View Full Version : Master Nash

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:27:45 AM
Tanah walked into the B&G with Xazor. She smiled and sat down at a table with the other girl, looking around at the other patrons. "Lets keep our fingers crossed." she said with a wink.

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:37:34 AM
What are our chances?

Xazor asked Tanah with a smile.

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:41:30 AM
"I don't know...it depends on how persuasive we are. How persuasive can you be?" she asked with a grin

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:50:34 AM
Pretty persuasive........until I start to beg.....

She smiled again.

How about you...?

OOC: I have to go right now, bad timing, eh? My comp is having probs....I'll be on again tomorrow afternoon.

Dec 17th, 2001, 12:55:29 AM
"I've had a lot of practice with being persuasive...so together we should be able to pull it off." Tanah replied with her familiar grin.

OOC: okay...see you tomorrow!

Nash Stolar
Dec 17th, 2001, 04:06:07 PM
*Nash walked into the bar.. His padawan, Tanah wanted to talk to him but would not say what for.. he looked around a little untill he found her, then noticed she was with someone else..*

"A friend?"

*It did not really matter to him, he was happy when people could make new friends in a short time, h ewalked up to them and smiled*

"Am I interupting something?"

Dec 17th, 2001, 09:02:48 PM
Tanah pulled a smile, somewhere between sweet and evil. "Master, this is Xazor, she's new here at the Temple. We were just discussing a certain something..."

Nash Stolar
Dec 17th, 2001, 09:26:40 PM
"Xazor is it? Nice to see you have gotten to know my padawan.. did she tell you about her boyfriend yet?"

*Nash made a smirk as he made his embarrased his padawan*

"So this certen thing... why do I have a urge to say no right now?"

Dec 17th, 2001, 11:21:29 PM
Tanah blushed. "I do not have a boyfriend! He's just an aquaintence. And you don't really want to say no to this thing, you just think you do. It's all an illusion...your subconcious mind actually wants you to say yes."

Nash Stolar
Dec 18th, 2001, 12:08:52 AM
*He raised en eyebrow... that was the single most off balance thing he was been told..*

"Tanah has building your saber let off any fumes?"

Dec 18th, 2001, 01:24:36 AM
We were just wondering if...........well...................you ask him Tanah..........

She smiled nervously.

Dec 18th, 2001, 03:41:30 AM
Tanah glanced quickly at Xazor and then turned her attention back to Nash. "It's funny you should mention lightsabers because that's exactly what we were talking about! I mean, isn't that just the strangest coincidence? I bet the force was guiding your mind! Have you ever hears of the planet Ilum, Master?"

Nash Stolar
Dec 18th, 2001, 03:19:29 PM
* This is just getting odd nash thought as he listend to them*

"Perhaps... why do you need to know?"

Dec 18th, 2001, 09:10:35 PM
"Well...' Tanah glanced at Xazor again," You know how you need those crystals to build your lightsaber/ There jsut happens to be this cave on Ilum..."

Nash Stolar
Dec 18th, 2001, 11:19:30 PM
"So your telling me a gungan came stole your crystals and hid in a cave in Ilum?"

Dec 18th, 2001, 11:27:25 PM
Tanah shook her head. "Not exactly... the crystals are in the cave...but they're not ours... yet. Y'see, they grow there. The caves on top of this mountain and these things called Gorgodons live up there too ...but they're not dangerous! Well...not that dangerous at least...but that's beside the point. Anyways, we were wondering... well we both need to get the crystals..."

Nash Stolar
Dec 18th, 2001, 11:33:02 PM
"well why diden't you say you needed crystals? I have a few laying around in my room..."

*Nash rememberd he had already used them for all the times he lost past sabers*

".....So what are you getting at? you want to go there?"

Dec 18th, 2001, 11:36:46 PM
Tanah nodded. "We thought it would be an...interesting experience."

Nash Stolar
Dec 18th, 2001, 11:54:27 PM
"do you know how dangerous this might be? what if your attacked in space?"

*Nash thought he was acting like a parent. but this was his padawan.. in a way h efelt as if she was a daughter he did not have*

Dec 19th, 2001, 01:26:32 AM
"It wouldn't be that dangerous. And if we got attacked...well we just...won't. It isn't really that far if you think about it in the right frame of mind. And once you get there, there's virtually no risks if you know what you're doing! So there isn't anything to worry about!" she explained hastily.

Nash Stolar
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:40:15 AM
"And your bringing a friend.. if both of you don't come back I am dubble going to get it for letting padawans take off with out a higher up to watch them.."

Dec 19th, 2001, 02:02:23 AM
"Is that a yes?" tanah asked, glancing at Xazor with an almost imperceptible grin. Almost.

Nash Stolar
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:13:06 PM
*there was an uneasy silence then nash nodded*

"Just don't die, I don't need the unwanted attention, the council on my back and your friends comming to kill me for letting you go. So come back in one piece, alright?"

Dec 19th, 2001, 09:59:31 PM
Xazor smiled and glanced at Tanah. She uncrossed her fingers, which were now red, and let out a sigh.

Have no fear Master Stolar......we will have no enemies wherever we go. My past ties will benefit us as will my present. I will let no harm befall your padawan, who is also my friend,.....or myself. We graciously receive your approval and thank you for your confindence in us. We will come back in one piece....I guarantee it.

Xazor said as she rose to bow. She sat back down again and looked at Tanah with approval of their plan.

Dec 19th, 2001, 10:22:48 PM
Tanah smiled. "We'll be careful Master, I promise." she turned slightly towards Xazor. "We're going to need to pack warm clothes. It's a really icy planet."

Dec 19th, 2001, 10:34:00 PM
Xazor smiled and replied

We also must set a date of our departure.......we have to pack enough for the time we are to be gone and a little extra in case we have an emer....er....ah.....in case we decide to take a little longer and stay a few extra days!

Xazor said with a nervous smile. She decided it was best if maybe she kept her mouth shut.....she had already said to much to Master Stolar about her past..............

Dec 19th, 2001, 11:08:39 PM
Tanah quickly looked up at her Master to see if he had caught the slip. "And, uh...I'll contact you as soon as we get there or if anything goes wrong...not that anything will go wrong! because we're going to be super careful!"

Dec 19th, 2001, 11:16:29 PM
Xazor looked over at Tanah and smiled at her quick reaction.

Ah....yes, we will contact you once we get there good Jedi Master. Thank you for your approval once again and we will be safe, 'cuz like she said, we will be super careful!! Have no fear, she is in good hands.

Xazor rose once again and bowed before the Jedi Master. She looked into his eyes and saw his concerned look. She tried to look confident herself, but she wasn't sure how convincing she looked to him. For she was not even being trained yet.........but there was much about her that he had no knowledge of.....

Nash Stolar
Dec 20th, 2001, 12:35:08 AM
*Nash gave an odd look his padawan, he had overheard what she said.. there was no place colder then hoth and he would be the one to know..*

"Then you better bring extra clothes if its going to be cold huh? and are you armed?"

Dec 20th, 2001, 12:40:48 AM
"I have a blaster...I'm not sure if I have my knife anymore or if the pirates took it but I'll look around my ship. I've got some extra clothes there anyways...and some emergecy supplies. Not that we'll need them."

Nash Stolar
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:35:54 AM
*nash thought for a little, then sliped a heavy blaster pistol onto the table, it was custom to the max, this being because he had to much free time and liked his things tweaked and the best of the best weapon wise, even if it was slighty unjedi like to do so much to a blaster, but a stronger punch, longer range and a bigger charge never hurt anyone except for the ones on the wronf side of the blaster*

"Never hurts to be safer then you alraedy are right? I hope you know how to use it, and I am not going to take it back, I can easly make something just like it.."

Dec 20th, 2001, 01:48:46 AM
Tanah stared at the blaster. "Woh...now that is a weapon! Are you sure you trust me with something like that? I can get pretty trigger happy under the right circumstances..."

Nash Stolar
Dec 20th, 2001, 01:59:59 AM
*Nash chuckled, trigger happy reminded him of of his earlyer days at the order.. then the trouble he had gotten in*

"As long as you don't shoot me, your friend or yourself I'll be happy, well that and you should not run around with it in groups of people.."

Dec 20th, 2001, 02:11:41 AM
Tanah fidgeted. "What kind of people shouldn't I run around with it? Because I mean, there's lots of people in the galaxy and I know some...people that...sometimes travel..." she wasn't lying, just ommiting certain truths.

Nash Stolar
Dec 20th, 2001, 12:13:29 PM
*He nodded, there was a point in what she said*

"Well I'll leave your actions up to you.. Its not like I am going to go with you and saw what you need to and not do."

Dec 20th, 2001, 11:37:02 PM
"So as long as we don't get shot, shoot someone else, or get...lost, we won't get in trouble?" She asked, trying to hide the excitement in her voice. It left a lot of options open.

Dec 21st, 2001, 12:04:54 AM
Xazor grabbed the blaster that was on the table and examined it. A sly smile crept over her face and she let out a small laugh.

I am sure that we will be fine Master Stolar, thank you for your concern, sir.

She said as she stuck the blaster in a holster on her thigh.

Nash Stolar
Dec 21st, 2001, 12:15:30 PM
*Nash gave a slight nod*

"Just keep from getting in a fight unless its the last thing you can do and your outta ideas.. alright?"

Dec 21st, 2001, 07:03:23 PM
Xazor nodded at him and smiled.

We won't get into any fights..........and if we do, I have my martial arts training to back us up!

Nash Stolar
Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:04:17 AM
*nash nodded and smiled*

"So do I have both your words that you will try to keep safe?"

Dec 22nd, 2001, 03:43:41 PM
Tanah nodded. "Of course Master."

Dec 22nd, 2001, 05:21:48 PM
Xazor nodded also.

You have my word, Master Stolar

She smiled again and looked over at Tanah who was glowing with excitement.

Nash Stolar
Dec 22nd, 2001, 08:18:57 PM
*nash smiled once more*

"great.. was that all you wanted to ask?"

Dec 23rd, 2001, 04:52:29 PM
Xazor nodded.

That is what we came here for, Master Stolar, and we got our answer. Thank you again for your time....

She smiled as she replied.

Nash Stolar
Dec 24th, 2001, 06:47:37 PM
*He nodded*

"Alright, Then I will be seeing you girls later."

*He turned and left the bar*

Dec 24th, 2001, 09:57:09 PM
Xazor rose and bowed in respect as he left and then returned to her seat. She looked over at Tanah and beemed.

This is so cool!

She said with quiet excitement so that no one would catch wind of their plan. She didn't want Master Stolar to think them irresponsible or anything.....

Dec 27th, 2001, 01:58:48 AM
"I know! We should start thinkiong of what we'll need to bring. You never know who we might meet." Tanah said with a devious grin.

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:10:52 AM
(OOC: Heheheheheheh...............evil laugh)

Xazor gave a sly smile.

Sounds like a very good idea........

She gave a light laugh.

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:12:55 AM
Tanah laughed as well. "We should look up Ilum's quordinates...I have no idea where it is. Unless you do?"

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:17:24 AM
Xazor looked at Tanah for a minute as she thought. I have a good idea where it is, and I could get us close to it........but I'd hate to be off and then run into a Star Destroyer or something like that.........if you could check for us that'd be great.....I am supposed to meet someone in here right now, so I will catch up with you later!

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:21:21 AM
Tanah nodded. "alright...I've also got to contact my suposed 'boyfriend" and see if he's planning to do any traveling soon. I'll catch you later!" she got up and with a small wave, strode out of the bar.

Dec 27th, 2001, 02:22:46 AM
See ya later!

Xazor waved as Tanah strode out of the bar.

Dec 27th, 2001, 08:51:59 PM
I cant figure out how to get my signature to work!!!! Aughhhh........

Dec 27th, 2001, 08:55:17 PM
How do I get this thing to work?

Dec 27th, 2001, 09:01:22 PM
How about now?

Dec 27th, 2001, 09:56:44 PM

Nash Stolar
Dec 27th, 2001, 11:45:11 PM
I don't think you can make a link to your C drive..

Dec 28th, 2001, 12:19:23 AM
Really? I don't know how there should be a problem though. I did all of the directions for loading it. How can I fix it to make it work??

Nash Stolar
Dec 28th, 2001, 01:00:56 AM
Well you can find a hosting site that allows derect linking... upload your pic then use it as a sig... but thereis some HTML in having the pic show up..

Dec 28th, 2001, 01:22:40 AM
I'll have to play around with it a bit then. Thank you for helping me. I hope that I figure it out soon! <img src=http://www.ezboard.com/image/emoticons_classic/smile.gif ALT=":)">