View Full Version : I have a question about character ideas

Adisha Dije
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:34:41 PM
I would like to find some info concerning the twi'lek half of my character. If anyone has any tips, sites, or even know of a book that may be helpful. I'd really appreciate it. I love the species but have never really researched it. Thanks for your help.

Gurney Devries
Apr 30th, 2002, 10:49:02 PM
an alien race characterized by their smooth, pointed head and twin lobes protruding from their heads. (Zorba the Hutt's Revenge says that Twi'leks only have a single lobe.) Often called head tails, the lekku contain additional sensory nerves and are very sensitive, and are thought to be errogenous zones. They have rows of pointed teeth, and close-set, pig-like eyes. They are native to the planet Ryloth. They also have multiple stomachs, and will feed on almost anything, from the fungi that grow on Ryloth to the cowlike rycrits. Twi'leks live in clans which are governed by a five-member group known as a head clan. The members of the clan append their clan name to their given name; for example, Koh'shak. Thise combined name has a definite meaning, and subtle changes in pronunciation can be incurred by the addition of the clan name. The Twi'leki will often adapt the full name to indicate the true - or more flattering - actual name. One example it Nawara Ven. A member of the Ven clan, his full name should be Nawara'ven. However, when translated, this becomes "tarnished silver." His family adapted his full name to be Nawar'aven, which translates to "good speaker" (literally, "silver-tongued"). Twi'leks often belittle one another by using modified variations of their full names.

Ryla Relvinian
May 4th, 2002, 05:56:01 PM
Glad to see another halfer like myself around here! My padawan, Laric N'Worb mentioned something about you, I think. I also have a half Twi'lek, half Human character. Since I have not found anything saying if A. This is possible or B. what they would look like, assuming it is, I have taken the liberties of saying that I am human in appearance, with blue skin (mother was a Rutian Twi'lek) blue eyes and black hair.

Cannonically, There are several types of Twi'leks. Shakka, for example, is in Phantom Menace. She is a red "Lethan" Twi'lek. Of course Oola and Lyn Me are in ROTJ. Ann and Tann Gella are in TPM, and there are even hints of Twi'leks in AOTC. (I hear GL's daughter is playing one in the nightclub...)


The curse of the beauty of the Twi'lek woman is that often they are sold into slavery by their own people. Almost every female Twi'lek in SW is a slave girl, save for one Jedi (Aayla Secura) in AOTC. The rest are all arm-decorations, dancers, or other assorted pieces of property.

There are very few good info sites out there, and I am at the moment working on compiling a good list for you (and me, of course... and anyone else interested.) As for now, there is:

Twilek Central:
twilek.homestead.com/TwiLekCentral.html (http://twilek.homestead.com/TwiLekCentral.html)
The Twi'lek Girls Base:
<a href="http://members.fortunecity.com/twilekgirl/ttgbmain.html

You can also give me a holler on AIM at jediryla or msn as llama14@hotmail.com.