View Full Version : Hey don't take it personal

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 22nd, 2002, 01:03:37 PM
Hello Dt and the Gjo just want you to know we are not your real life enemies. Its just a game and I know that this has been said before but I see way to many people taking it serious. Last night I did a joke post in the cheese and Wine thread and Force master hunter took it upon himself to delete my post. Have you guys become petty I don't like my posts deleted. Dt I know you did it you are Force master hunter,Shadow Jedi, Marcus Q dunn, and Dt maybe even Locabre that is your right as admin. but what was Said was a joke why was it deleted. I work hard to write my stuff just like you, for you to summarily delete it IS NOT COOL! As for Soth blowing up your bar. Even we thought it was hasty but Soth is an Excellent Rper. All our stories are made without malice but with the intention of making great stories. Do Jedi just want to talk to each other? What the point of being a Jedi if you don't have an enemy. IM sure someone will come into this thread and spit venom on me. Let me say again it is not done with malice IM a guy at the computer just like your a guy or gal at the computer. I am not Dalamar he is just a character {actually he's two but don't tell the clone there's a bad version running around} If any body wants to talk to me directly about this post you can IM me at flshback1. As for those who wonder what was deleted be prepared to hear the heinous words. I said hello to Xazor and then made a comment about roasting hot dogs from the fire. Oh the Obscenities how could I? Come on Dt play nice and Ill buy you some Flowers. That's if this doesn't get deleted also. I also noticed that after my post the thread got shut down? Why? This is supposed to be for fun remember don't get mad out wit us that's what we want. We don't want to just talk to ourselves. Like the GJO we need competition I do it solely for the stories. So don't yell at me don't act like my action's never happened just out write me that's what where here to do after all. Peace to all. By the way Xazor red or blue your still pretty to me Lots of love See you guys. Hopefully this clears the air from hate. If you want to hunt our characters that just makes it interesting for us I could see Dalamar in a prison somewhere fighting for his life that is if you can catch him. It is all for fun.

Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:19:57 PM
LOL, hey Vampy...... yeah, red or blue, it's okay. After I sent that email to you about the blue thing, I decided that I like the red. Red looks good on blondes....especially this one. ;) I was just wondering if somewhere on my sig (or if you want to play around with some of the stuff on it already, just don't take out important stuff like my quote or the saber thing, or my name....) put in there that I am a Warrrior? That would be cool......

Anywayz......about the whole thing, sorry if I yelled at you, I probably didn't think about it and just posted. I had a rough day and then someone came to blow up the bar.......bad combo. If it had been any other day, ANY OTHER DAY!! it would have been alright....I guess. The only thing that got me was that Soth didn't ask the admin for permission, and there was no place for the Jedi to interceed. Anyway, it's okay now, I have just totally removed myself as of this day. I apologize for yelling at you since I probably did it unknowingly. ;) Well, you have a great day and talk to ya later.......


Marcus QDunn
Mar 22nd, 2002, 08:46:49 PM
a) Some threads are not to be joked at, especially ones where tempers are simmering. Any joke posts (and there were others) I saw were deleted as fast as I saw them. So you were not singled out. The thread was then closed becuase nothing else needed to be said. Opinions were quite clear. There is a time and place for jokes and in a situation where tempers are cooling off is not a good place to make them. Especially ones which could be seen as a backhanded insult.

I reiterate, yours was not the only joke deleted.

The point of the B&G is so the Jedi have a safe haven where we can interact in peace. That is why weapons are confiscated and that is why we have reserved the right of reply or deletion - that was said a long time ago.

Fights however can be done in this foum, no one has a problem with that.

And I suspect no-one is OOC pissed at you, I'm certainly not. I am pissed at the incident, no more. As a person OOC I have no real opinion as I dont know who you are

AIM : Darth Turbogeek

Vampyre Dalamar
Mar 23rd, 2002, 09:42:23 AM
Xazor you yelled at me when, where, Going home depressed, sadness sets in, Okay Im over it will fiddle as per your request. DT thanks for answering me at least. Though dont agree with your reasons I can respect them.

Mar 23rd, 2002, 04:22:22 PM
I'm sorry Vampy....... ;) Thanks for working on my sig for me.......<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">