View Full Version : Cirrsseeto Returns!
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 7th, 2001, 05:31:43 PM
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta hopped eagerly off the transport as it touched down on the planet. He tipped the pilot, and gave him a hearty slap on the back, knocking the hapless man over, face-first to the ground. Undaunted, the Cizerack walked toward the settlement, and the Bar and Grill.
It had been quite some time since Cirrsseeto had been here. Quickly, he became reacquainted with the sights, sounds, and smells of the establishment. His ears perked up upon entry, and his pale blue eyes scanned from side to side, looking for anything of interest, or maybe some food that might have been dropped somewhere.
Alas, no dropped food was to be found. But Cirrsseeto was prepared, and he had money with him now, thanks to his and Saarrreeaa's latest employment. However, it didn't come without its prices, as Cirrsseeto was forced to cooperate with the loathful hyuu-mann, Sanis Prent.
A growl issued forth as he thought of the scum. He despised Sanis enough to tear him apart, but for some reason, Saarrreeaa found interest in his hands were tied. Cirrsseeto's ears drooped as he thought about the situation. Someday...her interest would wane, and he'd be able to exact true feline revenge!
Scanning the bar, he found that it was quite crowded today. In fact, there wasn't a single seat to be found. Surely somebody would gladly let him have their seat, Cirrsseeto thought.
His blue eyes locked onto a green-skinned Rodian, sipping at a brightly-colored drink.
"He'll let me have his seat!" Cirrsseeto thought. Of course, his logic was somewhat questionable, as the only reason he thought this was because the Rodian was green, and since he was the only green-skinnned alien in the bar, it must mean something special.
Lumbering up to the alien, Cirrsseeto curiously grabbed the Rodian's back collar, hefting him into the air. He smiled sheepishly at the frightened alien, canines slightly visible through stretched lips.
jI'm gojing to sssjit herrre, okajy? Thank jYou!
Absent-mindedly, Cirrsseeto dropped the Rodian, who crumpled to the floor in a smattering of frustrated curses. His pride and ego were bruised, not to mention his shoulder, and the fact that his margarita spilled all over his shirt. Gawking at the huge Cizerack that had tossed him, he simply sulked away, cursing.
Cirrsseeto, on the other hand, flopped happily onto the barstool, tail moving from side to side, swatting gently against the people to the right and left of him. As soon as his eyes spotted the waitress, a clawed hand waved energetically into the air, and a mewling voice rose over the crowd.
Hello! jI am hungrrrjy pleassse!
Sep 7th, 2001, 05:47:32 PM
::Rock watched the catlike creature from across the bar. He had heard of this man...Cirrsseeto. Rock had no intentions to meet him either. He saw the animal pick up the Rodian and toss him away like garbage.::
Sep 7th, 2001, 06:01:50 PM
*set the biggest plate of ribs in front of cirr*here ya go...oh wait just a min..*runs away an returns dragging a keg behind her*an here ya go...its all i could it was for me but hell take it*walks away*
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 7th, 2001, 06:12:12 PM
Cirrsseeto turns quickly, looking at the woman as she walked away.
He was befuddled. She wasn't the waitress!
Turning back, he spotted the enormous rack of ribs in front of him. Unable to hide his wide, salivating grin, Cirrsseeto dove in, tearing the ribs apart, and sinking his fangs into them, stripping meat from the bones in noisy and messy bites. Splatters of offal, bits of uneaten flesh, and bone went flying, as Cirrsseeto chowed down. He tossed cleaned bones as he went, not looking where they went. His ears perked up, as he purred, quite happy at the freebie.
Liam Jinn
Sep 7th, 2001, 09:27:56 PM
Liam couldn't help but laugh at the people sitting next to Cir. They had bits of flesh everywhere on them, not to mention the look of horror they gave each other. As another piece of flesh flew on the one to the right of Cir, he jumped away from his seat ran out of the bar with his hands over his mouth. Liam stood up from where he was sitting and took the seat that was now vacant next to Cir.
"Heyyy, look who's back." Liam said as he signaled for the waitress to come over.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 7th, 2001, 10:25:49 PM
Cirrsseeto turns, attempting a meaningful conversation with the somewhat-familiar Hyuu-mann, but with a mouthful of food, it comes out as half Cizerack / half Gibberish.
Sep 7th, 2001, 10:25:50 PM
Akrabbim eyes the huge felinoid, noting that he was, as usual, eating. He moves gets a sandwich from the bar and walks up behind the giant. He claps him on the shoulder as he lays the sandwich in front of him.
Still hungry buddy? This one's on me...
Akrabbim uses a simple mind trick to cause the sandwich to growl, slightly...
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 7th, 2001, 10:32:45 PM
Cirrsseeto's eyes widen, and he cowers away slightly, ears drooping in response to the shiny-eyed alien and his sandwich.
Liam Jinn
Sep 7th, 2001, 10:48:31 PM
Liam looks at the sandwhich for a moment, then looked at the hand who had placed it in front of Cirr. Akrabbim, now it makes sense.
"Better hurry up and eat it before it eats you! It looks hungry!"
Morgan Evanar
Sep 7th, 2001, 11:52:24 PM
"mmmm sandwhich."
Morgan casually walks by, and picks up the growling sandwhich. With a gentle sniff, the sandwhich is determined to be a BLT. It growled louder, opening the bread as if it were hinged for a mouth.
Eyeing the unsual actions of a sandwhich, Morgan thought about the implications of eating it.
And then downed it in thirty seconds.
"Aye, that was quite a sandwhich."
He moved on, twoard the kitchen. Hunger had not manifested itself this strongly since he was sixteen.
Sep 8th, 2001, 12:20:30 AM
Akrabbim stifles a chuckle.
Wow, that guy ate a SANDWICH.... while it was in its angry pose, no less. That guy must be tough...
Akrabbim pats the large feline on the shoulder again.
I'd watch out for him if I were you, buddy.
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 8th, 2001, 12:27:07 AM
Cirrsseeto grimaces...looking at the Hyuu-mann with a combination of fear and respect. A clawed hand scratches his head in confusion.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 8th, 2001, 12:36:12 AM
Seer enters the bar, stopping for a moment as she recognizes a very familar scent....So he's back now, huh? She thought as she sat down on a barstool a short distance away and watched him out of the corner of her eye. Her ear flickered slightly as she noticed one of the waitresses was passing by so she ordered a large slab of raw steak, after all she was eating for two now........She continued to watch Cirr as she ate, wondering where he had been since she hadn't seen him since Korrarri arrived which also reminded her that Korra needed to be found...but for the moment she was content to just watch Cirrsseeto out of the corner of her eye as she ate the prekilled food, the lousy forrda had no taste when it came to food.....
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 8th, 2001, 09:03:06 AM
Cirrsseeto looks at Morgan with a confused pout...and slides his barstool away from him. Something about shiny-eye and his sandwiches really creeped him out...and now that went double for the trenchcoat wearing Hyuu-mann. The Cizerack fluttered his ears, trying to look preoccupied so maybe the sandwiches wouldn't return.
His wandering eyes spotted an attractive female, and he grinned, watching her well-curved posterior as she walked. Suddenly, he caught a very familiar scent in the air. One he was quite acquainted with...
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:35:11 AM
Seer smiled as she noticed Cirr looking at her.
jyou'rrre morrre than welcome to jojin me overrr herrre jif jyou'rrre ssstjill hungrrrjy, Cjirrrrrrsssssseeto, thjisss jisss wajy morrre than jI can eat anjywajy.....
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:18:55 AM
Cirrsseeto slowly approached Seerrasseei, unsure of how to act. He wasn't his same, uninhibited self as he was during his Kree-arr...and he WAS still bound to Saarrreeaa.
However, she attractive, and she was offering food, and that was quite a temptation. Cirrsseeto figured that he'd have at least that much leeway.
Cautiously sitting next to his one-time partner, Cirrsseeto smiles sheepishly, gnawing at Seerrasseei's steak.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:26:05 AM
Seer smiled as Cirr came over and started eating, she knew things weren't going to be as how they were before but she never was one to follow rules. But for the time being, she was willing to wait, he was near and that was good enough for now. She knew he wouldn't be how he had been but he was still interesting even though he was nervous. She smirked slightly as she remembered the last time they had gotten together, who knew, fate might make something happen again.....
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 10th, 2001, 01:27:04 PM
Seer glances over at Cirr often, not liking the awkward silence but she couldn't really think of anything to say so instead she just purred at a very low frequency as she tried to think of something.....
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 16th, 2001, 01:12:23 AM
Seer continues to watch Cirrsseeto out of the corner of her eye, this was one of those times Seer wished relations were better between males and females. But things being as they were, she had to just wait until he noticed or make him notice. Making a effort to catch his attention away from the food by looking directly at Cirrsseeto, Seer cursed to herself about how she couldn’t just go right out and tell him. But since he was not her manservant, such a conversation would be even more difficult than most. Normally, most males only guessed that a child might be theirs but never really knew for sure but all fathers in the Tsseerra line had always known so Seer felt that Cirrsseeto should at least be able to know that her unborn child was his as well. Cirrsseeto was glancing at her occasionally but he seemed too nervous to notice anything. (Well I can at least make an effort to get you to notice…..)Seer thought to herself as she yawned then leaned on Cirrsseeto, with her head resting on his shoulder. She felt him move slightly in surprise before he stayed still because after all, he was still supposed to act nicely to any Cizerack female even if she wasn’t his mistress. All males knew that punishments followed for anyone who didn’t obey any female.
Oh calm down, jI’m jussst tjirrred jisss all…..jussst contjinujing eatjing, therrre’sss no rrreassson let the rrressst of thjisss food go to wassste……Seer said quietly as she looked up at him before yawning again.
(I’m close enough now for you to have to notice something……)
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 18th, 2001, 09:52:37 PM
Cirrsseeto's ears rose as he detected something amiss...something in Seerrasseei's scent. It was as if...
He turned, with a curious look to his face.
jYou arrre wjith cub?
Of course...there was a distinct possibility that he was the father. Not that it mattered. He was not Seerrasseei's concubine, so he would have no ties to the cub, period. was a curiosity.
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:12:28 PM
Hmm, didn't think he'd figure it out that quickly....Seer thought to herself as she looked up at him.
jYesss whjich jisss whjy jI'm tjirrred lateljy, the kjid has been usssjing me asss a punchjing bag all dajy....
She then closed her eyes again, she would wait and see if he asked if it was his, then tell him.......
Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:59:00 PM
jIt jisss mjine?
Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:22:59 PM
jyesss, jit'sss jyourrrsss, jyou'rrre the onljy jI've been wjith jin awhjile.....
Seer said quietly as her tail twitched back and forth behind her.
OOC: ttt.....
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