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Arakyd Probe Droid
Dec 15th, 2001, 02:05:53 AM
A streak lashed through the atmosphere of Arcan IV in the early morning hours, looking like an incoming meteorite. It sailed through the sky in a flash, and impacted in a rural forested region, several kilometers from one of the planet's larger cities. A distant bang could be heard as the meteorite impacted in the woods, and then all was still.
Arakyd Probe Droid
Dec 15th, 2001, 02:18:10 AM
Minutes later, a spidery, metallic figure began to emerge from the impact crater, rising above its destroyed entry pod. Raising an antenna set, it slowly glided along on a repulsordrive, taking in all of the area around it.
The Arakyd Probot slowly began to advance towards the outskirts of the city.
Arakyd Probe Droid
Dec 18th, 2001, 12:55:32 PM
Moving unopposed, the reconaissance droid began to fully scout the area, approaching several buildings of an archetectural design that matched a known Jedi style. Along the way, it also noted several other which looked like a large barracks of a sort, and another resembling a restaurant.
Transmitting all information back to its controllers, the droid proceeded toward the Jedi compounds.
GEN Carlist Rieekan
Dec 18th, 2001, 04:49:11 PM
Mount Arcania Command Center. One of the many defense outposts covering the surface of Yavin IV. High on top of the majestetic snow covered volcanic mountain ranges a few klicks north of Lake Sadow. The bunker was naturally concealed by its surroundings, totally camouflaging it from air. Alarms chimed and echoed through the winding ice clad corridors.
NR Chief of Intelligence, Carlist Rieekan stared at a data screen with an intent look on his face. A probe droid of unknown origin had entered the system. The capsule had passed the multilayer shield system for a reason: Capsule had to be captured undamaged, or at least self destruct where there would be high probability its signals could be scrambled. By now, any transmission at unauthorised frequencies should be picked up by the Arakyd (S/ARY) Sensor Array and Listening station. The Main Comm Relay assisted by the Ansible Inc SAT-C Arrays jamming all frequencies with static..
"Sir, our sensors indicate the probe droid is approaching settlements near Yavin spaceport. It is soon within firing range at that sector. Standard self defence procedure are reported to to be initiated.. in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
"Hold fire!"
"If we fire, it will selfdestruct. Kept intact, it will be much easier to identify its heritage and spoof a transmission. We may turn this event to our advantage. Prepare to send a commando team.."
Satine Capashen
Dec 18th, 2001, 10:49:35 PM
ALpha was out walking, and noticed the droid before it noticed him. He jumps to the closest cover, and activates his wrist comm, on low power.
"Satine Capashen, Warrior Jedi Knight here. I just thought you guys might like to know a probe droid is snooping. I have an EMP grenade with me, if you want me to use it, we can get the droid."
Satine waits for a reply, and looks out from his cover, wondering what toys he'll get to play with today...
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