View Full Version : Somewhere to sit

Organa Solo
Nov 2nd, 2001, 01:18:34 AM
And think.

Leia hadn't been around GJO much in her duration as a member of it.

But now she suddenly had a whole lot more time on her hands....

Morgan Evanar
Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:05:29 AM
*scratches head*


Danya Sedirna
Nov 2nd, 2001, 02:12:57 AM
Danya finished drying off another glass, adding it to the stack she'd already cleaned. The job of assistant bartender at the bar & grill was more stress relief than work. With the other jobs, there came constant stress, tedium, and worst of all, neverending boredom. At least with this job, Danya could be herself a little more, and mix it up with a lively crowd; well, as lively as a bunch of Jedi could be. Danya sighed. They weren't very fun at all, but they tipped well, and usually didn't puke on the floor. She shrugged. Those could be plusses, maybe.

As she finished off cleaning glasses, Danya glanced at a brunette woman sitting off by herself. Deciding to be sociable, Danya sidled down the bar to where she was sitting.

What can I get ya?

Organa Solo
Nov 3rd, 2001, 09:35:06 PM
Leia had been staring at the tabletop in thought, and now glanced up at Danya and squinted. A familiar face, one she had seen before, last time she was in here. But generally unnoticed, a walking shadow, she decided she was a new face for Danya to contend with"

"No, I don't require anything right now, thank you."

The Jedi was quiet for a moment. When the tender showed no sign of departing intentions, at least for the moment, she spoke again.

"I do believe I've seen you around here before..."