View Full Version : Searching for Niccadimas

Mar 14th, 2002, 02:58:27 AM
His capsule had been jettisoned from their home planet flinging him through space. He was to meet Niccadimas upon Yavin IV. This however did not happen. His personal shuttle had been intercepted by a Interdictor cruiser involved in a picket of spacecraft to drop NR craft out of hyperspace it was only then that a counter assault erupted all about him and his shell of a vehicle that he was eventually rescued by a NR frigate and transported as far as the Arcan IV Trading base.

A solemn wave and a kind word of peace to his rescuers was all that he offered. For he had no money nor assets. He only afforded himself and his companion, the Force.

Mar 18th, 2002, 08:06:53 PM
<font size=2><a href=http://pub80.ezboard.com/fmockadanesseechfrm3.showMessage?topicID=1.topic>Continued from Mockadane's Seech</a></font>

The hyperdrives proximity alarm sounded once, notifying Maia that her Blastboat had arrived at its destination. Niccademas had little knowledge of starships, and trying to plot a coarse through hyperspace for Him would be next to impossible to say the least. Yet the Force is a strong ally. It surround's us, merges with us, and binds the galaxy together. The conversations and interactions with Maia were genuine and enlightening, but there was a reason for his action's. All the astrogation computers calculations appeared correct but instead of being where She had thought She was going, The industrial weigh station of Arcan IV filled the ships veiwport. Sensing a growing concern from Maia, Niccademas spoke reassuringly...

"Fear not young one, the Force has guided us to this place." The lines of worry had disappeared from the face of Niccademas as he looked out at the planet through closed eye's. For long moments the only movement detectable was breathing from him until he turned towards the girl. "Can you take me to the planets surface? ... there's something I must tend to."

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 18th, 2002, 09:33:37 PM
Maia checked and rechecked her nav computers when she saw that she had arrived at Arcan IV it was not the coordinates that she had entered. Niccademis spoke in a reassuring tone and she began to understand. He had been guided to this place and she had told him she would give him a lift to where ever he had wanted.

Giving him a smile she began landing procedures, informing the landing base of who she was. "Of course Master Niccademis it would be my pleasure, would you like me to wait for you here and then we can go back to the GJO?" She inquired she knew he would want to come back with her she felt he had important business there even though she didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was as he said the force had led her to the place she had met him and maybe something lay in their future that would entwine them in the way that it had...

Mar 22nd, 2002, 03:10:22 AM
"Please my dear, its just Niccademas." He smiled as he patted her lightly on the hand. This talk of masters and padawans was somthing that confused him, as was most everything He had witnessed, thus far in his journey. Watching Maia's hands as She manipulated the many buttons and controls of the Blastboat, guiding it through space and bringing it to land on Arcan IV with a gentle ease, Amazed Niccademas.

The quiet time in hyperspace allowed Niccademas to write down his experiances into his journal. Upon landing he placed everything into his satchel and sealed it. looking at Maia he calmly spoke...

"There is an old saying where Im from ...'Time ... is the fire, in which we all burn.' This among all things is why everyone needs to take heed of there actions, for they may come back to haunt them!" He scanned the veiwport once again. "I dont know the goings on around here but I'll let the Force guide me... I dont know how long I'll be and will understand if you cant wait."

Standing, He walked to the ramp and spoke before exiting the ship... "May the light accompany and guide you along your journey you call life." He smiled at her as he looked into her soal, "I'll find you and show you how to find inner peace... that I promise!"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 24th, 2002, 02:35:33 AM
Maia cocked her head as he watched the kind Jedi walk away. She could sense the peace he seemed to carry with him. She didn't understand about the master thing but what she did know was that he had a good heart it was something you could feel right away. Maia smiled and sat down to wait for him to come back, she would wait as long as he wanted. Simply because he had given her something not many had, hope for her being able to release her past and redeem what her family had done.

Mar 31st, 2002, 01:43:32 PM
From the moment Niccademas set foot upon this planet, sorrow filled his heart as the Force tendrills He sent out brought back little hope of calm or peace. Walking about in this bustling metropolis, the tell-tale sign's that the darkside was festering out their somewhere, made Him feel very uneasy. Most of the people seamed genuine enough, some even returned his hello's in passing, but in the midst of it all He felt a nagging decietfulness every bit as strong as the calm. So much anger dwelling all around caused Niccademas to focus inward and wash these new feelings away with the light.

Among the third hour He happened down a street that was sectioned off from pedestrians. Make shift barracade's blocked the way with what appeared to be law enforcement personell standing watch. Streaching out with the Force, Niccademas felt the darkside like a stain in the air. Something dark and sinister had caused this. The only thing he could get out of the armed guard is that it was off limits, so with nothing more to say He sought a different path.

After a while He found himself in a beautiful park that had a wide variety of plants and trees. The fragrant smell of life filled his sences as he marveled at how peaceful this place was. Coming to rest on a bench in the shade of a very large tree with a silver tinted bark and leaves that were hued redish, He began eating some dried fruit he had brought along. Watching parents play with there children and the sounds of innocent laughter brought a peacefull feeling to his weary soal.

Apr 5th, 2002, 10:22:56 PM
Raymious was walking in the park, feeling the life force flowing through him. His surroundings, trees and plants of all shapes, colors, and sizes. Remembering his home. Raymious was born on the fourth moon of Yavin. His father, Mathis, was the person who had introduced the force into Raymious's life. Before Raymious came to the Greater Jedi Order, He would go from planet to planet, trying to find someone who could teach him more than he had already knew.

While Raymious was walking in the park, He noticed a man. A rather strange old man, sitting on a bence, writing in his journal and eating dried fruit. Raymious thought that this behavior was odd. He had never seen a jedi write in a journal, or eat dried fruit. Raymious thought he might introduce himself to this man.

Raymious sat down on the bench, where the older jedi was sitting, and brought out an apple and started eating it. "Hello sir. May I ask you what you are doing." Raymious realizing he had gotten off to the wrong start "Im sorry, I shouldn't begin that way." Raymious held out his hand, "Hi, I am Raymious."

Apr 11th, 2002, 01:30:08 AM
The slow peacefull thrum in the force the newcomer presented without trying, Niccademas picked up on immediatly as he sat, Writing down his experiances and feelings in his tome. As the young man came to sit and began to talk, He filed his book back into his satchel.

Listening to the young man He smiled and held his hand out and shook the others... "I am Niccademas, new to these parts, and very glad to make your aquaintance!" The old man smiled as he spoke. Motioning around... "Very beautiful area, wouldnt you say?"

Taking in the fragrant smells in a long slow breath... "You know... where I come from, a place that cannot be changed by ambition is fortress of solitude and peace. A place for meditation and attonement. No matter where my journey's take me, I can always visit these places in my memory!" Niccademas smiled thinking of all that he has seen.

Apr 11th, 2002, 01:03:23 PM
Raymious was hanging on every word in amazement. He thougt that a place as peaceful and comforting as that, should be the greatest planet in the whole galaxy. Yet, Raymious had never heard of a planet that well.

"What planet is it you talk about. I have never heard a planet talked about like that, except for maybe this place." Raymious was waiting for Niccademas to finish with what he was doing and then answer him.

Apr 18th, 2002, 02:49:24 AM
Heaing the young mans question Niccademas delved into the Force and let it wash out in waves of sugestion. This perticular Force power allowed the old man to relax as he erased the curiosity from Raymios's mind as he could not tell the young man his origins.

Looking into the young mans eyes... "You know, its not so much where weve been, as it is where we are going!"

Apr 18th, 2002, 11:26:58 PM
With the force flowing through him, Raymious understood what Niccademas was trying to say.

"Well then. Where are we going."