View Full Version : Chivalric measures

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 4th, 2001, 10:21:23 PM
(It had been some time since the Parragas II, or the rest of the Imperial Gator Navy had been on active duty, and Captain Joachim Fena had decided to process a request of a short leave, which was quickly granted to the Imperial hero.

He arrived a day later on Arcan IV, on a nondescript passenger liner. Clad in a flanel jacket and olive slacks, he entered Master Yoghurts Bar & Grill, leaving his Imperial Brass behind.

Finding an empty barstool, the decorated Imperial Captain politely flagged down the waitress.)

Ah, excuse me miss...I'll have Caridan Vodka, please.

Edit: Thread has been scrubbed.

Selena Kyle
Oct 5th, 2001, 10:24:01 PM
::Selena returned momentarily from the bar with the Captain's drink and placed it on a cocktail napkin infront of him::

There you go Sir. One Caridan Vodka. Is there anything else I can get you this evening?

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 5th, 2001, 11:09:19 PM
(Fena ponderously drank from his glass, and smiled at the waitress)

Oh, I don't suppose you'd have any Caridan Opera here? Davelov, perhaps?

Oct 6th, 2001, 10:17:01 PM
:: Though dressed in cilivian clothing, it was not hard to recognize the well known face of an Imperial Captain she had seen plenty of pictures of, and been briefed on several times through her involvment with Rogue Squadron. ::

:: She did take note that he was here most likely on leave, and thus she would treat him as such. ::

:: Stepping up to the table, followed silently by her silver and violet astromech droid, R2-C3, she extended her hand to the Captain. ::

Captain Fena, I presume? I have heard many stories about you. You're face is quite prominant among the briefings I have received. It is an honor.

I am Rie Mysst, Captain and Rogue 12. Though among the Jedi, I am fondly known as AmazonBabe.

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 7th, 2001, 12:04:51 AM
(Although he'd preferred to remain anonymous, this Rebel's courtesy was well-appreciated. Fortunately, they weren't all warlike savages. He would have to make a note of this later.

Placing his vodka aside, he clasped her hand formally.)

Please, call me Joachim. I am only a Captain if I am wearing insignia.

(He smiled, glancing down to a small case and an elongated pole next to him.)

For now...I am a fisherman. My other life does not concern me.

Tell me, Rie Mysst....do you know Davelov?

Oct 7th, 2001, 12:16:54 AM
:: She grasped his hand, shaking it firmly, taking note he wished to be a civilian for today. She knew the feeling. Sometimes, you just wanted to get away from your day job. ::

As you wish, Joachim. You may refer to me as Rie.

:: She released his hand and sat in the chair opposite him at the table, pondering his question. She shook her head slowly. ::

No... no, I don't believe I have heard of Davelov.

:: RC, who had taken a position beside her seat, whistled softly. She smiled. ::

Well, it appears my astromech here knows who it is. But I can only hazzard a guess. It does however sound very much like a composers name.

Am I close?

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 7th, 2001, 12:28:51 AM
Indeed he is.

(Fena nodded his head)

And a libretist. Quite a prodigy, even on a galactic scale. You have good composers, and you have good libretists. Never both.

(Taking a pause, Fena sipped his clear liquor.)

Davelov scored and penned Opera Seria. Beautiful work, but perhaps I am...partial. After all not everybody can speak Caridan.

(Smiling wistfully, Fena leans back)

Ah, but I ramble...and you have spoken so little.

Oct 7th, 2001, 12:47:49 AM
:: AB turned to RC for a moment, asking the droid to go fetch her an Alderranian Ale. As the droid trundled off, she brought her attention back to the Captain. ::

Well, there's not really much to tell. When I'm not in my fighter or in the simulator, I'm tending to the plants around the place.

I especially like spending my time in the arboretum back at the Jedi Temple, tending to the various plants there. I've also had the opportunity to make hybrid plants, blending some species with others. It's quite a treat. Well, at least for me.

:: She laughed lightly. Just then, RC came back with her Ale. She picked it from the droid's grasper arm and took a sip. Smiling, she set it down on the table. ::

I sometimes listen to some composers while I work in the arboretum, but most of the time, I dwell in the silence and the slight hiss the misters make.

:: She took a sip again of her Ale. It had been a long time since she'd had a conversation with that of another officer. And certainly one of the opposing side. But, she didn't mind. It gave her a chance to read what the other side was like. She didn't think them to be monsters; only people doing their duty according to what they believed. ::

Captain Joachim Fena
Oct 7th, 2001, 01:53:58 AM
Arboretums...I see. Although nature is best seen...naturally.

(He hefted his fishing pole)

Bluefin...best sport fishing within a sector is here on Arcan IV.

Oct 9th, 2001, 12:56:07 AM
:: She smiled, setting her Ale down. ::

Is that an invitation, Joachim?

:: She chuckled good naturedly. ::

Though it has been a long while since I have taken a walk through Arcan IV's forests.