View Full Version : Tales of the Broke Assasin: Fall Into Grace (Tohmahawk)

Avolon Bisel
Dec 10th, 2001, 05:22:46 AM
Avolon arguied with the four armed creature that requested his weapon. It was mandatory that all weapons be checked at the door, Avolon never liked this. When you have Force users around, you have to equip yourself.

"I'll check my gun when the Sith check their egos." Avolon said with a license quality smile.

"Regulations are regulations, orders from General Tohmahawk himself." The four armed male said in his baratone voice.

Avolon carried a duffel bag with him. Inside were all his possesions, all that mattered to him. But the one thing that mattered most was his blast and smash rifle. Capable of shooting simi-automatic rounds or launching any grenade known to man. He reluctantly handed the rifle over to the man. The creature took it with both his upper arms and gingerly put it on the shelf behind him.

"You'll have to allow us to scan that bag as well, sir."

Avolon chuckled while throwing the bag on the conveyor belt.

"Of course!" He yelled sarcasticly.


Avolon was forced to leav

Avolon Bisel
Dec 11th, 2001, 04:40:49 AM
OOC: EZBoard sucks. They cut off the post.

Avolon was forced to leave behind two sidearms that were found his his bag. However disgruntled he was he put it behind him. Bisel walked a straight line from the door to the bar counter. He threw his bag on the countertop and knocked on the wood to get the attention of the Barkeep. As the Barkeeper made his way over to him Avolon hopped on a stool. He swiveled so his side was leaning against the bar and his elbow rested on the countertop. He played melodies with his knuckles while the bartender made his way over.

"Can I help you?" The man said in his most pleasant voice.

"I hope. Do you have a clue where General Tohmahawk is? It's important so don't give me a cover story."

Edit: TTT

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:43:04 AM
OOC : Do you mind if I reply wioth this account? My Tohmahawk one seems busted :(

Avolon Bisel
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:51:44 AM
OOC - Go ahead. I know it's you. As long as the character is Tohmahawk I don't care what the user name is. :)

<img src=http://syriuscline.clanpages.com/avolonbisel.jpg>

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 14th, 2001, 03:55:59 AM
OOC : Okay.....

Deep Breath.....

Not in much mood right now, but I'll have a go in a day. All I want to do is acknowledge I've seen this and will respond

Avolon Bisel
Dec 14th, 2001, 04:01:34 AM
OOC - I know man, take it easy. I suggest you go rest and cool off. This can wait. I do want you popping vains in your head. I'm extremely peeved as well, so I don't feel like it either. Whenever you get around to it. Feel free to delete these OOCs once you reply with a RP post so it looks cleaner on the finished product.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 17th, 2001, 08:42:07 AM
OOC : Aint much, but lets get this going...

IC : The General was at his usual seat, this time just snoozing. It had been a long couple of days.

"So where is TohmahawK?"

He heard the raised voice and recognised it. Opening an eye, he nodded at one of the troops in the bar, signalling for the tooper to get the man whom wanted to find Tohmahawk

Avolon Bisel
Dec 17th, 2001, 02:32:08 PM
Avolon was approached by a rather blad looking soldier. He looked the part, crew cut and everything.

"Please, come with me, sir." The man ordered.

Avolon smiled and looked behind him, then back.

"You talking to me?"

The soldier nodded sharply.

"Hell, alright." Avolon said, arms shrugging.


The soldier led him over to the table. There sat a man with his head down, face covered by the wood tabletop.

"Why exactly did you bring me here? All I see is a bum taking a nap."

Avolon very well could be joking, but this time he wasn't. He honestly didn't regonise the back of Tohmahawk's head.

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 19th, 2001, 09:25:27 AM
"A bum taking a nap?"

Tohmahaw raised his head to look up at Avolon.

"Yeah, guilty as charged. What's on your mind?"

Avolon Bisel
Dec 19th, 2001, 02:03:32 PM
Avolon took a quick step back. Then he bursted into laughing.

"Actually, a lot."

Avolon pulled up a chair.

"I want to come back to the NRSF."

The rouge always liked to pretend he was a rebel, a bounty hunter. Truth was he hated it. He could never rediscover the trill of being a soldier.

"But I don't want a sit around job. I want to see major action, you get me? Or else I might as well go back to Bounty Hunting. No more undercover work! I want to smash a few heads."

Darth Turbogeek
Dec 23rd, 2001, 01:54:11 AM
"So you want in do you? Smash some heads? Well, you signed up in the right place and with the right man. I think we can interest in a nice head smashing position for you"

Avolon Bisel
Dec 23rd, 2001, 02:41:12 AM

Avolon wasn't one to jump blindly.

"Tell me about the postition."

Marcus QDunn
Dec 23rd, 2001, 10:53:41 PM
"I dont have anything specific in mind... yet. But I will, soon. Would you be intetrested in my own personal squadron, The Black Panthers?"

Avolon Bisel
Dec 24th, 2001, 01:15:39 AM
He had never heard of them, but he didn't let that show. Any squad the man hand picked was sure to be good company.

"Okay. Deal. But I want to see action, soon. I don't want to die of natural causes, and if you don't let me kick some vigilante behind I'll probably wither away in the sands of frickin' time."

Avolon paused.

"What do I do from here?... Do NOT say to go undercover."

Marcus QDunn
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:18:00 AM
"No, no undercover work. At least not now. For one thing, as of now, your the chief of security here. Which basically means, these trouble makers that keep coming here, you get to do what you want with them."

Avolon Bisel
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:47:43 AM
Avolon was extremely pleased. He smiled slightly but tried to hide it.

"Alright. Good deal."

Avolon paused... he said 'for one thing'.

"What's the second thing?"

Marcus QDunn
Dec 27th, 2001, 08:26:13 PM
"I'll tell you that one later. For now, i need to go south to check on some emcampments. I should be back in a day or too. Keep the place trouble free, okay?"

He got up, then moved to exit the door. It would be a long speeder trip south and he better get started

----- to be continued -------

www.swforums.net/forum/sh...adid=11423 (http://www.swforums.net/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=11423)

Avolon Bisel
Dec 27th, 2001, 10:45:04 PM
"Aye, aye." Avolon said lazily towards the exiting Tohmahawk.

"Hey! Get this place in order. Chop, chop!" He yelled with a smile towards the bewildered soldiers. They were now under his command.