View Full Version : Studying...

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 19th, 2001, 02:37:13 PM
Falcon sits back and relaxes in the B&G, studying a datapad. He always records energy levels, force and otherwise when he trains and practices.
At a young age, it was found that Falcon could wield a great deal of energy more than the other padawans/ apprentices trained in the small academy on Homeworld. He had come close to harming someone before, and that is where the monitoring started. Although he can control it now, it escapes him from time to time, when he concentrates too hard on something else. Falcon sighed heavily and ordered a lemonade, with ice.

Patience, Falcon.

Falcon sat up, and looked around.

Patience, my son.

Falcon relaxed. It was just his father, who had passed away recently. His reassurances had been a great help, in life and death. He smiled, and concentrated on the work at hand.

Falcon Gyndar
Nov 20th, 2001, 03:37:27 PM
One hour later, Falcon was leaning back, his feet up on the table. His lemonade was finished, and the remaining ice was in the process of melting. The datapad in his left hand laid on his chest, his breathing light and calm, and his eyes closed. He had fallen asleep in the middle of his work. He looked so peaceful. The datapad started beeping softly, but it was not quite enough to wake him. His eyebrow twitched, then fell silent. The commotion of the B&G continued on around him.