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View Full Version : Mistaken Intentions

Morgan Evanar
Sep 10th, 2001, 12:45:18 AM
OOC: This open if you ask me first.

Dawn broke on Yavin Four. Morgan pulled the sheets off his body, and swung himself out of bed.

Several minutes later he emerged from the shower, much refreshed. Brushing his teeth, he stared into mirror. The scar given to him by the Lounge Lizard was gone. Morgan rinsed his mouth out, and then renewed the staring.


His stomach growled loudy. Quiet you, I'm working on it. After finishing up in the bathroom, he pulled on a pair of khakis, and a dark grey t-shirt. Morgan stared at his coat for a second, and decided not to wear it, instead opting for a dark brown jacket that went down to his mid thigh. All of the clothes seemed a bit tighter than they should be, and that went double for the shoes.

Morgan exited the building, walking with a brisk pace that reflected his hunger, following the short yet meandering path that led to the mess hall. Sniffing, he took in the vast array of scents that he became aware of after the "good" doctor had played with his genetic makeup. It was almost like looking through the world with a completely new set of eyes. He sniffed again, taking in new scents. Everyone had one.

Two nearby Lone Wolves looked down at the forest floor from tree stands. The hefted their tranq guns, and aimed.


Morgan blinked, confused. Why would he need to run?

Shorty gave a hand signal, and two darts quickly descended, sticking through the right sleeve.


Morgan pulled the darts free and looked around. He began to feel a bit lightheaded.

"Heh, thats some good shiiz."

His pulse began to pound in his ears. Two men, from the 131st Krakkens ran out from behind trees to take Morgan down. One hit him with a stun blast, but was mildy bewildered when he stumbled a bit instead of just falling down.


He kind of stood there while everyone reloaded and Morgan hit him like a two ton truck, wrapping him up and running him into a tree. Ricter's eyes went wide as he felt his air leave his lungs with a pop. Morgan let him go for a second, grabbed him by his shirt, and flung him eight meters into the other Krakken.

Suddenly, Morgan dissapeared.


Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 10th, 2001, 12:02:23 PM
The sound of weapon's fire met Cirrsseeto's sensitive ears as he took a morning hunt in the forest. Turning quickly to the sound's direction, his curiosity got the better of him. The felinoid unsheathed his claws, and took to the nearest tree, scrambling upward to use its height as a vantage point. From the canopy, he gazed in the general direction of the sound. His sharp eyesight spotted a familiar figure through the canopy....about half a mile away. The Cizerack made a perplexed face.


It was one of the aliens that he worked for. Unsure of whether to feign ignorance and return to finding food, or to get a closer look, Cirrsseeto's curiosity got the better of him, and the feline began to bound from tree to tree, hoping to figure out if there was anything important happening.

For once, food could wait.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 10th, 2001, 06:33:44 PM
"Heeeyyyy...." Morgan turned as he heard the Cizerack making his way through the jungle trees. He stared at Cirr with vacant eyes, glazed over in a drug induced haze.

"Hiiiiyass Cirrr." Morgan's hands went up to wave, and he fell backwards, and hung from the treebranch caught under his knees. Twenty meters above the ground below, he hung strung out.
"Hehhehehehe, I'm messed up." Slowly, he reached out, and moved his fingers like he was typing.

"Cirr! Cirr! Is the sky the ground for you too? I wonder if I'd fall up. Or is it down?"

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 12th, 2001, 02:57:21 AM
Cirrsseeto bounds over to Evanar, careful not to alert the guards below him. Slowly, he advances to him, and listens to the man talk crazy words that he doesn't understand. With a perplexed look and a flutter of ears, Cirrsseeto simply flings Morgan over his shoulder, and carries him away.

He must be sick.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2001, 03:48:44 AM
"Heeyyy Cirr. Whatcha doing? Where am I going? Ooooo the world is BOUNCING." Morgan giggled. His body was numb, he only had a vauge sensation of being held. Watching the terrain move around strangely as Cirr walked provided no end to Morgan's amusement.

"Cirr, the tree is moving! When did they do that? ohhhh heehheheheheheehhehheeh." He continued to laugh randomly until his stomach growled again. "Cirrrrrrr heheheheh lets get something to eat. I'm soooo hungry."

"Cmon, lets get fooood. OH! THE LEAVES ARE BLUuuuURRY!!!!"

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 12th, 2001, 04:20:35 AM
It took ten minutes to return to the edge of the forest. There, Cirrsseeto looked for a place to hide Morgan, settling for a bush outside of the Bar and Grill. He unceremoniously dumped the drugged man into the shrubbery, and darted off towards the forest. Morgan was sick, and he needed food.

Ten more minutes, and Cirrsseeto returned, dragging a freshly-slaughtered eopie behind him. He hoped the smell of the blood would be enough for Morgan to wake up and eat, but he was obviously quite out of it.

Cirrsseeto laid Morgan in his lap, and carefully tore a strip of meat from the animal's belly with his claws. Gently, he pushed the raw flesh through Morgan's lips, moving his jaw up and down with his hand, trying to manually "chew" for him.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 12th, 2001, 04:44:37 AM
Morgan forcefully pulled Cirr's hands away from his face, maybe a little to hard. He flipped the Cizerack over, and he landed on his back with quite a thump.

Not noticing that he just flipped Cirr over, he began to eat again.
"This doesn't taste soo bad, hey, whats the red stuff, OH I'M SORRY!" He began to stand up, but fell back down and started to giggle again. Tearing into the eopie, Morgan began to eat in a manner that any Cizerack would be proud of. Cirr sat up, looking shocked. Mainy because he was just flipped by a human.
"mmmphh thisthdf is prettf goopths" Chew chew swallow dripple. "But it needs garlic." Uncerimounously, Morgan picked up the eopie and plunged his face into the side of the animal, tearing into the raw, bleeding flesh.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 12th, 2001, 11:51:09 PM
Cirrsseeto sat up slowly, slightly dazed and with one of his ears flopped back in a funny manner. He watched Morgan eat, and although extremely confused, he had to laugh loudly, in a brazen and mewling tone. The Hyuu-mann was eating like a Cizerack. He was one very confused Forrda.

Oh well...he wasn't one to disagree. It was, of course, the superior way to eat.

However....he was out of turn!

Cirrsseeto got up to his hands and knees, elbowing Morgan out of the way as he sank his teeth into the juicy entrails, pulling away a mouthful of visceral matter.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:44:29 AM
"Aww cmmonn Cirr, I'm still hungrrry." Morgan nudged the Cizerack, but only got a quiet growl in response. Leaning back against a tree, he sighed, long and deep.

"Heh, the worrllld is rightside uppp again." Taking another deep breath, he smelled several humans and some wookies that were upwind. A dry stick broke in the area, crunched under a boot. Slowly, the misaligned mental gears in Morgan's drugged out brain turned a bit.

"Oh sheit!" He threw himself to his feet, and began to run/stumble his way twoard the entrance of Yog's.

Continued here: pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1147.topic (http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm2.showMessage?topicID=1147.topic)