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Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:31:36 AM
Sasseeri stepped down from her transport on Arcan IV, and walked through the spaceport, pulling her luggage behind her. Someone tried to sell her a repulsor cart to carry it in, but she just switched hands and walked around her.

Exiting the spaceport, she blinked into the noon sun, shining down through the tall buildings. The air quality here was horrendous, and it irritated her sensitive nose. She set her bags down, and looked for a cab. There were none nearby. Sasseeri gritted her teeth, and waved her hand, trying to catch a cabbie's attention as vehicles drove past her.

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2001, 12:51:41 AM
(The noon-day sun hit just right through my window to cut through my stuporous blanket. I woke up, head swimming in a sea of bourbon, eyes glazed, and stomach pitching more than a TIE fighter in an ion storm. I fought off the urge to retch up my toenails and everything in between, and hobbled into the refresher, to dunk my head in a sink of cold water. The brisk cool liquid shattered the staccato throbbing of my hangover, jabbing chilly icepicks of pain into the back of my skull. I winced, suddenly aware of the sunlight that flash-seared my retinas. Per usual, the night before was a hazy maelstrom of drinks, tokes, girls, that questionable mix of it all called "fun". Hindsight, it was always a mystery, but like wolves drawn to the moon, every night...the same killer instinct kicked in. Something sexy and sinister in becoming a creature of the night. You changed faces.

The water dripped down my face and off my chin, splashing into the sink with a pitter-pattering tempo. Through the window, I spotted an unmistakable sight. Between the mountain of luggage, platinum hair and cocoa skin...it was a fairly sure bet that Sasseeri Reeouurra was back on Arcan IV)


(That was the king of understatements. With Layla in drydock, and still no word from Bothauwi, my ass couldn't be in a more precarious position...right in her jaws. If she so much as suspected what was going down...I'd either be dead or non-negotiably chained to her ankle. Either was just as damning.

I threw on my clothes faster than I could make it to the door. Arcan IV wasn't Coruscant, but maybe it was big enough to lay low.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:07:44 AM
Growling impatiently, Sasseeri finally flagged down a taxicab. She threw her bags into the backseat, and climbed into the front, her short skirt riding up a bit as she slid into her seat. She caught the driver's eye, and glared. "Take me to the nearest hotel worrrth the money jI wjill pay forrr a rrroom."

He averted his eyes, and pulled the craft out into the stream of traffic. "There's this place called the Bar and Grill, it has some rooms above -"

She smiled suddenly. "That wjill do njicely. And pull over herrre, therrre jis anotherrr passengerrr to pjick up. We arrre acqujianted. He wjill not mjind." Sasseeri pointed to where she had just spotted Sanis on the side of the road, looking like he had a bad case of too much whiskey the night before.

The cabbie pulled the vehicle out of traffic and opened the back door for Prent. He slid in before he saw Sasseeri in the front seat. The door closed.

She purred. "Njice to see you, Sanjisss."

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:19:42 AM
(I'd run from my room, out through the bar, and to the street, all on the same breath. I didn't realize this until I'd jumped into the cab...and glanced at the other occupant.

Damn damn damn damn....

My breath came out slow and painful...my lungs screaming as if to remind me of a falling house of cards. Blood pounded in my temples as I sank into the seat cushion.)

Sasseeri....small planet.

(Too small...too frelling small. She was dressed to kill, as always. Whatever reason she'd come to Arcan...she'd found a new reason to be here. I couldn't handle her looking over my shoulder. Stealing 30 million credits was hard enough when she wasn't looking. When she was...it was suicide. I'd just have to play it cool.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:28:40 AM
Small planet? "jIndeed jit jis. jI just arrrrrjived back jin town forrr a shorrrt layoverrr." She paused, adjusting her position to look over the seat at him better. He looked as disheveled as ever, and just as desireable if not more so. There was something about him...perhaps it was his innate scruffiness that drove her wild.

"Was therrre someplace you needed to go?" She flashed a killer smile, remembering their last rendevous together at the Bar and Grill. "jI wjill be rrreturrrnjing to Corrruscant jin the morrrnjing. Somethjing came up, and jI need to perrrsonally oversee jit. Not to mentjion the trrrade conferrrence at Trrrogan comjing up soon. Perrhaps you'd ljike to accompany me therrre, as you arrre one of my assocjiates." She treated him to a saucy wink, not noticing the change in his demenour when she had mentioned returning to Coruscant. She was too busy undressing him with her eyes.

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:39:18 AM
(Coruscant. The simple mentioning of that name froze the blood in my veins. Death-blanched drops of cold fear beaded momentarily on my forehead. Did she know....or was she simply blundering onto the single exact thing I was trying to hide? I gave a glance out of the window, separating my face from hers so I could sufficiently freak out on my own time. I exhaled a breath I forgot I had, and unclenched a white-knuckled claw from the lining of my jacket. Turning back, I cracked the best smile I could afford, tossing back a quick gulp from my flask. The warm burn of whiskey thawed the murderous icycles of fear stabbing into my brain. I began to think again...)

Coruscant, huh? We've been running normally enough over there for the past month. Is there something wrong?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 15th, 2001, 01:46:10 AM
She brushed some blonde hair out of her eyes. "Nothjing to botherrr you wjith. Therrre werrre some prrroblem's wjith Saarrrrrrrrreeaa, they arrre bejing dealt wjith, but jI need to go overrr herrr accounts. jIts not verrry jinterrrestjing rrreally. And jit jis jinterrruptjing my schedule."

The cab stopped outside of the hole in the wall bar and grill, and she paid the cabbie, and slipped out of the vehicle. "Would you carrre to hand me my luggage?" Sanis reached beside him and pulled them out of the cab, stepping out to the sidewalk as the cab took off in a cloud of pollution. Sasseeri coughed lightly. "Perrhaps you would jojin me jinsjide forrr a drrrjink?"

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2001, 02:34:17 AM

(I paid lip service to conversation. It didn't matter. I was retreating into a core of utter panic. She could have her way with me for an uninterrupted week if she wanted. The prospect of her setting one single foot onto Coruscant gnawed at the pit of my stomach like a hungry vulture. Add the fact that she brought up Saarrreeaa and her financial books...it was a recipe for utter disaster. I had to either keep her the hell off the city planet, or find a nice obscure planet in the unknown regions to hide out on. If Sasseeri Reeouurra found out how much I'd pulled from her coffers, I'd rather eat coals in Hell with a pitchfork in my ass than sit around for whatever punishment she had in store for me.

Ah but first...the drink.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 15th, 2001, 02:42:19 AM
She nodded to him, lifted her bags, and stalked into Yogs, brushing past someone who was leaving. Prent was following her, and they were shown to a booth. Sasseeri let Sanis go ahead of her, and paid a waiter to get her a room and put her bags into it. She had a feeling she might need one on a moment's notice.

Sasseeri joined Sanis at the booth, slipping in on the same side as he. "Djid you orrrderrr alrrready?"

He nodded, "And I got something for you as well, hope you don't mind." Sanis stiffened a little as she ran her hand up his thigh, but relaxed almost immediately. He took her hand. "So you are just in town for one night?"

The felinoid female nodded, inching closer. He smelled delicious. "Just one njight..." She nipped lightly at his ear.

Sanis Prent
Oct 15th, 2001, 11:42:55 AM
(Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. I'd played this game before. It was every bit as rigged as a Toydarian chance cube. She was subtle as spider silk, and about as strong. But if giving her what she wanted meant keeping her off Coruscant, I could very well accomodate to her demands.

I felt her teeth lightly clamp on my ear, followed by a rolling purr. She turned her head, and I was there for a kiss, my tongue caressing sensually past her canine teeth. At the same time, my hand ran up her long thigh towards her short skirt. I slid underneath, and found out that Miss Reeouurra was going quite commando on me.

Damn...she was practically expecting this. There was enough premeditation in the air to give Sherlock Holmes a headache.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:10:42 AM
She kissed him long and hard, and then broke away as their drinks arrived. It was only early afternoon, and the waitress lingered.

"Did you want to order something to eat?" She appeared to be bored, with a plastic smile affixed to her face.

Sasseeri fingered the Nllkon Sunset which Prent had ordered for her, and shook her head. "jI am not hungrrrry." It was a lie. She was starving, but not for food. Pressing herself against Sanis, she purred softly. "Was therrre somethjing you would ljike to eat?" Under the table she ran her hand up his thigh again, while rubbing her foot over his.

Sanis Prent
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:29:30 AM
(Her lips tasted like strawberries, but her tongue was doing more of the tasting than mine. As usual, I held on for the ride. Sasseeri was as tame as a half-rabid bucking steer crammed into a rollercoaster car. I'd taken the trip before though. After a few bumps and bruises, you learn to dig your spurs and pull on the reins.

I pulled away from her hungry lips as our drinks came. Whiskey was my liquid sin. A tamer one, too. Flammable, but nothing like Sasseeri. I'd take my chances with the booze.)

Well...we've still got a lot of day ahead of us, Sass.

(I smiled pure silk back at her, downing another healthy swallow)

Besides...I've got a day full of repairs in order. Layla's in drydock...and I'm basically taking her apart and putting her back together again.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 16th, 2001, 01:51:20 AM
She waved the waitress away as Sanis didn't appear to be hungry. "Therrre arrre many thjings that you could do today, Sanjis....takjing aparrrt the Layla would be rrratherrr borrrjing." Sasseeri pulled herself away from him, forcing herself to sip her drink.

Her mind flicked over all the things that she should be doing out in the Arkanis Sector, trying to get things in order in time for the conference. She got a headache just thinking about the trouble that Saa was causing her. Turning back to Sanis, Sasseeri accidently knocked her drink over, dousing her blouse with the two leveled blue/yellow liquid. "Krasst!"

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 01:41:48 AM
Ah frell...

(I snagged a few napkins from the table, blotting away Sasseeri's drink from her blouse. A few seconds into the good samaritan act, I realized that I had my hands pressed against Sasseeri's wet body. Maybe I was being a little too suspicious, but it was almost a setup. The hungry look in her blue eyes gave it away. Before, I was the mouse for the cat. Now, I was in a cage. The option of even running had long-since become a non-option.

I couldn't cry over it...she'd just revel over her prize even more. Might as well be sporting.)

You're saying that you can think of something better than fixing Layla? I dunno, Sasseeri, Arcan IV's a small planet.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 18th, 2001, 02:29:38 AM
She pressed against him, his hands still on her chest. "Perrrhaps you could spend the day wjith me. jI am surrre we could fjind somethjing ...djiverrrtjing to do." She nuzzled his neck, biting a little, but gently so as not to break the skin. His hands moved a little, as if he was deciding something.

Sasseeri wondered how long it was going to take him. She wasn't keen on being subtle, and knew he knew what she wanted. The delay was making her hotter, but also shorter tempered. She slipped her hand under his shirt, rubbing his chest.

Sanis Prent
Oct 18th, 2001, 03:03:40 AM
(She was predictable, as always. Like a souped-up A-wing, ready to go...she only had one direction to go in...and she was jerkin me behind on a short leash.

I ran my hand under her blouse slowly, whispering in her ear)

What exactly did you have in mind? I dunno about you...but my heart is set on buying hydrospanners today. Can you top that?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 18th, 2001, 05:23:39 AM
He was baiting her, teasing her with his advances and retreats. Sasseeri pressed him further into the corner of the booth, restraining herself from ripping his shirt off -barely. She licked his earlobe, "Perrrhaps we could go sjight-seejing. jIn my rrroom." She slid a hand south.

Sanis pushed back at her a little, showing a little backbone as he tried to get out of the corner. She liked that, although she ultimately had control. He kissed her with a sudden passion that took her by surprise, but she reciprocated in kind until he broke away for a breathless sentance. "Your ship is at the spaceport, right?"

She paused, her hands still. "Yes, jit jis." Her thoughts sped through her mind quickly. If they went to the spaceport he would be closer to his ship, the Layla. Perhaps she could arrange some gift for him that would please him. She could send her men to check on the repairs needed on the freighter. Sasseeri put her long leg over his. "We could go therrre, jif you would ljike. jIt wjill be prrrjivate..."

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:02:19 AM
(Home court advantage. For once, this teeter-totter from Hell was swinging in my favor. I smiled in spite of myself, running a kiss across her lips, teasing her pensive tongue like a caged tiger. One thing was for certain. As long as I was around Sasseeri, she'd be closer to me than a siamese twin. I could either cry into a bowl of fruit loops...or get on with makin breakfast.

She wanted to make the bacon...and I was finally controlling the skillet. Finally, I was back in the driver's seat.)

I've got a couch onboard Layla...

(In actuality, it was a little bit of cushion, and a little less fabric, haphazardly stretched across a hand-me-down frame of sorts. But, it passed for a couch, and that was good enough for me.

Taking her hand...I flipped the bill on the drinks. Things were goin alright. Of course, I still had to get those hydrospanners.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 19th, 2001, 01:18:30 AM
"jIt sounds ljike a good place to starrrt..." Her purr was a throaty rumble as they manuvered out of the booth. She straightened her skirt with one hand, keeping the other wrapped around Sanis.

The Layla would be a new experience for her, having never been aboard before. Her mind quickly moved to the new possibilities that were before her. Sanis led her through the B&G and out into the street, where he attempted to hail a taxi while she pressed herself against him, hands roving.

Once in the cab and pulling out into traffic, she crawled onto him, pressing her lips against his. The spaceport was too far away. She didn't want to wait to unwrap her prize.

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2001, 02:28:22 AM
(She wasn't wasting a second. The cab door closed, and she was on top of me, greedy tongue tasting the bourbon on my lips. Warm cleavage pressed firmly against me, overflowing like like a Naboo levee in the rainy season. Her claws unsheathed, pinpricks against my skin, as if waiting for the excuse to be used. I liked the attention, just throw me a line so I don't drown in it. I worked my own charm, my hands sliding slowly from her waist to her chest, the tip of my tongue tracing from her jawline to her neck, cool moisture drawing chillbumps in the air-conditioned cab.

She could wag her tail...but I could wag the cat just as easily. I broke away from the frenzied pace in a leisurely fashion, smiling contentedly. Sasseeri smiled, too...but her honey tones turned south when I knocked on the window to the driver in front.)

Hey...can you swing around to Antoo's store? I have a few repair items to pick up.

(To say that Sasseeri took the word "repairs" badly was to say that Gamorreans had eating disorders. Her blue eyes narrowed, ears lowered, and teeth bared ever-so-slightly. She didn't like being jerked around.

Suprise suprise. Turnabout's a bitch.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 19th, 2001, 02:55:13 AM
Rrrepajirs? She laid her ears back and pulled away from Sanis. "Can't thjis wajit?" She ran her hand up his thigh invitingly.

He kissed her again, and shook his head. "I really need those hydrospanners." Sasseeri was non-plussed, to put it mildly. She was fuming by the time the cab stopped outside the rundown looking store front and Sanis jumped out. She knew he wouldn't be so stupid as to use this as an opportunity to leave her. He valued his life a little more than that.

She flipped her commlink on, and contacted her transport. "Kal? Arrre you therrre?"

"Olorin here, Ms. Reeouurra. What can I do for you?" Their conversation was short, and to the point. Just like all their encounters after hours in the offices on Coruscant. He was her favorite aide. She was putting the commlink away as Sanis approached the taxi again, ready with a kiss for him when he got in.

Sanis Prent
Oct 19th, 2001, 03:15:21 AM
Ah great! Four hydrospanners, and I found the right kind of gyrostabilizer. This'll speed things up, big time!

(I hopped into the cab, greeting Sasseeri with a kiss again, as an afterthought to everything. She redoubled her efforts, but I was more interested with calibrating my new hydrospanners.

After all...it was a small planet, and I wasn't going anywhere. She'd get her claws in me again soon enough.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 19th, 2001, 03:32:25 AM
He was toying with her...or attempting to. It was almost humorous, if it hadn't been so damn annoying. She wanted to emasculate him with his new hydrospanners for placing her second to -to tools! Of course, that would ruin him completely. She watched him play with his gyrostabilizer, and smiled to herself. Oh, play now, Sanjis. Whjile you can.

Sasseeri licked her lips, leaning in and pushing the gyrostabilizer out of the way as she whispered in his ear, her voice a throaty buzz. "When you'rrre completely fjinjished, perrrhaps you'd ljike to rrreturrrn to yourrr shjip? jI'm expectjing a tourrr. And jI'm on a tjight schedule."

She leaned away again, "jIf jit would sujit you betterrr, perrrhaps we should do thjis anotherrr tjime. On my way back frrrom Corrruscant, perrrhaps." Sanis would have to be stupid to agree to that. He needed her as much as she wanted him. Sometimes he just needed some reminding. Sasseeri scooted over to him again, her skirt riding up a little, and took his head in her hands, kissing him deeply.

Sanis Prent
Oct 20th, 2001, 01:55:49 AM
(She reeled me in...redoubled her effort. How could I forget. She had high cards in her hand, too...and she always rolled high. I didn't like the way she mentioned Coruscant. The name was dripping with ominous foreboding, wetter than her amorous tongue gliding over my lips. I went an inch alongside her mile, my hand riding caboose along her backside.)

Don't worry Sass...you'll get your tour.

(More kisses to soothe the savage beast never hurt anybody. Or maybe whoever said that was a blind optimist. I cut off at the pass with a kiss whatever retort she had building on her lips. Breaking for air, I twirled a hydrospanner nonchalantly in my hand, like a king and his scepter.)

Just consider these a few needed housewarming items.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 20th, 2001, 02:33:22 AM
She purred, pushing the hydrospanner down again and sliding another kiss onto his lips. He tasted a little like whiskey, as he always did. Sass could almost get drunk off his kisses, but she kept her head about her this time. There was something about Sanis today that she recognized.

Their previous meeting, where they had finally consumated a relationship years of lust in the making had been all about sweat and passion. This time...he was toying with her. It made her suspicious, but then, she was always suspicious. Sasseeri broke the kiss off when the cab stopped, and Sanis got out of the vehicle, pausing to lend her a hand in getting out. She paid the driver, and the two entered the spaceport, heading towards the Layla's berth.

Sass started taking his shirt off as soon as they came withing spitting distance of the frieghter, using one hand to unbutton it while the other one ran up his back underneath it. "Rrready to warrrm yourrr 'house?'" She curled her tail around his hips.

Oct 20th, 2001, 03:24:42 AM
The YV-666 Corellian Freighter Layla had seen better days. After a brush with disaster near Monto Codru, the freighter had suffered numerous system failures, hull breaches, and other such maladies. The port side of the ship had a large gash in the main hull, near the lower cargo hold. In and out of the ship, small pink cyllinders buzzed back and forth, some carrying equipment or debris, some arc-welding plating in place. The entire hangar was abuzz with activity.

One such droid module, holding a length of coolant pipe in a micromanipulator arm, wheedled toward Sanis and an unknown companion.

Ah Sanis, I was beginning to worry if you had forgotten about repairs. I see you have purchased new hydrospanners and...

The droid module's optical units zeroed in on the female companion, sifting her likeness through a database of known encounters. She signaled positive on one of them, and this startled the generally-calm droid.

Oh my! Sanis, what are you doing? Have you not forgotten about your previous encounters with Miss Reeouurra?

The droid skittered and bounced, as if trying to ward the half Cizerack away. Other droid modules similarly moved away from their current job, to add to the small protest.

Why are you bringing her here? This is highly irrational, Sanis. There is a 94.356 percent chance that this will set back repair time. Oh dear, oh dear. Just...keep her away from the hyperdrive motivator. Its calibration is highly sensitive.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 22nd, 2001, 04:59:06 AM
Sasseeri pulled Sanis' head down for a kiss, and jerked away as a tinny voice interrupted them. She looked towards the voice, and saw a droid module on the ground. Her lips curled at his mention of her, and she kept her hand possessively on Sanis' arm.

She whispered in his ear, puntuating her sentance with a throaty purr, "Why don't we go jinsjide? jI prrromjise not to touch the hyperrrdrrrjive motjivatorrr." She slid her hand under his waistband of his pants, teasing his ear with her tongue.

Sanis Prent
Oct 22nd, 2001, 02:06:29 PM
(I hit the gangplank remote, sending the ramp down gently on pneumatics. With my left hand, I lightly slapped at her backside, easing her along towards the entrance.)

Ladies first.

(I sent her off with a lurid grin, and placed the hydrospanners and gyro on the ground, glancing at the MARCUS modules)

See what you can do. I'll be...um...occupied.

(Glancing up, she was staring back at me, her blue eyes pulling on me as if I had a chain around my neck. I looked down to MARCUS again, and shrugged, walking toward Sasseeri. I stopped at the gangplank.)

Welcome to the Layla...

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:22:09 AM
A purr rumbled in her throat, and Sasseeri felt every step he took up the gangplank. She tingled as he finally touched her again, and she grabbed his shirt, ripping it off in a shower of buttons.

Sanis frowned slightly, "That was a new shirt." He allowed the shreds to fall onto the floor of the frieghter as the ramp lifted on nearly silent pneumatics.

Sass mewled, "jI wjill buy you a new shjirrrt, Sanjis." He drew her into the frieghter, and she looked around, her hands stroking his chest. "jIt jis a njice shjip... Do you have a cabjin, orrr a bed?" She rubbed against him, her Cizerack half gaining control as she teased him with her tail.

Sanis Prent
Oct 23rd, 2001, 02:38:17 AM
(She'd seen better days, but she was still home. Spanners, ratchets, wrenches and screwdrivers littered the floor around half-disassembled mechanisms, the smell of pneumatic oils faint in the vessel. Around the bulkheads, various posters and oddities were attached to the wall. Some were autographed Jizz Wailer band posters, some were for famous holovids. A few empty boxes of Twi'Leki takeout lay on the floor. In the corner, a strange conical, fluid-filled light provided interesting illumination, a thick fluid rising rhythmically up and down within. A calendar was tacked onto the door leading to the cabin entry, complete with curvy pinups.

I opened the door, making sure that the mountain of worn shirts next to the bed. wasn't too large. With a sigh, I slipped off the remaining shreds of my shirt, noting that I'd have to probably go to Ithor to find another like it. Sasseeri's libido was destructive. The shirt had better be the first and last casualty of this war.)

Here's the cabin...not the most comfortable around, but it beats an InviSec pad and a futon.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Oct 23rd, 2001, 03:32:54 AM
She eyed the bed, and then took in the floor, but the bed was decidedly better. Her statement about the ship had definetely been an overstatement. Although the calendar pinups were more visually perfect than she was, they were also digitally altered models, not to mention sugically and genetically.

She stepped around a carton of half eaten Twi'leki cuisine, a slight odor insulting her nose as she walked up behind Sanis, running her hands over the bare skin of his back. "jIt's cozy..." She nibbled at the back of his neck.

Sanis Prent
Oct 30th, 2001, 12:56:55 AM
(She was moving in for the kill, and I'd run out of space to maneuver. Slowly, I slid down to the bed, pulling her down with me. The shrinkwrap she was wearing as a miniskirt was riding higher than a Tattooine cowboy, almost leaping off by verbal command. I caught my fingers underneath, and curled up, and Sasseeri showed a little cheek as I worked my way up her sides.)

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 2nd, 2001, 06:19:42 AM
She allowed herself to be pulled down to the bed as Sanis ran his hands up her sides, and she growled softly as he reached up and turned the lights off.

Sasseeri flicked the lights on, and started pulling her clothes on again. "jIt was good to see you agajin, Sanjis." She winked at him, and dug around the piles on his floor for her shoes. "jI'm afrrrajid that jI have prrressjing busjiness wjith Saarrrrrrrrrrreeaa, and jI must rrreturrrn to my rrroom to prrreparrre forrr jit." She pulled her hand back, one shoe found, the other still missing.

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:17:58 AM

(The cold twinge of fear trickled down my spine like a nightmarish icicle...almost freezing me in my place. I managed to keep my cool enough to grab Sasseeri by the wrist, a look of feigned passing interest on my face.)

What business?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:35:19 AM
Sasseeri allowed Sanis to pull her back down to the bed, and she leaned back and kissed him on the nose. "jIt jis jinconsequentjial...some accounts have been brrrought to my attentjion, and jI need to see what she has done to them."

Sanis Prent
Nov 11th, 2001, 05:50:34 AM
(She was full of sugar-talk, and I had the tolerance of a diabetic. Maybe it was the situation, and maybe it was the way she presented it. All I knew was that one and one added up to a swift kick in the crotch that I'd really not be appreciating. My grip tightened slightly, and I stared her down.)

Inconsequential? I run the same district she does. How's that for inconsequential?

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Nov 11th, 2001, 06:30:38 AM
She narrowed her eyes, and looked for her shoe again. His tone was edgy. It was nice he was actually beginning to care about the company...unless there was more to it than concern for the company. "You may coverrr the same djistrrrjict as she does...but jit jis between Saa and me. jIf and when you need to be brrrought jin, you wjill be notjifjied." Sass bent down to peer under the bunk.