View Full Version : Morgan's New Person FAQ.

Morgan Evanar
Apr 26th, 2002, 03:03:58 PM
Hey, if you're reading this you're probably new. You have no idea who I am: I'm one of the admins and Jedi Masters at GJO, the largest Jedi "group" which roleplays at SWFans Forums.

1) Please, read a bunch of threads for the coming week (yes, I want you to lurk) before posting. If you have full intention of becoming a Jedi, read a lot of threads at the Academy. You might find someone who has a RP style very much to your liking and ideology of how you want to roleplay your Jedi.

2) Promotions - don't ask. Roleplay at www.swforums.net (http://www.swforums.net) . 3 months is the shortest time we have promoted someone from Padawan to Knight.

3) Don't be afraid of questions, but read the FAQs (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=52) found at SWForums first. Lots of things general covered there.

4) Different writing styles are generally respected here. Considering what we are trying to accomplish (communication between characters and thier interaction with others and the surroundings), following general writing conventions is helpful.

I won't read a thread really poorly written. Its a pet peeve of mine. However, you certainly don't have to write a novel.

5) Signatures - keep them under 35kb. If you have a signature that you want made smaller, I'd be happy to help, but not to host. My webhost is very taxed.

6) Remember, you shouldn't know much about the Force. You can't just start off being a Master. Everyone has to pay thier dues. Honestly, I find the earlier days of a character more interesting, which is why I have a bunch of them. Roleplaying multipul characters is very much legal here, but please, try to remember, they aren't sharing a brain. Try to discern that when writing in character posts.

7) Lurk. Yes, I said it again. Read things for at least a few days before posting. It will save you from making "stupid" mistakes, and you'll probably have an easier time.

8) NR/ Empire Naval (ship) characters - I am not the person to talk to. Please, discuss with Lounge Lizard (aka Sanis Prent, Charley, etc etc etc etc.), Darth Viscera, Pierce Tondry (Evil Hobgoblin). Its so too much to really cover in this FAQ.

9) As a general rule, what you have done at some other roleplaying board does not count.

10) Watching the movies (Star Wars, duh) and reading a few of the books does help. Movies above all else.