View Full Version : A new attitude.......
Shade Magus
Dec 10th, 2001, 01:22:42 AM
Shade walked into the bar and looked around. Many eyes looked towards him as he entered. Most of them were from curiosity, but once they saw him they looked at him with an awe on their face. His clothesd were in shreds and he ad bruises and cuts on his face, but the most astonishing thing about him was the large scar that he now had on his chest that was visible through a slash in his shirt. He walked over to the bar and ordered a drink. He did not make it specific, for he only wanted a liquid to quench the thirst in his throat.
As he waited for his drink he ran his fingers across the smooth wooden surface and thought about what had taken place this last week. He had abandoned everything this past week and had wondered off int the forests with only his lightsaber for protection. He had taken that time to practice using the Force for an extended amount of time. He had gotten very pleasing results. He could now use the Force for almost five times as long as he had once been able to. He looked up just in time to see a droid set down a glass of water and he reached out for it and drank it greedily.
" really is the simple things in life............."
He sat the glass back down and looked around for faces that he knew and faces that he would know soon enough.
Katri Kariena
Dec 11th, 2001, 07:37:43 PM
OOC: Tis Kat....
IC: Kat watched Shade from the far corner and wondered what happened. She hoped he hadn't taken her to literaly on some of the things she had said a while back...
Shade Magus
Dec 12th, 2001, 12:35:22 AM
Shade looked around as he sensed his master in the bar. He scanned across until he saw her. HE nodded to her and then remembered what he was wearing and blushed. He was embarassed that he would have to present himself to his master this way, but no matter it would be rude to just ignore her so he walked over to her and bowed.
"Good evening Kat. How are you doing today?"
He could feel her eyes on him and he tried to push it out of his mind and make himself that it could have been worse.
Katarina Kariena
Dec 12th, 2001, 06:56:51 PM
"Pretty good, yourself?" Kat replied politely motioning for him to sit across from her.
Shade Magus
Dec 13th, 2001, 10:35:50 AM
Shade slowly sat down and nodded.
"I have been better. I have just gotten back from the forest on a weekend camping tip to work on training myself."
Shade brought his glass of water up to his lips and let the cool liquid run down his throat.
Kat Kariena
Dec 14th, 2001, 01:19:03 AM
"Any improvement?" Kat asked criously(sp).
Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2001, 12:49:39 AM
A big grin appeared on the padawan's face.
"Oh yes. I am already twice of what I was before and my endurance has been growing steadily."
Kat Kariena
Dec 15th, 2001, 03:19:22 AM
"Good," Kat smiled as she took a sip of her drink. "You're doing great, Shade. Keep it up."
Shade Magus
Dec 15th, 2001, 06:18:04 PM
"Thank you for your comment. I will try to work harder."
Kat Kariena
Dec 16th, 2001, 03:53:20 PM
"Just don't push yourself to hard," Kat replied. "That can do more harm than good."
Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 12:03:15 AM
"I realise that. It is just that.................................."
Shade looked down at the floor.
Kat Kariena
Dec 17th, 2001, 01:56:08 AM
"What?" Kat asked, concern was in her voice.
Shade Magus
Dec 17th, 2001, 11:57:51 AM
"I don't know if you know yet, but I fought against my brother a few weeks ago...and I lost. Ever since then I have lost all control almost. Also I have been having dreams about my father and his death. In then he doesn't die when he is supposed to, instead he is alive and he tried to save me and Yurza from something horrible and he does, but for some reason Yurza then kills our father. I have no idea what to make of these dreams, but they won't stop."
Shade took a swallow of his water and then set it back down.
"Is there anything you could tell me about these sorta things?"
Kat Kariena
Dec 18th, 2001, 09:40:09 AM
"The force works in mysterious ways," Kat replied with a heavy sigh. "To get me to this point I lost my whole faimly."
She looked over at him, "I don't know only what you've told me about your past and I havn't tried to pry."
Shade Magus
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:42:49 PM
Shade let out a deep sigh. He knew that it was time to tell others about is past and who he was. He looked at Kat and tried to fake a smile, but it didn't stay long.
"As you might know I am a pure saiya-jin, one of the last. One thing you might not know is that I am also a prince who as rejected his throne and my father was a king that rejected his. He was a Jedi Knight when I was born, one of the best from what I understand. You might have heard of him. His name was Squall, but enough of that. When I was about three years old something happened and there was an all out war between the Sith and the Jedi.........."
Shade stopped for a moment as he collected his thoughts and took a sip of his water. He then continued.
"Apparently there was a spy of the Sith's in the Jedi temples and my father was accused. When he was brought before the Council some of them bought the story immeadiately because they were afraid of him taking over their seats on the Council. Somehow thouugh he managed to prove his innocence and then he was charged with the task of finding the true spy. As it turned out it was a Council member. Dring a fight my father killed the traitor, but in the process he recieved a mortal wound also. He was taken away to be trated and the last we heard he was dead. Soon after my mother died of a broken heart and my brother and I went to live with a freind of ours, Chaos Alexander. Then after a few years there, he and Yurza came here to train but soon went Sith. I came right after they left."
Shade took another sip of his water and then looked back up at his master.
"Now you can see as to why I am confused about whether or not t go chase these dreams of mine."
Kat Kariena
Dec 18th, 2001, 06:58:25 PM
"Were you ever given any proof that your father died?" Kat asked. "Most who are force sencitive and close to their fathers can sence them in the force... especialy when they die..."
Shade Magus
Dec 18th, 2001, 10:01:47 PM
"Well I was very young when it happened so I can't really tell what my father's auras felt like. As for the proof I myself was never given any, but a messanger came and told my mother and that was it."
Kat Kariena
Dec 19th, 2001, 01:27:15 AM
"Then there could be a posibility that your father might still be alive," Kat replied. "Don't have selective hearing when I tell you this, I said there could be a posibility. I didn't say he was. I don't tell you this to misslead you either. I could be wrong myself."
Shade Magus
Dec 19th, 2001, 12:52:37 PM
Shade looked at her and smiled.
"That is something I have already considered. I am hoping that maybe one day soon I will be able to find some time to go and search out this person, but until then I am going to continue to train to get stronger. Maybe then when I do go I can face whatever might be waiting for me."
Kat Kariena
Dec 20th, 2001, 11:34:07 PM
"Guess that gives you a new goal to finnish your training then, doesn't it?" Kat asked.
Shade Magus
Dec 21st, 2001, 12:19:42 AM
"Yeah I guess it does."
Shade smiled and then looked around. He then turned back around to the bar and rested both of his forarms on the wooden platform.
"You know, even though I have never showed it. I want to thank you for being my master and more importantly a good freind."
Kat Kariena
Dec 25th, 2001, 11:19:50 PM
Kat smiled slightly, "You're welcome, Shade. Being a friend is more important to me than being a teacher is."
Shade Magus
Dec 26th, 2001, 12:36:18 AM
Shade chuckled.
"I guess it is to many people. I wouldn't really know because I am not the teacher yet, but maybe one day I can be as great and compassionate as you have been."
Katarina Kariena
Dec 26th, 2001, 10:41:17 PM
"Hopefully greater and more compasionate than I am," Kat replied. "You will be a great Jedi. You've proven that several times.
Shade Magus
Dec 27th, 2001, 02:21:15 AM
Shade looked down and blushed. It was his dream to be a great jedi like his father, but that would come in time.
"Th..thank you."
Kat Kariena
Dec 28th, 2001, 03:03:46 AM
Kat smiled slightly, "You're welcome. You will get there one day Shade. Keep at it, and you'll make it."
Shade Magus
Dec 28th, 2001, 11:50:13 AM
"I really hope so. I ha always been my dream to be a Jedi Knight like my father before me."
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