View Full Version : The Force Wall
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 01:25:20 PM
Just to clearify things, I was not the first one to use the Force Wall on these boards. Anbira was. I just found this out, so I felt I should announce it. Sorry to anyone who I've given wrong information to.
Although. I never knew Anbira evem USED the Force Wall, so it doesn't really take away my creative ability OOC. I didn't steal it from him. It's just we both created it on our own, then the paths ran together and I got messed up in process. HE created it.
Hey, Anbira, if you're reading this, what affiliation did you have when you created it? Sith or Jedi? Maybe I can still be the first JEDI to use it.
Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 26th, 2002, 02:12:36 PM
It doesn't really matter. I mean, its just an application of force push/pull...the generic physical manipulation power of the force.
Its like wondering who invented the wheel...when we both know that likely, neither of us did so.
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:47:43 PM
I don't care who created it, I think it is quite useful....especially in spars. <img src= ALT=":)"> I am the official creater of the "Ice Cube". <img src= ALT=":)"> If you really want to know what it is...ask Marcus or Alpha. <img src= ALT=":D"> <img src= ALT=":lol"> It's something pretty cool. (literally) ;)
Marcus QDunn
Apr 26th, 2002, 08:49:22 PM
I'm pretty sure someone used it before Anbira
Sage Hazzard
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:06:19 PM
Well I just wanted to clearify my mistake. I know a few people on this board that remember me using the Force Wall, and me saying I created the idea of using the Force in that way. I feel like a dope now though, since you used it before me.
Hey, I do think I created the Force Spike. It's not a Force Pike, although some people read it wrong so think that's what it is. It's an add on to the Force Wall, making it have a large spike. Highly lethal, but good if your actually killing someone like a NPC.
Apr 26th, 2002, 11:12:36 PM
<img src= ALT=":lol"> Yeah, you gave me a whole schpeel on how you created it, Sage. <img src= ALT=":lol"> hehehe
Sage Hazzard
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:11:46 AM
Well, I was the proud papa then. Now I'm the proud... stepmother? <img src= ALT=":lol">
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:16:26 AM comment.... ;)
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:08:14 PM
I have the Force Windblade :)
The Force collects air molecules and condenses the air into a thick "disk" shaped object. The air is so thick, you see the faint outline. This attack could cut through almost anything if you think about it. It narrows to such a fine, sharp point.
Hoshi No Shikyo
Apr 27th, 2002, 01:42:34 PM
It's no biggie Sage, at least you didn't try making a force attack that didn't catch on!
*looks back at the failures*
Tsk,tsk....What was I thinking?
Azhure Darkstone
Apr 27th, 2002, 08:52:11 PM
is the ice cube like the air trap? I made the air trap (I think, unless someone I know has used it before me and I'm unaware of it)but will not be able to use it until a higher level though. Im interested Xazor, email me about the ice cube =).
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:05:21 PM
It isn't like the air trap...well, in a way, it kinda is...but not really. I know it doesn't make sense, but I'll talk to you later about it! <img src= ALT=":)">
verse dawnstrider
Apr 28th, 2002, 05:06:45 PM
I am proud of my own creation. 'The Dawnstrider's Light.'
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 28th, 2002, 06:57:54 PM
I think I can make the Ice Cube, you pull in the water molecules (sp?) From the air around you, and then suddenly pull out all the heat, or drain the heat from the around the water! and VOLIA!!! Neat little popcicles you can use in your drink! Air Filtered!
Technically, with the force, you can make metal melt. You just start vibrating the atoms and speed them all up. And slowly, the metal will super heat and melt. I see only Masters being able to do this, and only ones with supreme telekinises powers. And the section of metal is small. Like maybe buring through wires and such easily or melting locks or stuff like that.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:35:29 PM
You can not affect matter in a speedy manner. What you describe is not possible to do without planning and a good deal of time.
And another point - ever wonder why Jedi dont do these things? Cause there are faster and more effient methids. Why bother with a Force Windblade (Which would be completely useless in a fight), when you have a really nice sabre that can do much better, faster, with less mental energy expelled?
And I am an established Master at Tlekinesis and it's subtleies. Basically, what you have said is a basic rip off of how I have worked for nearly three years.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 28th, 2002, 07:50:22 PM
Basically, what you have said is a basic rip off of how I have worked for nearly three years.
That's a bit strong. I'm sure it isn't a "rip-off" of your work, it doesn't take a genious to work out that telekinesis can be used in such refined ways. The application of kinetic energy to matter would hardly take a "good deal of time," a minute or so perhaps with concentration. In any case, it is all down to a matter of opinion with regards to what is or isn't possible with regards to using the Force.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 28th, 2002, 08:55:33 PM
No one else writes it that way. No, it might not take a genius to work it out, but I've always described the basic effects on molecular structures certain pushes or pulls on sub-atomic matter. The first time I wrote of the the ability to manipulate matter at a fundamental level was 1999. It's always presented in a logical progression, spread over several posts by a sleigh of hand. So, while the wording is harshish, the statement is true. A rare few may have used atomic manipulation in very sparse application, but this is a standard Modus Operandi for first DT, then Marcus in turn.
To even be able to move one atom would take a great deal of knowledge on matter for starters and it's relationship to The Force, a very, very fine grained control and a good deal of Force power to execute it.
and as I said, such fine grained control isnt necessarily the easiest or best way to achieve what you want. Why bother with a fine grain shield, when there are better ways to aid protection - like maybe duck?
The only real fine grain control I could think I could not have done by other methods was the creation of the sword Marcus carries.
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:26:55 PM
I created the dark shroud, I think. I am pretty sure I was the first person to use it. I could make the room partially fill with fog and I could sneak around in it. Very complicated, and Lynch and I worked to "perfect" (dk if that is what I should use) it.
Apr 28th, 2002, 10:34:15 PM
Nupraptor has the ability to completely manipulate darkness: He can make shadows seem tangible and almost alive. Also, although I doubt that I'm the first person to use the Force in such a way, I don't recall anyone else using it to actually hide themselves from sight, when I first started RPing. Although he prefers to melt into the shadows, he will simply vanish from sight if necessary.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:04:34 AM
Well Ok, shiit on my Parade... And it was never your Original "idea" Try reading the Warlock Series of books.
(About a man who is flying through space in search of the lost Colonies and finds a planet full of people with ESP, but having been cut off from technology developed a medival outlook and called ESPers Witches and Warlocks.)
It is this what gave me the idea, and these books came out a while ago. So don't go all high and mighty on me and thinking how smart you are when this idea has been examined most possibly countless times.
And if Nup can move around light, then I sure as hell can move around Air. And the Force Windblade is fast, deadly, and unblockable by another lightsaber, the air would just travel around it.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 01:30:59 AM
You fartblade is simply not do-able in a speed sense. It's an excuse to God mode. And if you think it would go around a sabre, you have failed to understand the nature of a sabre blade. go abck to source books and think again. Or do you want a lesson in how a sabre blade is formed now? Actually, I think it's more of a God Mode attempt. I think no one objects to Nup using manipulation of shaodws and darkness as he is a very fair player. Saying you have an unblockable Wind Blade is NOT.
And I am simply telling you, I well and truly beat you to the advanced use of Kinetics - the way you describe it is exactly the way I have written it. That is a fact and if you dont believe me, go read Dark Fury and identify where I began to develop the where's and hows properly. My ideas are not based on this whatever series, the basic sketch is sourced from two other sources - Streen of the Jedi Acadamy trilogy and the book Magician. Combining the two gives an advanced state of Kinetics, then it's given a set of limits to prevent incredible overpowering. It's given certain time and energy frames. It's then researched and RP'ed out over an extened period of time and is not usable instantaniously and especially not for a weapon as you described. The fine grain control and concentration is too much in a allow an active use like that. The only truly practical fighting use is to set up an endplay and a fight finisher.
Telekinesis can be used fast as a area wall or push quite easily. Narrowing it down and achieveing a fine grain control takes concentration and time, both of which you dont have in a fight. A crude tornado or Fire storm is possible and an endplay, but I would be a nut to use it in a potentially unresolved fight - ie if I missed, I would be critically weakened as the energy and concentration is fierce to achieve it. Even then, a Fire Storm is always played out over at least 4 posts, or over the period of a resonable amount of time. Fine grained and fast in the middle of a fight is not practical or even exactly doable
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:12:50 AM
I think no one objects to Nup using manipulation of shaodws and darknessIt's actually the manipulation of Light: ie, Illusions. After all... Darkness is merely the absence of Light.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 02:57:41 AM
*Editied out unacceptible personal attack*
Last time I checked I wrote unblockable by Lightsaber.
I also know the nature of a lightsaber. But wind channels around it, or goes around it last time I checked, unless you are saying that a lightsaber can stop the wind, WHICH IT CANT.
For the God Modding, I have Never God moded on purpose. The only time I was ever accused was when I just started and still didn't know the rules.
And who made you high lord on all Star War know how? I don't know about the others, but you are freaking treating me like dirt. I get enough of that from the idiots at my school and I don't wish it here. We have the technology now days to condense Air, and the force wind blade is the same. Condensed air, not really individual control, but the focusing of a force air wall into a wedge, or if you want, I can change it, I leave MY mind open at least.
I thought about what I said, and the I foresee a few conclusions, either, someone tries to shut me and ignore me. deletes this entire thread, and or bans me. Now I have always prided myself in my logic, even if most say its a twisted logic. Logically, You are correct, that the Force Windblade takes to much power. Illogically, you had no reason to attack my ideas and claim standard ideas as your own.
I was thinking, would it be possible to create a windblade using the electromagnets that dwell in the space between the Air Molecules? The Electromagnets would pull together if hit with the right energy, and it would bring the air molecules along with it. That would make things a hellava lot easier and not require as much energy.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:03:11 AM
I read it. I still can read between the lines.
Now, if you want a decent debate, bring it on. I look forward to it. Bring all the evidence and facts you want, I like a good debate.
If you want to play martyr, you will find I have a lack of caring. If you dint like if I call something God Mode, in this place that is your problem, not mine. Bringing in the Martyr card means to me, my case is proven and I have no need to listen further.
If you want to call me names, then you had better watch yourself. I have the edit function and I will use it. I have not called you an idiot, or an ass, I called the Wind Blade God Moding. If you want to respond with calling an ass, you are on very shakey ground doing it here. Unlike SWFans when I admined there, I have no hesitation in acting here. If you want to argue the point out, then be my guest.
Calling me an ass or playing martyr to win sympathy scores no points. Argue and debate the point instead.
Well? Your choice now what is next.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 29th, 2002, 12:25:06 PM
So, while the wording is harshish, the statement is true. A rare few may have used atomic manipulation in very sparse application, but this is a standard Modus Operandi for first DT, then Marcus in turn.
I wasn't saying you haven't been doing such a thing as fine-tuning telekinesis, I don't doubt it. My point was that I just think that claiming it to be a "rip-off" of your ideas is possibly too much, it's not unheard that two roleplayers can have the same ideas. You agreed that the wording is "harshish" but the statement that it is a rip-off is not neccessarily true.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:02:33 PM
I repeat, try reading what I type, and not what you think I typed.
I never called you any names, I just suggested that you take "the cotton out of your ears" Its the same thing.
But you made fun of my attack, calling it the "Fartblade" which is a direct insult to me.
Also, Calling me a god moder is akin to calling you a Cow Tipper, its placing a false action on someone else. You know its not true, so you take offense. You call me a God-Moder, which I know is not true, so I take offense. Now please stop reading between the lines, and read the lines as they truely are, I am not calling you a Cow Tipper, I am just using it as a example. And I would enjoy a debate, my medication is still working right now, so I can think with a clear mind.
And I ask again. Would it be possible to use the electromagnetic space in between the air molecules to create a windblade?
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:28:16 PM
I am not taking sides, I am just saying that I believe that Dyzm is right. That move sounds perfectly legal to me. I may be a little rusty RPing, and I am not sure of the new rules, but I do not see a way to make that move illegal. I mean look at my old signature move, the Force Fireball. I shot out a huge fireball, and it was UNBLOCKABLE by a saber. You could try to cut it in half, but it is fire, meaning it would go back together. The move Dyzm is talking about would be the same thing, except he is using air instead of fire.
Helenias QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 06:39:40 PM
I will now interject.
Grow up.
While Marcus has a unique way of annoying anyone, I would say that you are now being a complete childish prat and I am going to say shut up. Drawing any comparisons from God Mode and Child sex offences is disgusting, degrading, immature and appalling. This is, without a doubt, one of the most illogical and pathetic comparisions I have seen.
This is a game. Now if you are going to behave this badly, I dont see why anyone should give you any credence. I for one am totally disgusted by your last post.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:26:10 PM
I wish to point out that I never called him a cow tipper, I was using it as a example. I dont know about others, but when I insult someone, I come right out and insult them. I do not mask it in other meanings. I rarely call people names, or insult them often, unless I was insulted first.
This is, without a doubt, one of the most illogical and pathetic comparisions I have seen.
O, its perfectly logical from my point of view. Would you of feeled better if said Goat Lover instead? No, you would of responded to anything in just the same way. So I picked the biggest lie that I could think of for my example.
Now I would thank you so kindly not to call me names, for I have called no one names yet. And if you really wish to join me in childish behavior, we can have a name calling contest. Which you would proberly win for I do not call many people names.
Loki Ahmrah
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:28:23 PM
I agree that the "Child Rapist" thing was in poor taste, but I believe he used it to make crystal clear his point of view by using extremes to convey the fact that being called something you're not or at least don't perceive yourself to be can be taken as an insult.
My two bits.
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:45:42 PM
If you persist in swearing Dyzm and using totally inappropriate comments as you just have, you will get a short holiday from here. First warning.
As I said, you want to argue the point as to the legality? Go for it. I'm ready and waiting and I will be happy to debate the issue.
But while you use inappropriate language, I will not. There is no excuse to use ill considered and frankly outrageous comparisions and language. You have gone, much, much further than is necessary. There is no need to resort to the argument you have and there is no need to resort to the language as well.
Basically, if someone calls me a God Moder, then I will argue the point out using logic and step forward my argument. I advise you to do the same.
Gurney Devries
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:51:32 PM
Regardless of everything else, I do think that the Windblade would be a tremendous effort for something that doesn't sound very effective, and is thus kind of pointless. But I'm not really going to object to him using it. If he tries to lop off my head with it, I'll just come up with a creative way to avoid it - like any good RPer.
Apr 29th, 2002, 07:59:31 PM
I too agree with Helenias and Marcus. I think that the comparison was in poor taste and actually this whole argument is childish. All Marcus said was that your weapon is that of God Moding and I agree. He didn't appear to wish to start and argument. It was his opinion and personally, too many people take things like that in the wrong way. If I state my opinion on something, that is how I feel about it and no one is going to change my mind or tell me otherwise. I am always open for ideas and what not, but no one will insult me or my personal opionion for that is a personal attack. These are just my points of view and I am not looking to start an argument either. I just don't like to see stuff like this, especially with uneeded profainity and other crude uses of the english language. Please respect others whom do not wish to view things like that. Thank you.....
Marcus QDunn
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:10:15 PM
Gurney - Well, I would dispute that. I would concede forming the blade is possible, but as for the actual active use, I dont see a Jedi or Sith being stong enough to keep the type of control needed to keep the blade in existance for any real and useful length of time - or use. The actual formation of the balde would be a refinement of the usage of the Force that would be beyond even Yoda. Manipulation of individual molecules I think would be a pretty hard thing at all, let alone the active use of it.
The use of the Force is not really precise it appears to me. There's a level of bluntness that makes the Force not exactly a rapier like weapon - it's more of a sledgehammer IMO. It also takes time and a lot of concentration to use. That's wehre the base issue to me is.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 29th, 2002, 08:13:45 PM
Wow, I just love how everyone is just reading between the lines and not really paying attention, you all see one word and then go on the defensive, without even reading the rest of the sentence. I notice that alot, and I must keep reminding myself that not everyone maxed out the reading section of the SAT.
Well anyway, seeing that everyone is against me, for using just one word. I have decided to change it to Cow Tipper, for I was just trying to use a example and never ment to insult anyone. But I guess people can't tell the difference.
And For the profanity, try looking up Prat and telling me what that it is not the same as calling someone a (decided you would proberly label this as cussing and "edit" it anyway. Who knows)
Now that everyone is happy, can we get back to the FREAKING QUESTION AT HAND?
Edit: I thank all those people who know what I was saying as an Example, even if it was a bit crude. Thank you for having the intelligence to understand.
Apr 29th, 2002, 10:52:53 PM
Here is what I dont understand. You people keep saying this is childish and stuff, yet you continue to argue right along with us. Maybe you should stop telling us we need to grow up and look at what you are doing. I am not trying to start a flame war, I am just saying, if you put us down you are putting yourself down, because by arguing with us you are stooping to the same level as we are, or at least that is how I feel.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Apr 30th, 2002, 12:01:29 AM
I just started off talking about an attack, and next thing I know, I am put down, backed into a corner, and forced to respond, and when I respond, I again get "Slapped" down for using some "bad" choice of words.
All I wish to know is if its possible to using the space in between the Air itself to form the Wind Blade, I think yes. In between air is space, but it is not really empty space. It has ibacically electromagnet fields and other similar things that penentrate the empty space between the Air Molecules, so wouldn't I be able to form a wind blade quickly by using the space around the air? Its like this, you charge the "empty space" and it clumps together and you form that around the wind blade. Keeping that together. After charged, the electromagnetic fields will stay together until they loose the charge. And keeping the charge will not be very hard, using about the same amount of force power as a push.
Lady DeVille
Apr 30th, 2002, 03:55:18 AM
My freaking goodness.
Aside from the name calling, it looks like this has gone on to a semi conclusion. I'm closing this thread to stop the argument.
I would comment further, but my position as mod stops me from it. DANG IT!
TO YOUR CORNERS! *gives Mark and Dyzm the evil eye*
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