View Full Version : Mission 1: Hidden in a Cave

Jan 18th, 2002, 02:12:07 PM
A hooded figure clad in long blue robes sat on a bench in the docks. She glanced at the clock on the wall and then sent out a message through the Force.

Tanah, meet me in the docks.....I am there waiting for you. We must leave in ten minutes. You'll know where I am when you get there.......

She was waiting for her good friend Tanah. In ten short minutes, they would be heading off of this planet in Xazor's X-Wing, bound for the icy planet Ilum. In Xazor's right hand, she held a small book and a thin map. The map contained the coordinates that they would need to reach this new world, and the book contained general information about the planet. This mission was important.......but potentially dangerous. They would be safe, though. No matter where they went, they would always be in the presence of friends. Due to many factors which Xazor possesed, they would meet no enemies........To be sure though, Xazor carried a blaster which was given to her by Nash Stolar. She had thoughtfully named it "No Chance", for if used, the one who took the blast had "no chance" of surviving. A worker approached her and bowed.

May I be of service to you? I will load your bags into your ship.

He asked with a cordial smile. Xazor lifted her eyes to meet his and she smiled back. She spoke to him through the Force.

That is fine. My ship is over there, on pad C. I am sure you can figure out how to open the cargo hatch. Here are my things. Thank you.

She said as she motioned to the two bags that sat at her feet. The worker bent over and picked them up and briskly walked toward pad C. Xazor folded her hands and looked at the clock again. Five minutes until they had to leave. Where could she be? Xazor asked herself. She decided that Tanah was probably on her way and she shouldn't worry about it. She'll be here...... She told herself again. She sat back in the shadows, and cloaked herself in quiet solitude as she waited.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 02:15:08 AM
Tanah was tossing the last of the 'neccesities' from her ship into a faded, torn duffel bag. She'd been tinkering with The Revolution to get it out of her system. Her worksuit was covered in grease, and there were smudges on her face.

Tanah, meet me in the docks.....I am there waiting for you. We must leave in ten minutes. You'll know where I am when you get there.......

Tanah smiled. Ten minutes? More time than she expected. She changed quickly into a white t-shirt and baggy jeans, pulling her fiery red hair into a messy ponytail. Swinging her duffel over her shoulder, and strapping a blaster to her hip, she exited Rev and made her way to Xazors ship.

"Ready for some fun?" she called.

Jan 23rd, 2002, 11:59:06 AM
Xazor was sitting in the shadows when she saw Tanah enter into the hanger.

I am ready! My ship is this way. It was just serviced and it is now ready to depart. You can put your stuff in the cargo department.

She said as she almost appeared out of nowhere behind Tanah. Surprised, she turned around and faced the dark figure that spoke to her. Xazor then lowered her hood, revealing her friendly face. She smiled and took Tanah's arm.

This way!

She exclaimed as they walked to her X-Wing.

This is Escape. She runs well and will take us wherever we need to go! The coords are already entered in, and we are due to depart in three minutes.

She said as she gave Tanah a walk-around. She took her things and placed them in the cargo department where Xazor's things had been resting already.

We should probably load ourselves up now, almost time.

She said as she looked at her watch. She got in and sat in the pilots seat as Tanah got in and sat next to her. She pressed a combination of buttons and closed the hatch. They strapped on their safty harnesses as Xazor looked over every guage and device on the front panel.

Everything looks great!

She said with a smile.

Ok, here we go!

She pushed some more buttons and gripped the handles that were directly in front of her. There was a deep rumbling noise and the craft shook all over. It slowly crept to a fast speed toward the hanger release. Suddenly, without much effort, the craft was off the ground and through the giant doors. They blasted out into space in only a few seconds.

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:37:08 PM
Tanah grinned as they took off. "It's been awhile since I've actually had a reason for going somewhere." she pulled her hair out, not comfortable having it up. "Hope you brought some warm clothes...it's pretty cold there. Been ages since I was on Ilum."

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:44:03 PM
Xazor smiled brightly. Her ship was running beautifully today.

Yeah.....that is about the only type of clothes I packed.

She said with a bit of a laugh.

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:48:10 PM
Tanah laughed. "It's a fun place...windy, cold...but fun. Might be a bit of a challenge landing. I've been flying for nine years and I had to circle a couple times before I found a place. Then the best part...we get to climb up this cliff, it's almost solid ice all the way up. I brought some climbing gear." she jerked her thumb back, indicating her bag.

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:55:55 PM
Xazor smiled at the thought of climbing. That is something she handn't done in a while.

Sounds like a lot of fun. You've been flying for 9 years? That's pretty cool. I had to learn how to fly at a very young age. I've been flying for about 11 years. It's a really great experience....

She smiled again.

Jan 27th, 2002, 07:59:08 PM
She nodded. "Yea, I love it. My grandfather died when I was seven and left me his ship. I've lived in that thing as long as I've had it...it's like a member of the family."

Jan 27th, 2002, 09:41:34 PM
Xazor gave a slight laugh. A ship being like a member of a family was a strange thing.

At least you had a family. The only family I knew were Sith. I never knew my parents....

She replied. She looked down at the controls in front of her and put the ship on auto pilot. She had just gotten them out of Yavin VI's atmosphere and it was now time for the ship to take over the coords.

Jan 29th, 2002, 02:12:43 AM
Tanah nodded. "I know, to a degree of course, how you feel. I had my grandfather but he...wasn't all there. But the important thing is we've both found a new purpose...and somehow...it feels more like home here than anywhere."

Jan 29th, 2002, 11:42:13 PM
Definatly......I couldn't wish for a better place....

She said as she stretched her arms back and looked out the window.

Feb 2nd, 2002, 05:06:31 PM
ooc: Hey, if you reply to this between Feb. 3rd through Feb. 12th....I won't be able to reply back, cuz I am going on vacation. If you reply to this, don't worry, I will post right away when I get back! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> Later....

Feb 22nd, 2002, 06:05:50 PM
Tanah smiled. "Before my brother died, he used to tease me that I was going to leave before he did. I used to say that to him. That I couldn't wish for a better place. He said I was crazy... "It's Tatooine Tan! Nothing ever happens here!"...He was a lot of fun." she shook her head. "But anyways...this is going to be a blast!"

Feb 22nd, 2002, 10:24:34 PM
Xazor nodded and smiled brightly. As her ship continued in hyperspace, she reached down and took manual control. They had been in flight for a few hours at an extremely high rate of speed. Pulling back on the main flight controls, the ship gradually slowed until it was flying at only a few hundred miles per hour instead of a few thousand. The stars took back their appearance of small dots instead of streaks of light. Looking out her side window, what Xazor saw took her breath away. A blue icy planet loomed to their left. Checking the coords fast she smiled and spoke.

We're here!

She said in an excited tone. Adrenaline rushed through her blood as she thought of the endless adventures they would find in this new world.

Don't ever listen to someone if they tell you the life of a Jedi is boring!

She laughed and pulled a hard left on the controls, repositioning the craft to head straight for the planet.