View Full Version : Fate and Fortune(open)

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:11:50 AM
OOC: open under one condition, I ask for no idle chit-chat please, I've had enough threads messed up with that.........if someone has business to speak with or the like, that's fine but I'm not in the mood for forda hitting on me tonight.......

IC: Seerrasseei returned to the Bar and Grill yet again as she had been since she got here. Kitssarri wasn't with her but she had her son there to keep her company somewhat. Even though Seer's eyes scanned the bar as she always did her thoughts were elsewhere. (Funny how things change in a matter of a few months, a year ago I was trapped under my mother's thumb and now I'm a mother myself. It seems fate has some odd plans for me....a few months ago, things were all going my way, I had fun, a few deals and plenty of money but where is Lady Luck now? Nowhere it seems, other than bringing my son to me fate hasn't smiled upon me in awhile......What plans do you have for me and my son oh cruel fate?)

She thought to herself as she forced herself to smile for her son, Morrouw, he was the only thing that kept her going as of late. Even though she had the company of Jowarr and Kitssarri, her son's and his wayward father's company were the only things that seemed to make her feel better. Sighing as her tail swished back and forth behind her, she flagged down on of the barmaids and ordered a steak and a pitcher of water. When her order arrived, it was then that she didn't feel all that hungry but she ate anyway, her son needed her to be strong. She couldn't help but smile down at him as he tried his little game of grabbing for her hair or her necklace.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:20:34 AM
From his secluded seat against the wall, Eldrak watched, this was a new species to him, that he witnessed now, the female with her child. She appeared to be some kind of felinoid, the markings and tail as well as claws making that assumption rather simple. He wasn’t so rude as to stare or even go over and start asking her all the questions that began to swim though his mind.

He had managed to barter with a traveler in this very establishment earlier and acquire a data pad that he was able to modify and link into a local holo-net library. His large fingers danced across the surface of it, more adeptly than most would think one of his size would be capable of as he searched and cross referenced different fact sheets to try and learn more about this species that was new to him and his childlike memory of only a single year’s time.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 03:40:29 AM
The bar was quite quiet that night as only a few people lurked there so Seer soon looked up as she caught Eldrak's scent. She saw him staring at her for a moment before he turned away to barter with some of the forrda. She was used to the looks her kind got since Cizerack were somewhat new to the area so she didn't really pay it much heed but she watched him out of the corner of her eye warily.

OOC: we don't have fur, we have mottled/striped skin.....

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:00:26 AM
Cizerack. Read the name of the database entry on the fact sheet he finally turned up. The sheet covered some of their social and what some might deem anti social behaviors. They were a matriarchal society of felnoids. Yes, his assumption of her race’s type had been correct. He had stumbled across a few felinoid creatures in the forests, and most of those had been hostile, and one had turned out to be his dinner on an occasion. One did what one had to for the purpose of survival. One of these forest cats had even managed to taste his blood. Quite the deadly mistake that turned out to be, because the beast’s mouth was eaten out by the acidity within seconds and dead without Eldrak even having to lift a hand except to draw it away in pain.

He was curious if that was an attribute of this more sentient species as well. Further reading told him it was and he noted that in is mind, hoping to avoid any conflict with this one or any others of her species. Conflict with sentient beings was something he wished to avoid. All he wished was the acquisition of as much knowledge as possible, and this establishment was quite the source for new and enlightening information about other cultures and their ways.

His glance didn’t leave the holo-pad and look to the woman again, his keen ears had picked up the fact that she was sampling the scents of the visitors in the bar and according to his reading, that too was also natural for her species.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:11:16 AM
Seerrasseei continued to watch the green forrda for a bit while his eyes scanned the screen. (What the frell is that forrda doing?) Seer wondered as she feed Morrouw a bit of her steak since he was old enough to eat a little bit of meat. The cub mewed a bit as he chewed the meat and she smiled, Cizerack cubs always loved meat from the moment it is first given to them. She laughed briefly as he reached up, plainly asking for more and she gave him a bit more but continued to watch the green stranger.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:17:45 AM
He wondered if his scent was enough to warn her that he was not edible to a species such as her just after reading a section about the cannibalistic ways of the Cizerack. It sure hadn’t been the case with the feline creature he had ended up making a meal out of after it attacked him and perished just from its own mistake.

His eyes still did not move from the view screen of the holo-pad. They were alight with the glow of the streams of text upon its surface. He looked just as he was, deep in thought and more or less care free. Though his care free casual look was more a product of ignorance than confidence.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:29:16 AM
Even though the green forrda continued to not appear to be a threat, his presence was bothering the young mother Cizerack. The big guy looked like trouble to her son if angered and Seer would do whatever was needed to protect her cub. But something about this one's scent was odd, he seemed acidic somehow, she made a note to herself to try and use her claws only to avoid contact in cause waht she sensed was correct. But other than her eyes drifting over to him occationally, Seer's attention was on her son as he mewed for more meat which she gave him as she watched the unknown one in the darkness.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:37:32 AM
Eldrak had now covered all the information the database contained. Even though he had forgotten his own past from the point of about a year ago on, his memory was not a poor one. Anything he learned or read, he remembered as if it were something he himself had authored or conceived.

He found himself wanting a new and different thing to study and for that he looked to one of the druids cleaning up a nearby table. He found machines to be much more interesting to him, almost everything they did was completely logical and could be explained quite simply in terms of whys and why not, unlike most creatures who lived and breathed.

Seeing the droid caused him to wish to learn more about this particular model and he began to see if he could locate any information in the database with nothing more than his visual image to guide him.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:45:45 AM
OOC: are you going to talk to her or anything or what?

IC: Seer growled lowly, she didn't like how quiet the forrda was being, quiet beings were usually plotting ways to cause others harm or so it seemed to her with her son to protect. Ever since Seer had found out she was with cub, she had gotten to be a lot more cautious than she had been before and even more so since her son had been born. Her son needed her to protect him so she would do anything to keep him safe.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 04:54:44 AM
His search for the information regarding the droid was but short as one of his pointed ears twitched. He heard a sound that reminded him of the encounter he had in the forest with the feline creature. His head turned and eyes lifted from the data-pad. Yes, it had been the Cizerak female, and it appeared she was growling at him. Confusion immediately washed over his features and his tremendous head tilted to the side as he looked at her and wondered what he had done to cause such a thing.

Perhaps his scent made felinoid creatures angry for some reason? It was about the only answer he could think of without asking her himself, and he was far too timid to be so forward as to ask her any questions.

”Maybe I should leave?” He thought to himself, seeing that his looking up at her seemed to make her even angrier.

But just at that moment he noticed that she seemed to pull her child closer to her in a protective type gesture. He still didn’t understand why she was angry or in fear of him, but the child could easily be another factor, he htought.

He lifted an open hand in the air and waved in a peaceful greeting, shaking his head at the same time. It may have been huge and deadly looking, but he bore no weapons and tried to do it in as non-threatening fashion as possible. Finally he spoke.

“I mean no harm to you or your child.”

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:03:50 AM
And what werrre jyou dojing therrre a moment ago?

Seer said quietly as she watched the green one, she didn't like the look of the hand he waved. She found her thoughts wandering to her mate and then her servant but neither was there to help her should the creature attack. Given that she had her son to protect, she wouldn't allow herself to just believe that he meant them no harm.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:08:07 AM
“I am merely studying information from a library database.”

He lifted his other hand and turned the data-pad’s surface so she could see what was on it’s screen. Images of various types of droids were what it contained.

“I like to read.”

He said with a smile, placing his empty hand back down on the table he sat in front of, making no motion to stand or move any of his limbs quickly.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:19:01 AM
and no doubt sssomethjing about mjy kjind corrrrrrect? jif jyou arrre one who ljikesss to rrread jyou would have looked up sssomethjing djifferrrent ljike mjyssself

Seer said quietly as she stared back at the green one while absentmindly feeding her son another bit of meat. Normally Seer was rather sociable but since she was the only one there to watch her son since Kitssarri wasn't around, her instincts told her to remain on guard for anything that might come her way whether it be from this one or anyone else in the bar.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:25:50 AM
He found her accusations odd they made no sense whatsoever. It was almost as if she knew that he had known nothing about her kind before he had seen her, or as if she was just a very untrusting angry person. Perhaps that was a typical trait of a species that fed on other sentient life forms. He had nothing to hide so he answered, wondering if such a species as hers was Force capable and if they were it was probably likely, if this was an adequate representation of the species, that they were users of the Darkside, but it was all speculation and he could not be certain.

“Yes, I was looking up the library entry for your species. You are the first if your kind I have ever seen and I was only curious.”

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:34:16 AM
Seer poured some of the water from the pitcher into her glass and took a drink of it before she spoke.

Thought ssso, people tend to fjind usss ass sssomethjing djifferrrent than the thjingsss that ljive herrre, thejy act ljike anjythjing cat-ljike hasss neverrr come thrrrough thessse doorrrsss.....but thejy have jyet to rrrealljy pajy usss much heed otherrr than ljingerrrjng looksss.....honessstljy jI would thjink sssomethjing bjig and grrreen ljike jyourrrssself would jinterrressst them morrre than mjy kjind but thejy ssstjill trrreat usss asss sssomewhat of an oddjitjy......

Her eyes again traveled down to her son and then to the others in the bar before stopping to look at Eldrak again while her tail twitched back and forth behind her.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:39:22 AM
He set the data-pad back on the table but still remained siting.

“They do appear to find me an oddity as well. I have noticed many an afraid look cast in my direction. But I only see it as a fear of the unknown. Or maybe a fear of someone else that I look like. I have yet to actually meet anyone that remained afraid after speaking to me for a short time, but then I have only been here at this particular place for a couple of days.”

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:52:20 AM
everrr sssince thejy learrrned we werrre a lussstful rrrace, the malesss of thjisss place keep an ejye out forrr usss, mossst ssseekjing pleasssurrre but sssome watch usss wjith warrrjy ejyesss jin fearrr......perrrsssonalljy mjy ssson, hjisss fatherrr and mjy worrrk jisss all jI rrrealljy carrre about nowadaysss sssjince jI don't have tjime for mosst thjingsss anjymorrre.....jI've grrrown usssed to bejing ssstarrred at alll the tjime but jit ssstjilll jirrrksss me at tjimesss sssjince jI have mjy ssson to worrrrrjy about not jussst mjyssself anjymorrre......

Seer's eyes again scanned the bar, her instincts wouldn't allow her to not watch out as long as her son was with her.

Eldrak Gruuhl
Jan 15th, 2002, 05:59:51 AM
“Well, it was pleasant to make your acquaintance maim, but now I think I should be going. I still need to wrangle a place to lie my head for the evening and being here isn’t going to get me any closer to that.”

He smiled as he spoke and rose slowly from his seat, picking up the data-pad and making it vanish into the folds of his robe. His motions were deliberately slow, since he could easily see and she had even told him of her wariness of others and their intentions.

“I wish you and your son the best of luck in all that you seek. Good evening.”

And with that he walked to the door to leave the establishment for this day. He would have to try and locate the information on the droid he had seen tomorrow, for he had <a href=http://pub56.ezboard.com/fgjofrm6.showMessage?topicID=139.topic>much to do</a> before he could sleep tonight.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 15th, 2002, 06:17:21 AM
Seer raised an eyebrow to this while pondering over Eldrak's last words, the last one who had something like that had been one who went by the name of Jubei. (Could this one be a Jedi as well? If he is, I may have misjudged him, I've never known any of those ones to attack anything) Her ears drooped fractionally about her quick judgement of Eldrak, her instincts made her far too quick not to trust anyone immediately. Turning her attention back to her son, she smiled at him since he had fallen asleep in the short time since she had last looked at him. It seemed a full belly and the warmth of her presence had lulled Morrouw to sleep. (I hope that fate has something good planned for us since I don't want any harm to come to you, my little Morrouw. I hope bad luck stays away from us for as long as possible because as long as you're safe, I'm happy) Seer thought to herself as she shifted her son a bit so he rested a little more comfortably against her and not with most of his weight on her arm. Purring as she watched him, Seerrasseei's eyes still remained watchful for any harm to him.

Jan 15th, 2002, 06:24:23 AM
s'Il walked lazily into the b&g and made her way to the bar, passing a female Cizerack and her cub. A slight smile crept onto her features, then turning to the barkeep, handed him her credcard and made her order. "I'll have a sushi platter, and put some fugu with it, would ya?"
She turned, leaning her elbows on the bar while waiting for her meal to arrive and spoke to the Cizerack, sincere curiosity in her voice. "Cute cub. How old is he?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 03:00:37 AM
Seer looked away from Morrouw to the new person who had spoken. She suppressed a growl since a female was less likely to hurt her cub but she still kept her guard up.

A ljittle overrr two monthsss old.......

Jan 17th, 2002, 03:26:19 AM
The bartender set her raw fish on the bar, and she picked up a piece and popped it into her mouth. Swallowing, she smiled. "A little over two months, eh," she repeated pensively.
Shaking her head, she smiled at the Cizerack woman. "I'm sorry, my name's Lok s'Ilancy."

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 03:52:01 AM
jyesss, he wasss borrrn in Novemberrr.....

(hmm, only November but it seems like longer) Seer thought to herself before she spoke again

jI am Ssseerrrrrrrassssssseeji Tsssssseerrrrra......

Jan 17th, 2002, 04:13:11 AM
s'Il sipped from a small cup of sake. "Pleased to meet you." She'd originally wanted to ask this woman about Sasseeri, but upon seeing the cub, she decided not to.
In fact, seeing the two made her think of herself, and how even if she'd wanted children, she'd never be able to. In a way she began to envy Seerrasseei; the woman looked happy with the cub resting on her knee and knawing away at the meat.
s'Il's face creased into a smile. "You don't mind if I sit, do you?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 04:19:29 AM
jI don't mjind.....

Seer said quietly as she glanced around the bar for a moment before watching Morrouw sleep again.

Jan 17th, 2002, 04:33:54 AM
"My thanks." Picking up the small wooden plate and her cup, she set them on the table and lowered herself into a chair opposite the woman. Putting another peice into her mouth, she chewed quietly.
Her thoughts returned to children in general, and she spoke. "What's it like; having a child, I mean?"

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 04:43:32 AM
harrrd to deal wjith at fjirrrsst, jI djid nothjing but worrrrrjy untjil jI told hjisss fatherrr but once one getsss usssed the jidea of bejing a motherrr, jit getsss eassjierrr.....jit hurrrtsss ljike hell brrriefljy but jI love mjy ssson dearrrljy, jI can't sssee ljife wjithout hjim now......

(...makes being without him slightly easier but I still miss Cirrsseeto.)

Seer thought to herself as she watched Morrouw.

Jan 17th, 2002, 05:05:32 AM
"I can imagine. How did the father feel when you told him?" She thought briefly of Khendon; she hadn't the heart yet to tell him, hoping that he wouldn't really bring the subject up in the coarse of future conversations.
s'Il plucked the fugu from the plate and took a bite. *Maybe if I get lucky it'll kill me,* she thought absently, chewing.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:11:38 AM
Seer looked down at the bar top and her tail stopped swishing behind her.

jI don't know rrrealljy, he got rrreal qujiet afterrr that ssso jI jussst left afterrr a ljittle bjit.....honessstljy jI don't know how he feelsss about the cub orrr me.....

Seer said quietly as her claws dug into the bar.

Jan 17th, 2002, 05:20:29 AM
s'Il's brow furrowed in thought. "Did you ever ask him how he felt?" she watched as Seerrasseei's claws sunk into the bar. She didn't want to seem intrusive, and she was fairly sure that in the other woman's eyes, s'Il was nothing but forrda; but she was lonely tonight and felt like talking.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:24:35 AM
jI would jif jI could but jI haven't ssseen hjim sssjince a few months before ourrr cub wasss borrrn.....

Seer said while still looking at the bar since she didn't want to look up right now.

Jan 17th, 2002, 05:36:24 AM
s'Il could tell this was a subject which was better off left alone, and drinking from her cup, smiled. "Ok, let's forget about that for now. It's depressing. Is there anything you like to do for fun? A hobby, or anything?"
A lame thing to say, she knew, but she also felt a little responsible for possibly contributing to the other woman's suddenly quiet mood, and wanted to cheer her up.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 05:42:16 AM
we Cjizerack fjind onljy a few thjingsss fun and bejing that jyou'rrre female, jyou can't help me jin that arrrea.....

Seer then leaned her head on her hand and against the bar top as she thought of the night she met him. (Damn I hate our rules, I doubt I'll ever see him again though.....)

Jan 17th, 2002, 05:56:53 AM
s'Il laughed, swallowing the last of her sushi and washing it down with the rest of her sake. Allowing the barkeep to take the plate and cup, she shook her head. "Then I won't delve further into the matter," she said with a small chuckle while standing and gathering her greatcoat, shrugging it on over her shoulders.
"Well, I have to go, but if you ever pass by Yagh'dul, come visit the Lazy 'I'. I'll buy ya dinner."

pub50.ezboard.com/bsilancyassociates (http://pub50.ezboard.com/bsilancyassociates)

She slid her sunglasses over her metallic eyes and gave Seerasseei a casual nod of farewell before turning and heading for the door, leaving at the same lazy pace she'd entered.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Jan 17th, 2002, 06:18:43 AM
(Don't think I will be there anytime soon but I'll keep that in mind)

Seer yawned then looked around the bar again, it had gotten quiet again with only a few half drunk patrons in the corner who were asleep in a pool of spilt beer on their table. Seer looked away in disgust and even the bartender seemed tired as he leaned heavily on the bar

(hmmm.....forrda don't seem to hang around long, that's the second one who asked questions then left quickly tonight...odd....)

Seer thought as her tail twitched at the tip behind her.