View Full Version : A Challenge to a Jedi (Jedi Knight Akrabbim)

Darth Turbogeek
Jan 5th, 2002, 12:05:54 AM
Outside the Jedi Bar and Grill, a Dark Jedi comes to the doors and the guards there. He decides not to go in, but to speak to a guard instead.

"Would you be good enough to inform The Jedi Knight Akrabbim that I would speak with him? My name is...."

Saying his name would be deadly here.

"...Stig Blomquist. Would you be good enough to ask him to meet me? I will be waiting across the street"

"Why not go inside and see hhim in there?" asked one of the burly guards.

"Because my religion teaches Jedi are not to be approached. It is hard enough for one like me to bring myself to step this close to a Jedi building and it is hard to speak to one. I dare not surround myself with them"

"Oh? It sounds like you have something to hide."

Nice reply, but he was ready for that. "No my friend. I am a believer of the Wheel and of Balance. AHave you heard of that before?"

One of the guards stared and then laughed. "Ahh, one of those, eh? Allright, I'll get him. Wait in our sight"

Turbogeek bowed. "Thank you honoured Sir. My the Wheel turn in your favour"

The guard departed and Turbogeek moved across the road, liek he said he would. To wait.