View Full Version : The Return
Jan 2nd, 2002, 08:46:39 PM
**Walking down the trail he had traveled so many times, the Jedi smiled under his robes as he looked up to the Yog's Bar still up and running just like old times. The weather was quite nice this night. A little cool but not bad at all. Looking across the land, Obi felt a homey feeling inside but knew much had changed since he had been around, for it had been a while. The somewhat older and wiser Jedi Master wondered what old friends of his were still around and how his return would be recieved by both the older and newer Jedi. Slowly walking up the path to the bar, he moved his hood off his head as he came closer to the bar and grill. It sounded quite lively, which was nothing unusual. Placing his hand on the doorway and looking in, many memories surrounding the place and the Jedi he had encountered as well as the Sith passed through his mind. As he walked in a little further, unsure if he had been noticed by anyone or not, he took a seat in his usual back corner of the bar, smiled to himself and whispered quietly..."I'm home."**
Satine Capashen
Jan 2nd, 2002, 08:58:00 PM
Satine sits at his normal table, drinking his normal cup of klah as obiwan walks in. He does a double take, and then smiles, standing up, and bringing his cup of klah with him.
"Well, well. How ya doing Obi? Where've you been?"
He smiles as Obi's head turns around to look at the voice, seeing Satine.
Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:00:40 AM
:: Anbira's eyes follow the master as he enters the building. Slowly, he returns to his solace ::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:38:10 AM
**Moments later...a petite Jedi Master enters Yoghurts. Just like the love of her life Obi, she has been away from her Jedi family. Quietly Leia entered the bar..glancing side to side to see if there were any familair faces to her. Suddenly her eyes widen as she spotted Satine talking to Obi. A smile crept across her face as she walked over to the two. Leia put her arm around Obi and smiled at the 2 Jedi trying not to interupt the conversation. Excusing herself for a moment. as she gave Obi a quick kiss..**
Good Evening Obi and Satine. What a pleasant surprise. Please continue with your conversation.
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:57:27 AM
::Cadet had watched both of them walk in from a shadowed booth accross the bar from them. She watches as her former master and Obi see each other again. Cadet reaches out with the force and speeks in her old masters mind.::
<Hello Leia. It has been a while.>
Anbira Hicchoru
Jan 3rd, 2002, 01:59:29 AM
:: Anbira's eyes pan to Cadet ::
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:05:32 AM
*Obi raises an eyebrow in curiousity, wondering who is talking to him but is happy to know it has to be somebody that he knows. He turns to Satine and smiles*
"Hello, Satine. It's good to see you once again."
*About that time, Obi's fiancee walked in the door towards the two. The Jedi Master smiled at her as she put her arm around him and gave him a kiss. As usual, he melted away at her touch. He then wrapped his arm around her waist*
"Hello, Beautiful," he said not able to resist one more kiss but then remembering good old Satine sitting there. "Oh, Leia..I was just talking to Satine here." Turning his attention back towards Satine, he smiled and said, "It seems as though a bit has changed since I was last here."
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:07:37 AM
::Cadet's eyes flash up to Anbira. Their last encounter still fresh in her mind. But something seems different about him now. He no-longer seem to hate her or be part of the dark side. Cadet is still un-easy about him though.::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:16:42 AM
**As Obi embraced Leia..a wave of wonderful emotions came over her by his gentle touch and kiss. **
I see! Please don't let me interupt, Sweetheart. You two must have a lot of catching up to do. I know all too well I need to do the same.
**Leia smiled at Obi as she held on to him tightly**
So are you?
**Leia using her Jedi instinct, sensed Cadet's presense. She used the force to communicate with her** you wish to speak to me in private about something?
**Not too sure..Leia waited for her response. At which time..she saw Anibira at the corner of her eye. The Jedi Master tried to glance at him for a moment and gave a nod with a small smile to acknowledge his prescense to her**
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:23:46 AM
'Not really. I just didn't wish to disturb Obi and Satine's conversation. Is it wrong for a padawan to say hello to her old master after a long time of being... away?'
::Cadet turns her attention away from anbira and back to her master.::
(OOC: Dang didnt show up the first time. sorry about that.)
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:38:36 AM
**Leia smiled at Cadet**
No not at all. Please come and join us Cadet. Obi and I have missed everyone a great deal here.
Can I get you something to drink?
OOC: No worries. I edited and deleted<img src= ALT=":)">
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:53:44 AM
::Cadet nods and rises from where she was siting. As she walks closer, Leia notices that Cadet has seemed to have grown a bit older than she was befor. Cadet stops beside Leia and now speeks verbaly.::
I am afraid that when I first showed back up around here that I alarmed a few people.
Avolon Bisel
Jan 3rd, 2002, 02:58:56 AM
Avolon never shaved on Sundays, it was an odd ritual of his. Actually, he didn't shower on Sundays either. It all dwelved from his New Republic Naval Academy days.... He graduated with honors on a Sunday. Too bad today was a Sunday.
His feet's odor was concealed by the thick boots he often adorned. Which happened to be propped on the bar counter. He was reading a nudy magazine while Max, his Astromech, peaked over his shoulder. Of course the little automata didn't appear to have human impulses but often acted as if he did. He was a newer and advanced model produced by the old Empire, designed for spy work on the Rebels. Avolon stole it on a Rouge Squadron where he was captured and taken aboard a Star Destroyer. The little robot was usefull in the escape and seemed to seek emancipation on a strong level.
"Max, your exhaust ports are blowing on my arm," Avolon grunted, swatting the Astromech.
The little dome rolled away, twittling to itself an insult towards his partner. The robot didn't feel ownership on Avolon's part, even though the human considered this so.
Max beeped that the two old faces had creeped into the bar. Avolon vaugely remembered the male but jumped at Leia Solo's name. He was like that, woman crazy. Yeah, she was married, but boy was she cute.
"Leia!" Avolon was always one to interrupt a conversation if it meant his own satisfaction. "Remember me?"
Avolon smiled wide. As soon as she looked his way he noticed the nudy magazine. He immediantly threw it on the ground, much to Max's pleasure. The Astromech scooped it up and stashed it away in one of his many smuggling compartments.
The bartender lowered his feet off the bar. He stood fully out of his chair.
"Of course you do," Avolon said before she could respond. "And you'll remember my Alderaan Suprise."
He had just made the drink up, he had never even heard of it. Avolon was hoping he could throw something together to appease her.
"How would you like one, right now? On the house."
OOC - I took liberty with the day, just to have fun.
I hope this isn't interupting your thread. I was bored. If you want Obi, I'll delete the post. :)
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:01:33 AM
**As Cadet neared Leia. Leia stood up and bowed at Cadet..a typical Jedi Greeting. She tilted her head for a moment in amazement.**
My Cadet you have grown.
**Leia had stated as she found herself looking up at the Jedi Padawan**
Time has truly slipped away from me. Do not worry about what others think. Cadet the past is the past...we must concentrate on the future. As long as things have changed and you have made amends with the past. All will be fine. You will see.
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:02:25 AM
(OOC: Avalon are you stalking me?)
::Cadet sensed Avalon and gave a slight roll of her eyes. She doesn't turn around hoping that he wont reconise her. She then replys to her master::
I sure hope so. much has happened sense you left. Might it be to much of me to ask if I am still your padawan?
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:12:04 AM
*Noticing Cadet making her way to the table, Obi smiled at her and nodded. He did not wish to interrupt the conversation between his fiancee and her so did not say anything just yet. Besides, his concentration was soon shifted the the hormone-driven bartender. Obi raised his eyebrow again slightly and said very softly to Leia, "Sounds as though someone's had a wee bit much caffeine."*
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:21:57 AM
**Leia smiled at Cadet**
Of course I am still your Master. I will always be and even more so your friend.
**The Jedi Master's attention along with her fiance was drawn then to Avolon. Leia looked at him momentarily. And could not help but noticed his mannerisms. Trying to remember where she has seen him before..she heard Obi's remark and gave out a chuckle**
You know what Sweetheart you might be very well right!
**She smiled at Obi before facing Avolon as a smirk crossed her face**
Oh yes..NOW I remember YOU! You're one of those typical scruffy looking nerf herders. You know the type..PIRATES!!
**Of course..this was Leia's typical response to these types of people. She laughed once again, before placing her hand over Obi's as she held it**
So what have you been up to Avolon? No good as usual?
OOC: Just having fun w/your Han type character<img src= ALT=":)">
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:26:35 AM
::Cadet cant help but turn around and look at Avalon, waiting for his reply. In the mean time, she talk to leia through the force::
'Might I continue training where we left off?'
Avolon Bisel
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:35:55 AM
Avolon adjusted his jacket collar. He chuckled smuggly as he leaped over the bar.
"Actually, I've cleaned up my act."
Avolon reached into his jacket. He had official orders from General Tohmahawk written on a datapad. A badge was in his jacket pocket but he didn't like flashing shiny objects for show, those were for sissies. The orders on the datapad confirmed what Avolon was about to announce to her. The small device was caught by Obiwan, he didn't like throwing hard objects at women unless they were his nemisis.
"I'm Chief of Security here. I'm also in Tohmahawk's elite, personal squadron, the Black Panthers."
Avolon showed all the teeth he had left. His Astromech zapped him with an electric prod, just to shrink his ego. He restrained his profanity as he tried to retain the smile through clinched teeth.
"What do you think of me now?" He asked with a wink.
OOC - Hazaa, I love sparring words, Leia! Hehehehe.
Cadet, me and Leia are pals OOC, figured I'd reply and have a bit of fun with her. If anything, I'm stalking her. ;)
Jan 3rd, 2002, 03:51:02 AM
**Obi caught the datapad tossed at him. Not impressed at all by Avolon, both by his manners and flirtatious ways with his fiancee, he kept his eyebrow raised and answered sarcastically as he flipped through things... "Hmmmm.....I wish I had so few accomplishments I could keep them all in a datapad"**
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:07:34 AM
::Cadet watches as the droid zaps him.::
hm. Ya know what? I like that droid.
(OOC: lol I was joking anyways.)
Avolon Bisel
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:17:30 AM
Avolon laughed.
"Actually, pally, that's just my standing orders. It's in case anyone of the soldiers here underminds my authority, since I haven't been in my new position long."
The bartender/NRSF soldier was always ready to battle with words. He tapped on Max's dome.
"All my credentials are in here, kid," Avolon was aproaching forty, he had the right to refer to people as 'son' and 'kid'. "Of course it'd take a while to read them all."
Avolon yawned, trying to give off the impression he was layed back.
"What are you anyway..." Avolon smiled. "A Padawan?"
Ouch. Avolon could tell by the man's walk he knew how to fight. He had that way about him that commanded authority. But, Avolon was a jerk half the time and decided to mess with him. He looked to Leia.
"Is he your Padawan learner?" Avolon asked, concealing his laughter.
Max scoff and rolled over to Leia's and Obi's side. He didn't care for Avolon, and not many people did. In his growing age he had became more grumpy. Max had a youthful soul for a Astromech. This was his way to show Avolon he was on their side. The girl was pretty, Max surmised with his eyeports. And the one named Obi had a great aura, one befitting a good man.
"Tweeeeeeeeeeeliooo.... Taalooooooo," the Astromech said as he stood at Leia's feet. It was an insult for Avolon. If dechipered it'd be disgusting to even hear.
The bartender pretended he didn't hear it as he awaited Leia's reply.
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:27:05 AM
**Leia watched on as Avolon tried to be his typical whitty smug self. But she thought enough. She would not let him treat her fiance that way. The Jedi Master rose out of her seat ...Obi stood right long side of her. Leia wrapped her arms around Obi once again**
Nooooo Avolon!
I would like to introduce you to my FIANCE ..Obiwan2.
Obi this is Avolon Bissell. Your standard scoundrel.
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:30:56 AM
*Obiwan laughed at Avolon and smiled. Standing up next to Leia as she introduced him, Obi put his hand out to shake Avolon's*
"Hello, Avolon. I'm Obiwan2, Jedi Master of The Greater Jedi Order."
Jedi Cadet
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:31:49 AM
::Cadet covers the smile on her face and coughs to cover up for a laugh. She steps back, out of the way and stands behind her master and Obi.::
Avolon Bisel
Jan 3rd, 2002, 04:53:05 AM
Oh, she wasn't married...... Avolon dispersed those thoughts immediantly. He might of been a scoundrel, but he knew the boundries. He had SOME moral center left.
"Howdy Mr. 2," Avolon said, simi-eating crow. He shook the man's hand. "Actually, it's 'Ave-O-Lawn' 'Bye-Sell', and I'm pleased to meet you."
The Astromech rolled his eyeports. Once Avolon was foiled of his womanizing schemes he often recanted every smug word he had said. This was true here.
"Well, this place isn't so bad under my command."
Avolon walked to the bar. He kicked the bottom of the barside.
"It's in good shape."
Avolon grabbed some liquor from behind the bar, pitched it to Obiwan.
"Liquor's cheap."
He pulled out a blaster.
"And I get to carry a gun. Which is, as always, to my liking," He said as he twirled the gun around his index finger, safety 'on'.
The Astromech rolled back to the bar. He bumped into Avolon intentionaly on his way. Avolon recovered from the knee twap and smiled, rubbing the back of his neck. He was rabbling as always, talking about himself.
"So, what do you think of the bar? Good enough for you two Jedi Masters?"
Jan 3rd, 2002, 05:59:52 PM
*Obiwan2 smiled at Avolon as he shook his hand. "Please, call me Obiwan or Obi. And it's a pleasure to meet you too." Now that Avolon's attitude as seem to fade away, Obiwan actually took somewhat of a liking to the guy....or maybe he just thought he was funny to watch. Either way Obi was entertained. He listened to what was said as the bartender rambled on about himself, and then caught the liquor that was tossed at him. Looking at it, he smiled and replied, "Well, it may be cheaper but it never has been for me," tossing it back to Avolon. Obiwan smiled again at the bartender as he continued talking. "The bar.." Obi began, "I have to admit, it brings back a lot of memories. The best one, of course, is the day that I proposed to my beautiful angel" he said, smiling as he wrapped his arms around Leia and gave her a quick kiss. "So Avolon...exactly how long have you been here at the bar?"*
Satine Capashen
Jan 3rd, 2002, 10:16:08 PM
Satine leans back against a chair, and smiles, watching all that was going on. Boy, it sure had gotten crowded...
As he was watching Satine's hand, out of habit, went to the scar running through his left eye, and the artifical silver eye. A trophy of a recent battle, that the Jedi Knight's hand always went to when he was thinking. A kind of annoying habit he had picked up...
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:39:22 AM
::Leia held Obi tight and just gave a lovestruck gaze at him as she listened in quietly to Avolon and Obi converse. From the corner of her eye she can see Satine sitting there seemingly to be distracted with his hand. Not knowing what was going on, the Jedi Master picked up a glass of water and took a sip enjoying the evening with her fiance and the rest of the Jedi in the bar:
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