View Full Version : New sig, maybe? It's me...

Oct 31st, 2001, 11:01:09 PM
Hey, this really is me in here... what do yall think?


Any comments? If yall like it, I may make it my new sig.

Nichos Marr
Oct 31st, 2001, 11:12:48 PM
I think it's really nice :) The white lizard on Akrabbim's arm is awesome ^_^

Sanis Prent
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:05:40 AM
(seen it already....freekin rox)

btw....da person in da new siggie is actually the RL Akrabbim :D

Morgan Evanar
Nov 1st, 2001, 02:13:53 AM
I'd like more edge definition on the lizard, and I could do without the text box for the quote. Also, I don't really like times new roman, but hey, this is the guy with 600 fonts talking...

Lady DeVille
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:50:07 AM

The new sig stays, nerd boy.

600 fonts are insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Morgan Evanar
Nov 1st, 2001, 03:56:17 AM
Bah, I left out the fact that aside from those minor gripes, its pwnage.

Lady DeVille
Nov 1st, 2001, 04:01:22 AM

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Nov 1st, 2001, 01:57:31 PM
hmmm.....good I guess.....

Nov 1st, 2001, 03:00:01 PM
That lizard would be his familiar...a kind of helper gaurdian if you will. But then it could be just an illusion. :)

Nov 1st, 2001, 05:16:37 PM
Give that man a cigar! Yes, it's meant to be an illusion. :)

Nov 4th, 2001, 11:36:05 PM
Looks good, Akrabbim. Very nicely done. :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 5th, 2001, 12:05:42 AM
Why is everyone Calling it a "Lizard" Its a Chinese Dragon. And Going by its color, the Dragon of the Clouds. (The Chinese had Dragons for everything)

If memory serves me right, The Cloud Dragons are the ones Farmers liked. It brought the rains to the crops.

Nov 5th, 2001, 02:23:35 AM
You too recieve a cigar, sir. It is a dragon. It's white just because of the way my character is. :)

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 5th, 2001, 02:36:24 AM
WHOO-HOO! Maybe I can pawn the cigar for a buck and buy myself a Jones Soda!

Morgan Evanar
Nov 5th, 2001, 08:01:26 PM
*hands Dyzm 2 dollars and mails the cigar to his dad*

Leeloo Mina
Nov 5th, 2001, 08:13:27 PM
Hey! Dyzm! Now you can get me a bottle of Dr. Pepper as well!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Nov 6th, 2001, 12:07:18 AM

One Dr. Pepper coming up. Remember, it makes the world taste better!

Jubei SaDherat Vader
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:15:09 AM
Doctor Pepper sounds great right now :D

Lady DeVille
Nov 6th, 2001, 03:48:11 AM
Showing off your new sig, eh Jubei? :) Its verra verra nice, but I already told you that.

Gurney Devries
Nov 10th, 2001, 11:35:30 PM
Adjust the levels in PS on his cloak some and I think it would be verra sweet.

Leeloo Mina
Nov 10th, 2001, 11:47:28 PM
Dr. Pepper is good. Yum.

Gurney Devries
Nov 11th, 2001, 12:41:56 AM
Like so:


Leeloo Mina
Nov 11th, 2001, 03:18:26 AM

*hugs her dr pepper tightly*

It's alright Dr. Pepper.. I'll never leave you..

*drinks her Dr Pepper*


Nov 11th, 2001, 03:58:14 AM
I was reluctant to darken the cloak any more... seemed too dark already... I was also afraid of losing resolution. However, that looks nice... I may do that...

Leeloo Mina
Nov 11th, 2001, 04:26:46 AM
wow, I like your flash sig. Now I know alot about you IC without reading a one of your RPs :)