View Full Version : The Desolate Jedi(Open)

Amalia Azalin
Nov 5th, 2001, 12:06:27 AM
In the past year Amalia had gone through many changes in her life. She had had her ups and downs, yet somehow the downs never seemed to stay downs for long.

Now though, today, today things were different. Amalia was feeling low, blue, bluer than blue. She tried to shrug the feelings of loneliness aside, hoping that the feelings would go away on their own time, but they never did.

She had tried, tried so hard, to look upon the brighter things in her life, the things that made her happy, but she always ending up back at the same place again, feeling lonely as ever.

She did not understand why. Maybe it was the atmosphere around her. Maybe it was the people around her, or maybe it was just her.

All she knew was that she couldn't fix this feeling of loneliness inside her on her own. She needed a friend, and maybe even more than just one friend...

number 62
Nov 5th, 2001, 09:50:16 AM
Number 62 was filling kind of bored so he looked around the bar to look for someone to talk to as he was glancing around he sees a woman setting by her self.*Num walks over by the woman*hello may name is 62 may I set down.