View Full Version : Insights of a Sith
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 27th, 2001, 07:29:28 AM
**The Bar was filled, as always it was at this time of day, with alien species from all parts of the galaxy. Dyzm sits in a corner of the bar, mostly occupied by the darker types of people, now currently being used by the Sith drifters. Leaning back, Dyzm half closes his eyes and slowly watches the people enjoying themselves on the other, lighted, side of the bar. Why must Sith stick to the shadows? Why do we follow the stereotype laid down by the citizens of the galaxy? We too have honor, loyalty, friendships, why must we always be seen as a cold hearted beast? As a plague, a unnatural being who must be eradicated? Coughing slightly from the smoke, Dyzm drains his glass of water. If anything, the Jedi are the unnatural beings in the universe. The Sith are the predators, the hunters of the galaxy, we kill the weak, leaving only the strong. We are the wolves hunting the herd. Keeping them from overgrazing, from using up all the natural resources. Looking at it this way, then the sith are just nature's way of maintaining the balance between life and death. We, after all, pull our powers from the chaos of the cosmos.
Raising his arm, he tosses the empty glass into the wall, shattering it, and turning a few heads. Which just as quickly, turn away, returning to what ever they where doing. Is not the light produced by suns formed by chaos? Atoms exploding, bending, being ripped to shreds by other atoms to produce energy? A sudden gleam lights up the siths eyes, as this train of thought led to another. Life gives the force for one thing, and one thing only. Out of fear. Its afraid of death. Afraid of non-existence. Only through death and destruction does the Universe truly live, but all creatures living have a natural urge to live, to beat out a existence in what ever niche they created for themselves. But Sith are here to fill in the gap, we are the predators for all species in the universe. The top of the food chain.
Getting to his feet quickly, Dyzm knocks over the table. He smiles in a feral grin as he watches the people around him continue laughing, and joking, and enjoying themselves. This was a herd. He was the predator, he was here to clean out the weak. And anyone stupid enough to commence in self mutilation of there own body must be quit weak indeed**
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:16:53 AM
<note> Someone Join in eh </note>
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:24:38 AM
(OOC: You would have way to much fun dissasembling us..... ;) )
Avolon Bisel
Dec 28th, 2001, 02:37:57 AM
Avolon was behind the counter as always, dispensing drinks. His Astromech chum was sitting contently beside him.
"What's crawled up his butt?"
Avolon always had his Blast and Smash rifle behind the bar counter. His hand reached for it out of instinct. His pal chirped.
"I always look before I leap, dome top. Don't get your durasteel in a wad. Let's just hope this drunken yahoo doesn't get out of control."
He assumed he was drunk, as most in a bar are. Especially since he was acting a fool.
"I have five tranquilizers with his name on it, and five bullet shells if it comes to that. Or I might give the janitor something to do and use the grenade hold." Avolon boasted to his mechanical friend, as he always did.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 28th, 2001, 07:42:59 AM
**As he walks forward through the crowd, Dyzm makes his way to the bar. He notices that Bar Keep keeping both eyes on him at all times, he noticed one had below the bar top. That was to be expected, as always. No one really trusted a 7ft giant with black body armor with blades on the shoulders and arms. Shrugging, Dyzm continues forward and sits in a stool in front of the bar keep. He glares down at the man, and then grins evilly.**
"Do you really enjoy sending innocent people to a early grave like I do? Or are you that naive not to see the consequences of your actions?"
**Dyzm holds up his hand, forestalling any quick reply**
"Really though, I must congratulate you, your method might take a bit longer then mine, but the end result is always the same."
(ooc: note, in my last post I wasn't talking, just thinking)
Avolon Bisel
Dec 28th, 2001, 10:16:24 AM
Avolon smiled, nodding. The man seemed sober, but nutty as a loon. But hey, he empathised.
"I figure someone's gotta kill them, why not get drunk while it happens, always dulls the pain. I kill people plenty in my line of work pal, but I find that serving drinks has a much lower fatality rating than murder done by myself. Look from the other side of the coin, I just serve them, they have to drink it."
OOC - I know. That's why Avolon assumed you were drunk, even though you were thinking about how bad liquor was, etc.
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 29th, 2001, 02:07:50 AM
"Lets change the subject here, now do you belive in survival of the fittest? That the weak will always be preyed upon by the strong?"
**Spinning around in his chair Dyzm points at a overweight man eating**
"People like that, with any type of eating disorder. They will pass it on to their children, who will also become overweight. They are weaklings, with weak blood which needs to be cut out. Now I see me, as just the person to do it, I am the one who will keep the people in check. But from the prey themselves, rivals or so called defenders of the people arise, and they too must be killed, they are stepping out of the natural balance. You my friend, are not at the top of the food chain, but you're very close to the top."
Avolon Bisel
Dec 29th, 2001, 04:09:53 AM
Avolon laughed.
"I'm climbing that ladder pal and I'm a rung away from the top. The only thing keeping me from the top is that I don't have unlimited ammo." He said with a smile. "So, you kill the weak, hmm? Doesn't make you, in comparison, weak? Why not fight the top of the food chain, and leave the bottom barrells to sort it out themselves."
Avolon leaned against the back of the bar, against the bottles. His hands were no where near his gun now.
"I'm just saying, imagine your a dog. Why kill the little rat when you can chase the cat? The rats will die out from thier own filth, but the cat will live off the rat carcasses. Get it? Kill the cat, and the rats will kill themselves. Kill the rats, the cats eat the dead meat."
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 29th, 2001, 06:42:48 AM
**Dyzm nods**
"I hear what you are saying, and I understand what your getting at. The Problem though, there are only 2 rungs in this ladder. Those with the force, and everything else. When predators kill, they gain something from the death, and I ain't talking about money or anything you steal off of the dead. In nature, predators hunt and directly gain nourishment from the meat, the blood. Same as the sith. We kill not entirely for enjoyment, but to quench the blood thirst in our souls. We can feel the life draining away from our victims, feeding us, and allowing us to continue living as Sith. Sith kill because we must."
Avolon Bisel
Dec 30th, 2001, 02:03:01 AM
Avolon blinked his eyes twice.
"Wa--wait a minute.... Are you saying you eat frickin' souls? I don't know much about the Force pal, but that freaks me out."
Bisel scratched his head.
"What in hades is a friggin' Sith anyway? I was under the impression they were the opposite of Jedi, and I don't find that wrong in it's own right but... there seems to be a lot more to it. Why do Sith have to kill? Are you saying it's a matter of life and death, or it's just the cat's meow?"
Dark Lord Dyzm
Dec 30th, 2001, 07:46:35 PM
"Dark Jedi are the opposite of the Jedi, Sith are something different. And the killing people, its not a life or death thing, its more like a drug addiction I belive. It could be that our need for killing comes from the Sith magiks that we use, as a way of payment. I have no idea how it all works and if its true or not. I just know what I feel, and crave."
**Dyzm reaches into a belt satchel and pulls out a fragment of crystal. Tossing on to the bar top**
"This is a shard from a Sith Crystal, not many around now days. They where created thousands of years ago from the combined powers of Sith Masters of Legend. They amplify the powers of Sith Warriors. I have a theory following this, Scientist throughout time believed there have been other dimensions, other Universe's. What if Sith pull the Dark powers we control from a dimension of shadow and hate? That would explain the Sith Crystals. They are energy gateways to another dimension."
**Dyzm picks up the shard and holds it between thumb and fore finger**
"It would also explain our need to kill. In a universe of opposites, the midi-chlorians would seek to destroy life, not preserve it."
[edit: No Idea how to spell midi-chlorians]
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