View Full Version : Priority One - Red- for JediMaster Leia Solo

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 12th, 2002, 01:18:56 AM
Greetings sister, Long time no hear. I was calling to inform you that your brother is my prisoner and unless you surrender to me and the dark side he will be my next victim. heheheheheheh

an image of the dark jedi dissolves and is replaced with an image of the Jedi Knight beaten, bloody and ragged appears in the holo vid.

the Dark Jedi's image reappears....but i would hurry with my decision as I don't know how long it'll be before my patience wears thin. <font color=red>[i]<font face=stencil>end transmission</font></font>

<font color=red>Dark Jedi Luke Skywalker</font>

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:04:55 AM
**Leia stared intently at the holoscreen. Her face became stern. She thought momentarily about her last encounter with this Dark Jedi...imposter of her brother. He tried desperately to convince her to go to the darkside and did not succeed. This time would be no different the Jedi Master thought.**

**The Jedi Master wasted no time trying to get a fix on where the transmission was coming from. She must speak to this imposter and see that no harm comes to her dear brother**

Unsucessfully..Leia continued trying to track the transmission. Then under her breath..

Darn...imposter!! I can't get a fix on this for nothing. Suppose I have to wait it out. He is bound to contact me again.

**A slight and yet impatient frown fell on Leia's face as she sat back on a chair waiting desperately for the next transmission**

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:15:58 AM
An image appears on the main holo view in the Bar

<font color=red>Jedi Master Solo, your time is wasting I insist that you contact me, this transmission will stay active for another five mins. then your brother's life will be forfeit, another victim of the dark side, but this jedi will not become more powerful when he dies, like his and your father he is destined to become a sith he is weak now and the only thing that will save him is you unless he surrenders himself to the dark. I'm waiting.........sister</font>

again an image of Luke is shown on the vid lying on the ground, the dark jedi gives luke a kick in the ribs and stares back at the camera

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:25:26 AM
::The Jedi Master's eyes grew wide with disgust for this enemy. She did NOT hesitate but abruptly responded in a loud forceful tone::

<font size=4>DON'T you dare..lay another hand on him! Leave him alone, its me you want right?!!!!...WELL...</font>

::Leia stated sarcastically::

Then tell me where I shall meet you, NOW!

::Leia's eyes stayed fixated on the holoscreen, waiting for a response::

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:34:28 AM
The Dark Jedi gave Luke another Kick for spite and turned to the screen.

you will come alone, to the planet of dantooine there we will meet and if all goes well your brother will be freed, if he wishes...i suggest you get a move on the clocks ticking

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:43:37 AM
::Leia's eyes narrowed at the screen::

YES!! I will definetly come alone! Dantooine is fine with me. You name the exact coordinates and location and I will be there. But I repeat..do NOT lay another hand on him. Got it!

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 12th, 2002, 02:47:07 AM
the old rebel base, and i'll be watching to make sure you come alone, i just hope your brother lasts long enough for you two to reunite...the dark jedi cuts the transmission with an echoing evil laugh kind of like Jabba the Hutt's

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:01:25 AM
Don't worry I will be there!

::Leia managed to reply before the transmission was cutoff. Very haphazzardly the Jedi Master ran out of the Bar and Grill doors and began to force speed to the landing bay to get in her X-Wing, code name: Skylark. With in moments...the craft was airbourne. The Jedi Master set the coordinates for Dantooine and hit hyperspace::

JediMaster Skywalker
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:12:25 AM
meanwhile in an unknown region of space.

Luke crawls across the floor towards the evil clone of himself.

"you..wi..will nev..e.r tuh rn her to the dark s.ssside, she wi..will resist you wi..th ev..ery fiber of her be..ing," Luke coughs and spits a stream of blood out onto the floor. then collapses placing himself into a jedi healing trance.

the dark luke sees this and laughs

"i don't think so dear 'brother'", he presses a button and in walks two guards with the force nullifying yslarrmi, luke then withers in pain unable to heal himself and any contact he had with his sister through their force link had been severed.

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 12th, 2002, 03:29:21 AM
::Sometime had pass as the Leia's craft entered Dantooine's airspace. The x-wing gently landed on the old withered runway near the old rebel base. The hatch popped open, as the petite Jedi Master's boots rested on the first step before running down the rest. Without hesitation, Leia force speed to the entrance. Standing before the doorway, she cautiously drew her saber and proceeded to open the door. Ever so cautiously walking into the building, trying to sense her brothers whereabouts through the force. But, unfortuanately..unsuccessfuly doing so.::

::A red flag went up in the Jedi Master's head. Something is wrong. She knew he was here..but why can't she sense him. Something was oh so wrong::

JediMaster Skywalker
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:27:12 AM
Luke is returned to his cell with the force blocking animals. Luke crawls across the floor to the wall and sits up, he tries to remember how he got here.

but with all of the torment he has been through his mind was in tangles. he watched the anti-force creatures in there cages, they seemed so peaceful, but they could be the death of him, if he didn't find a way to tap into the force. Luke looked around the room and noticed that there was light coming in from windows set in above him, way to high for him to reach. as he was trying to stand, he could hear keys being inserted into the lock in the door.

in entered his evil double.

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 14th, 2002, 01:34:40 AM
Greetings brother,

Luke glared at the double "I am not your brother, you are nothing more then a genetic freak, you don't really think Leia will let you get away with this do you?"

<font color=red>"I am counting on it, once I have her and you then there will be no one that can stop me.

You sister thinks you will be released once she and I have met, but I must tell you brother you will not leave this planet alive. I am going to be the one and only Luke Skywalker.</font>

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:24:06 AM
::Continuing down the darken hallways of the old rebel base..the only sounds one could hear were those of each an every step the Jedi Master's boots made::

::Leia continued to cautiously roam the hallways, keeping her hand with a firm grasp on her saber. Suddenly the Jedi Master stopped in her tracks and leaned against the wall, to conceal her presence as she could hear two voices speaking not to far ahead of her. They were the distinct voices of her brother..Luke. Leia closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, before reopening them. For now..she pondered on her next move, as she concentrated on cloaking her presence from the imposter Luke::

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 14th, 2002, 02:44:47 AM
**Not far from Leia's Position**

The clone of Luke stands outside of the Jedi Knights cell talking with one of his troopers.

"Keep your eyes open for the jedi master, and keep on your toes, I am going to head to the hanger and await our incoming guest, I am sure she'll be able to lock in on me, after all we are in essence from the same base dna. now go and get the guards doubled and keep an eye on my brother and under no circumstances are the anti force creatures to be removed.

Luuke leaves the hallway and makes his way to the hanger area of the base, unknown to the dark jedi, he had passed within meters of the jedimaster, but her masking abilities were greater then his ability to sense her force presence. the two guards stationed at Luke's cell, leaned their weapons against the wall and began talking.

<font color=green>Guard 1: "This jedimaster the master is expecting must be an imbicile if she thinks the master will release this sorry excuse for a jedi, he is as good as dead right now another few hours a day at most and he will be beyond anyone's medical help"</font>

font color=blue>Guard 2:"yea, I know what you mean. There's no way she'd be able to beat the master in time to save her brother, and theres no way she could get by us to save him first..hahahahahahaha[/b]</font>

Unknown to the two guards Leia was closer then they suspected.

the sounds of the two guards laughter seemed to echo through leia's mind

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Jan 14th, 2002, 03:09:31 AM
::Leia watched carefully as the Dark Jedi walked by her and turned around to head down the other corridor. She could hear the laughter of some guards keeping a watchful eye over her brother. The Jedi Master knew what she must do::

::Using the force, Leia waved her hand in mid-air, an thud could be heard..but the noise appeared to be across from the Jedi Master's location and not where she was standing::

<font color=green>Guard One: Did you hear that?!</font>

<font color=blue>Guard Two:YEAH! You better go check it out. Maybe that meek little jedi master finally came to join her brother. Do go check now</font>

<font color=green>Guard One: Got it!</font>

::The guard ran up the staircase and looked to his left. Unbeknownst to him Leia came up behind him and smacked him in the back of the head with the hilt of her saber, knocking him out cold, as his body fell to the floor::

One down..one to go.

::Leia stated as she ever so slowly headed down the staircase::

Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight
Jan 19th, 2002, 06:38:05 PM
The remaining trooper heard the thud of his partner's body hitting the floor, he opens a communication channel "Trooper 342 respond", he repeats but no answer,

The trooper approaches the stair case and starts to ascend, he takes his blaster rifle off of safe and approaches the top of the stairs.

not a sound can be heard, "Trooper 342...respond" still no answer...The remaining guard whirls around the corner with his blaster at the ready, there is a flash of light and the trooper's helmet drops to the ground, with his head inside it.

the jedimaster stands there and shuts down her lightsaber, as the trooper's body hits the floor just then Jediknight skywalkers evil clone can be heard down the hallway, The jedimaster has only seconds to make her next move...