowering the glass from his lips. Morgan's feet went up, his hands flung out, and waters cascaded over Rie and Saurron as the Jedi Knight hit the floor like a sack of concrete, complete with a resounding thud.

"Frell." Evanar muttered, rubbing the back of his head as he stood up.

Danya Sedirna
Nov 9th, 2001, 01:11:04 AM
Danya had run several freight runs in her time, but she'd never even heard of a Parton system. Of course, you could explore the galaxy your entire life and only see a fraction of it, so that didn't suprise her. Soth was a gentleman indeed, but it remained to be seen if that would get him anywhere. There seemed to be a degree of infatuation, or at least courtesy thick enough to be passed off as such. She liked the good graces, but sometimes they concealed or overcompensated for things left unseen.

When Soth asked about her parents, Danya's brow knit in thought. He was only a few years older than she was, and he was asking about her parents like he might recall who they were. Funny, when her dad ran off before she could remember and her mom had died five years ago. And from the way he acted, this was his first day ever on Arcan. It just didn't add up. But, it seemed innocent enough for now. She'd just have to see about motivations down the line.

My mother's name was Kaymeen. I didn't know my father.

Nov 9th, 2001, 06:43:22 AM
:: Saurrons eyes were taking their toll indeed on her mind. All of a sudden she began to feel light as air, still surrounded in her light. Those piercing blue eyes were enough to almost hypnotize her. The only thing keeping her from falling completely under his power, was her hold on the light side of the Force. Somehow, though she felt like she were losing it's grip, it would not let her go. ::

:: And then he made the comment about the color. Her favorite was actually green. But then he mentioned red and watched as his eyes wondered from her hair back to her eyes. And, yet, it had not seemed as though his eyes had left. She was becoming increasingly confused by all the mixed feelings going through her. ::

:: Just then a sailing Jedi went to the floor as Morgan came to rest with a loud thud. She stood up abruptly, having been splashed with water. Only then did she look down and saw Morgan struggling to his feet. She looked to Saurron with a smile and then bent down and helped Morgan up. ::

Morgan, are you alright? You took a nasty --

:: Only then did she see the almost melted piece of ice on the floor and realized what he had just saved her from. ::

-- slip.

Death Knight Soth
Nov 9th, 2001, 07:10:53 AM
The Vampyre Knight was now convinced that the woman before him, was truly what he thought of her as such. The name Kaymeen confirmed it. He could sense her dismay at the odd inquiry about her parent's. However, this was not the time and place to discuss such...delicate matter's. Soth abruptly stood to his feet and gently took Dayna's hand in his own. He kissed it as he looked into her familiar eye's. There was a longing to tell her of his past, her past. But the sword was doubled edged this night. She would in time come to know the truth...and the lie's.

M'lady, pardon me for my haste departure. I have matter's I must attend to. But before I leave,... I give you this." The Knight reached into the soft lining's of his robe's and produced a data-pad. Stored within it were the coordinates to the Coven it's self. Once viewed, and down loaded to a nava-computer, the memory would become obsolete, erased. As Soth set it in front of her, a sadness crossed his face that caught her a bit of guard. This man was indeed odd to her, but the invitation she was about to receive would leave her with more questions then answer's.

"Dayna,...If it is the truth that you seek about your mother and your past, ... then the first step lays within the data-pad you now possess." Show no one, and bring no one, if you choose to come...m'lady. For I cannot account for the welfare of any that you may bring." His eye's at that moment seemed to pierce her, as did so his cryptic word's to her. And with that, that nobleman departed. As Soth faded into the sea of bodies, Danya was lost in thought at the moment. What had he done to her? His word's captivated her deepest senses. The bar activities and it's occupant's became insignificant, as did the sounds that resonated about her. The call to her was now planted. And the forces of darkness tugged at her confused mind.

Nov 10th, 2001, 04:49:36 PM
Perhaps he should have paid heed to the sound he had heard, an ice cube sliding along the floor of a bar. How brilliant he thought to himself as Morgan's feet flew in the air. Saurron had been quite occupied with Ms. Mysst. So It was his own arrogance that displeased him as well as that of Morgan's intrusion. It came with the territory of being what he was, unfortunate at times, but it was true.

Saurron stood immediately and helped Ms. Mysst with bringing Morgan to his feet. However he was sure to catch his eyes with his own. Irides of dreamy blue faded to white before him as he rose signifying Saurron's slight displeasure at his skillful intrusion. This caught Morgan's attention well enough, but it was the immense pressure around his biceps which gave the man thought to the situation. It was such that his mouth opened agape in pain briefly then closed as Saurron released him.

Retrieving his glass from the tables edge the Vampyre took another drink, then spoke.
What a shame I was just about to ask where the Jedi base was...oh well. He said musingly with a slight hand gesture as to which direction it was.

We'll continue another time Lady Mysst. Perhaps with less company. A smile crossed his face then faded as he turned and left the bar and grill with his apprentice Lord Soth.

Nov 10th, 2001, 09:58:39 PM
:: AB saw the grip Saurron wrapped around Morgans arm, and knew it had to hurt. But the man didn't utter a peep. Helping Morgan to sit at the table, she stood to catch Saurron's eye as he bid her farewell. She smiled and immediately shut her eyes when his back was turned. Damn those eyes! Damn her for not seeing what was happening! ::

:: She opened her eyes again and sat at the table, rubbing her forehead. What if it had happened? How would it have turned out? After all, her blood was pure poison. Not many knew this, except for the Jedi physicians. And she was sure no vampyre had ever had a lethally poisonous host before. Especially one strong in the light of the Force. That had to be bad for a vampyre of the Sith. And if that wasn't bad, she was pretty sure the wood-base in her blood would no doubt turn any vampyre into a pile of ashes. ::

:: Letting out a sigh that had seemed as though it had been pent up for years, she ran a hand over her forehead one more time and set it on the table. Too many questions with unknown answers. Too many "What if's". Suddenly she needed another drink. But, she didn't order one. Instead she looked at Morgan and smiled graciously. ::

Thanks Morgan. I owe you one.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 14th, 2001, 11:04:58 PM
OOC: Sorry all, got slammed by RL...

Morgan rubbed his arms thoughtfully, and managed a smile.

"Everyone needs a hand now and again. I never managed to finish my juice, though." To cap the sentence off, he warbled in a manner an astromech driod would, and followed it by a whistle.

A bit later, a serving driod wheeled up with a glass of cranberry juice, with a slice of lemon floating on the top.

Nov 14th, 2001, 11:24:27 PM
:: She watched the droid sidle up to the table and drop the drink off. Thinking to join Morgan in a round of cranberry juice drinking, she ordered one for herself. ::

Well, I was planning on going by the flight simulators later today. As it is, my astromech is prob--

:: She never finished. An angery warbling and beeping emitted from the doorway as a stout, purple and silver R2 unit rolled towards their table. It was repreimanding AB for being late. She put her hands up defensively. ::

Hey, RC, slow down! I was coming! Honest! I just got a little... er, sidetracked. But Morgan here got me railed up again, so we can go if you'd like.

:: Some more annoyed warbling and a raspberry to boot. ::

Oh... uh, they closed already? What time is it?

:: She looked at her chronometer and frowned. More time had gone by than she'd thought. ::

Krasst. Well, we can do the simulators tomorrow then.

:: Another, softer beep from the astromech, and it stood quiety beside AB's chair. ::

:: She looked at Morgan sheepishly. ::

Sorry. Seems today has been full of surprises.

:: Thinking of changing the subject from the surprises of the day, she started off with a question, albiet a little lame. ::

So, how have you been?