View Full Version : Cowboys.....?

Sage Hazzard
May 6th, 2002, 03:00:39 AM
Should this be in the other forum? The roleplayer's helpdesk? I'm not certain and any mod that wants to move this has my blessing.

I've decided to RP a new character. A Cowboy character. Now, I want a good picture. Can anyone think of a good one? I don't want Clint Eastwood or John Wayne, or anyone obvious. Also, a younger person would be ideal. I was thinking of Russell Crowe in the Quick and the Dead. Actually, he'd be perfect. Only I think someone already uses Crowe, don't they?

May 6th, 2002, 03:21:35 AM
Russel Crowe is being used by Senator Redav.

Sage Hazzard
May 6th, 2002, 03:26:18 AM
Ah shoot. Well, anybody have suggestions for cowboy pics?

Sejah Haversh
May 6th, 2002, 03:46:35 AM
Sorry, Sage, I really really looked for some cowboy images, and even went through my art magazines to see if I could find some decent painings to scan, but I turned up empty.

Well, I shouldn't say empty, I did find this... It's nothing really useful, but, dang, I just have to put it up.


Crap, and now the link doesn't work, so I pulled it. Oh well, probably all for the better. It was a lunchbox that had a promo for the movie "Cowboy in Africa" on it. Well, I thought it was funny.

Crono katon
May 6th, 2002, 06:12:07 PM
Does it matter if its not a real person?

Sanis Prent
May 6th, 2002, 06:55:46 PM
I highly suggest one Mr. John "Doc" Holliday, southern genteel sophisticant turned gambler and outlaw. Best one for this would be from the 1992 movie "Tombstone", which is one of my favorite movies ever made.

Unfortunately, I am away from my PC, and don't have a pic for you, but should be easy enough to find. He was played by Val Kilmer.

May 6th, 2002, 07:14:36 PM
He would be the gentleman on the right in this picture (http://i.imdb.com/Photos/Ss/0108358/fcstil_0355.jpg).

And Sanis... it was 1993. <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/magtongue.gif ALT=":p">

EDIT: Here are a few more:
piccy01 (http://www.art.com/images/PRODUCTS/shdws/regular/10035000/10035124.jpg)
piccy02 (http://www.beavsden.com/napalousa/images/DOC.GIF)
piccy03 (http://home5.inet.tele.dk/smurf/tomb10.jpg)
piccy04 (http://www.valkilmeronline.com/ecards/image7.jpg)

<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Darth Snoopy
May 6th, 2002, 07:31:29 PM
or, you could always use Spike from Cowboy Bebop ;)

But I think somebody already uses him....who knows?

May 6th, 2002, 09:21:52 PM
Sage.. I agree with AB and Charley over here..

Gotta go with Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday in one of the BEST movies ever made. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Tombstone rocks !!

I'll be your huckleberry !! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sanis Prent
May 6th, 2002, 10:45:39 PM
Why Johnny Tyler...you madcap! Where ya goin with that shotgun?

Oh. My apologies Johnny, I forgot you were there. You may go now.

Maybe poker's not your game, Ike. I know...lets have a spellin contest!

Well, maybe I'm just deranged, but I guess I'm just gonna hafta call. Cover ya ears, dah'lin. Isn't that a daisy?

--(Doc) Look, dah'lin...its Johnny Ringo. The deadliest pistol there since ol' Wild Bill Hickock (sp) they say. What do you think? Should I hate him?
--(Kate) You don't even know him.
--(Doc) True. But there's just somethin about him. Somethin...round the house.
No, I'm sure of it. I hate him.

Thats Latin, dah'lin. Evidently Mr. Ringo is an educated man. How I really hate him.

Why Ed, what an ugly thing to say. I abhor ugliness, does this mean we're not friends anymore? Why...if I thought you weren't my friend...I don't think I could bear it.

Oh no, make no mistake. Its not revenge he's after. Its the Reckoning.

--(Doc)Dah'lin. We should talk. It appears we should redefine the nature of our association.
--(Kate) I'm a good woman, Doc. Haven't I always taken care of you?
--(Doc)Yes, it is true. You are a good woman. Then again, you may be the Antichrist.

Why Kate! You're not wearin a bussel (sp). How lewd.

I calculate that's the end of this town. Well...good evenin then!

--(Doc)A man like Johnny Ringo's got a great hole, runnin through the middle of him. He can never kill enough, steal enough, or inflict enough pain to fill it. He wants revenge.
--(Wyatt) For what?
--(Doc) For bein born.

I have not yet begun to defile myself!

Why Johnny Ringo! It looks like somebody just...walked all over your grave.

--(Creek Johnson) Nobody move!
--(Doc) Nonsense. By all means, move.

--(McLoughery Brother) A drunk piano player. You're so drunk, you couldn't hit nothin. In fact, you're probably seein double.
--(Doc) I got two guns. One for each of ya.

--(McLoughery Brother) Is that Old Dog Train. That sounds like Old Dog Train to me.
--(McLoughery Brother) You know, Stephen Foster. Ol Suzanna...Camptown Races! Stephen Stinkin Foster!
--(Doc) No, this happens to be a nocturne.
--(McLoughery Brother) A which?
--(Doc) You know...Frederick -DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR--DO-NOT-SWEAR-ing Chopin.

--(Creek Johnson) Doc, you're sick. You should be in bed, why the hell are you out here?
--(Doc) Wyatt Earp is my friend.
--(Creek Johnson) Hell, I got lots of friends!
--(Doc) I don't.

Did I mention that he is probably the most quotable character in any movie ever made? <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Lady DeVille
May 7th, 2002, 01:43:18 AM
*drags Doc Holiday off to her shack*

He's in my COLLECTION! ;) j/k

I love that movie! One of the best ever. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 7th, 2002, 02:02:30 AM
I found a Cowboy for you


Note, I made this in bout 1 minute, I was to lazy to spend much time on it, so I just blured his hand and saber together.

Sage Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 03:14:56 AM
I agree that Doc Holiday is great but I can't use him. My brother suggested him, and I always did love Val in that movie(I almost cried when he got sick). But my character is based on a character that's in one of my movies. He's got dirty clothes and bullet holes in his overcoat. Of course, he also has a priest's collar, but that's picky. And Doc Holiday's little mustache doesn't fit. This guy's a strong willed, zealot, that enforces things with a devine hand.....

I'll keep looking. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sage Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 03:24:33 AM
Note: It doesn't have to be a real person. It can be a drawing, video game character, etc. Also, it doesn't have to be a true cowboy, with spurs and a hat. It can be someone like Dante from Devil May Cry. Just someone with that cowboylike get-up. BTW, thought I'd post a wee bit of my script for you're viewing pleasure. Oh, and I know the title's already been done, but it's the dude's name and I can't think of a better one so far.

The Saint



Two people, a man and a woman occupy the room. The woman sits on the bed while the man stands.

Pan of the nightstand revealing a wedding band.

The woman lays flat on her back as the man starts at his belt.

Door busts open revealing a cowboy. He wears black pants and a shirt. A dicky is around his neck. He's obviously a priest but doesn't look the part. His hat is in contrast to the clean and proper black matching wardrobe. It's a dark brown, with light brown caked on mud. His flowing overcoat is also in the same condition but all along it are bullet holes.


THE SAINT: Adultry, sinner. Your last mistake.

The Saint holds the wedding band up between the forefinger and thumb. His eyes never look at it he operates so deftly.

The camera pans along with the married man's eyes. The ring is gone and no one witnessed it being removed.

The Saint throws the ring forcefully, showing the first sign of true emotion. As it flies through the air at the man, he ducks. A modified old handgun, fit with an ackward magazine, looks entirely out of place. It's definantly homemade. The Saint draws it out of his holster, firing with a layed back ease. The bullet flies through the ring's gap, both flying over the man's head.

EXT. HOTEL (street) - DAY

The man flies through the window, shattering it as he does.


Right before impact a mysterious hand grabs his shirt. The body stops suddenly and seems to hover. Normally, the shirt would snap or his feet would hit the ground but this was not normal circumstances.

THE SAINT: Be well, god's child.

The Saint drops him and the married man hits the ground with a puff of dust under him. The Saint walks away.

Sanis Prent
May 7th, 2002, 08:29:42 PM
Perhaps Clint Eastwood from "The Outlaw Josey Wales"

Third best western ever made, behind Tombstone and Quick and the Dead

May 7th, 2002, 10:30:39 PM
Quick and the Dead..

Isn't that the one where the ending spoils it all? With that stupid bullethole that somehow lets light shine thru?

The one with Sharon Stone, Leonardo DeCaprio and Gene Hackman?

Movie was good.. But that ending needs to be burned at the stake.

Sanis Prent
May 7th, 2002, 11:20:06 PM
I love that ending! Wonderful. Raimi should be doing westerns!

And its the one movie besides Whats Eating Gilbert Grape that Leo is GOOD in.

Hell, he steals the show IMO.

Sage Hazzard
May 7th, 2002, 11:23:33 PM
Isn't Tohmahawk using Eastwood though?

Sejah Haversh
May 8th, 2002, 02:12:13 AM
Sage, I know you're probably in a bit of a rush to get this new sig done, but I'd like to offer you a proposition.

I draw, a lot, and I've been wanting to do a western-type image for a while now, but not with any of my usual characters. (Mongooses don't make good cowboys) And for my next Photoshop class project I have to color a hand-drawn image, so I'd like to see if you'd be willing to let my draw your cowboy character and color and detail him all up. What I'd ask in return is your permission to turn him in as my project.

For some examples of my art, check out elfwood.lysator.liu.se/lo...ardia.html (http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/g/u/guardia/guardia.html) and don't miss the sci-fi art link. Most of it is furry, but I do draw humans pretty darn well, and I'm really getting into detail lately.

If this sounds good to you, let me know and I'll get started. You can e-mail me at nehantish@hotmail.com

Of course, I'll need a good description of him, including colors of clothing and whatnot. And if there's a particular pose or something you want, let me know that, too. I've really been wanting to do a western image.

Sanis Prent
May 8th, 2002, 01:46:46 PM
Tohmahawk uses Neo, last I checked.

Morgan Evanar
May 8th, 2002, 01:52:09 PM
Portishead - Cowboys

Did you sweep us far from your feet,
Reset in stone this stark belief,
Salted eyes and a sordid dye,
Too many years.

But don't despair,
This day will be their damnedest day,
Oh, if you take these things from me.

Did you feed us tales of deceit,
Conceal the tongues who need to speak?
Subtle lies and a soiled coin,
The truth is sold, the deal is done.

But don't despair,
This day will be their damnedest day,
Oh, if you take these things from me.

Undefined, no signs of regret,
Your swollen pride assumes respect,
Talons fly as a last disguise,
But no return, the time has come.

So don't despair,
And this day will be their damnedest day,
Oh, if you take these things from me.
Oh, if you take these things from me.

Lady DeVille
May 8th, 2002, 09:31:02 PM
Wow..awesome art!

I can't draw like that..when I do draw I tend towards realistic portaits. Or...as realistic as I can make it. I drew Charley but he says I made him look like he had Down Syndrome. Mean Charley! <img src=http://www.thegjo.com/forum/smileys/crazya.gif ALT=":b"> Its okay though.

Still, great work! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2002, 01:04:31 AM
Dude! You're good! I draw pretty well. Although I can't draw women, only men. The reason is because I started drawing seriously for a self made comic book. Since at the time I was only ten, I was into Superman and stuff, not girls. So over time the scales of which sex I was best at drawing tipped to men. Just a little Sagey tidbit.

Let me give you the rundown here. I don't mind if you enter him into it, just tell me what kind of a grade you get! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

He wears a black shirt and pants, very clean and ironed crisp. He has that little white thing, like a priest, too. His overcoat is a long flowing one. It's dark brown but light brown splotches of caked on mud and dirt cover it. The jacket is riddled with bullet holes. As is his cowboy hat. The hat is the same color and condition of the overcoat. His boots are cowboy-esque, but not overly. No spurs or pointed toe. Boots are brown as well. His belt consists of two holsters with guns in each. That's all. His build is medium but muscular. And his face is clean shaven. His hair is black as well.

For the pose, whatever pops in you're head is fine. Maybe him pointed the gun towards the viewer, with the other gun pointing the opposite way. Like he's facing down two enemies.

How long will it take? I can wait a while. Since you're doing this for me, I can just post without a signature for a while. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Dark Lord Dyzm
May 9th, 2002, 01:55:08 AM
Sounds almost like that Sharpshooting dude from Final Fantasy 8... GOD DAMMIT I HAVE TO RESTART THE FREAKING GAME!!!

Sorry, random outburst, I got stuck in a place where the monsters dont give exp and I can't go back... that was last summer I belive. I got so pissed off I haven't played it sense.

Maybe Cowboy Bebop? Comes with his own kick ass ship.

Sejah Haversh
May 9th, 2002, 01:56:51 AM
Okay, not as gritty as I was thinking, but that's fine. What type of gun does he have? Revolver? If so, what length and do they have the litle trinagular support runner on the underside of the barrel? Have an aversion to snakeskin boots? And what length is his hair?

Also, any ideas on a background type? (If you say Cyber-punk, I'll kill you)

And I'm estimating turnaround time will be slightly less than a week, considering my assignment is due next wednesday.

Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2002, 03:58:26 AM
Well, he can have stubble. Actually, make him a little more bulky in size. And his hair is not shoulder length but drops below his ears, mid-way along his neck.

The truth is, I don't have a 100% idea on how he looks. If I told you why, I'd have to kill you, because it gives away the movie. So, he can look different a little from what I say. Also, don't have him look like a stale cowboy that can't kick butt. He's an action hero that uses Kung Fu and stuff. So make him look like he's able to move rather quickly. Oh, and if possible, put an insane glint in his eye.

Snakeskin's alright. I was thinking just plain ol' boots, leather. But it doesn't matter. To be honest, I didn't think out the boots.

It's sort of like a revolver. Since in the movie, it's the Wild West, I wanted him to have more than a six-shooter. So imagine a hybrid of the old revolver six shooters with a rigged magazine to it for loading bullets. Custom made by him. About the triangular thing, doesn't matter. He changes types of guns throughout so whatever you want is fine. The length is kind of long, Dirty Hairy like.

You mean what's behind him?.... Well, maybe like an amalgram of the Old West but with new ideas. A mix of old and new. I don't really care.... Cyper Punk!!!! j/k Seriously, I trust you're vision. Looking at you're work I can tell you're not a moron. I know you won't mess it up so just go with whatever you're gut tells you. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sejah Haversh
May 9th, 2002, 04:01:48 AM
Okay, and my last questions...

His face. Thesae are important things, and do affect how he is taken in by others. Does he have a wide, medium or narrow face, and if narrow, does he have cheekbones? And also, the nose, does it have a bump, or is it straight? I can do any of them, but I like to go off a good idea instead of just starting and ending up with a self-portrait...

Sage Hazzard
May 9th, 2002, 04:32:45 AM
Widish face. Not blocky, but not medium. Defined jaw, cheeks, and chin. Not large, just muscularly chisled. Nose is straight. Eyes are grey too, BTW. And his eyebrows are dark but not bushy, kind of like they're thick haired but not big. His demeanor is all business without humor or indecision. Also, his neck is muscular but not body builder thick, in-between. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

BTW, this is one of my coolest characters. So I'm thrilled to have him being drawn by a good artist. Me being suckish. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sejah Haversh
May 9th, 2002, 04:45:25 AM
So, kind of like the guy on the cover of Command and Conquer: Renegade?

If you don't know who that is, just trust me when I say I think I understand what you want. I'll get started on him on Thursday, I should have a fair amount of time then. I'll do up a few sketches and e-mail them to you so you can see if you like a particular one of them.

Sage Hazzard
May 11th, 2002, 01:33:14 AM
Alrighty, I'll look forward to those scetches. In case you don't know my e-mail is: avolonbisel@yahoo.com My profile might say otherwise, so make sure you use that address I'm giving to you. Anything else is an old addy.

I'll have to check that out. Never heard of it.

Sejah Haversh
May 13th, 2002, 03:44:45 AM
Hey, sorry I haven't sent you a couple base sketches, the first one I did just turned out so well, I've been runnign with it. And I'd show it to you, but I don't have a scanner ont eh computer I'm on now.

But I can describe it! I've laid it out in a vertical format, and with your guy slightly off-center int eh middle, a bit more to the right.

The right arm is holding one of his six-guns, and firing at about hip level, and the other is pulling the other gun from the holster. He is facing the direction he is shooting, and most of the clothing you described is visible. I've not decided on the background yet, but that'll be quick to do. I'll try to get it scanned for you ASAP, but I can only do so much...

but it definitely should be done by Wednesday afternoon, seeing as that's when my assignment is due...

Sage Hazzard
May 13th, 2002, 03:49:18 AM
Sounds awesome. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)"> I can't wait for the scans. <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 01:12:24 AM
Hey! I re-did the drawing, and it came out much better! I'm sendign you the beginning pencils, and I am doing the mid-to-finish pencils right now. Coloring should be a breeze!

Should be in your e-mail soon.

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 01:53:41 AM
Check again, I had a mail error! I re-sent.

Sage Hazzard
May 14th, 2002, 01:54:09 AM
I just PMed you, saying I hadn't got it. Although you probably just haven't sent it yet. :)

But, just post it here. Look above the submit button in the new post page. You can upload the image onto this server. That way everyone can see it, including me. :)

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 02:00:00 AM
Okay, here he is. Sorry if it looks goofy on a web screen.

And his duster is blowing in the wind; that's why it's pulled off to the side like that.

Sage Hazzard
May 14th, 2002, 02:02:56 AM
I wish there was a dancing smiley. :D I freakin' love it! Matches the character VERY well. I can't wait to see the finished version! :D

BTW, in response to your question, yes and no. He has a name, but not a real one. It's "the Saint". The reason behind him not having a name revolves around what he really is. Which is the key part of the story, which I don't want to give away. :) But everyone in the movie calls him "Saint" or "the Saint". It's hiis name sorta.

Sejah Haversh
May 14th, 2002, 02:08:30 AM
Just be careful, there was an old Radio show, then TV show, and then movie called "The Saint" as well. It's pretty popular, too.

Aww, but Can I know his name? Like, PM me or something? I can't take not knowing it!

And I'm glad you liked it, though those gus are going to give me some trouble. The closest I can come to your magazine mechanism in nineteenth century pistol would be breech loading a full cylinder of shells, having it flip out and lock onto a center rod or something. That way you could ahve spare loaded cylinders, and just be able to pop one in. Beyond that, you're getting into german mechanics for that era, which really don't fit him.

Sage Hazzard
May 14th, 2002, 02:25:13 AM
Well, it won't be the name of the movie. I remember a movie being called that. But that's his name. There's a good reason.

For the gun thing, he makes the guns. And he is very.... smart shall we say? Let's just say, he could make something that would work. But for the drawing, just stick to regular guns. For the movie, I'd need a lot of people working on it to make it look right. Make it look homemade but with a touch of real world science.

Okay, I'll PM you, filling you in on all the stuff. :)

Sejah Haversh
May 15th, 2002, 02:32:32 AM
Here he is in the beginning ink. Don't worry, the little glithcy stuff will be fixed in Photoshop. A preview of the inking style I am going to be using can be found at http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/zone/g/u/guardia2/jack_tregan_elfwood.jpg.html

Sejah Haversh
May 15th, 2002, 02:48:37 AM
Nevermind, the inked version is now officially trash.

My %&!@$#* tremor decided that the inked one shouldn't work either, and my hands shook and KILLED IT!

ARRRGH! I'm an artist! I'm getting frikkin' sick and tired of this! Stupid Essential Tremor! It's destroyed so many pictures, and kept me form doing others. GAHHRR!!

Sorry, I'm not usually like this, but, it's just been bad lateley and I needed to vent. I'll try again, but I might have to ask for a deadline extension from both you and my teacher. I just can't get enough physical control to get it done right right now. I'm sorry.

Sejah Haversh
May 15th, 2002, 03:21:18 AM
Okay, I just went back to the original sketch and cleaned it up, a lot. This is what I got. It'll go through some more cleanup, but is prettymuch what I will be workign with.

Sorry for that outburst, I was just really pissed off, I'm all better now.

But it's way late, and I'm going to bed...

Sage Hazzard
May 16th, 2002, 01:40:47 AM
Very nice! It's turning out marvelous. I'm sure the final product will grant you an A grade. :)

In response to your PM query, I suppose Ink is better. The sample you provided is expertly done, so I'd like it done in Ink. Although, if pencils are easier, by all means go with pencils. :)

BTW, I just have to say, you have major talent. Have you ever thought about going into the comic book business?

Sejah Haversh
May 19th, 2002, 07:24:05 PM
Sage, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry this is takign so long. I ahte over-running deadlines. It turned out to actually be due on Monday, so I used Wednesday and the last few days to get soem other homework done.

You also said you liked the inked version, and since I mutilated the previous inked version with my tremor, I decided to re-do it. Bear in mind, that sometimes takes courage, especially whjen the same drawing has allready foiled you about ten times. But, in the tradition of Jack Kirby, I started int eh middle, and worked out. And Voila! Her he is, all inked up and clean. I also made a few modifications, like adding philligree on the belt, and a few better folds and stuff.

And as far as comics go, I'm trying to do my own, but, they take a terribly long time, and I can't make myself as reliavle as I'd need to be quite yet. But thanks for the compliment.

The image is attached.