View Full Version : Master Yogurt's Bar&Grill blown sky high!...

Death Knight Soth
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:02:10 AM
It had been almost three week's from the day when the "Creature's of the Damned" had a little run in with the jedi scum that frequented the place, "Master Yogurt's Bar & Grill." The jedi there were less then impressive to say the least. Soth and Pandora left the place that night with little more then a scratch or two. If that was their best, they had a lot more to learn in their ways of the Force. The bar was still under construction from the last encounter, however, this fateful night would bring an end to the old standing tavern once and for all. The Death Knight wanted to send a little message to them loud and clear. It was this "Subtle Reminder" that would shake their little haven and send a painful reverberating message that would be soon felt throughout the jedi council.

The Dark Knight watched with his Vampyre eye's as the Slithe moved about the night undetected like trained assasian's amongst the inky black shadow's. They would be his deterrent with the local law enforcer's that patrolled the area around the bar and grill.

Soth was in a rented room two stories above ground level, in a building a few block's away from the targeted establishment. He choreographed the careful movement's that would insure ultimate success. He had a team of professional's working on this event starting with the mercenary Eldorack. He was the one who supplied the Master Vampyre with the detention devisees and detonator's.
pub49.ezboard.com/fshrine...D=10.topic (http://pub49.ezboard.com/fshrineofthedamnedfrm3.showMessage?topicID=10.topi c)

It was now in the wee hours of the night when the local area people had drifted off to sleep and the changing of the guard was taking place. The Death Knight had his way of planting enough miniature explosives to blow Master Yogurt's bar and Grill sky high! The personal crew that was working on the construction of the bar from the last mishap, cleverly disguised, slipped the needed material in to do the job. No one even expected it. They simply mingled in with the other hired contracted labor. While laying the flooring, repairing wall's, and moving in essential material to finish the job, theses hired expert's planted there deadly trap. Everything was now in place...

Soth leaned against the window seal as the last of the Slithe were out of sight. An evil smile slowly formed on his face as he reached down to a wrist device that had a series of pulsing light's and button's. As he punched in a coded command, an alarm sounded a few block's away. With wicked amusement, the Dark Knight watched as the NRSF troop's ran towards the location of the disturbance. Moment's later, Soth reached down and punched in a command that sounded a fire alarm inside the Bar and Grill it's self. Soon after, the staff as well as the inhabitants of the bar ran out until they were at a somewhat safe distance from the entrance. Soth smiled as he slowly reached down and hit the last "Red" pulsating light. An earth shattering explosion rocked the surrounding buildings as glass was blown out of there frames and door's unhinged by the horrific detonation! The concussion blew the near by people off their feet when the wave hit them. Lumber and debris jetted skywards with other material as the mushroom shaped fireball lifted into the night skyline.

Soth closed the wrist lid on the device he had on his forearm. Whit great satisfaction he watched as the fireball slowly dissipated high above the city. Yogurts bar & grill was no more. His own evil smile was now reflecting back at him in the pane of glass his was looking out.

"Yes, Anbira, we will meet my friend. You can count on that...Jedi!"

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:05:35 AM
Maia ran out of the bar when the fire alarm sounded, a lot of her friends beside her. She figured it was a false alarm but better safe than sorry. When she had just reached the outside door, there was a sudden silence and then a huge blast that flung her forward. The heat that seared her back was horridness and she could hear the screams and the moans coming from all around her. Her eyes burned with the smoke that surrounded her. She could feel pieces of the building falling on her. She looked behind her and the devastation brought new tears to her eyes. The place she had found peace in was almost utterly gone. Fire licked up around the base of the floor that was all that there seemed to be left. She glanced around her and saw that the few that had been inside had made it out safely. She could see that some were hurt but not badly. Maia stood up looking for her Ari. She could hear his piercing cry above the sound of the demonic sounding flames.

She whistled to him and he landed softly on her shoulder. She pressed her cheek to his slightly singed feathers. "Oh Ari this is awful who would do such a thing?" She whispered sadly as tears streamed down her cheeks. The sound of the guards trying to control the pandemonium that was going on and the moans of those hurt around her was almost to much to bear. "Who ever committed this crime should pay dearly. Will the people of the light ever be safe?" Maia said as she dropped to her knees holding her wounded arm. She had thought when she came here that she would always be safe but it seemed that evil reached everywhere even her peace loving new home...

Anbira Hicchoru
Mar 21st, 2002, 12:13:03 AM
:: Anbira awoke to the sound of an explosion, the shockwave echoing in the distance like a gunshot. Though he lacked details, the Force granted him basic insight:

Lord Soth.

He turned to his window, watching the corona of fading fire in the distance, now the remnants of the Bar and Grill. As the embers drifted to the ground, the Jedi donned his robes, turning to a pedestal by the door. He extended his hand, and Gallanthor came to his grasp, as the venerable Jedi quickly made his way to the scene of the attack. ::

Marcus QDunn
Mar 21st, 2002, 04:10:53 AM
OOC : Before I reopen, I will make this clear. You do not go dont things liek this without dseeking ADMIN approval, as it clearly states in the B&G FAQ.

Reopened and moved to the correct forum

Death Knight Soth
Mar 21st, 2002, 10:41:46 PM
Against the vast dark fabric of space, the jet black body of the Haypen class ship moved on a new trajectory heading, virtually undetected. The exhaust system of the "Intruder II" left no tracer's due to the highly sought after and expensive "Tybainium" fuel that burnt in it's triad engine's. The newly innovative and highly sophisticated propulsion system was the latest technology that the time had to offer. The Death Knight had left the planet of Arcan IV with no distraction's other then a few clearance check's that were registered under another false rebel ship code.

Soon after Soth's departure, the humble jedi city was cast into marshal law by the jurisdiction of the senate faction that made up the regional area. It was a very close call indeed, however, the Dark Knight plan's were well orchestrated and thought through. Week's of calculated planning, and carefully guarded meeting's, secretly took place between the "Slithe Order" in remote rendezvous point's that the Death Knight had prearranged and designated week's prior to the bombing attack. In Soth's eye's, this was more then a retaliatory action upon the jedi order. There was purpose behind his dark agenda...

Soth's sinister method was to eradicate and hurt the jedi one by one, starting with the young and promising jedi apprentice, Tatiana. Through a series' of vision's and dream's, the Master Vampyre had seduced Tatiana on her jedi home world where she resided. Luring her out of the safe haven she once called home, and into the wicked fold's of the Dark-Side it's self. Ultimately the young woman fell under his control. She was now a willing captive at the strong hold of the "Shrine of the Damned!"

As Soth casually reached forward to the control panel of his ship. He activated the scrambling sequence before jumping into hyperspace. This would insure a safe undetectable trace route he was about to take. Soth then hit the toggle switches to the nava-computer. As the diagnostic display screen came to life, Soth's mind recalled the meeting between himself and the former Sith Master, now jedi, Anbira Hicchoru. At one time the Dark Knight had a deep seated respect for the TSE leader gone awall. How Anbira had heaped glory upon the name of the Sith Empire. Endless victories were won alone by his once mighty hand to their cause. Now his mind was poisoned, clouded with the jedi code of hypocrisy and the doctrine's of an old and dying faith. Soth sneered at the thought of Anbira's weak and impressionable mind. The thought of Anbira's sin's infuriated the Death Knight...

"This is why you must die Hicchoru!" Soth thought to himself as the nava-computer indicator light's blinked, indicating the hyper drive engines where primed for jump.

"Yes, Anbira, you have played the fool for the last time my friend. Soon I will have your bleeding heart in exchange for the treason you have committed against us!" Through the Force, the Death Knight at that moment sent his vindictive and hateful thought's to Anbira who was still on the planet's surface.

The star's outside Soth's ship seemed to pause for a split second, then they suddenly streaked past the Haypen canopy as the triad engines whined in protest...Lord Soth was now on his way to plan his next move,...Anbira Hicchoru's death!

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 23rd, 2002, 12:15:06 AM
Maia could not bear to look at the place she called home and she knew that she should not feel the hate welling up in her heart at this horrible act. Her master had told her that hate only led to the Darkside but it was so hard not to hate who ever had done this. So many of her friends could have been killed. The loss of the bar alone was like a physical blow. Ari cooed softly in her ear. She knew he must be in some pain with the burns he had received from he blast. She would search out Jubei SaDherat Vader she knew he would heal her beloved pet.

She turned from he building with tears streaking her face looking for Master Jubei, hoping he would show up. Her eyes searched the crowd for friends...

Mar 23rd, 2002, 12:33:27 AM
Xazor's jaw dropped as she stood and viewed the whole thing. She was just about to enter the bar when an alarm sounded and people rushed out. She gritted her teeth and looked at the ground, shaking her head. She would not anger, though.......she looked around frantically then, as she searched out her friends and loved ones. The first one she thought of was her Father and Master, Verse Dawnstrider. She could not locate him, and her heart began to race as horrible thoughts ran through her mind.

Father, where are you?

She sent a Force message miles around her.......looking for him. She then thought of her beloved, Shade Magus. She paniced once again, but forced herself to remain calm. She looked at the faces of those around her, but did not see him.

Shade! Where are you?

Again, a Force message was sent miles around her from her mind.....her heart. She dropped to her knees and began to cry as she remembered that her Brother was to meet her at the bar.........maybe she was too late and he had gone up with it.....Her heart cried out for him.

Alpha......where are you brother?!

She not only cried this from her mind, but also verbally. Some around her were in tears and looked at her for a moment as she wept. Others names and faces flashed through her mind as she tried to recall where everyone could be. Most everyone was in the bar at this hour, but she hoped that the alarm had gotten everyone out. What about Avalon? She thought to herself. Avalon Bisel, the barkeep often slept at Yogs......hopefully he had not been in there. She rose to her feet suddenly as she spotted her friend Maia. She ran over to her and threw her arms around the girl's neck.

Oh Maia! You're alright!

She said through tears. They were a steady stream from her eyes now as she recalled all of her friends and loved ones that she had not thought of right away......there were so many.....if one had died, surely others too.......she would know them.......

It all seemed unreal to Xazor.....she had always felt so safe at the Greater Jedi Order....and now this. She rushed the thought from her mind...she would be alright, no matter what happened. It was by will of the Force that she was still alright...

Death Knight Soth
Mar 24th, 2002, 04:16:46 AM
Once again, the stars outside the smoked synth-glass canopy seemed to pause for a brief moment, then there it was...The middle ground of negotiation was now in sight..."The Seech." A well-hidden infrastructure that was cleverly disguised within one of the large asteroids. The dangerous asteroid belt was the perfect hideaway for smugglers, bounty hunters, mercenaries, and the shadier lot of people and symbiants that delved in the black market and quick money schemes.

As Soth powered down to impulse speed, he removed his cryo-helm and placed it behind him. There was no need for it here, for the accursed star was not in its full zenith. The Dark Knight then sent out the transponder clearance code from his ship to a maverick satellite. As the satellite probe received the frequency code, a few moments passed, then a small green light flashed next to Soth's console screen. It revealed the true coordinates to the Seech. The people as well as the odd array of fowl creatures here would go to any length to keep their amenity a well guarded secret! The full description of the stealth like Seech was now on a diagnostic display,...The Death Knight was clear to land...

After Soth negotiated the lethal asteroid belt, he slowly brought the Intruder II in one of the many hanger bays. The retro rockets hissed as he glided his craft into one of the designated spots that the ground crew flagged him to. Immediately after the Dark Knight landed, a small personnel crew approached the jet-black Haypen class ship for refueling and other technical maintenance that the ship might need. As the black canopy hatch to the Haypen ship opened, the Death Knight emerged, then slowly made his way down the ramp ladder. He was then greeted by the dock master. Soth turned to face the scruffy looking dock master.

"Hello, ahh, Soth right?" The deck master then nodded to the Intruder II.

"Look's like you got yourself a Haypen proto type there huh?" The dock master gave Soth an unassured look that was followed by a toothy smile. The Knight did not reply to the gritty looking man as he turned to look about the hanger bay. Surely his close friend Mockadane had received word of his arrival.

"Name's Gunther my friend." Replied the dock master as he held out his somewhat oily hand to Soth. Soth glanced back at the man then his dirty hand. His eyes then narrowed at Gunther.

"You will send word to Mockadane that I have arrived. I wish to speak with him immediately. Tell him this,...that Lord Soth is waiting for him in docking bay 38. Do not fail me dock master!" A gripping cold sensation fell over Gunther as the deadly Vampyre spoke, his words carried with them a lethal tone as he eyed the man in front of him. Gunther's eyes widened a bit as he turned on heel to retrieve the mercenary Mockadane without further hesitation. The large muscle bound man would know if the "Slithe" had arrived at the Seech at the Death Knight's request...

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Mar 25th, 2002, 08:19:29 AM
Maia felt tears spring once again into her eyes at the sight of her friend and room mate Xazor. She had seen her near the bar earlier but did not know she had been in it. Hugging her friend back fiercely she sobbed in relief. "Oh Xazor who would do this to us?" She pulled back her heart in her eyes.

"Ari got hurt and I tried to find Jubei but I couldn't. Can you help him Xazor, Please." Maia begged, her voice catching from grief. She pushed the singed bird toward her friend. Ari chirruped a greeting to her. His eyes glassy from pain. No one knew how connected to this bird she was. She could feel his heart beat fluttering with each breath and it was killing Maia to feel her Ari's pain. "Please Xazor, he is in so much pain." Maia gasped through her tears.

Mar 25th, 2002, 12:23:14 PM
Xazor's eyes overflowed from her heart as her friend embraced her.

I have a pretty good idea who did this, but no time for that right now.

She wiped the tears from her eyes and listened as Maia told about Ari. She gasped when she saw the beautiful hawk.....he was hurt pretty badly. Xazor closed her eyes and thought back to a time when her Master had taught her about being connected with animals and all of nature. She opened her eyes and looked at Maia as she gently took Ari. She looked into his eyes and spoke to his mind.

You know me, Ari.......I can help you......

She said as she gently placed a hand on his wings. She did not want him to attempt to fly, for that would only bring more pain to him. She called on the Force and pushed a healing wave through his body in attempt to lessen his pain. It worked, but until she could get back to the Living Quarters, she could not fully help him.

Maia, I need to take him to our room. I have things there that will help him. That is the only way I can heal his wounds.....

She said in a serious tone. Something inside the burning wreckage of the bar exploded that moment and made the blaze double in size. The heat blasted at the girls and the creature Xazor was gently holding. Ashes fell upon them and Xazor began to run as she held Ari close to her chest. The bird chirpped in panic and she sent a calming wave through him so that he would not worry.

Maia! Hurry, we have to get away from here NOW!

She looked back as she ran to see if her friend was indeed behind her. She saw Maia not to far back and continued for the Living Quarters.

Mar 25th, 2002, 03:29:05 PM
:: AB had been nowhere near the bar when it had blazed up in glory. She had arrived shortly after receiving the news that it had been destroyed. Not that it hadn't been in shambles from the last fight that occured in there. ::

:: As she stood there, the blazed doubled in size, the heat overwhelming. She used the Force to shield herself from the burning heat, turning slightly to see Maia go off with Xazor, Maia's hawk, Ari, cradled in Xazor's arms. The bird looked injured, but nothing that couldn't be healed. ::

:: AB returned her gaze back at the burning bar, the second story caving into the first, cause wood, smoke, and sparks to fly. Unconciously, her fist balled up. For the first time she could remember, she felt a tinge of anger towards whoever had done this. And she had a pretty good idea, their stench still permiating the air. It wasn't so much that she was ditressed at losing a building. Instead, she felt sorrow that a place where people had gathered, from all walks of life, to mingle, to talk, laugh, cry. She shook her head, willing the anger away. ::

:: Sighing, she lifted her hands skyward, beconning the moisture to gather into puffy white clouds. The wind picked up slightly, but only enough to move the forming clouds over the area where the bar was. Though the fire fighters were doing their best to quench the blaze, it was a daunting task. She would help to speed the process. Soon the clouds became laden with water, and it began to drizzle straight down on the remains of the bar. The drizzle turned into a light rain, and then into a small down pour. The remains began to sizzle and smoke, but the fire began to die, unable to keep it's angry burning alive under the clear, cold water. ::

:: Soon the blaze was out, and the remains just smoked and smoldered, black with soot and dripping with small drops of water. The coulds over the bar disapated and disapeared back into the sky. ::

:: Now, cleaning and rebuilding could begin again. ::

Mar 31st, 2002, 12:16:59 PM
Mockadane walked into the moderately buisy hanger bay from the same side portal Gunther had disappeared through but with a lot less enthusiasm. Walking casually towards Soth, two Sullistinian privateers approached the big man. They were speeking rapidly for a few moments, in there native toungue, their voices overlapping each other making normal translation extreamly difficult. With a few quiet words and hand geasture's they appeared to be pacified, and Mockadane continued towards the Dark Knight.

As He walked over to stand adjacent to Soth, Mockadane watched through the magnetic sheilding, at the endless deadly barrage of planetary debris passing by the Seech. Tractor beam implacements allowed the Seech not to be collided with by repelling the damage causing asteroids away. Every once in a while turbolaser batteries have to convince the more stubborn ones to change there coarse. Soth, with the access pannel open in the forward part of the ships fuesilage looking at the scanner array, disagreed with Mockadane's comment by slamming the pannel shut.

"I realize that space travel in a starfighter is rather uncomfortable and you may be in a hurry, but as long as I am the Administraiter of this facility, I would appreciate it if you didnt scare the life out of my employees... Good help is hard to find!" Soths face was burdened heavilly with lines of deep thought making him look menacing, untill it seamed he found humor in his friend's words. Smiling at him, Mockadane turned and nodded towards the inner structure... "C'mon, I'll show you something..."

Death Knight Soth
Apr 2nd, 2002, 03:51:54 AM
The Death Knight grinned wickedly at Mockadane, then patted the big muscled man on the shoulder. "I meant no disrespect my friend. Your point is well taken." Soth turned and glanced at Mockadane as they made their way to an exit that lead to the inner construct of the Seech's belly.

Worker droids, personal crew and the shader lot that made up the Seech moved to and fro about the facility as Mockadane and Soth walked a short distance to a turbo lift. As the lift moved upwards, the Dark Knight reached within his black robe and produced a silver data-pad.

"You will find that every thing is in place my friend. The 250,000 Imperial credits will transfer as soon as the download is complete. This has been a day long awaited. Soon the second phase will be complete, and it will bring an end to..." Soth paused as the turbo lift came to a sudden halt four levels above the hanger facility. As the two men stepped off the lift, the Death Knight slightly glanced upwards as if he was in deep thought.

"I sense a presence I have not felt since..." About that time, a squad commander approached Mockadane and Soth. The officer saluted the towering man Mockadane as he gave his report.

(Officer): "Sir, I have everything in order as you commanded. Room 357R has been notified of Lord Soth's arrival." Mockadane nodded to the office then glanced over to Soth.

"Shall we...?" Mockadane then gestured with one hand for Soth to proceed. The pristine white hallway they traveled down resembled the halls of those found in a star class Interdictor Cruiser. There was little to no traffic as the two continued. Further in, the only personel that were present were the heavily armed troopers that stood at attention as Soth and Mockadane walked by. And there was good reason for this, the Darkside had already reviled this to Soth. Heightened security at this level was at a maximum.

A few moments later, Mockadane and Soth abruptly stopped at a pair of white double doors that where guarded by personel troops. Soth recognized them as they stood motionless. The Death Knight slowly folded his hands behind him as Mockadane punched in a complex clearance code in a wall panel grid. After a brief moment, the two double doors slid open revealing a solid white room that seemed out of place to the black evil contrast within...

Anbira Hicchoru
Apr 3rd, 2002, 11:21:03 AM
:: As Maia and Xazor approached the Living Quarters, Anbira rushed out, his eyes darting from side to side. In the distance, he watched the remains of the B&G burn fiercely. Though he scoured the area for his enemy, his insight told him that he would not be found. His battle-readiness lessened, and he looked to Maia and Xazor ::

Are there any casualties?

Maia Shadoe Tharrinn
Apr 3rd, 2002, 01:40:44 PM
Maia stopped when Master Anbira spoke her eyes went back to the devastation behind her. "I don't think so Master. I ran when the alarm went off and I think everyone got out." Maia looked toward Ari. "My pet was hurt and I'm sure there are others that were hurt also. She could feel the pain from the burns on her back and she still did not know how bad they were."

Maia grimaced as the smoke billowed around her. She watched in awe as her own master put the fire out using the force. She sighed and hoped the worst was over.

Apr 4th, 2002, 02:02:44 AM
<FONT SIZE=+1><FONT COLOR=BLUE>Meanwhile, at Mockadane's Seech...</font></font>

Stark white were the confines of the meeting room. The hidden mercenary stronghold that housed Mockadane's Seech had a different feel to it than any other place Saurron had visited. It's inertia dampners were of many makes and models. It rolled and spun like any other asteroid of its size, making it unworthy of a ships scan. Docking here was less than a favorable circumstance, difficult to say the least, but not impossible due to its slow roll.

Saurron had felt Soth's presence since his landing, the Force signature was unmistakable, after all he was of Saurron's bloodline. The Dark Troopers stood still as Soth approached. Gun metal gray sabers hung from their belts just slightly contrasting with the ebony black armor that adorned them. The door slid open after a second or two of standing in front of it, and there he was...Saurron..seated at the far end of the meeting table. The formal room with all the amenities one could want was meant to impress and make deals. Mockadane used this room for his more uppity customers, but for now, it was filled with evil...most true to the Darkside...born from it.

Soth and Mockadane entered the room side by side only to have the double door close immediately after their entrance. Saurron stood eyeing the two long time friends. His eyes pierced both of them for the longest time. It was as if he were lost in their souls...yes Vampyres had souls too...made up of sanguine dreams and feasts thought not of by most men. Saurron motioned with his hand for them to sit. This was an odd thing seeing how this was Mockadane's own castle to himself.

Welcome, I trust your plan succeeded Death Knight.

This was a meeting to behold yet it was for now unknown to anyone...for now. Things, after all, had a way of finding their way out. Saurron's troopers exited the shuttles sitting in the docking bays. The high gloss black suits reflected the interior lighting of the bay. The lights were beat back from the confines of the suits, indicative of the power of darkness. Filing out of their shuttles they held every stray alien and ship at bay. The blast doors came down in unison sealing off the asteroid from outside space. Soon a glimmer within the stars blurred then sharpened to allow the vision of an Interdictor Cruiser settled very near the Seech asteroid itself. Gravity wells engaged making escape via hyperspace impossible. Jamming devices were activated scrambling any attempt to send word. Tie defenders stood ready within the Despondents holds ready to hunt down any ship that might have gotten by. No ship would leave this place, not now.

As word of the shutdown reached Mockadane his eyes turned to Saurron in query.

My appologies Mockadane, but our presence here can not go to the highest bidder. Surely you of all beings understand this. A slight grin followed his statement, it was indeed in reference to what was a sorted past.

Those of the light, were so proud of its piercing into darkness. Brave souls walking through a darkend wood with their lanterns light held high...high enough to pierce into but not strong enough to burn it away. So it was, the Darkside stood strong and vigilant against the light, luring it in, then smothering it to a dying glow...then out. These things Saurron saw...these things would come to pass.

For now the race of darkness and of the Darkside was upon them in what would be the telling hour.

Master Logoth
Apr 4th, 2002, 06:27:31 AM
Shadar waited in the room lost in thought thinking upon his agreement with Soth. "A contract to shatter the Light" he called it. Those words still rung sweet in his dark heart. "The light must perish snuffed out by our hands." So Master Logoth agreed to this meeting. As well as the use of his foot soldiers. Well, accustomed to the shadows they where perfect for the stealth that was required. As the lights in the bar died in the fire so will the heart of the Lightsiders give into despair. They will fade from the night sky leaving only the blackness. Master Logoth longed for this future vision. Suddenly, Shadar focused his mind as he felt the arrival of Soth it was time for further plans.

The Slithe Master did not rise when the others entered he had no use for introductions and pleasantries. Where he came from rising upon entry would be considered a challenge such rudeness was always met with death. Shadar did not normally deal with human's but these where different even there own kind feared them. There appetite for blood and death nearly matched his own. Logoth nodded to Soth as he entered any less a nod would be an insult, to much, a humiliation. Many a Slithe war was waged over improper protocol. Soth nodded back. Greeting Saurron then myself with perfect manners. A being with proper respect and power a dangerous combination. Logoth wondered at the large human at his side
this 'Mockadane' maybe they where pack brother's that would explain Soth's demeanor toward him. Finally Shadar Logoth spoke"Ssssoth Welcome."

Apr 4th, 2002, 09:47:35 PM
:: AB walked slowly from the smoldering remains of the Bar & Grill, in the direction Maia and xazor had gone. She was still stunned by the events, but at least she'd put out the fire, and there had been no series casualties. Just mostly scrapes and bruises. ::

:: She was lost in thought when she realized she was coming up to where Her Padawan and friend and Anbira were standing, speaking. She over heard man's question. Stopping, she nodded to Anbira and answered him. ::

There were no serious casualties. Mostly scrapes and bruises, with the exception of one firefighter who took in one too many breaths of smoke. He'll be fine though.

:: She brushed a streak of soot from her arm. ::

As to property damage, I was able to aid the quenching of the fire before it reached the neighboring buildings. No more property loss occured, save for the destruction of the Bar & Grill.

:: She looked up at Anbira, her eyes being the windows into her soul, where rage threatened to release on what had happened. The Padawans would probably not notice, but he probably would. ::

I have a good idea on who may have been responsible for this, though I have no proof except what I feel in my gut and what the Force tells me.

Death Knight Soth
Apr 8th, 2002, 08:30:09 PM
The Dark Side within this room was strong. So strong was it, that if it where not for the hands that stayed it power's, it's ominous force signature would penetrate the very fabric of the Seech, out and over the expanses of space like an unwelcome beacon of evil.

The Death Knight knew his Master was near, very near. The power that emanated from his being permeated throughout the sanitary room, like wicked black tendrils of evil when woven together by an unseen hand.

As the door's closed and locked behind Mockadane and Soth, the Death Knight slowly walked within a few feet of Saurron and respectfully bowed his head slightly at his long time Master. The bypasses of destiny had finally crossed once again...

"Yes,...My Master, I have completed the first phase and now await your further wisdom." Soth finished his sentence in low respectful tone's as he folded his hands within his black Sith robe. Soth then paused and slowly turned to the Slith master and nodded to him in acknowledgment.

Indeed, evil had reared it's ugly head, like an incurrable pestilence that would soon ravage the lightsider's, testing their faith and hope. Death and pain would be sure to come on swift wing's. It was simply,...their destiny!

The Death Knight as well as the mercenary Mockadane, took their place's next to the giant Slithe. Soth could feel the harbored hate swelling within the creature now at his right. This foul being was cunning and well versed in the art's of stealth and planed assassination's. He was the perfect contact in negotiating such measures, and the Slithe leader was not one to fail in what he did best.

The room that was meant for security and privacy purposes lost it's element amongst the darkness that engulfed it's white plast-steel surrounding's. A darkness that now resonated and saturated the entire Seech. Felt by all that resided here as they too faded within it's inky black fold's. It was unavoidable...

Apr 8th, 2002, 11:38:47 PM
The big man walked in turn over to the side of the Slith but with a different purpous alltogether! All this talk of dark and sinister plans and agenda's, Mockadane filed into a recess of his brain right next to forgetfullness. To Him, History was repleat with turning points of good and evil, He knew that in time this would be counted the same yet life will continue. The Money to be gained was another issue entirely. Instead of seating himself properly, Mockadane swiveled the lowback chair and seated himself in it backwards facing the one from whom he'd had misgivings about...

"Logath is it?... Mockadane gazed unblinking at the being until he received an aknowlaging nod. Hearing Eldoracks minute by minute updates in the nearly microscopic receiver earpeice the big man spoke again in cool clear tones. "If you have any colleagues or followers that might be trying to look anonomously around The Seech, I urge you to send them back to your transport before we find ourselves in a most unfortunate situation!"

Death Knight Soth
Apr 9th, 2002, 03:30:23 AM
Soth turned his attention to Mockadane. He could see the stridation's in the muscle's of the large man flex and tense with anticipation for the answer that was slow coming. The mercenary was not one to wait long, there was to much at stake and time was money. The Death Knight broke the silence that could be cut with a Sith dagger.

"Mockadane, my friend. I have made arrangement's for one other to be here. She awaits us now in "Eldoracks Tavern." I would like to hear what your niece could add to this meeting. She has,...well, vital connection's that could prove most valuable to aid our effort's." Soth then shot the deadly man a wiry smile...

Master Logoth
Apr 10th, 2002, 01:54:13 AM
The Slithe's bloodlust had risen from the word's of the mortal. Many had died for less. Pact or not his life was soon to be forfeited. "NoloMeshhka Valerionish" he growled in a low whisper of his native tongue. Craning his Dark head the cable like muscles he rose from his chair and pulled his ebony blade from the hidden folds of his robe.
'Click' Shadar was suprised to find two men in armor pointing there guns at him they appeared out of nowhere. Anger melted away from the Master as he smiled. "Impressssive" was all he said. Mockadane smiled "Few can take me by suprise"
"Reallllllly" Replied the Slithe Master with a hiss. "We shall see".

Soth stood suddenly and glared at the Slithe master and then trailed his fierce eye's over to Mockadane. A heated amber glow grew deep within them, then slowly dissipated. Saurron watched in amusement as the proceeding's began to deteriorate before they had begun. A low throaty growl admitted from the Death Knight as he spoke. His ivory fang's protruded slightly.

"Enough!...We are not the enemy's here...My brethren" Once again a deadly silence fell over the pristine white room. The Slithe master glanced over to see Soth reach into his black Sith robe to retrieve a com link.

"Alana my dear,...come. It is time, bring the case with you."

Apr 11th, 2002, 12:51:19 AM
Mockadane unflenching from Logoth's angered movements, watched him return to his seat. Picking his com-link up... "Then this should have no interest to you!" The big man spoke cooly...

"Eldorack, find the ship they came on and confiscate it, but before inform the security chief to arrest the two unknown's. In 10 minute's I had better have two prisoners or two corpse's or I will have a new security chief overseeing the old ones execution!"

Getting up, Mockadane returned the chair to its normal position and moved around the table just opposite the Slithe Master and took a seat.

Apr 13th, 2002, 11:12:43 PM
Saurron spoke volumes with his eyes. He always did. They followed the deadly mercenary Mockadane as he took his seat then shifted back and forth from one corner of the room to the other near the very doors he had passed through. This gave cause for the others aside from Soth to peer over to see Saurron's personal guard already backing out of the room sabers in one hand and blaster rifles in the other. If anything had happened it would have been very short lived indeed.

Saurron steepled his hands in front of his lips in thought, sitting in silence for many moments, then he spoke shifting his eyes to Mockadane.

First let us commend our host for allowing us to hold such a meeting of fate. Second, I wish to congratulate Soth, and of course the Slithe in demanding attention from the eyes of the light.

The service droid so quietly standing in the corner of the room sprang to life as Saurron motioned for it's service.

The darkest red wine if you please.

The chrome colored C series droid jerked and tilted, its arms at an angle to its side, then replied in a female voice. "Immediately sir." It then craned its head and asked. "May I serve anyone else?"

Saurron once again addressed the gathering....

There is much to be done. The light is growing in power. Though it is always said that there cannot be light with out dark and dark without light there can exist an imbalance...one outweighing another...keeping it under its proverbial thumb...in fear.

Saurron's eyes grew pale in color as this thought ran through him. Closing his eyes he opened them to his freshly served glass. Removing a vile he added what looked to be a humans life's blood kept warm in Saurron's special pouch on his combat suit underneath his robes.

After taking a long drink he set the glass upon the surface of the table with nary a sound, and continued.

There once was a very powerful Lord of the Sith. His name was Darth Vader. He hunted the Jedi as they should be hunted. One by one...like animals. Thus I give you phase two...

Saurron looked up at the now opening doors sliding to either side revealing Alana Stormcloud holding a long case in her Vampyre arms.

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 16th, 2002, 12:50:32 PM
Alana stood, case in hand, a grin of cruel humor gracing her face. The room, her cold vampyre eyes now looked on was the meeting of true evil. Her gaze slid over all of them, and came to rest on her estranged beloved uncle Mockadane. Moving into the room her lithe form moving deliberately slow. Walking around the table and behind her Uncle she lifted the case over his head with two hands and placed it on the table before him. She kept her arms around his broad shoulders, her fingers caressed the latches that would open the case.

"For you Uncle Mocky, from all of us." Her voice whispered in his ear, though all in the room could hear it. Alana ran her lips over his cheek with a soft kiss and she spoke again. "It has been far to long Uncle, what would my mother say if she knew you had left her daughter to the darkness to be fed on, but then again you failed to save her also didn't you." Her words were cutting her tone soft and loving.

There was no peace in her heart when it came to her uncle that she had always failed to please. "I have missed you." She said as she unlatched the case and lifted it open for him. Placing another kiss on his neck, he shuddered, and she stood back from him a cruel smile tugged her lips. She knew he shuddered at what she had become and perhaps the memory of not being able to save his sister. He had failed her twice and Alana with all her bitter anger never failed to remind him. As he knew in her own way she loved him.

Alana moved toward Master Saurron, pleasure lighting her eyes. "Master, it has been far to long since I have seen you." She sad as she moved her soft lips over his cheek. Sitting down beside him she nodded to everyone else in the room. Her eye's locked onto Soth her teeth began to extend, slicing a small cut across her lips as they grew. It was time for the fun to begin....

Apr 18th, 2002, 01:28:09 AM
The words burned on Mockadane's mind, but only for the breifest moment, and the thoughts of a verbal retaliation subsided as He remembered the company he kept this night. Besides as he knew... The truthes we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view, and He knew She wasn't ready for the absolute truth. He new the game of words Alana was playing, an inherant ability of all Vampires, and let the moment pass.

Evil by most accounts can be felt in one form or another. Most people shrug this feeling and mask it off as omens or some such nonsence, But the evil at this gathering was tented with the smell of death. Mockadane having been raised under the tutilage of the Aing Ti Monks, learned long ago the ability to decypher the differences between darkness and evil, thus he had not the need for extreme measures. He knew Soth well, and banked on the fact that the Vampire was honor bound to his friend's, But Saurron Was a different story. This one commanded attention with the very movements of his person.

Studing the case's contents for a few moments, Mockadane sat back in his chair and used his com-link to call Eldorack to him, and then sipped from the glass he poured prior to Alana's entrance and contimplated this senario. Looking over at Saurron after a few moments once his guaze had sweept the rest of the guests He spoke to his casual employer...

"My associates and I have added a few changes to the payment agreement... First I want only half the credits previosly disgussed, in exchange I want a Correllion Corvette and not a used one! Second... I want a cloaking shield generator!" Smiling confidently as the door slid open and Eldorack walked into the room, "And third... I keep this wheapon!"

Apr 18th, 2002, 02:04:04 AM
Listening to Mockadane talking calmly to the gathered people, the mercinary walks over behind his old friend and notices the contents of the case. When Mockadane finishes speaking, He motions to the chair next to Him and slides the case in front of the new comer... " What do you think?"

Examining the wheapon that must have cost someone a fortune... "A Sienarr Sub-hyper velocity big game modified and accesorized with a 6000 x 40 scope with thermal and motion tracking along with lazer paint targeting." Picking up the actuator and dicharge soleniod, Eldorack closely examined it ... 'whew'..." This is a work of art...a person could almoast hit a target from orbit with this thing and nobody'd even know what happened." Eldorack removed one of the twelve shells from the case and examined it ... the six inch, two stage shells had a small blinking amber light in the midsection and the feel of invinceability.

Death Knight Soth
Apr 18th, 2002, 03:38:30 AM
The Death Knight let out a sinister laugh at the mercenary's over inflated request proposal. Now Soth knew Mockadane as a long time friend, and the darkside was not need here to tell him that the large man's hand stunk. Not mention the Sabboc face he was wearing was a complete bluff...

Soth's high backed chair slowly swiveled in the direction of the bounty hunter. Glancing over to Mockadane, his eye's had a dangerous glimmer about them. "Old friend,...You never cease to amaze me." The Death Knight paused for a moment then continued.

"What you ask for Mockadane, respectfully step's over the bound's of our friendship, even as a middleman...Indeed a true mercenary to the end." Soth let out a slight chuckle, then glanced over to Saurron. "What are your thought's on this my Master?"

The Vampyre's in the room at the same moment knew what Mockadane was trying to conceal. It was common knowledge when it came to their status and wealth. The mercenary knew that the Vampyre Family's to be extremely wealthy and that their pocket's ran deep. They could easily afford such expenditure's. There whole existence was based on the concept of living to the fullest measure of extravagance. Always surrounded in lavish luxury, it was something they prided them self's with. Even to the point of fault. However, getting a Vampyre to forfeit his fund's was another thing...

"Master, I propose this,..." Soth then shot Mockadane a quick glance as a wiry smile stole across his face."

"If the mercenary can bring us the head's of either one of the jedi we hired him to kill, then and only then, will we meet his demand's." The Death Knight then reached into his black Sith robe and sat a holo-pad on the table. A moment later it slid on it's own accord across the table towards Saurron.

"Our honored Slithe guest here has gathered more intelligence on the one you requested my Master..."Is this the one you seek?" The Sith Vampyre word's were tipped with an evil tone as he finished.

Soth slowly leaned back into his chair. He placed his hand's in a pyramid shape in front of his face. The gun metal gray holo-pad flickered to life and produced an image above the conference table. A deadly silence fell over the white room as Saurron thought to himself and studied the figure before him.

Apr 25th, 2002, 03:37:44 AM
Saurron's pale hand touched Alana lightly as she took her place beside her master. It pleased him so. His eyes gleamed in adoration of the dark life he had given birth to by passing his blood unto her.

Mockadane stated his wants to Saurron. Almost as a young child in a candy store with deep pockets himself. Saurron's eyebrow arched at the request of the Coreliean ship. In jest Saurron retorted...

But of course, why not make it a Star Destroyer sir?

A fanged grin ensued. It wasn't often Saurron made jest of a situation, but in this case and following his apprentices lead he could not help himself. His hands met in front of his face then were laid flat upon the glossy table they sat around stopping the holopad that slid his way.

Death comes in many ways Lord Soth surely Mockadane will be competent enough to dispense such deaths upon our foe.

The holopad with its blue light shown a figure of a Jedi turning around in three dimensional configuration. It caused Saurron to raise his brow again.

Yes, a fitting beginning to the end indeed.

His pale eyes darted over the subject at hand. She was the target now. Her name was Xazor. A Garou. A Lycanthrope. A Jedi...
The Garou were the enemies of the Vampyre, it was always so, from the beginning of the two races inception, and always would remain thus. So it was fitting indeed that such a venture would begin with the extermination of such a race. Saurron smiled in approval then shifted his eyes over to the weapon that was being held in such high regard.

And you, Mockadane hope to achieve this with such a weapon? Perhaps a mere learner would fall prey to such a mundane device, yet our final goal, Jedi that are one with the Force, would deflect such a shot and possibly kill you as well. So tell me...how is it you plan to deal with such things mercenary?

Apr 27th, 2002, 02:00:13 AM
"Three quarters of the universe is populated with beings that have no Force ability what so ever! This delimma has brought about a diverse ensomble of inventions." Mockadane never takes his gaze from Saurron. "Untill recent discoveries in the Hapen cluster, such a weapon has proven feutile against a Force User."

Standing up, Mockadane speaks once more... "Now I will show you why a Corvette will be a small price to pay!"

In the blink of an eye, Mockadane's wicked blaster pistol appeared from beneath his cloak. In the space of a heartbeat, the deadly bolt leapt from his gun, closing the distance on the small rosette emblem ornately fashioned on Soth's breastplate.

Apr 27th, 2002, 02:23:31 AM
Xazor stood outside of the Living Quarters with Maia, holding Ari close. She closed her eyes slightly, placing her left hand on the gentle bird as she tried to relieve some of his pain.

Let's go up to my room. I have some herbs and spices from Corellia that will help him.

She said quietly. They made their way down the long corridors until Xazor stopped at a door. Placing her hand on the ID panel, the door opened with a hissing sound. They walked in quickly and the door hissed shut behind them. Xazor went right for her bedroom and pulled out a leather sack with many bottles of herbs and spices inside. She reached in a pulled out two bottles. Examining the labels, she put one back and pulled out another. With a smile, she too a little from each bottle and placed it in her hands. She then took Ari out to the kitchen. Placing the spices in an eye dropper, she filled it with a little water and then made the hawk drink it. Soon his pain would go away and his internal injuries would begin to heal.

He should be alright now....we should leave him up here and go back down to the ruins. They may need us there.

She informed Maia, hoping that Ari would be well soon.

Death Knight Soth
Apr 27th, 2002, 03:03:49 AM
A distinct humming in the darkside of the force rang out in the Death Knight's sense's as the deadly blaster bolt flashed at the muzzle tip of the mercenary's pistol. There was a quick and terrible hiss from a saber. Soth quickly stood, his movement's to fast for mortal eye's to follow. The lethal bolt trailed towards the heart of the Dark Knight were it was barely deflected by the green saber blade...A shower of hot spark's cascaded down over the room as the red bolt torn into the ceiling above.

Immediately, Mockadane felt his throat grow tight with an unbearable choke hold that sent signal's of pain to his brain. His vision blurred as his precious air supply was being cut off to him. The Death Knight stood poised with a talon glove out stretched towards the bounty hunter. Soth grimaced in anger as his Vampyre teeth came in full view of those in the room.

Mockadane slowly reached over to the table where he laid the blaster pistol on it. He still clutched at his throat as the presure was growing more intense, it was killing him. Mockadane's pistol slid across the table were it came to rest in front of Soth. The Death Knight's eye's narrowed fiercly at the friend He thought he knew!

Apr 27th, 2002, 03:36:21 AM
The rapid events unfolding, Eldorack disregarded all other emotions but his basic instinct. His heavy blaster pistol, had just cleared its scabbord on his left, when with a quick jerk, the small consealed hold out blaster, affixed into his forearm's armor was planted in his other hand.

"Soth, you may be fast...But you cant block them all!" A very cold and calculating look was on Eldorack's face, as his guns were trained on the Death Knight..."Let him go!"

Alana Stormcloud
Apr 27th, 2002, 12:08:05 PM
Alana jumped to her feet as her Uncle Mockadane fired a shot at Lord Soth. She had no fear that he would not be able to block it but the shock of what he had done was enough to bring her to her feet. Her eyes locked on her uncle, she would have rummaged through his mind but he was almost impossible to read.

Suddenly her uncle began to struggle as if someone had a hold on him, his hands ripped at his throat. Darting her eyes towards Soth she saw that he was using the force to choke Mockadane.

"Lord Soth, Stop this." She hissed in anger. Pushing her way into his cold mind she opened herself fully to the darkside. Her anger growing as she watched her uncle struggle to breath.

Alana grimaced in pain as she invaded the Death Knights dark thoughts. His power was immense but it was her uncles life she was fighting for.

"Damn you Soth, stop this." Alana's nose began to leak blood as she pushed to stay inside of his mind. Trying to break his concentration. Soth's eyes found hers and in them she found no pity, no remorse. Just a cold invitation to die. She loved her Shrine brother but they always seemed to be butting heads about one issue or another. She would die for Lord Soth if it came down to it. She would also kill him, though it pained her heart, to protect her beloved uncle.

"Master end this, make this foolishness stop." Alana called out in desperation to Saurron. As powerful as she was, she was no match for the Death Knight. The edges of her vision began to blur as she struggled to stay in his mind begging and demanding Soth to release Mockadane.

"Master Saurron." Alana moaned softly as her vision began to blur.

Death Knight Soth
Apr 27th, 2002, 06:53:29 PM
Indeed, there was no remorse, nor were there any feeling's coming from the Death Knight that Alana could sense behind Soth's cold hard stare. It was the action from the bounty hunter that spawned the deadly reaction from the Dark Knight. Soth had always been one to ponder the end result after it was all said and done.

Soth could feel Mockadane's life force beginning to dwindle under the enormous pressure that he was inflicting upon him. He savored the thought of the big man's weakness under the strain of power he now held over him.

"Now my friend, you will pay fully for your stupidity!" Echoed the thought in Soth's mind, his hate swelling to a deadly searing point.

Then suddenly, Soth felt his clan sister's feeble attempt's to enter his Vampyre thought's. Alana fought desperately at the impenetrable barrier's that fortified Soth's mind. However, her admirable pursuit to free and save her uncle quickly proved futile...Soth was a true master of the mind. It was Saurron, his master that had taught him well here. The Vampyre's mind was his most powerful ally, his most powerful weapon of choice. Nevertheless, at the same time, it was Soth's Vampyre heart that Alana touched. The Dark Knight always fell victim to her there, he could see it in her eye's as they locked on hers. Alana showed him her painful past, her mother, her father and an uncle she still loved regardless of the pain he had caused her. Forgiveness and pity was not a concept that Soth could, or ever would consider, but it was loyalty to his own kind that released the deadly grip he had on Mockadane. The Death Knight slowly glanced over to Eldorack, Soth's hate was at a heightened peak when he locked eye's with the man. As the green humming blade of Soth's saber retracted to it's hilt, the anger Soth felt dissipated as well in that very same moment. Alana felt herself physically pushed backwards as Soth shut her from his mind. Simultaneously, Mockadane gasped for air as he lurched forward, catching himself with one arm on the edge of the conference table...

"Very well, I see that I have become subject to my very own word's..." Soth paused, his fierce eye's still locked with Eldorack.

"And you!" The Death Knight exclaimed, pointing a razor tipped index finger at Eldorack.

"We shall see soon enough what your made of...Bounty hunter!" A low throaty growl admitted from Soth as he finished.

Clipping his duel saber to his utility belt, Soth eye's trailed slowly over to Mockadane. No expression was evident on the Vampyre's marble like face as he studied the hunched over man. The Death Knight only starred at the large muscled bound man who was now beginning to regain somewhat of his composure. If it had been in a different setting, a different place, with not so much riding on the future, Soth would have finished what he had started!

"I would have killed you old friend!" Came the low lethal whispered word's of the Death Knight as they resonated throughout Mockadane's mind.

Apr 29th, 2002, 12:35:30 AM
Saurron rose extending his arms as Alana fell backwards. Easing her in the chair he reached backwards without looking and brought one of the elegant glass to her lips. The liquid almost sank into her as it touched them. Then her mouth slightly opened allowing the drink to pass, taking in what all Vampyres need. Her strength regained quickly as her hand came up to grip the glass in her hand. He turned to Soth squinted his eyes then shifted his gaze to Mockadane who was in the process of regaining his breath as he straightened himself amid gasps and coughs.

And the meaning of that awful display was?

He was speaking solely to the Mercenary who as of yet had not proved his point. If one did not know any better one would think this meeting had gone astray as the Coven Guard lowered their rifle barrels from their aim which was Eldorack's head. Stepping past Eldorack they took their place next to Saurron one on either side of him and Alana.

Saurron stood their folding his arms across his chest awaiting an answer from Mockadane.

Meanwhile the monitor that sat in front of where the mercenary was sitting was filled with the happenings of the base. All those who had seen the landing of Lord Soth, the Slithe, and Saurron where gathered in the landing bays of the asteroid. Just as Mockadane was almost fully recovered from the near full crushing of his trachea his eyes widened once more. It was not from the force but from the sight of his bounty hunters ,snitches, and mercenaries being lifted up off of their feet and blasted out into the deadly field of asteroids by an intense volley of blaster fire as the magnetic shields of the landing bays fell. A few put up a fight, as these were hardened criminals yet in the end they all soon fell.

Saurron grinned knowing full well what Mockadane had just witnessed.

Oh, don't be so surprised dear Mockadane they were merely the souls who had the misfortune to lay their eyes upon us. Any dealings with them that you may or may not have had will be fully reimbursed. Now...you were saying?

Apr 30th, 2002, 02:35:35 AM
Watching the small display screen for a few minutes after He had regained his breath, the anger that was welling up inside himself, Mockadane washed away with the qwenching waters of reason. 'Yes...' he thought to himself, 'with this demonstration and that unfortunate incident in his hanger bay his price will be met or there will be much to account for!'

By the time Mockadane regained his train of thought... Eldorack had already issued an order to bring the back-up sheilding on line and stopped the all out birrage of attacks upon Saurron's flag ship from the R.A.A.D.N. (Remote Asteroid Attack Defence Network)

"Well now that everybodys attention is peaked", Mockadane could still feel the burning sensation in his throat, "Ill get right to the heart of the matter!" Placing a small one foot square enclosed transpara-steel box on the table, that held a small yellow tablet inside with an electronic actuator on the side, The big man spoke..." This is only a small test of what the rounds for this gun can do!" Reaching to the actuator, "This is a representation of a light sabers electrical beam coming in contact with the projectile"....He pushed the button.

For the breifest moment all in the room witnessed a flash much like when a saber strikes something. Then Instantaniosly the inside of the box contained a boiling churning mass of billowing flames. It seamed to move around and around searching every inch of its confines for a way out. After a minute or so the strange myriad of colors darkened leaving only the box sagging in on itself.

"You see... a Force users greatest asset can become his deadliest enemy!"

Master Logoth
May 1st, 2002, 12:38:25 AM
Logoth watched in disgust as the humans played there foolish games. The Slithe did not speak out of turrrn they obeyed instantly. To not do so would be there death...
SSSoth, I grow weary with this foolishnessss. With a signal Logoths attendant stepped forward. "Shalo Mikashi" Shadar hissed. Bowing the Slithe bent over the table and set down three scroll's. "Fitashi Mialo cheata" The attendant intoned with reverence. "Very well proceed." "Leaoch sbach eta eta Anibira eta eta Xasssssorrrr osalo chular "Zaphir". Shadar smiled deep in the recesses of his hood. "I will translate ... my attendant findssss your worddss hard for his tongue" "He has said that he has 3 sssscrrollls,one for the Xazor, another for the light wielder Anibirrrrraaaaassss,and thirdly the schematics of the Temple thattt SSSssoth had requested.
Asss for the others on the lisssst they are being watched even now asss we speakkk. The prepartionsss that where dissssscussed by us before this meetinggg are even now being brought to fruition. The Lightsidersss will now be the hunted. Let there forces gather, so that we may fling them into the darknessss. Pulling out a fourth scroll bound with white cloth from the hidden folds of his cloak. The SlitheMaster handed it to Soth. The torn and frayed scroll was black with gold lettering raised on it. Any who looked to closely saw the word Temple on it. Sssoth my own personal recomendationss. May they be of assistance and with a slight nod the SlitheMaster sat back down.

Death Knight Soth
May 8th, 2002, 07:54:26 PM
Soth eye's were still narrowed at Mockadane's. However, the Death Knight was impressed with the demonstration that the mercenary displayed to those in the room. The gelatin type substance the Mockadane had created as a life long chemist was more then he expected from him. This would play a vital roll in exterminating the jedi's that had a death warrant on them. An evil smile now took the place of the blank cold stare Soth had moment's before. Mockadane returned the smile as their mind's fell on the same thought. Soth liked the idea of burning flesh, especially jedi flesh!...

The Slithe leaned into Soth as he sat back down at the conference table. Logoth produced a scroll then handed it to Soth. Upon unraveling it, Soth studied it for long moment's as the Bounty Hunter Mockadane continued to speak to the occupant's of the room.

The highly detailed schematic that Soth was now holding was the over lay of the jedi temple compound on Arcan IV. This would be their next target in the week's ahead. The Death Knight slid the scroll through the force to this Master Saurron. Soth then leaned back in his and focused his attention back to the mercenary Mockadane.

"Yes, they shall all burn in lake's of fire. I shall savor their sweet aroma as it lingers on the night air. Every painful cry echoed in my ear's for mercy and justice will only be complete with the lamentation's of the women." The Death Knight's Vampyre eye's glistened as the wicked thought ran over his dark mind. There would be no stopping them now!

May 16th, 2002, 01:48:35 AM
The Sanguine shields held. The giant ship repelled the momentary onslaught in a mass of blue hue as the laser shots were dissipated. Saurron raised an eyebrow then watched as Mockadane continued with his display. It was a nightmare of a weapon but it made Saurron grin. Force users had set precedence of power in the universe but the mundane and technologically advanced were making strides in combat with them as was evident here and now. The bounty hunters were catching up. Yet, the force, the Darkside in particular was what empowered Saurron and others. It was a difficult task in believing a bounty hunter could destroy a master Jedi. Saurron was still skeptical and knew that Mockadane would be earning his bounty this time.

Saurron's hand rose from the table to receive the scroll sent to him by Soth. Alana still sat at his side honoring him with her presence thus. Saurron knew that destroying individual Jedi meant more than buildings. They were the life force of the light and would always be until dealt with. Anbira must die he thought. Saurron had fought him once and met with a stale mate in physical combat. Time would tell the outcome this time.

Mockadane, your price will be met. Transmit all configurations of the Corelian ship to the Sanguine.

Saurron rose then extended his hand to Alana in a gentlemanly gesture. He embraced her tightly then began to leave his dark troopers in close behind him. He stopped as something came to mind.

Perhaps you should have your men clear the hallways and bays as we leave...I wouldn't want needless deaths.

A grin born from the Darkside shown on his face then faded into a knowing gaze that met with Mockadane's own eyes.

The Vampyre link was still strong as he then spoke to Soth's mind. Saurron's whisper slipped into his ears unheard by others...
My apprentice you honor me...you are truely a Master now, and we will meet for more formal affairs on the matter.

He turned and made his way out of the room in full stride, black robes and cloak flowing behind him as the stark white doors slid together with a hiss.

Xazor Elessar
May 16th, 2002, 04:40:01 PM
ooc: I am going to post as I am a Knight now, seeing as though I have only replied a few times as a padawan in this thread, and it is difficult for me to play a padawan still....I hope this is alright with everyone.

As Maia and Xazor made their way outside, she felt a sudden ripple through the Force. It was a chilling wave that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She turned to Maia, her face was pale as she spoke.

"My dear friend....I feel a great disturbance in the Force. My...my life is in grave danger...."

She took large breaths of air to calm her racing heart. The thought passed through her mind once again. Someone wants to kill me.... She tried to erase the words from her head but they would not go away. Placing a hand on Maia's shoulder, she began to walk.

"Let's....I don't know....let's go to the Temple, perhaps. Yes, I need to seek out a Jedi Master or just some meditation."

The Knight's voice shook as she spoke, and then began to make her way toward the Temple in hopes that she would be safe there.

Maia Tharrinn
May 16th, 2002, 06:23:35 PM
Maia gave her friend a worried look. She did not want to lose her new Jedi friend. Looking around she cast scared glances at the dark shadows.

"What do you think it is Xazor. Who wants to take your life?" Maia said as they walked toward the temple.

Maia grasped the light saber her brother ha given her before he had left. She knew that she could not take on a master but she would die fighting to save her friends life if she had to.....

Xazor Elessar
May 17th, 2002, 05:54:56 PM
Xazor shook her head for a moment as they headed toward the sacred temple.

"I don't know who it is....if it is many or one, I cannot tell at this moment. Whatever it is, wants me....and something else..."

So many things were unclear to her this moment and he had to meditate to discover more hidden secrets. Her stomach formed a knot as they continued on....

Lord Soth
May 18th, 2002, 12:14:30 AM
Soth arose when his Master stood to leave the room. Each being within the room knew their role and place in the matter's ahead. This meeting was only a precursor of what was yet to come. The jedi would now face a new threat that would set the stage for the Sith to move in on their intended target's...

The Death Knight bowed to Saurron as his smooth word's entered his mind. Soth was deeply honored by his Master's appraisal and the word's he had longed to hear from him. The Death Knight knew he had reached the level of "Master," however it was the word's from Saurron his Master that made it complete. Soon they would fight side by side once again, but this time, it was for the glory of their kind. In the struggle between light and darkness the end equation was quite simple...

"There can only be one!"

One by one the occupant's within the white plast steel room left. Soth Nuevole was accompanied by Mockadane as he made his way back to the hanger bay. The two men continued to discuss what would unfold in the next few week's. The walk back to the hanger was uneventful since Mockadane had heeded Saurron's lethal word's to clear the area. As Soth approached his personal craft he paused and turned to the mercenary. Soth handed the man a black and silver data-pad. Within it were the star schematic's of the planetary system to their next meeting point.

"My friend, you will also find that a transfer fund of 150,000 Imperial credit's that can be downloaded at your discretion. Consider it a retainer fee." Soth word's were without feeling as he spoke. His face held no expression as he continued.

"Contact me once you have verified the location. I will then meet up with you short there after. Until then old friend..." Soth slightly bowed to the mercenary then he was on his way... The awful nightmare was now on the horizon, just within the shadow's, and the jedi knew it not!