View Full Version : Countdown Clocks!!

Sage Hazzard
Apr 14th, 2002, 01:54:16 AM
Howdy gents and ladies.

Download downloadable countdown clocks at:

www.clockdown.com (http://www.clockdown.com)

That way you can see the every dropping numbers fly by when your OFFLINE. Yay! Plus, new skins might appear later as submissions are made. So you should check back.

Actually, I'm thinking about submitting a skin. Tell me what you think, should I make more? Do I have a chance of getting it put to use? BTW, DO NOT click on this image link unless you have seen the AOTC trailer or are not trying to keep away from spoilers contained in trailers. The image is taken from that perticular trailer.

syriuscline.clanpages.com...anikin.gif (http://syriuscline.clanpages.com/padmeandanikin.gif)