View Full Version : Broken Silence

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:16:05 AM
It had been over a month since Navaria stepped foot inside Yog's Bar or anywhere near the Jedi Academy for that matter. The knowledge of Luke being hunted had shocked her and of course her Master's absence was eating at her. It was affected her so greatly that she decided to take a sabatical and cleanse her mind and body through meditation and physical exertion on her own terms.

Deep within the jungles of Yavin, Navaria left to fend for herself with nothing more then the clothes on her back and the sabre that hung from her belt, determined to finally gain some piece of mind and control over her fears.

Only Luke and Leia really understood her deep rooted fear of the Mal Pannis clan and so far, they did not know of her existance. Nightmares plagued her dreams almost every night that lead up to her self imposed exile away from the Academy and now her trials were over for now. It was still something she had to sort through ... what happened.

She intently studied the door leading into the Bar and Grill and smiled to herself. Navaria never really had a chance to appreciate the simple beauty that was around her as she opened the door.

As she stepped through, alien smells and sounds filled her senses completely. Closing her eyes, Navaria concentrated on sorting through each sensation and shutting it behind door after door in her mind. An overwhelming sea of information became a dull roar and when she opened her eyes, everything was at conversation level once more. She couldn't help but notice that the Rodian near the bar hadn't showered for over two weeks but she wasn't faring much better. Her craving for a Namana juice overrode the need to change into clean clothes ... though she was grateful for finding a river in order to be presentable for civilization.

Stepping up to the bar, she flagged a serving droid a placed her order.

Morgan Evanar
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:38:11 AM
Morgan narrowed his eyes slowly as he apraised Navaria, but was not certain it was actually her or Dalethria. A quick measure of the Force sealed it though, once coupled with her demanor.

She smelled, but coupled with her appearance, it wasn't entirely surprising.

He just wondered if she remembered him, from the time that he saved her from being ash scattered into a planet's atmosphear. Doubtful. Navaria had only seen him briefly afterwords and he wasn't even certain if they had exchanged words. He looked a bit different too, now three inches taller, much wider in the shoulders and a slightly more pronounced jawline.

"Hi, you need a hand with anything?"

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:43:35 AM
She waited patiently at the bar, ignoring the scrunched up noses and looks directed at her. One drink and she would be gone, off to the Academy and her quarters for a proper bath.

Navaria turned around surprised when someone spoke to her. She hadn't really expected being her long enough for anyone to approach her. Such is the way of things.

Looking at the man before her ... she couldn't quite place where she had seen him before or how she knew him. It was on the tip of her tongue.

"No thank you. I'm only here long enough to get something to drink."

She shifted her weight, still uncertain where she had seen him before. His aura was familiar. Navaria leaned forward a little and narrowed her eyes inquisitively.

"Have we met?"

Morgan Evanar
Dec 9th, 2001, 02:55:00 AM
"Aye, but only briefly."

The Jedi Knight sniffed: Namana juice. He had never tried the stuff, but it did smell interesting.

Morgan smiled slightly, and crouched down those three inches. His green trenchcoat would have probably helped, but it didn't fit anymore. Instead, he wore a dark grey jacket that ended midthigh, which was suffcient from making his lightsaber and Desert Eagle from being overly obvious.

"Mentally add a green trenchcoat. It might help."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 9th, 2001, 03:16:38 AM
The droid placed her drink on the counter but Navaria didn't care. She was intently trying to put this face together with a memory ...

Her eyes narrowed further as she studied his face. Tenatively she reached out her hand and ran her fingers down the length of his cheek while her eyes drifted to stare deeply into his.

Navaria's eyes snapped shut as the memory of her and the clones that survived were tumbling through space. One of the Ogre clones perished as he was sucked out of the broken hull. It was to be the fate of all until the Jedi arrived ...

Her eyes snapped opened this time as a smile of recognition shone through.

"Morgan Evanar. You were there when I first came to the Academy."

Her eyes fell downwards as she felt ashamed of herself.

"I never thanked you for rescuing me."

Morgan Evanar
Dec 9th, 2001, 04:08:58 AM
Morgan shook his head.

"My fault as much as yours. I didn't really stick around. I'm bad at handling certain situations, and certainly didn't want to add to any truama." He shrugged with a measure of guilt. It really wasn't fair for her to pin in on herself, the thank you bit.

"Look, you really probably want to clean up. I'll be around."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2001, 02:30:01 PM
She half smiled in understanding. Trauma was something that Navaria was an unfortunate expert in. When Morgan was finished she looked at him with a puzzled expression when he mentioned cleaning up.

Snorting at herself for forgetting, she smiled and ran a hand through her hair.

"Yes. Hard to stay clean while tromping through the jungles. I came here to ease me thirst before returning to the Academy."

Morgan Evanar
Dec 10th, 2001, 04:13:57 PM
Morgan let a knowing smile free, watching her hand strugle through her hair some. In his teens he would dissapear into the woods for a week, much to the consternation of his adopted mother, and sometimes bringing the fury of his adopted father.

"Yes, jungles and forests leave you spring fresh after a few days. And after you clean up, you can file the thank you with me in triplicate, after its been lost, found, accounted for, disintergrated, reconstructed and then resubmitted in a thirty page multipart form."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2001, 07:07:10 PM
Navaria stopped swallowing the juice she was drinking and blinked. She set the glass down and forced the liquid down her throat.

"Um ... what?"

Morgan Evanar
Dec 10th, 2001, 07:49:48 PM
Morgan blinked and then shook his head slowly.

"Sorry, it was a very bad joke." he said, his smile slipping slightly.

"And... er." Morgan threw his hands up in confusion. " I dunno what to say."

Navaria Tarkin
Dec 10th, 2001, 10:55:52 PM
"Oh ..."

She smiled at Morgan as he fought for something to say and couldn't think of anything.

"It's alright. Perhaps after I get cleaned up and rested ... maybe I'll see you around the Academy. Maybe you and I can think of something to say by then."

Navaria swirled her drink around before finishing it in four thirsty gulps.